21 research outputs found

    Una ciudadanía nobiliaria frente al estado de igualdad: el momento Tocqueville

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    The origin of “citizenship” lies in the recognition of bourgeois political rights. The legal status of citizenship is also compatible with the misery and delinquency of a part of the population: the marginalised people do not really enjoy civil, political and social rights. In this way, citizenship has been a palliative measure to conceal the social turmoil produced by class inequality during the repeated crises of capitalism. Tocqueville’s reconsideration is a central issue in the defence of political freedom facing an emerging liberal democracy. Thus, Tocqueville’s rigour towards the poor and the criminals coexists with a critical defence of citizens’ freedom against the homogenization and the discipline of the industrial masse

    Foucault, Reader of Baudelaire: Imagination as Poetic Conjecture

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    Este artículo estudia la conexión de Foucault con Charles Baudelaire, auténtica inspiración en los escritos de Foucault. Rara vez aparece, pero es muy influyente en su obra. Apenas es mencionado cuando se reflexiona sobre la relación entre literatura y locura. Sin embargo, Baudelaire aparece de forma magnífica en la interpretación norteamericana, realizada por Foucault, de “What is Enlightenment? de Kant. Allí, Baudelaire irrumpe para los límites del conocimiento de la Ilustración. Baudelaire se identifica más con la tradición del visionario Swedenborg que con la reflexión de Kant, duro crítico del autor suecoThis article studies Foucault’s connection with Charles Baudelaire work, really, the hidden inspiration upon Foucault’s writings. His name rarely appears but he exerts a wide influence upon Foucault’s works. In other words, Baudelaire is rarely mentioned when Foucault reflects the relationship between literature and madness. However, Baudelaire appears with all his magnificence into Foucault’s american interpretation of “What is Enlightenment?” written by Kant. Just in this work, Baudelaire burst into the boundaries of the Enlightenment’s knowledge. The same Baudelaire identifies much more with the tradition of the visionary Swedenborg than Kant’s reflection “What is Enlightenment?”, whose writer was a harsh critic of the Swedish autho

    Política e individuo en la crisis del 98 (Disidencia, ascesis literaria y política en Ramón del Valle-Inclán

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