156 research outputs found

    Selection and pattern mixture models for modelling longitudinal data with dropout: An application study

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    Incomplete data are unavoidable in studies that involve data measured or observed longitudinally on individuals, regardless of how well they are designed. Dropout can potentially cause serious bias problems in the analysis of longitudinal data. In the presence of dropout, an appropriate strategy for analyzing such data would require the definition of a joint model for dropout and measurement processes. This paper is primarily concerned with selection and pattern mixture models as modelling frameworks that could be used for sensitivity analysis to jointly model the distribution for the dropout process and the longitudinal measurement process. We demonstrate the application of these models for handling dropout in longitudinal data where the dependent variable is missing across time. We restrict attention to the situation in which outcomes are continuous. The primary objectives are to investigate the potential influence that dropout might have or exert on the dependent measurement process based on the considered data as well as to deal with incomplete sequences. We apply the methods to a data set arising from a serum cholesterol study. The results obtained from these methods are then compared to help gain additional insight into the serum cholesterol data and assess sensitivity of the assumptions made. Results showed that additional confidence in the findings was gained as both models led to similar results when assessing significant effects, such as marginal treatment effects

    O Corpo e La Intrusa: um triângulo amoroso

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    The purpose of the work is to analyze the reactions in the relationships of three lovers of the symmetric stories, written by two big figures of Latin American Literature, Borges (Argentina) and Lispector (Brazil) in the 70'sO propósito deste trabalho é analisar as relações pessoais dos triângulos amorosos entre as personagens dos contos simétricos escritos por duas grandes figuras da Literatura Latino Americana, Borges (Argentina) e Lispector (Brasil) nos anos 70

    Impact of Professional Development for Science Teachers on Efficacy and Autonomy

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    There has been significant media attention granted to teacher shortages in the past few decades, especially in the field of science teaching. These shortages have been linked to decreased student learning and performance. A significant cause of these shortages is high teacher turnover. The converse of turnover, retention, has been linked to professional development opportunities both directly and indirectly. Professional development may have the capacity to impact retention indirectly by supporting teachers’ beliefs of self-efficacy and collective efficacy, as well as their perceptions of professional autonomy, all factors that have been separately linked to teacher retention. This study investigates the professional development opportunities available to teachers in a suburban science department, and how those teachers believe the programs impact their efficacy and autonomy. The study was conducted within the secondary science department in a large suburban school district. Four teachers and two administrators were interviewed in group and individual settings. Qualitative analysis of interview transcripts explored the relationship between professional development opportunities available to teachers within this department, and teachers’ beliefs of efficacy and perceptions of autonomy. Findings indicated that teachers had access to professional development programs that improved their beliefs of efficacy and perceptions of autonomy. Data suggested ways in which the programs did so, as well as how these teachers and administrators felt the programs could support efficacy and autonomy more. The data also showed that teacher reflection and collaboration can support their beliefs of efficacy. The findings are consistent with the literature relating to these themes and provide additional insight into the impacts of the professional development opportunities available within the department studied

    Determinants of out-of-pocket health expenditure and their welfare implications in a South African context

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    This study aims to quantify the extent of catastrophic household health expenditures on welfare and determine factors influencing it. A logistic regression model based on the logit link function was used to predict the probability of catastrophic health expenditure occurrence. A comparison between 2008 and 2012 health status of adults shows that there was a sizable improvement of the health status of individuals. The high level of catastrophic health expenditure may be associated with the low share of prepayment in national health expenditure, adequate availability of services and a high level of poverty which for South Africa is 46.2% according to the Statistics South Africa report (2015). Major factors determining the catastrophic expenditure besides poverty were spending on hospitalisation and medical supplies. Thus, reducing catastrophic expenditures requires an increase in financial protection offered to the poor through expanding government-financed benefits for the poor such as implementation of the Social Health Insurance (SHI) scheme, which will cover all poor households

    Conserved in VivoPhosphorylation of Calnexin at Casein Kinase II Sites as Well as a Protein Kinase C/Proline-directed Kinase Site

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    Calnexin is a lectin-like chaperone of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) that couples temporally and spatially N-linked oligosaccharide modifications with the productive folding of newly synthesized glycoproteins. Calnexin was originally identified as a major type I integral membrane protein substrate of kinase(s) associated with the ER. Casein kinase II (CK2) was subsequently identified as an ER-associated kinase responsible for the in vitro phosphorylation of calnexin in microsomes (Ou, W-J., Thomas, D. Y., Bell, A. W., and Bergeron, J. J. M. (1992) J. Biol. Chem. 267, 23789-23796). We now report on the in vivo sites of calnexin phosphorylation. After 32PO4 labeling of HepG2 and Madin-Darby canine kidney cells, immunoprecipitated calnexin was phosphorylated exclusively on serine residues. Using nonradiolabeled cells, we subjected calnexin immunoprecipitates to in gel tryptic digestion followed by nanoelectrospray mass spectrometry employing selective scans specific for detection of phosphorylated fragments. Mass analyses identified three phosphorylated sites in calnexin from either HepG2 or Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. The three sites were localized to the more carboxyl-terminal half of the cytosolic domain: S534DAE (CK2 motif), S544QEE (CK2 motif), and S563PR. We conclude that CK2 is a kinase that phosphorylates calnexin in vivo as well as in microsomes in vitro. Another yet to be identified kinase (protein kinase C and/or proline-directed kinase) is directed toward the most COOH-terminal serine residue. Elucidation of the signaling cascade responsible for calnexin phosphorylation at these sites in vivo may define a novel regulatory function for calnexin in cargo folding and transport to the ER exit sites

    Rhino-Orbital-Cerebral Mucormycosis: Clinico-Epidemiologic Study in a Regional Centre in Eastern India during the Second Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Introduction Rhino-orbital -cerebral mucormycosis (ROCM), a life-threatening acute fungal rhinosinusitis, has recently been reported in increasing numbers in post-COVID patients in the backdrop of uncontrolled hyperglycemia. We present our on-going experience with these patients. Materials and Methods A descriptive longitudinal study involving forty-three ROCM patients, during the 2nd wave of COVID -19, are presented here to discuss the epidemiology, clinical features, management approaches and outcomes. Results Commoner in males (65%), most ROCM patients belonged to lower socio-economic status and 41-50 years age group. Eighty six percent patients were known diabetics and confirmed COVID-19 illness were present in and 53% patients. Advanced disease (Stage-3&4) was found in 54% of patients at presentation. Diagnosis was confirmed by fungal culture and histopathological evidence of tissue invasion.   All patients received injection Amphotericin B and undergone surgical debridement (endoscopic or external approach). Seventy two percent patients were discharged on oral antifungal post -debridement, 28% patients expired during course of treatment. Conclusion ROCM led to significant morbidity and mortality in post COVID patients due to its aggressive nature, late presentation and limited guidelines on management protocol. Early diagnosis in patients presented with suggestive background and a multidisciplinary team management approach is crucial.  Randomized control trials on efficacy of various treatment modalities with duration of antifungal treatment will help in better management of these patients

    Caracterización del fenómeno de intimidación escolar (Bullying) en estudiantes de grado séptimo en dos establecimientos educativos oficiales del municipio de Zipaquirá.

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    Este trabajo de investigación tiene como propósito hacer una caracterización del fenómeno de la Intimidación escolar o bullying, a través del diseño de investigación no experimental, para el que ha sido necesaria la implementación de un método cuantitativo, acompañado de un marco conceptual. La investigación se ha desarrollado, a partir de la necesidad de reconocer en el ejercicio docente una práctica de gran envergadura, en la medida en que no se circunscribe a los modelos de enseñanza, sino a la participación y transformación del entorno escolar en todas sus dimensiones, desde la construcción del conocimiento en las aulas, que pasa por los procesos psicoafectivos de los estudiantes, hasta la consideración de su contexto social más amplio, es decir, su familia y relaciones sociales. De este modo, se ha considerado que el tratamiento del fenómeno de la Intimidación escolar o bullying, desarrollado en la última década, es una realidad que se debe estudiar, conocer y analizar, especialmente en el ámbito de la docencia
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