182 research outputs found

    Sensory properties and fatty acids profiles of fermented dry sausages made of pork meat from various breeds

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    In this study, the parallel examinations on fatty acid profiles and sensory properties of fermented dry sausages are presented. Three types of kulen and sremska sausages were made, which varied depending on the percentage of meat and fat derived from different pig breeds: autochthonous (Swallow-Belly Mangalitsa and Moravka) and commercial (Swedish Landrace). In sausages made from meat of commercial pig breed, the highest cholesterol content was detected. However, sausage made from the Mangalitsa pork meat contained higher levels of monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) and unsaturated fatty acid (USFA), and lower saturated fatty acid levels (SFA). The level of polyunsaturated (PUFA) in sausage made of Landrace pork meat was significantly higher than levels in other types. These differences between fatty acids were mostly deriving by higher total n-6 PUFA content. In a sausage made of Mangulitsa meat, the values of atherogenic (IA) and thrombogenic (IT) health lipid indexes are lower. Kulen and sremska sausages made from the Mangalitsa pork meat was superior in terms of colour, odour, taste, after taste and overall acceptability. This study demonstrate that pig breed have an effect on the chemical content, fatty acids profiles and sensory properties of dry fermented sausages

    Joint effects of vitamin D and nanobiomaterial in the jaw bone regeneration

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    Systems for targeted delivery of drugs with high affinity for specific organs, tissues, and cells were introduced at the beginning of the twentieth century. Recently, this concept is attracting much attention. These systems have shown most effective in reducing adverse effects of drugs. In recent years, scientists have created a system of nanoparticles for delivery of vitamin D. Special attention is paid to the role of vitamin D in the division and differentiation of osteoblasts and thus, in its role in osteogenesis. In this regard it was interesting to observe the local effects of the active form of vitamin D3 in osteogenesis, as a part of the system for local delivery. These effects were observed on an experimental model. Three types of nanobiomaterial were implanted in the artificially made defects in ratsā€™ mandibular bone. Six weeks after implantation of hydroxyapatite, hydroxyapatite-coated vitamin D3 and hydroxyapatite nanoparticles coated with vitamin D3 mixed with the polymer, the animals were sacrificed, and the samples of mandibular alveolar bone were taken. The samples were adequately prepared and subjected to histopathological analysis. The best results in regeneration of osteoporotic jaw bone were obtained in the experimental group of animals where the implant was hydroxyapatite-coated vitamin D3 mixed with the polymer. The results show that nanobiomaterials with local delivery of active form of vitamin D3, used in this study, may be materials of the future in the area of weakened jaw bone tissue regeneration

    Novi metod fotogrametrijskih merenja studijskih modela u ortodonciji

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    Introduction/Objective Rapid developments in information technologies lead to the wider use of digital representations of dental study models in orthodontics. Most popular way of digitizing the models is to use a 3D scanner and then perform measurements on 3D models, which requires additional and expensive hardware and software resources. In this paper we present an alternative approach based on the use of photogrammetry in the newly developed OrthoPhoto4D software that calculates and corrects perspective distortion errors. Methods We measured individual tooth width for 24 teeth, 12 two-teeth segments as well as inter-molar and inter-canine distances on 50 models. Measurements are performed in OrthoPhoto4D software that uses four photographs of each model for measurements, uses QR codes for automation, calculates the camera position and corrects perspective distortion-caused errors in measurements. Obtained measurements are compared to ones obtained from models generated by structured light 3D scanner. Results Statistical analysis strongly indicates that there is no significant difference between the two methods. The recorded differences also have no clinical impact as they have mean values of 0.2 mm for individual tooth widths, approximately 0.2 mm for two teeth segments, and under 0.3 mm for both inter-canine and inter-molar distances. All recorded differences fall within the expected measurement error. Conclusion We concluded that the described photogrammetry measurements performed in OrthoPhoto4D can be used in diagnosis and therapy planning.Uvod/Cilj Brzi razvoj informacionih tehnologija doveo je do Å”iroke upotrebe digitalnih studijskih modela u ortodonciji. Najpopularniji način digitalizacije modela je koriŔćenje 3D skenera, a zatim i merenja na 3D modelima, Å”to zahteva dodatne i skupe hardverske i softverske resurse. U ovom radu predstavljamo alternativni pristup zasnovan na koriŔćenju fotogrametrije u novorazvijenom softveru OrthoPhoto4D, koji izračunava i ispravlja greÅ”ke nastale kao posledica perspektivne distorzije. Metod Na 50 studijskih modela merena je meziodistalna Å”irina za 24 zuba, Å”irina 12 segmenata dvostrukih zuba, kao i interkanina i intermolarna Å”irina. Merenja su vrÅ”ena u programu OrthoPhoto4D, koji koristi četiri fotografije svakog merenog modela, QR kodove za automatizaciju, računa udaljenost kamere i koriguje greÅ”ke merenja izazvane perspektivom. Merenja su poređena sa rezultatima dobijenim na modelima generisanim 3D skenerom. Rezultati Analiza rezultata snažno ukazuje na to da ne postoji statistički značajna razlika između dva metoda. Zabeležene razlike takođe nemaju klinički značaj, jer su srednje vrednosti do 0,2 mm za pojedinačne Å”irine zuba, do približno 0,2 mm za segmente od dva zuba i ispod 0,3 mm za interkaninu i intermolarnu Å”irinu. Sve zabeležene razlike su unutar očekivane greÅ”ke merenja. Zaključak Opisani metod fotogrametrijskih merenja u programu OrthoPhoto4D se može koristiti u dijagnozi i planiranju ortodontske terapije

    Primena fotogrametrije za prostorne analize u ortodontskoj dijagnostici

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    Introduction Lundstrom segmental analysis is often used analysis in orthodontic diagnosis. It includes measurements of available and needed space in the arch in order to determine whether there is a lack or excess of space for proper teeth alignment. Measurements are traditionally performed on plaster study models, but with recent developments of computer-based systems, there is an increase in use of digital models in measuring process. The aim of this study was to present a photogrammetry based measurement approach that requires no specialized and expensive hardware and compare results with ones obtained on 3D scanned models. Material and method On 50 plaster study models measurements of 24 teeth, widths of 12 segments and Lundstrom segmental analysis were performed. 3D scanned study models were analyzed in the photogrammetry software OrthoPhoto4D on the set of four photographs of the study model in custom made measurement apparatus. The software corrects for finite distance of the camera and corrects errors due to perspective distortion. Results Statistical analysis performed on obtained measurements provided Bland-Altman plots that strongly suggested high degree of correspondence between the two measurements methods. Discrepancies for maxilla for individual segments were under 0.25 mm with standard deviation of up to 0.16 mm, and less than 1 mm and deviation of up to 0.4 mm for complete arch. For mandible the differences were up to 0.27 mm for segments with 0.15 mm deviation and 0.6 mm for complete arch with up to 0.24 mm deviation. Correlation coefficient was over 0.985 in all cases. Conclusions Both analyzed methods can be equally used in clinical practice.Uvod NajčeŔća prostorna analiza koja se koristi u ortodontskoj dijagnostici je Lundstromova segmentna analiza. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata merenja upoređuje se potreban i raspoloživ prostor u zubnom nizu i dobijaju informacije o viÅ”ku ili manjku prostora za pravilan smeÅ”taj zuba. Merenja se tradicionalno vrÅ”e na gipsanim studijskim modelima, ali je usled razvoja računarskih sistema sve prisutnija upotreba digitalnih reprezentacija modela u procesu merenja. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se predstavi fotogrametrijski pristup merenjima koji ne zahteva specijalizovan i skup hardver i dobijeni rezultati uporede sa merenjima na skeniranim 3D modelima. Metod Na 50 studijskih modela su merene meziodistalne Å”irine 24 zuba, te Å”irine 12 segmenata i izvrÅ”ena je Lundstromova prostorna analiza. Merenja su vrÅ”ena na 3D skeniranom modelu studijskim modelima i u fotogrametrijskom programu OrthoPhoto4D na osnovu četiri fotografije modela u namenski projektovanom držaču modela. Program uzima u obzir konačnu udaljenost kamere od modela i vrÅ”i korekcije greÅ”aka nastalih usled perspektivne distorzije. Rezultati Provedena statistička analiza na prikupljenim merenjima i priloženi Bland-Altman grafici snažno sugeriÅ”u da postoji visok stepen saglasnosti između dva metoda merenja. Odstupanja za maksilu za pojedinačne segmente su iznosila do 0,25 mm sa standardnom devijacijom od 0,16 mm, za celu vilicu manje od 1 mm uz devijaciju od 0,4 mm, za mandibulu odstupanja za segmente iznose ispod 0,27 mm uz devijaciju od 0,15 mm, te za celu vilicu do 0,6 mm uz devijaciju od 0,24 mm. Koeficijenti korelacije su preko 0,985 u svim slučajevima. Zaključak Fotogrametrijski metod se može opravdano koristiti u kliničkoj praksi za dijagnostiku ortodontskih nepravilnosti

    Farmakoterapija prehlade i gripa

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    Acute upper respiratory tract viral infections are frequently manifested through the common cold and influenza, a mainly mild and a potentially life-threatening clinical syndrome, respectively. Cough and fever (>37.8 Ā°C) in an influenza-like illness, especially in the context of an influenza epidemic, suggest the existence of an influenza syndrome. While the available treatments against the common cold are purely symptomatic (alleviation of sore throat, sneezing, rhinorrhoea, nasal congestion, watery eyes, cough, headache, chilliness and fever), the annual seasonal trivalent vaccine and neuraminidase inhibitors are usually effective measures against influenza. It is hypothesized that frequent colds may reduce the likelihood of infection with influenza and hence be protective. In this vein, the complete prevention may be worse than the inconvenience due to illness and it seems reasonable to try and reduce the public health burden of common cold, but surely not eliminate the common colds altogether. In regard to the influenza, the epidemiological experience warn us that the generally positive results of prophylactic and therapeutic measures during the last pandemic (2009-2010) do not preclude the appearance of some newer genetic reassortments of the virus in the future, possibly threatening the whole population.Virusne infekcije gornjih disajnih puteva često se manifestuju kao klinički sindromi prehlade (uglavnom blagi), odnosno gripa (potencijalno životno ugrožavajući). KaÅ”alj i groznica (temperatura >37,8 Ā°C) u gripu-sličnom stanju, posebno u uslovima proglaÅ”ene epidemije gripa, sugeriÅ”u postojanje sindroma gripa. Dok su dostupni tretmani protiv prehlade čisto simptomatski (ublažavanje guÅ”obolje, kijanja, curenja nosa, kongestije nosa, suzenja očiju, kaÅ”lja, glavobolje, jeze i groznice), godiÅ”nja 'sezonska' trovalentna vakcina i inhibitori neuraminidaze su obično efektivne profilaktičke, odnosno terapijske mere protiv gripa. Postavljena je hipoteza da česte prehlade mogu da smanje verovatnoću infekcije virusom gripa i da stoga mogu da imaju zaÅ”titnu ulogu. U tom smislu, potpuna prevencija prehlada bi mogla da ima loÅ”ije posledice od neprijatnosti usled same bolesti. Stoga, mere smanjenja opterećenja za javno zdravlje koje nose prehlade jesu potrebne, ali se ne čini racionalnim eventualno eliminisanje prehlade uopÅ”te. U odnosu na grip, epidemioloÅ”ko iskustvo nas upozorava da generalno pozitivni rezultati profilaktičkih i terapijskih mera tokom poslednje pandemije (2009-2010) ne isključuju mogućnost pojave nekih novih genetskih resortiranja virusa u budućnosti, koja bi mogla da ugroze celu populaciju

    Udeo tkiva u svinjskom butu u zavisnosti od genotipa, pola i godiŔnjeg doba

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    The study included 201 offspring (108 castrated males and 93 females) of Landrace (L), Large White (LW) and Pietrain (P) sires. The studied animals were of following genotype: Landrace (L; n = 48); two breed crosses with 50:50 share of parental breeds (LWxL, n=32; and PxL, n=23), two breed crosses with 75% of paternal breed [Lx(ā™€LWxL), n=35] and [LWx(ā™€LxWL) n=38] and three breed crosses [Px(ā™€LWxL) n=25]. Animals included in this study were born during four seasons: winter (n=38), spring (n=65), summer (n=40) and autumn (n=58). Studies have shown that, at an average weight of warm carcass side of 81.20 kg, the highest average values for the weight of round (RW; 10.204 kg), the weight of intermuscular fatty tissue (RINT; 0.478 kg), bone tissue (RBT; 0.850 kg) and muscle tissue (RMT, 7.552 kg) in the round, were established in three-breed crosses of Px (LWxL) genotype compared to other genotypes. The least skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue (RST; 1.269 kg) was recorded in two breed crosses PxL. They had less skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue by 454 g and 467 grams, respectively, compared to two breed crosses (LWxL) and LWx (ā™€LxLW). Research has shown that there is a genotype on a farm that gives more muscle tissue in the round by 1.521 kg [Px (ā™€LWxL): LWx (ā™€LWxL)] with the same weight of warm carcass side, which is a very large difference. With the same average weight of warm carcass side, female animals had higher average weight of the round and yield of muscle tissue compared to male castrated animals. The effect of genotype (P lt 0.001) on all investigated traits was recorded, also the effect of the season of birth on the skin and subcutaneous fat tissue and on the weight of intermuscular fat in the round was recorded. The effect of sex/gender was significant (P lt 0.01) on the weight of skin and subcutaneous fat and on the weight of the muscle tissues in the round but no significant effect on other tested properties (P> 0.05) was observed.Istrativanje je obuhvatilo 201 potomka (108 kastriranih mužjaka i 93 ženke) očeva nerastova rase landras (L), jorkÅ”ir (LW) i pijetren (P). Ispitane životinje su bile sledećeg genotipa: landras (L; n = 48); dvorasni melezi sa 50:50 učeŔća roditeljskih rasa (LWxL, n=32; i PxL, n = 23), dvorasni melezi sa 75% roditeljske rase [Lx(ā™€LWxL), n=35] i [LWx(ā™€LxWL) n=38] i trorasni melezi [Px(ā™€LWxL) n=25]. Životinje uključene u ovo istraživanje rođene su tokom četiri godiÅ”nja doba: zima (n=38), proleće (n=65), leto (n=40) i jesen (n=58). Istraživanja su pokazala da su pri prosečnoj težini tople polutke od 81,20 kg, najveće prosečne vrednosti za masu buta (RW; 10,204 kg), masu međumiÅ”ičnog masnog tkiva (RINT; 0,478 kg), koÅ”tanog tkiva (R T; 0,850 kg) i miÅ”ićnog tkiva (RMT, 7,552 kg) u butu, utvrđeni kod trostranih meleza Px(LWxL) genotipa u poređenju s drugim genotipima. Najmanje kože i potkožnog masnog tkiva (RST; 1,269 kg) zabeleženo je kod dvorasnih meleza PxL. Imali su manje kože i potkožnog masnog tkiva za 454 g, odnosno 467 grama, u poređenju sa dvorasnim melezima (LWxL) i LWx (ā™€LxLW). Istraživanja su pokazala da na farmi postoji genotip koji daje viÅ”e miÅ”ićnog tkiva u butu za 1.521 kg [Px (ā™€LWxL): LWx (ā™€LWxL)] sa istom masom tople polutke, Å”to je vrlo velika razlika. Sa istom prosečnom masom tople polutke, ženska grla su imala veću prosečnu masu buta i prinos miÅ”ićnog tkiva u poređenju sa kastriranim muÅ”kim životinjama. Zabeležen je uticaj genotipa (P lt 0,001) na sve ispitivane osobine, takođe, zabeležen je uticaj sezone rođenja na kožu i potkožno masno tkivo i na masu intermuskularne masti buta. Uticaj pola je bio značajan (P lt 0,01) na masu kože i potkožnog masnog tkiva i na masu miÅ”ićnog tkiva buta, ali nije primećen značajan uticaj na druga ispitivana svojstva (P>0,05)

    Fatty acid profile of m. longissimus dorsi of Mangalitsa and Moravka pig breeds

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    The objective of this study was to determine the chemical composition and fatty acid content in m. longissimus dorsi (MLD) of two indigenous pig breeds (ML - Swallow-belly Mangalitsa and M - Moravka) reared in free range farm conditions and fed complete mixtures used for commercial meat pig genotypes. The body mass of ML and M pigs at slaughter was, on average, 107.14 and 107.61 kg, respectively. In MLD of M pigs, more total fat was measured compared to ML breed (6.96 % compared to 5.10 %, P lt 0.05). Protein content in MLD of ML pigs was higher by +0.92 % (P lt 0.01) compared to M pigs. Male castrates of M pigs had more fat compared to gilts of the same breed (8.64 compared to 5.29 %), and the 3.35 % difference between mean values was statistically significant (P lt 0.05). The breed of pigs influenced the total saturated fatty acids (P=0.011) and mono-unsaturated fatty acid (P=0.003) contents, but not the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (P=0.325). In the case of saturated fatty acids in the MLD of ML and M pigs, the most common were C16:0 (25.05 % and 25.53 %) and C18:0 (12.73 % and 14.40 %). The MLD of M pigs contained 1.67 % more stearic acid compared to ML pigs (P=0.004). Pigs of ML, compared to M pigs, had more C18:1cis-9 (+2.31 %), C16:1 (+0.49 %), C17:1 (+0.10 %) and less C20:1cis-11 (-0.25 %). The content of two essential fatty acids, C18:2n-6 and C18:3n-3, did not vary according to breed or sex of pigs (P>0.05). The n-6/n-3 ratio was higher than optimal (18.7 for breed ML and 13.7 for M)

    Plodnost autohtonih rasa mangulice, moravke i resavke

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    Objective of this paper was to evaluate phenotypic variability of fertility traits of indigenous breeds of Mangalitsa (Swallow-Belly Strain Mangalitsa-SBSM), Moravka breed (M) and Resavka (R). Indigenous pig populations are usually constituted by a quite low number of active boars and sows. Their pedigree information is lacking or absent, complete phenotypic description is usually not available for most of these populations that are very well adapted to specific local agro-climatic environments. In controlled herds in period of four years, the average age at first farrowing (AFF) was 18.5 months with large variability of 5.9 months for Swallow belly Mangalitsa. Less AFF (14.3 months) and less variability (4.4 months), in relation to SBSM, determined for Moravka breed while for Resavka determined age of 14.7 months with at least variability for this trait from 4.4 months. The average number of piglets born alive (for a period of four years) of SBSM was the lowest from 4.37 to 4.81; in case of M and R, this value was significantly (P (lt) 0.001) higher (from 5.75 to 8.17 and for R breed 6.40 to 9.00). With average duration of suckling period (duration of lactation - DL) of 52.92 days in the first year for the breed SBSM with the lowest number of reared piglets (NRP=4.10) whereas the DL for M and R breeds was shorter (from 45.75 to 52.03 day) with a higher NRP (from 4.57 to 8.92 reared piglets).Cilj ovog rada je bio da se utvrdi fenotipska varijabilnost osobina plodnosti autohtonih rasa mangulice (lasasta mangulica-SBSM), moravke (M) i resavke (R). Autohtone populacije svinja obično čini prilično mali broj aktivnih nerasta i krmača. Informacije o poreklu često nedostaju ili su nedostupne, kompletan fenotipski opis obično nije dostupan za većinu ovih populacija koje su vrlo dobro prilagođene specifičnim lokalnim agro-klimatskim uslovima. Kod kontrolisanih zapata, u periodu od četiri godine, prosečan uzrast pri prvom praÅ”enju (AFF) iznosio je 18,5 meseci sa velikom varijacijom od 5,9 meseci kod lasaste mangulice. Manje vrednosti AFF (14,3 meseca) i manja varijabilnost (4,4 meseca), u odnosu na SBSM, utvrđen je za moravku, dok je za resavku utvrđen uzrast od 14,7 meseca sa najmanjom varijabilnoŔću za ovu osobinu od 4,4 meseca. Prosečan broj živo rođene prasadi (u trajanju od četiri godine) kod SBSM, je bio najniži od 4,37 do 4,81; kod svinja M i R, ova vrednost je značajno (P (lt) 0,001) viÅ”a (od 5,75 do 8,17 i 6,40 do 9,00 respektivno). Prosečno trajanje perioda sisanja (trajanje laktacije - DL) od 52,92 dana u prvoj godini za rasu SBSM, sa najnižim brojem odgajenih prasadi (NRP = 4,10), dok je DL za M i R rase kraći (45,75 i 52,03 respektivno) sa većom vrednoŔću NRP (od 4,57 do 8,92 odgajanih prasadi)

    Povezanost osobina veličine legla

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    Heredity and correlation of litter size traits were observed in 3693 litters, i.e. in 1622 daughters of two genotypes Swedish Landrace genotype - SL; and F1 ā™€ SLxLW. The study included daughters (minimum ten daughters per sire) of 24 sires. Heritability estimates for the total number of piglets per litter in the first, the first two parities, and for all three parities was 0.174; 0.167 and 0.135. Heritability estimates for the number of piglets born alive were 0.181; 0.160 and 0.121, and for the weight of litter at birth 0.166; 0.174 and 0.150. On the other hand, very low heritability was determined for the number of weaned piglets, litter weight of piglets reared, individual weight of born and reared piglets, i.e. for the traits that are under greater influence of the environment (from 0.004 to 0.037). Phenotypic and genetic correlations ranged from weak to complete (rp = 0.021 to rp = 0.973 and rg=0.188 to rg=0.999, respectively). Analysis of the significance of correlations showed that the genetic correlations were statistically highly significant (P (lt) 0.01).Naslednost i međusobna povezanost osobina veličine legla praćene su za 3693 legla, odnosno kod 1622 kćeri dva genotipa Å”vedski landras - Å L; i F1 ā™€Å LxVJ. Ispitivanjem su obuhvaćene kćeri (minimalno deset kćeri po ocu) od 24 oca. Heritabiliteti za ukupan broj prasadi u leglu u prvom, prvom i drugom i za sva tri praÅ”enja iznosio je 0,174; 0,167 i 0,135. Za broj živorođene prasadi vrednosi heritabiliteta su iznosile 0,181; 0,160 i 0,121, dok su za masu legla pri rođenju vrednosti 0,166; 0,174 i 0,150. Sa druge strane utvrđen je jako slab heritabilitet za broj odgajene prasadi, masu legla odgajene prasadi, individualnu masu rođene i odgajene prasadi odnosno za ispitivane osobine koje su pod većim uticajem okoline (od 0,004 do 0,037). Fenotipske i genetske korelacije kretale su se od slabih do potpunih (rp=0,021 to rp=0,973 odnosno rg=0,188 to rg=0,999). Testiranje značajnosti korelacija pokazalo je da su genetske bile statistički visoko značajne (P (lt) 0,01)
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