11 research outputs found

    Multiple Method Analysis of TiO\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e Nanoparticle Uptake in Rice (\u3ci\u3eOryza sativa\u3c/i\u3e L.) Plants

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    Understanding the translocation of nanoparticles (NPs) into plants is challenging because qualitative and quantitative methods are still being developed and the comparability of results among different methods is unclear. In this study, uptake of titanium dioxide NPs and larger bulk particles (BPs) in rice plant (Oryza sativa L.) tissues was evaluated using three orthogonal techniques: electron microscopy, single-particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (spICP-MS) with two different plant digestion approaches, and total elemental analysis using ICP optical emission spectroscopy. In agreement with electron microscopy results, total elemental analysis of plants exposed to TiO2 NPs and BPs at 5 and 50 mg/L concentrations revealed that TiO2 NPs penetrated into the plant root and resulted in Ti accumulation in above ground tissues at a higher level compared to BPs. spICP-MS analyses revealed that the size distributions of internalized particles differed between the NPs and BPs with the NPs showing a distribution with smaller particles. Acid digestion resulted in higher particle numbers and the detection of a broader range of particle sizes than the enzymatic digestion approach, highlighting the need for development of robust plant digestion procedures for NP analysis. Overall, there was agreement among the three techniques regarding NP and BP penetration into rice plant roots and spICP-MS showed its unique contribution to provide size distribution information

    Quantification of nanoparticle release from polymer nanocomposite coatings due to environmental stressing

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    <p>Certain engineered nanoparticles (ENP) reduce the flammability of components used in soft furnishings (mattresses and upholstered furniture). However, because of the ENP's small size and ability to interact with biological molecules, these fire retardant ENPs may pose a health and environmental risks, if they are released sometime during the life cycle of the soft furnishing. Quantifying the released amount of these ENPs under normal end-use circumstances provides a basis for assessing their potential health and environmental impact. In this article, we report on efforts to identify suitable methodologies for quantifying the release of carbon nanofibers, carbon nanotubes, and sodium montmorillonites from coatings applied to the surfaces of barrier fabric and polyurethane foam. The ENPs released in simulated chewing and mechanical stressing experiments were collected in aqueous solution and quantified using Ultraviolet-Visible and inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectroscopy. The microstructures of the released ENPs were characterized using scanning electron microscopy. The reported methodology and results provide important milestones to estimate the impact and toxicity of the ENP release during the life cycle of the nanocomposites. To our knowledge, this is the first study of ENP release from the soft furnishing coating, something that can be important application area for fire safety.</p

    A community-led calibration of the Zr isotope reference materials: NIST candidate RM 8299 and SRM 3169

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    As the field of zirconium (Zr) stable isotopes is rapidly expanding from the study of mass-independent to that of mass-dependent isotope effects, a variety of Zr standards have appeared in the literature. While several of these standards have been proposed as the ideal isotope reference material (iRM) against which all data should be reported, none of them have been shown to meet the compositional and/or conflict-of-interest-free distribution requirements put forth by the community. To remedy this situation, we report on a community-led effort to develop and calibrate a scale defining iRM for Zr isotopes: NIST RM 8299. Developed in partnership with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) from the widely used SRM 3169 Zirconium Standard Solution (certified for mass fraction), the candidate RM 8299 was calibrated through an inter-laboratory study involving three laboratories. Our data show that candidate RM 8299 meets all requirements of an ideal iRM. It is an isotopically homogeneous, high-purity reference material, that is free of isotope anomalies, and whose composition is identical to that of a major geological reservoir (Ocean Island Basalts). Furthermore, RM 8299 will be curated and distributed by NIST, a neutral, conflict-of-interest free organization, and was produced in sufficient quantities to last multiple decades. We recommend that all Zr isotope data be reported against RM 8299. Our results also show that SRM 3169 lots #130920 and #071226 have indistinguishable composition compared to candidate RM 8299. Therefore, using RM 8299 as the scale defining iRM will enable direct comparison of all future data with the vast majority of the existing literature data, both for mass-independent and mass-dependent isotope effects. To facilitate conversion of & delta;Zr-94/90 values reported against other Zr standards, we provide high-precision conversion factors to the RM 8299 scale obtained using the double-spike method.ISSN:0267-9477ISSN:1364-554

    Intercalibration of Mg Isotope Delta Scales and Realisation of SI Traceability for Mg Isotope Amount Ratios and Isotope Delta Values

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    The continuous improvement of analytical procedures using multi-collector technologies in ICP-mass spectrometry has led to an increased demand for isotope standards with improved homogeneity and reduced measurement uncertainty. For magnesium, this has led to a variety of available standards with different quality levels ranging from artefact standards to isotope reference materials certified for absolute isotope ratios. This required an intercalibration of all standards and reference materials, which we present in this interlaboratory comparison study. The materials Cambridge1, DSM3, ERM-AE143, ERM-AE144, ERM-AE145, IRMM-009 and NIST SRM 980 were cross-calibrated with expanded measurement uncertainties (95% confidence level) of less than 0.030‰ for the δ25/24Mg values and less than 0.037‰ for the δ26/24Mg values. Thus, comparability of all magnesium isotope delta (δ) measurements based on these standards and reference materials is established. Further, ERM-AE143 anchors all magnesium δ-scales to absolute isotope ratios and therefore establishes SI traceability, here traceability to the SI base unit mole. This applies especially to the DSM3 scale, which is proposed to be maintained. With ERM-AE144 and ERM-AE145, which are product and educt of a sublimation–condensation process, for the first time a set of isotope reference materials is available with a published value for the apparent triple isotope fractionation exponent θapp, the fractionation relationship ln α(25/24Mg)/ln α(26/24Mg)

    DNA Damaging Potential of Photoactivated P25 Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles

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    Titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO<sub>2</sub> NPs) are found in numerous commercial and personal care products. Thus, it is necessary to understand and characterize their potential environmental health and safety risks. It is well-known that photoactivated TiO<sub>2</sub> NPs in aerated aqueous solutions can generate highly reactive hydroxyl radicals (<sup>•</sup>OH), which can damage DNA. Surprisingly, recent <i>in vitro</i> studies utilizing the comet assay have shown that nonphotoactivated TiO<sub>2</sub> NPs kept in the dark can also induce DNA damage. In this work, we utilize stable isotope-dilution gas chroma­tography/tandem mass spectrometry to quantitatively characterize the levels and types of oxidatively generated base lesions in genomic DNA exposed to NIST Standard Reference Material TiO<sub>2</sub> NPs (Degussa P25) under precisely controlled illumination conditions. We show that DNA samples incubated in the dark for 24 h with TiO<sub>2</sub> NPs (0.5–50 μg/mL) do not lead to the formation of base lesions. However, when the same DNA is exposed to either visible light from 400 to 800 nm (energy dose of ∼14.5 kJ/m<sup>2</sup>) for 24 h or UVA light at 370 nm for 30 min (energy dose of ∼10 kJ/m<sup>2</sup>), there is a significant formation of lesions at the 50 μg/mL dose for the visible light exposure and a significant formation of lesions at the 5 and 50 μg/mL doses for the UVA light exposure. These findings suggest that commercial P25 TiO<sub>2</sub> NPs do not have an inherent capacity to oxidatively damage DNA bases in the absence of sufficient photoactivation; however, TiO<sub>2</sub> NPs exposed to electromagnetic radiation within the visible portion of the light spectrum can induce the formation of DNA lesions. On the basis of these findings, comet assay processing of cells exposed to TiO<sub>2</sub> should be performed in the dark to minimize potential artifacts from laboratory light

    Multiple Method Analysis of TiO<sub>2</sub> Nanoparticle Uptake in Rice (<i>Oryza sativa</i> L.) Plants

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    Understanding the translocation of nanoparticles (NPs) into plants is challenging because qualitative and quantitative methods are still being developed and the comparability of results among different methods is unclear. In this study, uptake of titanium dioxide NPs and larger bulk particles (BPs) in rice plant (<i>Oryza sativa L</i>.) tissues was evaluated using three orthogonal techniques: electron microscopy, single-particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (spICP-MS) with two different plant digestion approaches, and total elemental analysis using ICP optical emission spectroscopy. In agreement with electron microscopy results, total elemental analysis of plants exposed to TiO<sub>2</sub> NPs and BPs at 5 and 50 mg/L concentrations revealed that TiO<sub>2</sub> NPs penetrated into the plant root and resulted in Ti accumulation in above ground tissues at a higher level compared to BPs. spICP-MS analyses revealed that the size distributions of internalized particles differed between the NPs and BPs with the NPs showing a distribution with smaller particles. Acid digestion resulted in higher particle numbers and the detection of a broader range of particle sizes than the enzymatic digestion approach, highlighting the need for development of robust plant digestion procedures for NP analysis. Overall, there was agreement among the three techniques regarding NP and BP penetration into rice plant roots and spICP-MS showed its unique contribution to provide size distribution information