4 research outputs found

    Pelatihan Desain Grafis sebagai Langkah Penjaringan dan Regenerasi Pekerja Kreatif pada UMKM GALGIL Indonesia

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    Bisnis UMKM GALGIL Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang fashion, dengan produk utamanya Kaos berdesain unik Khas Kota Tegal sangat bergantung pada pekerja kreatifnya. Pekerja desainer grafis yang mampu menghasilkan karya-karya menarik tentunya akan menunjang penjualan produk UMKM GALGIL Indonesia. Selama ini ide desain dan pembuatan desain kaos yang unik dan menarik ditangani langsung oleh pada pendirinya. Namun dengan berkembangnya bisnis GALGIL Indonesia dan visi memajukan bisnis dengan memperkuat peran para pendirinya dalam manajemen, maka perlu ada kaderisasi pekerja kreatif dalam UMKM GALGIL Indonesia. Tantanganya adalah bahwa untuk mendapatkan pekerja kreatif yang potensial, enerjik dan mau bekerja pada level UMKM tidaklah mudah. Untuk merekrut SDM profesional dibidang desain grafis tentunya tidak murah dan mungkin akan sulit menemukan SDM profesional di daerah lokasi GALGIL Indonesia berpusat. Oleh karena itulah, GALGIL Indonesia bekerjasama dengan pelaksana pengabdian khususnya dosen Teknik Informatika UNISSULA untuk melakukan pendekatan lain dalam rangka kaderisasi dan penjaringan pekerja kreatif yaitu melalui program pelatihan desain grafis bagi masyarakat maupun siswa-siswa SMA/SMK/Sederajat atau Mahasiswa bahkan kalangan umum yang memiliki potensi. GALGIL Indonesia dengan visinya tentu juga ingin memberikan kontribusi yang lebih luas dengan memberikan peluang kerja pada masyarakat di kota Tegal dan sekitarnya. The MSME business of GALGIL Indonesia, which is engaged in fashion, with its main product, T-shirts with unique designs from the City of Tegal, relies heavily on its creative workers. Graphic designer workers who are able to produce interesting works will certainly support the sales of GALGIL Indonesia's MSME products. So far, the idea of designing and making unique and interesting t-shirt designs has been handled directly by the founders. However, with the development of GALGIL Indonesia's business and the vision of advancing the business by strengthening the role of its founders in management, there needs to be a regeneration of creative workers in GALGIL Indonesia's MSMEs. The challenge is that to get creative workers who are potential, energetic, and willing to work at the MSME level is not easy. To recruit professional human resources in the field of graphic design is certainly not cheap and it may be difficult to find professional human resources in the area where GALGIL Indonesia is located. Therefore, GALGIL Indonesia collaborates with community service implementers, especially UNISSULA Informatics Engineering lecturers to take another approach in the context of regeneration and recruitment of creative workers, namely through graphic design training programs for the community as well as high school / vocational / equivalent students or students and even the general public who have potency. GALGIL Indonesia with its vision of course also wants to make a wider contribution by providing job opportunities to the people in the city of Tegal and its surroundings


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    Maluku memiliki sumberdaya laut yang sangat besar, baik sumberdaya hayati maupun nir-hayati termasuk potensi wisata bahari yang menjadi prioritas pemerintah untuk dikembangkan. Namun pada kenyataannya, perkembangan wisata bahari di Maluku masih menghadapi berbagai kendala, yaitu menentukan lokasi yang layak untuk dijadikan tujuan wisata. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk melihat tingkat kesesuaian wisata khususnya wisata snorkling dan selam di perairan Pulau Nusalaut. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada tahun 2014 dan 2015 di 6 (enam) lokasi yang berbeda.  Pengambilan data karang menggunakan metoda LIT (Line Intecept Trancect) dan dianalisis menggunakan "Life Form Program". Pengamatan ikan karang dilakukan dengan Underwater Visual Census (UVC) dan transek. Parameter lingkungan diambil dengan cara pengukuran langsung dilapangan. Terumbu karang dikategorikan dalam kondisi ”Baik” dan ”Sangat Baik” dengan persentase tutupan karang antara 58,54-77%. Sebanyak 217 jenis karang batu yang termasuk ke dalam 52 genera dari 16 famili menempati rataan terumbu. Keanekaragaman ikan karang berada pada kondisi yang cukup baik dengan indeks keanekaragaman berkisar antara 3,05-4,09. Setidaknya terdapat 2.838 individu ikan karang dari 25 famili dan 170 jenis, terbagi dalam kelompok ikan indikator sebanyak 6%, ikan mayor 67% dan ikan target 27%. Kecerahan perairan berkisar antara 8-12 m dengan kecepatan arus antara 1,6-18,5 m/s. Berdasarkan hasil analisis kesesuaian wisata, seluruh lokasi penelitian dikategorikan “Sangat Sesuai” untuk dijadikan tujuan wisata snorkling maupun selam dengan Indeks Kesesuaian Wisata antara 81,25-95,83%.The Maluku Islands have the potentials of marine resources, including marine tourism which is currently a priority for the government to develop. But in reality, the development of marine tourism in Maluku faces various obstacles, such as determining the appropriate location to be a tourist destination. This study intends to see the suitability of the tourism area, especially snorkeling and diving in Nusalaut Island. Sampling was carried out in 2014 and 2015 in 6 different locations. Retrieval of coral data using the Line Intercept Transect method and analyzed using the "Life Form Program". Observation of reef fish was done by Underwater Visual Census and transects. Environmental parameters are taken by direct measurement in the field. Coral reefs are categorized as "Good" and "Very Good". A total of 217 types of rock corals belonging to 52 genera from 16 families occupy reef flats. Reef fish biodiversity is in a fairly good condition with a diversity index ranging from 3,046-4,089. There are at least 2,838 individual reef fishes from 25 families and 170 species. Waters' transparency ranges from 8-12 m with a current velocity between 1.6-18.5 m/s. Based on the results of the tourism suitability analysis, all research locations are categorized as "Very Appropriate" to be used as a snorkeling and diving tourist destination with a Tourism Suitability Index between 81.25-95.83%


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    Three specimens of Plectranthias retrofasciatus Fourmanoir and Randall, 1979 and one specimen of P. randalli Fourmanoir and Rivaton, 1980 were collected by first author from fish market, Bitung, North Sulawesi on June and September 2010. The specimens were deposited at LBRC-F, the reference collection of LIPI Bitung, Technical Implementation Unit for Marine Biota Conservation, Research Centre for Oceanography, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Bitung, Indonesia. Plectranthias retrofasciatus is closely related to P. megalophthalmus and P. knappi, in sharing some morphological characters as snout length and interorbital width, while P. randalli differs to other species by having a moderate deep body proportion. Initially these species known only from New Caledonia for P. retrofasciatus and Chesterfield Islands and southern Taiwan for P. randalli respectively. The two species of anthiine fishes collected from Bitung, Indonesia bringing the total number of species of this genus known in Indonesia to six


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    Tuna is the single important export fishery commodity in Indonesia, which The Banda Sea is one of the important tuna fishing ground in which it belongs to fisheries management area (FMA) 714. More recently, some areas of the Banda Sea have been preserved for tuna conservation since January 2015 because it is indicated as the spawning area. Despite the conservation area has been enacted, information on the distribution of tuna larvae as a key variable for establishing conservation area in the Banda Sea is very limited. This study aims to provide the information on the tuna larvae encompassing the spatial distribution and tuna larval development stage as an important input to establish tuna conservation area. Tuna larvae data were collected from several surveys that were done in the Banda Sea over 4 decades. Those study consisted of 21 surveys by using three types of gears to collect tuna larvae sample. Total of 143 stations have been sampled from these surveys and tuna larvae were found in 57 stations. The body length of larvae tuna was 7.36 ± 0.33 mm (mean ± SE). Overall, tuna larvae found in the Banda Sea were in the pre-flexion, flexion, and post-flexion stage. Meanwhile, tuna larvae in pre-flexion stage found in the nearshore area. We concluded this study result supported the hypothesis that tuna may spawn in the Banda Sea. Therefore, more studies on tuna larvae need to be conducted to clarify properly the Banda Sea is an important tuna conservation location