157 research outputs found

    The Fossils of the First Galaxies in the Local Universe

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    We argue that, at least a fraction of the newly discovered population of ultra-faint dwarfs in the Local Group constitute the fossil relics of a once ubiquitous population of dwarf galaxies formed before reionization with maximum circular velocities, vmax &#8722;1, where vmax = M1/3. To follow the evolution and distribution of the fossils of the first galaxies on Local Volume, 5 &#8722; 10 Mpc, scales, we have developed a new method for generating initial conditions for &#923;CDM N-body simulations which provides the necessary dynamic range. The initial distribution of particles represents the position, velocity and mass distribution of the dark and luminous ha- los extracted from pre-reionization simulations. We find that ultra-faint dwarfs have properties compatible with well preserved fossils of the first galaxies and are able to reproduce the observed luminosity-metallicity relation. However, because the brightest pre-reionization dwarfs form preferentially in overdense regions, they have merged into non-fossil halos with vmax > 20&#8722;30 km s&#8722;1. Hence, we find a luminosity threshold of true-fossils of 6 Lsolar, casting doubts on the classification of some clas- sical dSphs as fossils. We also argue that the ultra-faints at R V ) < &#8722;1.4. Next, we show that fossils of the first galaxies have galactocentric distributions and cumulative luminosity func- tions consistent with observations. We predict there are &#8764; 300 luminous satellites orbiting within Rvir of the Milky Way, &#8764; 50 &#8722; 70% of which are fossils. Despite our multidimensional agreement at low luminosities, our primordial model produces an overabundance of bright dwarf satellites (LV > 105 Lsolar), with this "bright satellite problem" most evident in the outer parts of the Milky Way. We estimate that, although relatively bright (LV > 105 Lsolar), these ghostly primordial populations are very diffuse, producing primordial populations with surface brightnesses below survey detection limits. Although we cannot yet present unmistakable evidence for the existence of the fossils of first galaxies in the Local Group, we suggest observational strategies to prove their existence. (i) The detection of "ghost halos" of primordial stars around isolated dwarfs. (ii) The existence of a yet unknown popu- lation of &#8764; 150 Milky Way ultra-faints with half-light radii rhl &#8776; 100 &#8722; 1000 pc and luminosities LV 4 Lsolar, detectable by future deep surveys

    Hadis Misoginis Dalam Perspektif Hermeneutika Fatima Mernissi

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    This paper attempts to offer a different understanding of the hadith misogynic. Some hadiths are commonly used as the theology reason by the elite of men to smooth out their importance will be examined again, at this time it uses the reading of Fatima Mernissi. Fatima Mernissi is a feminist and a sociologist at the same time. Her background will give a deep impact in her interpretation. She reads it by using a historical and methodological approach. Both of it also become a Mernissi's hermeneutic. For methodological approach, Mernissi based on ‘Ulûm al-Hadîth that are reliable according to her, this is done when deciding on acceptance or rejection an hadith. For the understanding of hadith, Mernissi applies the historical and sosilogical approach. The purposes of this article are to know and also understand Mernissi's hermeneutic hadith by reread some hadiths misogynic. Based on her interpretation in hadith misogynic, thispaper's findingsindicate that hadith misogynic is not really hate women


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    Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui: (1) Kendala guru Ekonomi SMA di Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu dalam impelementasi kurikulum 2013 dilihat dari perencanaan pembelajaran. (2) Kendala guru Ekonomi SMA di Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu dalam implementasi kurikulum 2013 dilihat dari pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran. (3) Kendala Ekonomi SMA di Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu dalam implementasi kurikulum 2013 dilihat dari evaluasi hasil pembelajaran. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian populasi dengan subjek penelitian guru-guru yang tergabung dalam MGMP Ekonomi di Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu, yaitu berjumlah 46 orang. Pengumpulan data menggunakan angket, wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Uji validitas instrumen dilakukan melalui penilaian para ahli (Judgement Expert). Data disajikan berdasarkan hasil analisis data yang dihasilkan dan diinterpretasikan sesuai dengan kriteria indikator yang diukur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) kendala guru Ekonomi SMA di Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu dalam pelaksanaan kurikulum 2013 dilihat dari perencanaan pembelajaran dengan skor 130,22 berada pada rentang 130,22- 153,22 dengan kategori cukup banyak kendala. Kendala tertinggi ada pada indikator Merumuskan indikator dan tujuan berdasarkan kemampuan HOTS. (2) kendala &nbsp;guru Ekonomi SMA di Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu dalam pelaksanaan kurikulum 2013 dilihat dari proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan skor 124,75 berada pada rentang 124,75- 143,67 dengan kategori cukup banyak kendala . Kendala &nbsp;tertinggi ada pada indikator merancang media untuk pembelajaran 5M (3) kendala &nbsp;guru Ekonomi SMA di Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu dalam pelaksanaan kurikulum 2013 dilihat dari perencanaan proses pembelajaran dengan skor 153,63 berada pada rentang 153,63-167,75 dengan kategori cukup banyak kendala. Kendala &nbsp;tertinggi ada pada indikator mengolah/merekapitulasi nilai

    Learning Science: Physical and Life Sciences in Curricula Across U.S. Schools of Nursing

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    Nursing educators are being challenged to provide curriculum that meets the changing healthcare environment and demand for creative, innovative nurses to assist in transforming healthcare into the future (Benner, Sutphen, Leonard, & Day, 2010; Institute Of Medicine, 2011). The liberal education provided within a baccalaureate of science in nursing (BSN) degree program provides a diversity of courses within the curriculum, including courses in the natural, physical, mathematical, and social sciences (American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN], 2008). Although nursing programs have included science courses in curriculum since the early 1900s (Nutting & Dock, 1907), there is lack of nursing educational research as to which science courses and how many should be included in nursing curriculum to help meet the changing demands of the healthcare environment. The purpose of this study is to explore natural and physical science specific curricula for Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) accredited nursing programs and to reveal differences and/or consistencies among programs. Through the collection and analysis of available data from public datasets, the retrospective observational study revealed consistency among the specific science courses offered within U.S. schools of nursing which have similar course titles to science courses offered in 1918 (Nutting and Stewart, 1918). Institutional factors such as the affiliated university or college research level or public/private status, whether a nursing program provides direct entry, or a nursing program’s admission GPA appear to have little to no relationship with specific science curriculum offered in schools of nursing and no significant association with NCLEX-RN® examination pass rates based on science curriculum. Although the NCLEX-RN® examination is the benchmark end of program and entry into practice examination for nurses, the relationship between science curriculum and the NCLEX-RN®examination is unclear from the study. The impact of a science curriculum upon the practice and education of nurses today requires further study. The opportunity for enhancement of clinical thinking and collaborative opportunities that study in sciences offer could be a significant component of future study for nursing educators to ensure the future workforce is able to engage in innovation


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah ketentuan pidana bagi pelaku tindak pidana lalu lintas menurut UU No. 22 Tahun 2009 dan apakah penerapan pidana denda dalam UU No. 22 Tahun 2009 dapat mengeliminir terjadinya pelanggaran lalu lintas jalan yang dengan metode penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan: 1. Ketentuan pidana bagi pelaku tindak pidana lalu lintas dalam UU No. 22 Tahun 2009 tentang Lalu Lintas Dan Angkutan Jalan diatur dalam Pasal 310 untuk klasifikasi perbuatan yang berupa kelalaian atau kealpaan dan Pasal 311 untuk klasifikasi perbuatan yang berupa kesengajaan, dimana kepada pelaku dikenakan hukuman penjara dan hukuman denda secara sekaligus. 2. Penerapan pidana denda yang masih kecil/ringan terhadap pelanggar aturan berlalu lintas di jalan raya sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam UU No. 22 Tahun 2009 belum bisa untuk mengeliminir terjadinya pelanggaran lalu lintas.Kata kunci: denda; pelanggaran lalu lintas jalan

    Effects of Motivation on Tanzania Police force officers' Performance at Dodoma Regional Police: The Mediating Role of Knowledge and Skills.

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    The study sought to examine the effect of motivation examine the effect of motivation on Tanzania police force officers' performance at Dodoma regional police; and the mediating role of knowledge and skills. The study was guided by three specific objectives; to determine the effect of extrinsic motivation on Police performance in Dodoma Regional Police, to assess the effect of intrinsic motivation on Police performance in Dodoma Regional Police and lastly to determine the effect of knowledge and skills after controlling extrinsic and intrinsic motivation on Police performance at Dodoma Regional Police. A positivist philosophy was used in this study. Quantitative approach research was utilized. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from a sample of 334 who were stratified sampled from a population of 2013 police officers. Descriptive statistics, correlation and multiple linear regression were used as data analysis tools. The study found that extrinsic and intrinsic motivation are positive and statistically related to police officers' performance at Dodoma. However, when a second multiple regression model was run incorporating mediating variables of knowledge and skills it was found that there was an increase in motivation relationship effect to be stronger on police officers’ performance. Therefore, the study recommends that Police management and government in general should focus on motivating police officers. Also, to develop a comprehensive training program for all police officers Key Words; Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation, Intrinsic Motivation, knowledge and skills, Police officers’ performanc

    Islam in Education: Educating Teachers and Students

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    Implementasi Prototype Model dalam Pengembangan Aplikasi Smart Cleaning Sebagai Pendukung Aplikasi Smart City

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    Sampah merupakan masalah sebagai besar kota yang ada di Indonesia. Kota Palembang merupakan salah satu kota yang ada di Indonesia yang sangat serius mengurusi maasalah sampah. Usaha yang dilakukan pemerintah Kota Palembang dapat dinyatakan berhasil yang dibuktikan dari Piala Adipura yang didapatkan. Namun keberhasilan tersebut masih memiliki sedikit permasalahan yaitu sering terjadinya penumpukan sampah pada bank sampah yang ada, selain itu juga terdapat penumpukan sampah yang daerah tertentu yang disebabkan tidak disiplinnya masyarakat dalam membuang sampah. Untuk itu di dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan solusi berupa partisipasi masyarakat dalam memberikan pengaduan terkait dengan masalah sampah tersebut. Proses pelaporan yang ditawarkan dalam penelitian ini yaitu berupa aplikasi mobile dan web yang dikhususkan untuk memberi pengaduan penumpuka sampah dengan nama Smart Cleaning. Proses pengembangan digunakan metode prototype. Metode ini memiliki kelebihan yaitu melibatkan pengguna dalam proses pengembangannya sehingga akurasi aplikasi yang hasilkan tergolong tinggi. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa aplikasi smart cleaning yang memiliki akses pengguna masyarakat, administrator dan petugas. Masing-masing pengguna memiliki akses dan fitur tersendiri yang dapat memproses pengaduan masyarakat terkait penumpukan sampah &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp

    Analisis Keefektifan Layanan Bimbingan Karir di SMK Berdasarkan Keberhasilan Karir Lulusan

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    Penelitian ini didasari dengan melihat banyaknya pengangguran yang berasal dari lulusan SMK, dan peserta didik lulusan SMK yang bingung terhadap karirnya, maka dilakukan penelitian ini yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis keefektifan layanan bimbingan karir di SMK saat peserta didik tersebut duduk di bangku kelas XII. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yakni observasi menggunakan instrument wawancara berupa pertanyaan singkat yang diberikan kepada lulusan SMK secara acak. Subjek yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 20 narasumber. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa dari 20 narasumber yang diwawancarai, 15 diantaranya menyatakan bahwa terdapat layanan bimbingan karir di SMK nya dahulu, 5 narasumber sisanya menyatakan tidak terdapat layanan bimbingan karir. Sehingga, peranan layanan bimbingan karir di SMK terbukti efektif berdasarkan penuturan 12 narasumber yang menyampaikan bahwa mereka sangat terbantu dengan adanya layanan bimbingan karir

    Architectural User Interface:: Towards a Performative Architecture

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    This is our primary question: with the inexorable advance of digital technologies along all fronts of human endeavor, whither architecture? We identify performance as the primary criterion to revealing a new paradigm for architecture. We do not delimit this definition to the role traditionally played by mechanical and quasi-mechanical technologies in the optimization of environmental control systems and building skins. Nor do we intend to ascribe to performance the interpretation narrowly defined by the emergence of digital gadgetry, primarily optical in methodology, which have nonetheless already radically altered the means by which we negotiate our environment, built and otherwise. Instead, we seek to engage a notion of performance that encompasses these definitions in a wider arc: one that seeks an understanding of a broad interface between architecture and technology, and one that attempts to solicit optimal collateral advantage from their respective strengths. From architecture, we affirm presence as its quintessential condition, its inalienable concreteness, with the necessarily contingent properties of Benjamin's ‘tactile appropriation'. And from technology, we recognize the emergence of models of interactivity and intelligence that allow for not only new possibilities for the inhabitation and manipulation of space, but for indications of a new definition of architecture itself
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