38 research outputs found

    Social status of war veterans in Serbia - case study

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    Društveni položaj ratnih veterana u Srbiji nije zadovoljavajuć. Najvažniji razlog ovome jeste nedostatak mehanizama za uključivanje veterana u mirnodopsko društvo. S tim u vezi pokrenuto je istraživanje s ciljem da se odgovori na pitanje o tome kakav je odnos društva prema ratnim veteranima u Srbiji. Pored navedenog, rad se bavi procesima pomoću kojih se odvija uključivanje ratnih veterana u mirnodopski život, te mogućnostima za njihov doprinos stabilizaciji i razvoju civilnog društva. Kompleksnost samog predmeta istraživanja, nedostatak uzora u istraživačkoj praksi, kao i nepotpunost teorijskih paradigmi za proučavanje problema ratnih veterana, nametnuli su komplementarnost kao prihvatljiv pristup u ovom istraživanju. Komplementarnost je podrazumevala korišćenje različitih izvora podataka: postojećih, nastalih u redovnoj aktivnosti raznih institucija koje se bave ovom društvenom grupom i novostvorenih za potrebe samog istraživanja. Takođe, korišćeno je više metoda i tehnika za stvaranje iskustvene evidencije koji pripadaju kvalitativnoj i kvantitativnoj istraživačkoj strategiji: posmatranje, analiza sadržaja, ispitivanje (anketa i dubinski intervju) što je ishodovalo jednom obimnom studijom slučaja. Ključni nalazi istraživanja bi se u najkraćem mogli sažeti u sledećem: nepostojanje sistemske socijalne evidencije o ratnim veteranima; dominantno kompenzacijski odnos prema problemima istraživane društvene grupe i nedostatak integracijskih mera od strane strukturnih društvenih činilaca; utvrđen je i nizak stepen podrške od najbližeg okruženja (primarnih društvenih grupa: porodice, prijatelja suseda) u prevladavanju problema sa kojima se suočavaju ratni veterani; kod istraživane grupe ustanovljeno je nezadovoljstvo sistemom socijalne zaštite i neregulisano pravo na zdravstvenu zaštitu, niska politička participacija i javni angažman te usmeravanje socijalnih kontakata prema ljudima istog ratnog iskustva. Pri tom, utvrđeno je i jasno iskazivanje potrebe za društvenom participacijom i otvorenost za uključivanje u programe za izgradnju mira; na najširem društvenom planu i u svakodnevnoj interakciji ustanovljena je stigmatizacija koja doprinosi društvenom isključivanju proučavane grupe. Iz dobijenih rezultata istraživanja nameće se zaključak da ogroman deo ispitivane populacije živi izvan zajednice upravo zbog nedostatka integracijskih mera koje bi za svrhu imale olakšavanje prelaska iz ratnih u mirnodopske uslove života i socijalnu reintegraciju ove populacije.The social position of war veterans in Serbia is not satisfactory. The most important reason for this is a lack of mechanisms for the inclusion of veterans in a society which is in a state of peace. With this in mind, the research has been conducted in order to answer the question: What are the societal attitudes towards war veterans in Serbia? The research also addresses the processes that aid the inclusion of war veterans in war-free life, as well as possibilities for their contribution towards the stabilisation and development of civil society. Complementarity as a research approach was adopted due to the complexity of the research topic, the lack of research models, and shortcomings of the theoretical paradigms for researching this problem of war veterans. Complementarity means using different data sources: the already existing ones that were created as the results of everyday activities of different institutions that deal with war veterans and new ones created for the purpose of this project. In addition, a number of qualitative and quantitative methods and techniques have been used - observation, content analysis, inquiry (questionnaire and in-depth interview) - which resulted in a comprehensive case study. The key findings of the project can be summarised as: a lack of systematic social evidence about war veterans; dominant compensatory attitudes towards the problems of the social group under study and a lack of integration measures by structural social agencies; low support level by the closest surrounding people (primary social groups: family, friends, neighbours) in overcoming problems that veterans face; dissatisfaction with the system of social integration and non-regulated health entitlements, low political and public participation and restriction of social contacts to people with a similar war experience have also been found among the research group. At the same time, the following have been noticed: a clearly expressed need for social participation and openness towards taking part in peace building; stigmatisation both at the widest social aspect and at the everyday level of interaction, which contribute to social exclusion of the group under study. Data analysis imposes the conclusion that a vast majority of the researched population lives outside the community precisely because of the lack of integration measures that would serve the purpose of making the adjustment from war time to peaceful life conditions and social reintegration of this population easier

    Alterations of medial prefrontal cortex bioelectrical activity in experimental model of isoprenaline-induced myocardial infarction

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    Background Clinical and animal studies have found that anxiety and depression are significantly more common after acute myocardial infarction (AMI). The medial prefrontal cortex (PFC) has a dual role: in higher brain functions and in cardiovascular control, making it a logical candidate for explaining the perceived bidirectional heart-brain connection. We used parallel Electrocardiography (ECG) and Electrocorticography (ECoG) registration to investigate AMI-induced changes in medial PFC bioelectrical activity in a rat model of AMI. Materials and methods Adult male Wistar albino rats were used in the study. Gold-plated recording electrodes were implanted over the frontal cortex for ECoG recording. ECG was recorded via two holter electrodes attached on the skin of the back fixed in place by a jacket. Induction of AMI was performed by isoprenaline (150 mg/kg, i.p.). ECoG and ECG signals were registered at baseline, during 3 hours after isoprenaline administration and at 24 hours after isoprenaline administration. Results Significant increases of theta, alpha, and beta electroencephalographic (EEG) band power were observed in different time intervals after isoprenaline administration. Significant increase of theta band peak frequency was also observed during the first hour after isoprenaline administration. No statistically significant differences in band-power activity were found between the pre-isoprenaline measurements and 24 hours after administration. Conclusion Our results demonstrate significant increases in EEG band power of alpha beta and theta bands during isoprenaline-induced AMI model. These are the first findings to connect heart damage during isoprenaline- induced AMI to disturbances in the cortical bioelectrical activity. © 2020 Vorkapić et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.The study was supported by Ministry of Science Education and Technological Development of Serbia, Grant No. 175032 and 175016. The TECNALIA provided support in the form of salary for author MI, but did not have any additional role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The specific roles of this author are articulated in the ‘author contributions’ section. The funder had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Brix refractometry of colostrum from primiparous dairy cows and new-born calf blood serum in the evaluation of failure of passive transfer

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    Failure of passive transfer (FPT) of immunoglobulins (IgG) is associated with increased morbidity and mortality of calves. In this study we evaluated the digital Brix refractometer usefulness for the assessment of FPT. A number of 16 colostrum samples from the first milking (2-3h post-partum) of Holstein-Friesian dairy heifers and 29 blood sera of 3-6 days old calves were analyzed with a digital Brix refractometer. Total proteins were determined by the biuret reaction. Colostral IgG were determined by radial immunodiffusion (RID), and colostral whey and blood serum. globulin (composed almost entirely of IgG) were determined by agarose protein gel electrophoresis (APE) and densitometry. Colostral % Brix score was 25.5 +/- 3.4%. Concentrations of colostrum IgG and colostral whey. globulin were 130 +/- 33 g/L and 100 +/- 24 g/L respectively. The concentration of total proteins in colostral whey was 134 +/- 30 g/L. The correlations between Brix values and the concentrations of IgG determined with RID and the concentrations of. globulin determined with APE were positive and highly significant (P lt 0.001 and P lt 0.01). The concentration of serum proteins of new-born calves was 57.75 +/- 11.8 g/L, the concentration of. globulin was 14.4 +/- 7.8 g/L, and the Brix score was 8.6 +/- 1.0%. FPT (serum. globulin lt 10 g/L) was detected in 34.5% (10/29) calves. Brix score correlated with the concentration of blood serum. globulins in all examined calves. The results have confirmed that digital Brix refractometry allows the producers to use this technique in order to estimate colostral and calf serum IgG, thereby monitoring both colostrum quality and success of passive transfer

    Etiopatogeneza, dijagnoza i terapija stečenog megakolona pasa

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    Megacolon refers to an abnormal dilatation of the colon. This condition occurs in both humans and animals. Although it seems to be more common in cats, megacolon may also occur in dogs. However, data regarding the etiopathogenesis, clinical course and outcome of canine megacolon are scarce. The aim of this study is to present the experience of our team in diagnosis and therapy of canine acquired megacolon, with particular reference to etiopathogenetic aspects. The prospective study included 28 dogs affected with megacolon, aged 5-9 years. The 26 animals underwent a surgical procedure (colonotomy followed by manual extraction of faeces), and were followed up for a period of 28 days. On the basis of anamnestic data, clinical and radiographic findings, 7 dogs (25%) were presented with idiophatic acquired megacolon, while 75% of cases had secundary acquired megacolon of different etiology (including pelvic canal stenosis, lumbar and sacral spinal injuries or back leg fractures, in 46% of cases; keeping the animals in the backyard and irresponsibility of their owners, in 11%; non-adequate nutrition, in 11%; and decreased physical activity and keeping animals in small flats, in 7%). During early postoperative period, the medical treatment and dietary regimen enabled defecation in 65% of cases. The remaining 35% of cases were treated with Cisapride in order to establish spontaneous defecation. All dogs recovered completely during the 28- days follow-up period. According to the results of interviews with dog owners, all animals were in good condition six months after the surgical procedure.Megakolon označava abnormalnu dilataciju kolona. Javlja se i kod ljudi i kod životinja. Iako je oboljenje češće kod mačaka, javlja se i kod pasa. Međutim, podaci o etiopatogenezi, kliničkom toku i ishodu bolesti megakolona kod pasa su oskudni. Stoga je cilj ove studije da se iznesu sopstvena iskustva o dijagnostici i terapiji stečenog megakolona kod pasa, sa posebnim naglaskom na etiopatogenetski aspekt oboljenja. Studija je bila prospektivnog karaktera i obuhvatila je 28 pasa sa megakolonom, starosti 5-9 godina. Dvadeset šest životinja podvrgnuto je hirurškoj intervenciji (kolonotomija sa manuelnom ekstrakcijom fecesa) i praćeno postoperativno u toku 28 dana. Na osnovu anamnestičkih podataka dobijenih od vlasnika pasa, kliničkog i radiografskog nalaza, 7 pasa (25%) imalo je idiopatski stečeni megakolon, dok je kod 21 psa (75%) bolest okarakterisana kao sekundarni stečeni megakolon uzrokovan različitim etiološkim faktorima (uključujući stenozu pelvičnog kanala, oštećenje lumbalne i sakralne kičme ili frakturu zadnjih ekstremiteta, kod 46% pasa; čuvanje životinja u dvorištu i nedovoljni nadzor od strane vlasnika, kod 11%; neadekvatna ishrana, kod 11%; smanjenja fizičke aktivnosti i čuvanje životinja u skučenom prostoru, kod 7%). U ranom postoperativnom periodu, terapija i režim ishrane doveli su do uspostavljanja defekacije kod 65% pasa. Kod preostalih 35% slučajeva spontana defekacija je uspostavljena primenom terapije Cisapridom. Sve životinje su se u toku 28-dnevnog nadzora kompletno oporavile, a odlično opšte stanje zabeleženo je, na osnovu intervjua sa vlasnicima i 6 meseci nakon hirurške intervencije

    Empowering Teachers to Manage Change in the 21st Century

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    In the context of the 21st century education, which is characterised by great changes and constant restructuring of education systems in order to improve student achievement, teachers face a number of challenges while playing their complex roles. The current context requires teachers to become lifelong learners able to reflect on their regular practice and ‘theorise from it and practice what they theorise’. High quality preservice and inservice teacher education constitutes a major prerequisite in supporting teachers’ development of required competences. The paper studies the contribution of a professional development program to empowering teachers as lifelong learners and managers of change in the 21st century. The participants in the study were 400 primary English language teachers in Serbia who completed the accredited professional development (PD) program titled Theme-Based Instruction in Teaching English to Young Learners in the period from 2014 to 2018. The study aimed to trace all six dimensions of teacher empowerment, a construct that recognises teachers as experts on teaching and learning and as active participants in making decisions. Six instruments were applied in the study and both quantitative and qualitative data were collected. The results indicate that the participants gained the critical capacities of empowered teachers and acquired attitudes and beliefs necessary for successful management of change. Evidence showed that a PD program can be truly empowering when it allows teachers to apply the newly acquired knowledge and skills and to reflect on the program’s success in terms of student engagement and their own growth. These findings should be acknowledged by policy-makers and preservice and inservice teacher education institutions for supporting teacher empowerment as a critical competence needed for successful teaching in the 21st century.Publishe

    Roma Inner Migration Tradition Between Social Inclusion and the Protection of Natural Resources

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    Using the existing knowledge about the social and cultural characteristics of the Roma in Serbia, possible connection between Roma population and preserving of natural resources was established. This analysis acquired in social and other related studies, as well as the data obtained through the GIS (geographical information system) methodology, was used for determining the spatial distribution of Roma settlements and activities of the Roma community in the space. The Toplica District has one of the high percentages of Roma population and their daily migrations. This article investigates the possibility to raise the level of their economic activity and social integration, while simultaneously preserving natural resources and improving environmental safety. With the specific GIS, and numerical and sociology analysis, we try to address main problems in the District, hoping to find a connection between inner migration of Roma and better preservation of nature

    Effects of oral supplementation with organically modified clinoptilolite during prepartum period on colostrum quality in primiparous dairy cows

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    This research paper addresses the hypothesis that an oral supplementation with organically modified clinoptilolite will improve colostrum quality in primiparous dairy cows whilst having no adverse effects on the cows' health. A total of 36 pregnant Holstein primiparous dairy cattle were randomly assigned to receive daily oral drenching, two hours following morning feeding, with 1 l of water containing either 0 g/l (n = 16) or 150 g/l (n = 20) of clinoptilolite. Treatment lasted from 24 +/- 4 d prior to expected parturition until two days postpartum (pp). Colostrum was collected at 2 to 3 h, 12, 24 and 36 h pp and blood samples were collected at 24 +/- 4 and 4 +/- 2 d prior to parturition and 1, 2 and 7 d pp. Overall mean dry matter, fat and total protein percentage as well as IgG concentration and mass were significantly greater in colostrum collected from cattle drenched with clinoptilolite (total protein increased by 15% and IgG concentration and mass by 21 and 38% respectively at first sampling and further at second sampling). Total gamma globulin and most other blood serum biochemistry parameters did not differ between cattle treated and not treated with clinoptilolite, the only exception being the fast anionic gamma globulin fraction that was 17% greater at 4 +/- 2 d prior to parturition and 10% lower on the 1st day pp in treated cattle. These results showed that organically modified oral clinoptilolite supplementation at 150 g/d significantly increases the IgG concentration in colostrum and has no adverse effects on the energy status, protein, lipid, and mineral metabolism in primiparous dairy cattle during prepartum period

    Imunski kompleksi u krvnom serumu teladi sa kliničkim simptomima bronhopneumonije

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    Pneumonia in preruminant calves is a multifactorial disease. Infectious agents, the environment, management and the immune status of the calves are all important factors in determining the outcome of an infection. Until today, the level and composition of circulating immune complexes in preruminant calves with pneumonia have not been studied in detail. We performed this work with the aim to determine whether pneumonia in three-month-old calves is followed by changes in the immune complex level and changes in the γ-globulin level as their possible constituents. Immune complexes from the calves' sera were isolated by polyethylene glycol (PEG) precipitation methods. Optical density at 350 nm (OD350) of redissolved precipitates was measured to determine the circulating immune complexes level. The OD350 level of PEG precipitates of calves with pneumonia at the time of diagnosis was 0.577±0.206 and it was statistically significantly higher (p lt 0.001) than OD350 the level of PEG precipitates of healthy calves (0.286±0.080). Electrophoretic analysis of sera and PEG precipitates showed that both slow and fast γ-globulins are found among serum and immune-complexes' γ-globulins, but the concentration of fast γ-globulins was significantly lower in sera of diseased calves. The level of PEG precipitable immune complexes was not correlated with the concentration of serum and PEG precipitable g-globulins. The results of this study have shown that by relatively simple PEG precipitation assay it is possible to detect an increased level of circulating immune complexes in calves with pneumonia. This can be used as an additional diagnostic parameter for the detection and follow up of the disease.Oboljenja respiratornog trakta goveda su kompleksne etiologije, a javljaju se kao posledica interakcije imunskog sistema jedinke, stresogenih činilaca prisutnih u spoljašnjoj sredini i patogenih mikroorganizama. Nivo i uloga cirkulišućih imunskih kompleksa u serumima teladi obolelih od ove bolesti do sada nisu izučavani. Ovaj rad je urađen sa ciljem da se utvrdi da li su bolesti respiratornog trakta kod teladi u uzrastu od tri meseca praćene promenom nivoa imunskih kompleksa u serumu i promenom nivoa serumskih proteina, pre svega γ globulina, kao osnovnih konstituenata imunskih kompleksa. Imunski kompleksi iz seruma teladi su izolovani precipitacijom polietilen glikolom (PEG-om). Nivo PEG precipitabilnih imunskih kompleksa je određivan merenjem optičke gustine PEG precipitata na 350 nm (OD350). OD350 PEG precipitata obolele teladi je iznosila 0,577±0,206 i bila je statistički značajno viša (p lt 0,001) u odnosu na vrednosti dobijene kod zdrave teladi (OD350 = 0,286±0,080). U γ-globulinskoj frakciji seruma i PEG precipitata i zdrave i obolele teladi bili su prisutni i spori, katjonski, i brzi, anjonski γ-globulini, ali je koncentracija brzih γ-globulina bila značajno niža kod obolele teladi. Nivo ukupnih γ-globulina i γ-globulinskih frakcija nije statistički značajno korelirao sa nivoom PEG precipitabilnih imunskih kompleksa. Na osnovu dobijenih razultata može se zaključiti da se u serumima tri meseca starih teladi obolelih od bolesti respiratornog trakta detektuje povećan nivo PEG precipitabilnih imunskih kompleksa, a rezultati dobijeni ovim relativno jednostavnim testom mogu se koristiti kao dodatni parametar za dijagnozu i praćenje toka bolesti

    Structural and Functional Characteristics of Urinary Tract in Offspring of Balkan Endemic Nephropathy Patients

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    Introduction Balkan endemic nephropathy (BEN) is a familial chronic progressive tubulointerstitial disease of unknown aetiology that occurs with high prevalence in endemic rural environments of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Bulgaria and Romania. It has been documented only in adults. Objective The aim of this study was to examine clinical markers of BEN in children and adolescent offspring of BEN patients. Methods Prospective clinical trial involved two groups of children and adolescents: I consisted of 30 offspring of BEN patients and II of 29 offspring of non-BEN dialysis patients, both of them living in the same South Morava region of Serbia. All of them were healthy at the time of the investigation, not receiving any drugs. The study included personal and family history, physical examination, comprehensive laboratory analyses and renal ultrasound. Blood pressure (BP) was determined by using casual BP and 24 h ABPM in subjects older than 5 years. Urinary proteins were investigated by analysing microalbumin, alfa 1 microglobulin, beta 2 rnicroglobulin and SDS-PAGE electrophoresis. GFR was measured by estimated creatinine clearance and by serum Cystatin C concentrations. Results There were no statistically significant differences in age, gender, history of urinary tract infections or functional voiding disorders between these two groups. All of the studied subjects had normal BP and GFR. Renal ultrasound was abnormal only in BEN offspring (6.66%) as well as increased urine concentrations of microalbumin (3.3%), alpha 1 microglobulin (10%) and beta 2 microglobulin (13.3%) while low molecular protein ( lt 66,000 D) was prevalent in BEN compared with non-BEN offspring (21.43% vs. 3.7%). Conclusion Renal abnormalities in offspring of BEN patients may be an early marker of BEN. This has to be confirmed in long term follow-up of a greater number of BEN paediatric offspring