41 research outputs found

    "Switch peptides":conception et synthĂšse d'inhibiteurs ou destructeurs potentiels de fibrilles amyloĂŻdes

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    Despite of considerable progress in the research at the interface of Chemistry, Biology and Medicine, neurodegenerative diseases affect more and more seriously our ageing population and remain a real therapeutic challenge for researcher. Nevertheless, advances made in this field allow us to better understand the molecular mechanisms responsible for these disorders and to stress the involvement and the key-role of conformational changes of some proteins. Thought to be at the origin of Alzheimer's disease, amyloid-ÎČ peptide undergoes structural modifications leading to ÎČ-sheet structures, which further aggregate into toxic fibrils and plaques. However, intrinsic properties of these structures result in problems such as insolubility and self-aggregation limiting their experimental access. Among the main research lines to find an efficient therapeutic agent to fight against Alzheimer's disease, fibrillar inhibition is considered as promising strategy. It requires the use of a molecule, called ÎČ-breaker, which would be able to block the misfolding triggered by conformational transitions. Consequently, the present thesis is focusing on the design and chemical synthesis of potential inhibitors of amyloid-ÎČ fibrillogenesis. As a specific common feature, the designed compounds integrate in their chemical structure a short sequence ("nucleation site") derived from the central part of AÎČ(1-42), allowing to specifically interact with the pathogenic peptide. We first envisaged to design cyclic peptides as potential inhibitors containing proline residues, known for its destabilizing effect upon secondary structures (way A). In collaboration with C. Soto et al., Univ. Galveston, the biological activity of the prototype cyclo(Lys-Leu-Pro-Phe-Phe-Glu) was tested. Most notably, electron microscopy, in collaboration with J. Dubochet and M. Adrian, UNIL, Congo red and thioflavin T staining, and CD studies pointed to the potential of cyclic peptides as AÎČ inhibitors. Subsequently, conjugate peptides, assembling the recognition sequence of amyloid-ÎČ and organic molecules with potential to block fibrillogenesis were synthesized specifically. (+/-)-Trans-4-cotininecarboxylic acid, 3-indolebutyric acid and a tripeptide ÎČ-strand mimic were chosen. The biological assessment of these molecules allowed us to highlight their potential in this therapeutic strategy as well as the advantage given by the intercalation of a proline between the two components of these conjugates. In an effort to introduce in the structure of ÎČ-breakers a dynamization element, comparable to the cis/trans isomerization of proline, we designed a new type of ÎČ-breaking molecules according to strategy B (Figure). The elaboration of this innovating concept termed "switch-peptides" allows to controll the function of a polypeptide by using intramolecular acyl migration as switch-element for the in situ induction of structure and function. By combining an conformational induction unit σ, a switch element S (cysteine or serine) and an amyloid recognition sequence, we obtained a new generation of dynamic ÎČ-breakers. At the Soff state, the σ part was linked to the switch element S via an ester bond, deactivating the structural influence of the conformational induction unit on the target peptide, resulting in the absence of biological activity. By removing the protecting group Y from the amino function of the switch element, intramolecular acyl migration was triggered, restoring the native amide bond, setting off the impact of σ (Son state). In applying pseudo-prolines as ÎČ-breaking σ-elements (resulting in a "kink" conformation), the corresponding switch-peptide can adopt a recognition state (Soff) and a ÎČ-sheet disrupting state (Son), triggered by controlled acyl migration. We explored the use of cysteine as switch element, with special attention to the chemoselective synthesis, kinetics of acyl migration and potential for ÎČ-breaking. Interestingly, the S→N acyl migration proceeded very fast at physiological pH, in comparison to serine derived O→N migrations. Of utmost importance for further extensions of the switch-concept, the design of non peptidic S-elements such as trifunctionalized aromatic compounds would allow us to generate the ÎČ-breaking element in situ. As a first step, the intramolecular acyl migration O→N via an intermediate of 5, 6, 7 or 9 membered rings, as well as the reversibility of this reaction, was successfully demonstrated. In addition, enzymatically cleavable protecting groups Y for triggering acyl migrations were established. In conclusion, the present thesis presents some promising concepts in the design of fibril disrupting compounds of considerable therapeutical potential

    Eficiencia de la capacitancia y altura de canopeo comprimido (con disco) para estimar biomasa forrajera

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    p.213-219En pasturas de ciclo OIP de la Pcia. de Buenos Aires, entre marzo y setiembre se evaluĂł la hipĂłtesis de que en relaciĂłn al mĂ©todo directo (referencia) un sistema integrado por capacitancia y altura de canopeo comprimida por un disco, producirĂ­a mejores estimaciones de biomasa forrajera (BF) que por separado. Las estimaciones se evaluaron por regresiĂłn en doble muestreo. Los valores de referencia e indirectos, provenientes de muestras aleatorias y sujetas a error, se analizaron mediante un modelo de variables con error (EIV). Las regresiones simples entre referencia y capacitancia o disco, resultaron significativas (P igual 0,004) con coeficientes de determinaciĂłn (r2) menores a 3 por ciento. La regresiĂłn mĂșltiple Y(BF, kg MS ha`1) igual a 694,0 + 0,38 (capacitancia) - 2,4 X2 (disco) resultĂł significativa (P igual a 0,042) con un r2 igual a 21 por ciento. El modelo de EIV generĂł la ecuaciĂłn Y (BF, kg MS. h a 1) igual a 303,98 + 0,753 X (capacitancia), (DE igual a 494,9 kg MS. h a 1, CV igual a 29,3 por ciento) para utilizarla de marzo a septiembre. La utilizaciĂłn conjunta de capacitancia y altura con disco mejorĂł las estimaciones de BF comparada con cada estimador individual, pero no en magnitud apreciable

    Cross-Disciplinarity in the Advance of Antarctic Ecosystem Research

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    The biodiversity, ecosystem services and climate variability of the Antarctic continent, and the Southern Ocean are major components of the whole Earth system. Antarctic ecosystems are driven more strongly by the physical environment than many other marine and terrestrial ecosystems. As a consequence, to understand ecological functioning, cross-disciplinary studies are especially important in Antarctic research. The conceptual study presented here is based on a workshop initiated by the Research Programme Antarctic Thresholds - Ecosystem Resilience and Adaption of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, which focused on challenges in identifying and applying cross-disciplinary approaches in the Antarctic. Novel ideas, and first steps in their implementation, were clustered into eight themes, ranging from scale problems, risk maps, organism and ecosystem responses to multiple environmental changes, to evolutionary processes. Scaling models and data across different spatial and temporal scales were identified as an overarching challenge. Approaches to bridge gaps in the research programmes included multi-disciplinary monitoring, linking biomolecular findings and simulated physical environments, as well as integrative ecological modelling. New strategies in academic education are proposed. The results of advanced cross-disciplinary approaches can contribute significantly to our knowledge of ecosystem functioning, the consequences of climate change, and to global assessments that ultimately benefit humankind

    Shadowed intermediation. How two-sided platforms reshape intermediation to support direct exchanges between local food producers and consumers communities

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    With the commoditization of the Internet in the 2000’s, new distribution/retail actors performing intermediation functions have appeared: two-sided Internet platforms (TSIP). A TSIP is defined as “a market-making intermediary that facilitates transactions and negotiations between selling and buying [actors]” (Watson et al. 2015, p. 559). Their impact on contemporary markets (Airbnb, Uber
) is such that some scholars invite researchers to reconsider the role of traditional retailers from the perspective of TSIP. Two-sided markets and platforms have been investigated both by economists and marketing scholars mainly considering quantitative issues. Few recent studies depart from this economic-perspective to question behavioral issues such as customer orientation and power/dependence structure. Here we seek to understand how and what kind of value TSIP bring to their communities of customers. The empirical setting of this research is a French TSIP aiming at facilitating the development of local food systems in which consumers directly procure food from producers. The case is designed as a four embedded units of analysis study. Data collection technics combine personal interviews, observation and secondary data analysis. Results highlight the economic, functional and symbolic value propositions of the TSIP to its different kind of customers. Decomposing transactional, physical and communication channels allows understanding how value is co-created within the networks. Previous studies consider that TSIP do not control exchanges between their groups of customers. Here we show how the TSIP, discretely, but tightly, monitors and controls interactions between communities of sellers and buyers while squeezing the costs of physical distribution out of its business model. We then discuss discretion and control and their implication for the co-construction of symbolic value rooted in collective representations of direct exchanges between local food producers and consumers

    Les blockchains et l’idĂ©al de la traçabilitĂ© totale dans la chaĂźne logistique au prisme des thĂ©ories du canal de distribution

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    En 2017, Doug McMillon, PDG de Walmart, a mis en avant le besoin de transparence dans le discours qu’il a prononcĂ© devant l’assemblĂ©e annuelle du Forum Economique Mondial. Selon ce responsable, « les clients vont continuer de demander de la transparence Ă  propos des prix et de la supply chain. Ils auront moins de temps pour rechercher les produits qu’ils achĂštent – mais ils seront encore plus attentifs Ă  la maniĂšre dont ces produits sont approvisionnĂ©s. (
) Cela demandera aux distributeurs de travailler avec les fabricants pour se fournir en articles de maniĂšre responsable et durable. Les dĂ©taillants qui feront cela et qui partageront cette information bĂ©nĂ©ficieront d’une confiance accrue de la part des clients ». Dans cette rĂ©flexion prospective Ă  l’horizon 2026, le leader amĂ©ricain de la distribution place au premier rang des attentes des consommateurs la recherche d’un contrĂŽle accru sur leur expĂ©rience de consommation, avec l’accĂšs Ă  une information fiable et transparente sur la maniĂšre dont les biens qu’ils consomment sont produits et approvisionnĂ©s. Peu de temps avant cette dĂ©claration, un communiquĂ© de presse annonçait l’instauration d’une collaboration entre Walmart, IBM et l’universitĂ© chinoise Tsinghua sur la question de la sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire (IBM, 2016). Ce partenariat vise Ă  Ă©valuer les apports de la technologie blockchain pour amĂ©liorer la transparence et l’efficience des supply chains alimentaires. La blockchain est « une technologie de stockage et de transmission d’informations (
) transparente, sĂ©curisĂ©e et [qui] fonctionne sans organe central de contrĂŽle », utilisant « une base de donnĂ©es numĂ©rique infalsifiable sur laquelle sont inscrits tous les Ă©changes effectuĂ©s entre ses utilisateurs » (Blockchain France, 2016, p. 10). En explorant les possibilitĂ©s offertes par la blockchain, le gĂ©ant de la distribution amĂ©ricaine cherche Ă  renforcer la confiance des consommateurs en s’efforçant d’instaurer une traçabilitĂ© totale dans sa supply chain.Face au renforcement des exigences des consommateurs et aux risques de crises de tous ordres, les distributeurs s’interrogent sur leur rĂŽle au sein des supply chains et plus largement de la sociĂ©tĂ©. Afin de relever les dĂ©fis auxquels ils sont confrontĂ©s, ces dĂ©taillants mettent l’accent sur leur fonction de « pivot » dans la supply chain, comme le montrent les initiatives de Walmart. Selon Jacques Colin, le « pivot » est un acteur qui mobilise son « pouvoir de changement » au sein d’une supply chain pour « parvenir Ă  aligner les stratĂ©gies et les opĂ©rations commerciales, industrielles, informatiques et logistiques de ses diffĂ©rents acteurs internes et/ou externes » (2005, p. 142-143). Lorsque le distributeur endosse ce rĂŽle, il orchestre les Ă©changes avec les autres acteurs de la chaĂźne en faisant en sorte que la supply chain soit pilotĂ©e par la demande (Colin et PachĂ©, 1988). Pour assurer cette coordination, il doit instaurer un systĂšme d’information qui transcende les frontiĂšres organisationnelles. Jacques Colin a montrĂ© que l’on ne peut apprĂ©hender ce systĂšme qu’en prenant en compte les efforts de coordination des acteurs et en Ă©tudiant la dynamique inter-organisationnelle sur laquelle ils reposent. Le courant d’analyse bĂ©havioriste des canaux de distribution, initiĂ© il y a une cinquantaine d’annĂ©e (Stern, 1969), s’avĂšre fort instructif pour l'Ă©tude de cette dynamique. Cette approche est mobilisĂ©e dans diffĂ©rents travaux rĂ©alisĂ©s au sein du CRET-LOG (PachĂ©, 1999 ; Noireaux et Poirel, 2009 ; Roveillo, 2015), mais la littĂ©rature internationale en supply chain ne l'a intĂ©grĂ©e que rĂ©cemment et de maniĂšre imparfaite (Kozlenkova et al., 2015).Dans ce chapitre nous proposons d’avancer dans la voie de cette intĂ©gration en analysant la technologie blockchain Ă  travers le prisme de la thĂ©orie bĂ©havioriste des canaux de distribution. Nous prĂ©sentons d’abord le dĂ©fi de la traçabilitĂ© totale dans une supply chain et explorons les possibilitĂ©s offertes par la technologie blockchain. Nous proposons ensuite une lecture de la coordination au sein d’une supply chain par les approches comportementales des canaux de distribution, en mettant en exergue la question du partage d’information entre acteurs. Prenant appui sur ces approches, nous discutons enfin l’idĂ©al type de la traçabilitĂ© totale au sein d’une supply chain telle que la technologie blockchain, bien qu’émergente (Iansiti et Lakhani, 2017), permet de l’envisager

    RĂ©appropriation de la distribution par les consommateurs. Etudes de cas de formes renouvelĂ©es d’intermĂ©diation

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    Cette Ă©tude est consacrĂ©e Ă  l’analyse du processus de rĂ©appropriation de la distribution par des consommateurs engagĂ©s dans des projets de construction de rĂ©seaux de distribution alternatifs. Le rĂŽle actif des consommateurs vis-Ă -vis de la distribution a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© par l’emploi du concept d’appropriation mentale, indispensable, mais aussi confinĂ©, au vĂ©cu d’une expĂ©rience co-construite de consommation immersive des lieux de ventes. Adopter la perspective plus large de l’appropriation symbolique permet d’introduire la notion de rĂ©appropriation comme rĂ©ponse entrepreneuriale Ă  la frustration que des consommateurs Ă©prouvent face aux modĂšles de distribution existants et Ă  leur offre. Nous nous appuyons sur l’analyse de deux cas : une plateforme Ă©lectronique biface supportant des initiatives de mise en relation de communautĂ©s de consommateurs et de producteurs, et un supermarchĂ© collaboratif. Cette analyse permet de comprendre comment, en s’engageant dans un processus de rĂ©appropriation, des consommateurs proposent des alternatives d’approvisionnement Ă©mancipatoires car symboliquement renouvelĂ©es. Cela nĂ©cessite un travail de rĂ©interprĂ©tation personnelle et partagĂ©e du sens de l’intermĂ©diation, le dĂ©veloppement d’un sentiment de possession Ă  l’égard du rĂ©seau de distribution co-construit, ainsi que l’établissement d’une identitĂ© et de liens communautaires

    RĂ©appropriation des canaux de distribution par les consommateurs. Une analyse par les formes renouvelĂ©es d’intermĂ©diation

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    International audienceCette Ă©tude est consacrĂ©e Ă  l’analyse du processus de rĂ©appropriation de la distribution par des consommateurs engagĂ©s dans des projets de construction de rĂ©seaux de distribution alternatifs. Le rĂŽle actif des consommateurs vis-Ă -vis de la distribution a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© par l’emploi du concept d’appropriation mentale, indispensable, mais aussi confinĂ©, au vĂ©cu d’une expĂ©rience co-construite de consommation immersive des lieux de ventes. Adopter la perspective plus large de l’appropriation symbolique permet d’introduire la notion de rĂ©appropriation comme rĂ©ponse entrepreneuriale Ă  la frustration que des consommateurs Ă©prouvent face aux modĂšles de distribution existants et Ă  leur offre. Nous nous appuyons sur l’analyse de deux cas : une plateforme Ă©lectronique biface supportant des initiatives de mise en relation de communautĂ©s de consommateurs et de producteurs, et un supermarchĂ© collaboratif. Cette analyse permet de comprendre comment, en s’engageant dans un processus de rĂ©appropriation, des consommateurs proposent des alternatives d’approvisionnement Ă©mancipatoires car symboliquement renouvelĂ©es. Cela nĂ©cessite un travail de rĂ©interprĂ©tation personnelle et partagĂ©e du sens de l’intermĂ©diation, le dĂ©veloppement d’un sentiment de possession Ă  l’égard du rĂ©seau de distribution co-construit, ainsi que l’établissement d’une identitĂ© et de liens communautaires

    Matériel de réanimation pour les secours en montagne (étude comparative dans neuf pays)

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    TOULOUSE3-BU Santé-Centrale (315552105) / SudocTOULOUSE3-BU Santé-Allées (315552109) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Macroécologie des échinides de l'océan Austral (Distribution, Biogéographie et Modélisation)

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    Quels sont les grands patrons de distribution des espĂšces et quels sont les facteurs qui les contrĂŽlent? Ces questions sont au cƓur des problĂ©matiques macroĂ©cologiques et prennent un intĂ©rĂȘt tout particulier au regard du rĂ©chauffement climatique global actuel. L objectif principal de ce travail de thĂšse Ă©tait de dĂ©terminer les patrons de distribution actuels des espĂšces d oursins antarctiques et subantarctiques Ă  l Ă©chelle de l ocĂ©an Austral et de mettre en Ă©vidence les facteurs qui contrĂŽlent ces distributions. La modĂ©lisation des niches Ă©cologiques d une vingtaine d espĂšces d oursins a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence deux grands patrons de distribution : (1) un premier reprĂ©sentĂ© par les espĂšces dont la distribution n est pas limitĂ©e au sud du Front Polaire et s Ă©tend des cĂŽtes antarctiques aux zones subantarctiques et tempĂ©rĂ©es froides et (2) un deuxiĂšme constituĂ© d espĂšces restreintes Ă  la zone antarctique. Au sein de ces deux patrons, cinq sous-patrons ont Ă©galement pu ĂȘtre dĂ©fini sur la base de diffĂ©rences de distribution latitudinale et bathymĂ©trique entre groupes d espĂšces. Cette approche biogĂ©ographique par modĂ©lisation de niche Ă©cologique a Ă©tĂ© complĂ©tĂ©e par l analyse de similaritĂ© de l ensemble des faunes d oursins, de bivalves et de gastĂ©ropodes, au niveau spĂ©cifique et gĂ©nĂ©rique, entre biorĂ©gions de l ocĂ©an Austral. Cette analyse dĂ©montre qu il existe chez les oursins et les bivalves des connexions fauniques entre l AmĂ©rique du Sud et les zones subantarctiques ainsi qu une sĂ©paration entre l Est et l Ouest antarctique. Au contraire, les faunes de gastĂ©ropodes subantarctiques montrent des affinitĂ©s plutĂŽt antarctiques que sud-amĂ©ricaines, l Antarctique ne formant qu une unique province pour ce clade. Ces diffĂ©rences entre clades sont interprĂ©tĂ©es comme Ă©tant le rĂ©sultat d histoires Ă©volutive et biogĂ©ographique distinctes entre oursins et bivalves d une part et gastĂ©ropodes d autre part. L hypothĂšse d une rĂ©ponse Ă©volutive diffĂ©rente des clades aux changements environnementaux survenus au cours du CĂ©nozoĂŻque est avancĂ©e. Enfin, l existence de connexions fauniques trans-antarctiques est mise en Ă©vidence dans l Ă©tude des trois clades ; celles-ci sont interprĂ©tĂ©es comme le rĂ©sultat de la dislocation de la calotte ouest-antarctique et l ouverture de bras de mer trans-antarctiques au cours du PlĂ©istocĂšne. Parmi les paramĂštres environnementaux utilisĂ©s dans la modĂ©lisation des niches Ă©cologiques, les rĂ©sultats montrent que trois paramĂštres jouent un rĂŽle majeur dans la distribution des oursins : la profondeur, la couverture de glace et la tempĂ©rature des eaux de surface. Toutefois, l importance relative de ces paramĂštres diffĂšre selon les espĂšces d oursins Ă©tudiĂ©es. L Ă©tude du genre Sterechinus souligne tout particuliĂšrement ces diffĂ©rences. En effet, l espĂšce S. neumayeri est plus sensible aux conditions environnementales qui prĂ©dominent prĂšs des cĂŽtes antarctiques (tempĂ©rature des eaux de surface et couverture de glace), alors que S. antarcticus semble ĂȘtre beaucoup moins contraint par ces mĂȘmes paramĂštres. La distribution potentielle de S. antarcticus est d ailleurs beaucoup plus Ă©tendue en latitude. Cependant, S. antarcticus n est pas prĂ©sent sur l ensemble de son aire de distribution potentielle, ceci pouvant ĂȘtre expliquĂ© alternativement par le rĂ©sultat (1) de facteurs ocĂ©anographiques (rĂŽle de barriĂšre biogĂ©ographique jouĂ© par le Front Polaire), (2) d interactions biotiques (phĂ©nomĂšnes de compĂ©tition inter-spĂ©cifique) et (3) du contexte temporel (colonisation toujours en cours).What are the forcing factors and main patterns of species distribution? This question is the core of macroecological issues and is of particular interest in the present context of global warming. The main objectives of this thesis were to determine the current distribution patterns of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic echinoid species at the scale of the whole Southern Ocean and to highlight the forcing factors that control them. The ecological niche modelling of 19 echinoid species showed that distribution is mainly structured in two patterns: (1) a first one represented by species that are not limited to the south of the Polar Front and distributed from the Antarctic coasts to the sub-Antarctic and cold temperate areas, and (2) a second one with species restricted to the Antarctic area. Within these two main patterns, five sub-patterns were also identified that depend on differences in the latitudinal and depth range of species groupings. In addition to this approach of biogeography by ecological niche modelling, a similarity analysis of echinoid, bivalve and gastropod fauna between bioregions of the Southern Ocean was performed at species and genus levels. This analysis reveals faunal connections between southern South America and sub-Antarctic areas in echinoids and bivalves, along with a partition between the East and West Antarctic. On the contrary, sub-Antarctic gastropod fauna show Antarctic rather than South American affinities and the Antarctic form a sole and unique province in this clade. These differences between clades are interpreted as the result of distinct biogeographic and evolutionary histories between echinoids and bivalves on the one hand, and gastropods on the other hand. The proposed hypothesis is that clades developped different evolutionary responses to the environmental changes that occurred during the Cenozoic. Finally, in the three clades, trans-Antarctic faunal connections are shown and interpreted as a result of West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapses and the setting up of trans-Antarctic sea-ways during the Pleistocene. Among the environmental parameters used for the ecological niche modelling, results show that the three following parameters play the main part in echinoid distribution: depth, sea-ice cover and sea surface temperature. However, the relative importance of these parameters depends on the species under studies. These differences are particularly emphasized in the case study of the genus Sterechinus. The species S. neumayeri is indeed the most dependent on environmental conditions that prevail along the Antarctic coasts (sea surface temperature and sea-ice cover), while S. antarcticus doesn t seem to be so much under the control of these parameters. Accordingly, the potential distribution of S. antarcticus in latitude is the most extended. However, S. antarcticus is not present over the whole area of its potential distribution, what can be explained as the result of either (1) oceanographic factors (role of the Polar Front as a biogeographical barrier), (2) biotic interactions (inter-specific competition) or (3) the temporal context (still ongoing colonization).DIJON-BU Doc.Ă©lectronique (212319901) / SudocSudocFranceF