13 research outputs found

    Financial Feasibility Study of Liquid Smoke Industry from Palm Oil Empty Fruit Bunch in Mesuji Regency, Lampung Province

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    Abstract— The objective of this research was to examine the feasibility of liquid smoke production from palm ail empty fruit bunch (EFB). This research was a survey with expert respondents to collect primary data while literatures and reports study as secondary data. The result of study showed that the liquid smoke industry from EFB was feasible to be developed with eligibility criteria Rp. 991,486,765 of NPV ; 2.50 of Net B/C; 36.59 % of IRR ; and 2.83 years of PBP.  The result of sensitivity analysis showed that the liquid smoke industry from EFB more sensitive for liquid smoke price decerasing than raw material and other inputs price increasing.Keywords— Financial Feasibility, Liquid Smoke, EFB


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    Free fatty acid and microbial activity of weaning food from bread fruit (Atocarpus communis) and surly bean (Mucuna pruriens L) during storage was evaluated in this research. Variables of research were consisted of duration of storage on 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks and also the using of polyetylene and alumunium foil. The result showed that product has fulfilled the SNI standard with level of : protein 15.42%, fat 6.74%, fiber 3.375%, water 3.63%, ash content 3.576% and carbohydrate 72.25. During storage, free fatty acid (FFA) level and microba  increased and had significant effects between two kinds of packaging material where alumunium foil tended to have a better effect than that of polyetylene. Keywords : weaning food, bread fruit, slury bean, storag

    Optimization of Biodegradable Film from Cellulosa of Seaweed Solid Waste Eucheuma cottonii with Addition of Glycerol, Chitosan, CMC and Tapioca

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    Cellulose from the solid waste of seaweed Eucheuma cottonii is one of the wastes that can be used as raw material for making biodegradable films. The condition for making optimum conditions for making biodegradable film from E. cottonii with treatment of glycerol concentration (0; 0,25; 0,5; 0,75; and 1%), tapioca concentration (2; 4; 6; 8; and 10%) , carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC) concentration (1; 2; 3; 4and 5%) and chitosan concentration (1; 2; 3; 4; and 5 The experimental design uses a surface response method with 4 replications. The analysis carried out consisted of elongation percent, tensile strength, solubility and biodegradable film using surface response method. The optimum value occurs in the process conditions using a concentration of glycerol of 0.162%, tapioca concentration of 3.78%, CMC concentration of 2.5% and chitosan concentration of 1.62% with tensile strength 95.013 Mpa, percent elongation of 8.92%, and solubility 80.62%

    PROSES PENGAMBILAN KEPUTUSAN KONSUMEN DAN ATRIBUT PRODUK KOPI INSTAN DALAM SACHET [Consumer Decision Making Process and Product Attributes of Instant Coffee]

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    The objectives of this research were to observe the decision making process and the influence of product attributes in consuming of instant coffee products in sachets. This research used questionnaires to obtain information on the characteristics and consumer behavior of respondents. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and importance attributes.  The results showed that process of buying through the stages in the purchase decision process, namely               a). need recognition: the main benefits expected was freshness of coffee, highest frequency was  once a day; and the main barrier was product quality; b). searching of information: the main source was promotion; c). alternative evaluation: The main factor in evaluation was taste, the known brand of instant coffee were Torabika, Nescafe, Kopi Luwak, ABC, Top, Good Day; d). The decision to buy: the main reasons to buy was taste; purchase decision depending on the situation, most influential are friends. e). post-purchase evaluation: customers are willing to keep buying previous products.. The highest product attributes importance of instant coffee were the highest sense of 4.34; aroma 4.23; and freshness of 4.11 which is the characteristics specialty[H1] of coffee. Keywords: consumer, instant coffee, product attributes. [H1] Has been change


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    Siger rice is an analog rice made from agricultural materials containing carbohydrates such as cassava. The purpose of this research was to know the effect of addition of ascorbic acid and steam duration to the quality of siger rice from cassava. The factorial experiment arranged in a Complete Randomized Block Design (CBRD) with two factors and three replications.. The first factor was the addition of ascorbic acid is 0% (A1), 0.1% (A2), 0.15% (A3), 0.2% (A4), 0.25% (A5), and 0.3% A6). The second factor was steam duration of 25 minutes (L1), 30 minutes (L2), and 35 minutes (L3). The data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANNOVA) and continued with Least Significance Different (LSD) test. The results showed that the addition of ascorbic acid 0.2% with steaming for 35 minutes resulted in the best quality of siger rice with white color tending, somewhat similar to rice, rather soft, water content of 10.62%, 0.88% ash, protein 3,82%, fat 2.42%, crude fiber 1.13%, carbohydrates 81.12%, and vitamin C 0.61 mg/g

    Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan dan Strategi Pengembangan Wisata Edukasi Sentulfresh Indonesia

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    Sentulfresh Indonesia Educational Tour can not avoid the effects of tight business competition, so it needs to improve the services quality continuously. The purpose of this research was to analyse level of services visitor satisfaction educational tour, and to formulate development strategies to increase the visitor satisfaction. This research was a descriptive study with qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data were obtained by in-depth interviews, whereas quantitative data were acquired using questionnaires of development strategic and level of service to analyzed by Servqual method. The internal and external environments were analyzed, followed by SWOT  analysis. The result was used as data to formulate strategies followed by QSP) test to sequence priorities of the chosen strategies as strategy development of educational tour of Sentulfresh Indonesia. The result stated that the quality of service at the educational tour of Sentulfresh Indonesia has not meet the needs and desires of visitor. Based on SWOT analysis shows that the  score of IFE was 2.743 and EFE was 2.430. The priority of alternative strategies based on QSPM test was Realizing the development of facilities on remaining land accompanied by repair and improvements to existing facilities (TAS = 6.620)


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    The objective of this research was to asses the optimal chitosan concentration as wet noodle preservative. The study conducted two stage 1) . to know the best concentration and storage duration of wet noodle.  The first factor was chitosan concentration (K) K0 (0 ppm), K1 (50 ppm), K2 (100 ppm), K3 (150 ppm), K4 (200 ppm) and the second factor was storage duration H0 (0 hour),  H1( 24 hours), H2 (48 houurs) and H3 (72 hours).  2). To know the best chitosan  concentration’s  compared with using of formalin. The result shows that higher chitosan concentration will give higher quality wet noodle which was showed by parameter microba total account, texture, rancidity, and overall acceptance. Optimal chitosan concentration was 150 ppm  with  optimal storage duration  24 hours. Chitosan can be developed  and  used to avoid formalin and the other kinds of  hazard material using for food product. Keywords : Chitosan, formalin. antibacterial activitie

    Pendampingan Usaha Keripik Tortilla Jagung Pada Kelompok Wanita Tani

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    Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah membantu meningkatkan kapasitas produksi, kualitas dan jangkauan pemasaran produk keripik tortilla jagung khas Lampung Selatanagar beromsetinggi dan memberikan lapangan kerja yang lebih banyak. Metode yang digunakan adalah ceramah dan praktek pelatihan tentang pascapanen, pengolahan serta pengemasan yang sesuai dengan persyaratan Good Manufacturing Practice, serta pengawasan mutu produk dan pembukuan.Hasilyang dicapai oleh Unit Usaha Kelompok Wanita Tani Kemuning II Lampung Selatan antara lain  telah mengalami peningkatan aset sebesar 10%, peningkatan omset menjadi dua kali, kualitas produk tortilla lebih renyah dan ditambah variasi rasa berbagai rasa dan peningkatan jangkauan pemasaran sampai ke Bandar Lampung