384 research outputs found

    Information Needs and Concerns of Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: What Can We Learn from Participants in a Bilingual Clinical Cohort?

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    BACKGROUND: Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) patients are confronted with needs and concerns related to their disease. AIM: To explore information expectations of patients included in a national bilingual IBD cohort in Switzerland (SIBDC). METHODS: This is a mixed-methods study, comprising 1) a semi-narrative survey sent to 1506 patients from the SIBDC and 2) two focus groups conducted with 14 patients to explore and assess the relevance of the survey's findings. Data collected within the framework of the SIBDC was used to characterize survey's responders. RESULTS: 728 patients (48%) replied to the survey: 52.5% females, 56% Crohn's disease (CD), 87% secondary/tertiary level educated, 70% full/part-time employed. On average, 47% of patients sought for information, regardless of the disease stage; 27% of them were dissatisfied with information received at the time of first symptoms. During flares, 43% were concerned about drugs and therapies; in remission, 57% had concerns on research and developments; 27% searched for information linked to daily disease management. Information-seeking increased when active disease, for CD with high levels of perceived stress (OR = 2.47; p = 0.003), and for all with higher posttraumatic stress symptoms. The focus groups confirmed a perceived lack of information about general functioning, disease course, treatments and their risks, extra-intestinal symptoms and manifestations. CONCLUSIONS: Information remains insufficient for IBD patients. Lack of information in specific domains can potentially cause stress and hinder detection of symptoms. Better information should be considered as a potentially important component in improving patients' outcomes in IBD

    Computer memories: the history of computer form

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    This paper looks at the computer as a truly global form. The similar beige boxes found in offices across the world are analysed from the perspective of design history rather than that of the history of science and technology. Through the exploration of an archive of computer manufacturer's catalogues and concurrent design texts, this paper examines the changes that have occurred in the production and consumption of the computer in the context of the workplace, from its inception as a room-sized mainframe operated through a console of flashing lights, to the personal computer as a 'universal' form, reproduced by many manufacturers. It shows how the computer in the past has been as diverse as any other product, and asks how and why it now appears as a standardised, sanitised object. In doing so our relationship with the office computer, past and present is explored, revealing a complex history of vicissitude.</p

    Affective iconic words benefit from additional sound–meaning integration in the left amygdala

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    Recent studies have shown that a similarity between sound and meaning of a word (i.e., iconicity) can help more readily access the meaning of that word, but the neural mechanisms underlying this beneficial role of iconicity in semantic processing remain largely unknown. In an fMRI study, we focused on the affective domain and examined whether affective iconic words (e.g., high arousal in both sound and meaning) activate additional brain regions that integrate emotional information from different domains (i.e., sound and meaning). In line with our hypothesis, affective iconic words, compared to their non‐iconic counterparts, elicited additional BOLD responses in the left amygdala known for its role in multimodal representation of emotions. Functional connectivity analyses revealed that the observed amygdalar activity was modulated by an interaction of iconic condition and activations in two hubs representative for processing sound (left superior temporal gyrus) and meaning (left inferior frontal gyrus) of words. These results provide a neural explanation for the facilitative role of iconicity in language processing and indicate that language users are sensitive to the interaction between sound and meaning aspect of words, suggesting the existence of iconicity as a general property of human language

    Exploring language as the “in-between”

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    Assuming a performative notion of language, this contribution addresses how language functions as a symbolic means and asks for its function for the dialogical self. In accordance with a non-individualistic notion, individuals are related to each other within and by virtue of an in-between. This in-between is called “spacetime of language”: a dynamic evolving across time, perceived as linguistic forms with their chronotopology and the positionings of the performers (self as-whom to other as-whom). With respect to the linguistic forms, the specificity of language functioning is described by BĂŒhler’s term of displacement. The effect of displacement is to generate sharedness by inducing a movement the partners follow, going beyond their actual, sensitive contact. Symbolic displacement, expanding BĂŒhler’s notion, is particularly interesting with regard to the dialogical self: it permits the social construction of several perspectives on self, other, and reality—positions and voices informing the self’s performances

    Method for automated requirement checking in social housing projects

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    One of the possible strategies for improving the quality of construction projects is the use of Building Information Modelling (BIM), which involves innovations in information technology and changes in critical processes. In the social housing sector in Brazil, the need to evaluate a large number of projects proposed for funding in a very short time frame is a major challenge. Automated design checking has been pointed out as one of the main opportunities for the use of BIM in the building industry. The evaluation of social housing projects by governmental bodies is often based mainly on the experience of construction professionals, which may result in lack of uniformity in the criteria adopted, and in a time consuming and costly process. The aim of this research study is to propose a method for automated checking of requirements for the design of social housing projects by using BIM. This method was tested in two housing projects funded by the Minha Casa, Minha Vida programme, and compared to the manual process. This investigation also makes contributions related to the understanding of the nature of the requirements involved in this type of project, and discusses the process changes needed to introduce automated design checking. Keywords: Design checking; BIM; Code-checking; Social housing projects; Low income housin

    Tóxico e adicção comparados a paixão e toxicomania: etimologia e psicanålise

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    Pela Ăłtica psicanalĂ­tica, a etimologia de "tĂłxico" e "adicção" foi comparada Ă  "paixĂŁo" e "toxicomania", obtendo-se as seguintes conclusĂ”es: "tĂłxico" e "toxicomania" remetem Ă  "substĂąncia quĂ­mica" que ataca o organismo; os sentidos etimolĂłgicos originĂĄrios de "paixĂŁo" e "tĂłxico" se assemelham: "paixĂŁo como sofrimento passivo frente Ă  ação prejudicial", em AristĂłteles e em Cristo, lembra o "tĂłxico" na ponta das flechas utilizado pelos bĂĄrbaros, anteriormente ao sĂ©culo II, nos ataques de guerra, o sofrimento pas sivo, prejudicial para o atacado; a "toxicomania" se aproxima da paixĂŁo, pois nasce no campo mĂ©dico, no fim do sĂ©culo XIX, definida como "degenerescĂȘncia", "imoralidade" e "paixĂŁo"; o sentido de paradoxo foi encontrado em "tĂłxico", "toxicomania", e "paixĂŁo"; e na "adicção", surgindo no ImpĂ©rio Romano como "escravização por determinação legal para pagamento de dĂ­vida", reencontrou-se o antigo sentido grego de "paixĂŁo como escravização, sofrimento passivo, submissĂŁo a uma ação exterior sobre o corpo"

    Phonological and orthographic influences in the bouba–kiki effect

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    We examine a high-profile phenomenon known as the bouba–kiki effect, in which non-word names are assigned to abstract shapes in systematic ways (e.g. rounded shapes are preferentially labelled bouba over kiki). In a detailed evaluation of the literature, we show that most accounts of the effect point to predominantly or entirely iconic cross-sensory mappings between acoustic or articulatory properties of sound and shape as the mechanism underlying the effect. However, these accounts have tended to confound the acoustic or articulatory properties of non-words with another fundamental property: their written form. We compare traditional accounts of direct audio or articulatory-visual mapping with an account in which the effect is heavily influenced by matching between the shapes of graphemes and the abstract shape targets. The results of our two studies suggest that the dominant mechanism underlying the effect for literate subjects is matching based on aligning letter curvature and shape roundedness (i.e. non-words with curved letters are matched to round shapes). We show that letter curvature is strong enough to significantly influence word–shape associations even in auditory tasks, where written word forms are never presented to participants. However, we also find an additional phonological influence in that voiced sounds are preferentially linked with rounded shapes, although this arises only in a purely auditory word–shape association task. We conclude that many previous investigations of the bouba–kiki effect may not have given appropriate consideration or weight to the influence of orthography among literate subjects

    Denotative and Connotative Semantics in Hypermedia: Proposal for a Semiotic-Aware Architecture

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    In this article we claim that the linguistic-centered view within hypermedia systems needs refinement through a semiotic-based approach before real interoperation between media can be achieved. We discuss the problems of visual signification for images and video in dynamic systems, in which users can access visual material in a non-linear fashion. We describe how semiotics can help overcome such problems, by allowing descriptions of the material on both denotative and connotative levels. Finally we propose an architecture for a dynamic semiotic-aware hypermedia system

    Neurophysiological evidence for rapid processing of verbal and gestural information in understanding communicative actions

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    During everyday social interaction, gestures are a fundamental part of human communication. The communicative pragmatic role of hand gestures and their interaction with spoken language has been documented at the earliest stage of language development, in which two types of indexical gestures are most prominent: the pointing gesture for directing attention to objects and the give-me gesture for making requests. Here we study, in adult human participants, the neurophysiological signatures of gestural-linguistic acts of communicating the pragmatic intentions of naming and requesting by simultaneously presenting written words and gestures. Already at ~150 ms, brain responses diverged between naming and request actions expressed by word-gesture combination, whereas the same gestures presented in isolation elicited their earliest neurophysiological dissociations significantly later (at ~210 ms). There was an early enhancement of request-evoked brain activity as compared with naming, which was due to sources in the frontocentral cortex, consistent with access to action knowledge in request understanding. In addition, an enhanced N400-like response indicated late semantic integration of gesture-language interaction. The present study demonstrates that word-gesture combinations used to express communicative pragmatic intentions speed up the brain correlates of comprehension processes – compared with gesture-only understanding – thereby calling into question current serial linguistic models viewing pragmatic function decoding at the end of a language comprehension cascade. Instead, information about the social-interactive role of communicative acts is processed instantaneously
