175 research outputs found

    Biomineralization of Leptothrix ochracea on the Electrode Surface

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    金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科Scedule:17-18 March 2003, Vemue: Kanazawa, Japan, Kanazawa Citymonde Hotel, Project Leader : Hayakawa, Kazuichi, Symposium Secretariat: XO kamata, Naoto, Edited by:Kamata, Naoto

    Behavior of Ionic Liquids Under Nanoconfinement Greatly Affects Actual Friction

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    Ionic liquids (ILs) are organic salts consisting of anions and cations that exist as liquids at room temperature. ILs exhibit many attractive properties such as negligible volatility, low flammability, and relatively high thermal stability. These properties can be varied in a controlled fashion through systematic changes in the molecular structure of their constituent ions. Some recent studies have aimed to use ILs as new lubricant materials. However, the behavior of ILs as lubricants on the sliding interfaces has not been elucidated. In this chapter, we describe the nano- and macrolubrication properties of some ILs with different types of anions using resonance shear measurement (RSM) and conventional ball-on-plate-type tribotests, respectively. This study reveals that the properties observed by RSM for nanoscale systems can provide important insights for the study of the friction coefficients (macrolubrication properties) obtained by tribotests

    舞踊の記述を巡って -舞踊譜と伝承-

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    Zum Beschreiben des Films : Methodologische Probleme der Filmanalyse

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    Wenn man einen Film beschreiben will, steht man vor der Schwierigkeit, audio-visuelle Gegenstände mit den Mitteln der Sprache fassen zu müssen. Auf dasselbe Problem stoßen zwar auch Musik- und Tanznotationen, aber der Film ist nicht nur selbst der Träger der Überlieferung sondern unterscheidet sich auch durch seine Wiederholbarkeit und Unveränderlichkeit von Musik und Tanz. Man kommt nicht umhin, den Film ausführlich zu beschreiben, wenn man den Film analysieren will. Dieses Problem versucht Klaus Kanzog durch eine Filmprotokollierung zu überwinden, die alle Informationen zu einer Einstellung und die Abfolge von Einstellungen in ihrem Zusammenhang übersichtlich darbietet. Kanzog betrachtet die Filmprotokollierung als den einzigen Weg zur wissenschaftlichen Filmanalyse. Im Unterschied zu Musiknoten und Tanznotationen lässt sich jedoch ein Filmprotokoll nicht dazu benutzen, um ein Werk zu reproduzieren. Wenn Theater, Musik und Tanz wiederholt ausgeführt werden, besitzt jede erneute Aufführung das Merkmal der Einmaligkeit. Das gleiche Werk wird immer wieder neuartig inszeniert, etwa wenn ein und dasselbe Theaterstück von verschiedenen Schauspielern dargestellt wird. Dahingegen ist die Vorführung eines Films zwar auch wiederholbar, aber dabei unveränderlich, denn er lässt sich nicht von den Körpern der Schauspieler trennen, die im Film festgehalten werden. Eine Tanznotation zum Beispiel beschreibt das Geschehen auf der Bühne, indem sie die Bewegung ― sofern der Tanz auf Bewegung reduziert werden kann ― losgelöst vom Tänzer betrachtet. Der Film hingegen ist lediglich eine auf Kunststoff festgehaltene Widerspiegelung des Geschehens, weshalb keine "Darstellung" aus dem Film herausgenommen und von anderen Schauspielern wiedergegeben werden kann. Wenn ein und dasselbe Drehbuch von anderen Schauspielern dargestellt wird, so ist doch der Film nicht derselbe Film, sondern allenfalls ein Remake, und mit diesem Charakter nähert sich der Film dem Gemälde. Das Filmprotokoll stößt also in vielerlei Hinsicht an seine Grenzen. Nach Raymond Bellour ist das bewegte Bild mit dem geschriebenen Text unzitierbar. Jean-Luc Godard versucht mit seinem Film "Histoire(s) du cinéma" dieses Problem aufzulösen, indem er in seinem Werk Filmgeschichten erzählt und dabei selbst zahlreiche vergangene Filme zitiert. Sobald man aber auf diesen Film von Godard zu sprechen kommt, steht man wieder vor der Aporie, die Beschreibung des Films in Worte kleiden zu müssen. Mit einer gewissen Verzweiflung versucht die Filmanalyse in diesem Sinne einen Gegenstand zu fassen, der ihr immerzu entflieht

    Efeito do uso de leite fortificado com ferro e vitamina C sobre os níveis de hemoglobina e condição nutricional de crianças menores de 2 anos

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    The impact of the use of fortified powdered whole milk (9 mg of iron and 65 mg of vitamin C/100 g of milk) on the hemoglobin levels of children under 2 years of age was evaluated, over a period of 6 months, in 107 children enrolled in municipal Day Care Centers (DCC) and in 228 seen at a Basic Health Care Unit (BHCU). Before the beginning of the intervention 66.4% of the children in the DCC and 72.8% of those seen at the BHCU had hemoglobin levels ender 11.0 g/dl. After 6 months of fortified milk intake, these percentages fell to 20.6% and 18.0% respectively. the average hemoglobin before the intervention was 10.3 g/dl in the DCC and 10.5 in the BHCU. After 6 months these increased to 11.6 g/dl in the populations studied. Concerning the nutritional condition, evaluated according to Gomez's criteria, 57% of the DCC children presented an improvement, 41.1% showed changens and only 1.9% became worse. in the BHCU, 11.4% presented better condition, 70.6% remained the same and 18% worsened, which demonstrated differences in response regarding improvement of nutritional condition, when fortified milk was used in closed and open environments. the authors conclude that the utilization of enriched foods is an excellent alternative in the treatment of iron deficiency in populations of children under 2 years of age.Universidade Federal de São Paulo,DEPT PREVENT MED,São Paulo,BRAZILFAC MED BOTUCATU,DEPT PEDIAT,BOTUCATU,BRAZILUniversidade Federal de São Paulo,DEPT PREVENT MED,São Paulo,BRAZILWeb of Scienc

    Offenbarung und uberlagertes Erzaehlen bei E.T.A. Hoffman

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    Im vorliegenden Beitrag handelt es sich um dell Erztihlungstyp von E.T.A. Hoffmann, in dem die Figuren wunderbar-phantastische Begebenheiten erzahlen oder Geheimnisse offenbaren. Es werdeh also Erztihlungen in die Erzahlungen eingesetzt. Anstelle von Figuren k6nnen auch andere Erzahler die Binnengeschichte erztihlen.、”  βei den Binnengeschichten entsteht eine Schichtung der Zeiten, weil die Figuren Sich an die Vergangenheit erinnern und sie vergegenwartigen.. Der Leser muB von der Gegenwart der Erzahlung in die Vergangenheit, vo且der Vergangenheit in die Gegenwart hin und hbr gehen. In diesem Erzahltyp bauen die Erz…ihlebenen und die Handlung ganzer Erz議hlung verflechtend einen Erzahlkomplex auf.   Ich m6chte mich damit beschaftigen, wie der Leser der Entfaltung der Erzahlung folgt und die Struktur Ubersieht.   Die Erzahlung“Ignaz Denner”wird,.z.B. vom auktorialen Erzahler erzahlt. Wahrend die Figuren in der Erzahlung eingesperrt werden, ・kann der・auktoriale Erzahler von・der・Erzahlung eine beliebige Distanz wahren. Der auktoriale Erztihler kann daher von auBen die 怠anze Erzahlung tibefsehen und auch seine Perspektive auf die der Figuren legen,   Im Gegensatz dazu ist“Das Majorat”eine Ich-Erztihlung. Das ¢rzahlende “1ch” ist kein auktorialer Erzahler,’sohdern die Figur, Theodor, der in der Erztihlung die Ereignisse erlebt. In seiner Geschichte erztihlt $ein GroBonke1 V. die Erzahlung um das Majorat der Familie R. Intefessanterweise erz註hlt GroBonkel V. selbst in seiner Erzahlung, d.h. sieht man hier einen doppelten erztihlerischen Selbsteinsatz.   Die Schachte1-Struktur ist im“Unheimlichen Gast”-eine der Binnengeschichten  in den‘‘Serapions-BrUdern”-am rathniertesten. In dieser Erzahlung hat Hoffmann im voraus vier Erzahlebenen aufgebaut  und in einem Zug diese Schachtel-Struktur durchbrochen.   In der geschachtelten Erzahlung werden die Ereignisse r廿cklaufig erzahlt. Diese Neigung entspricht der De丘nition des Detektivromans, die R. Alewyn durch“Das Fraulein Scuderi”als Beispiel erltiutert hat.   Auf diese Weise fokussiert Ho任mann das Interesse des Lesers auf die L6sung des Ratsels, so daB sich der Effekt der Uberraschung  ロ リerh6ht. Die Uberlagerung des Erztihlens, die sich in“NachtstUckel1” schon丘ndet, wird in dem spateren gerahmten Erztihlzyklus“Die Serapions-BrUder”weiterentwickelt’

    Neuropsicologia e desnutrição: um estudo com crianças de 7 a 10 anos de idade, em uma comunidade carente

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    OBJECTIVES: to compare the neuropsychological profile of eutrophic, stunted and chronically malnourished children, and to analyse the role of socio-economic factors on the cognitive development. METHODS: seven to 10 year-old girls and boys from a poor community in São Paulo were evaluated: 27 eutrophyc, 31 stunted and 15 chronically malnourished. Neuropsychological evaluation involved cognitive functions not fully assessed in this population, such as working, declarative and non-declarative memories, attention and executive functions. Socio-economic indicators, maternal mental health and the children's behaviour at school were also evaluated. RESULTS: malnourished children had a lower score on the vocabulary test than the eutrophic and stunted groups (p s<0.05), performed worse in the visuospatial working memory task (p = 0.01), were more anxious than the stunted (p = 0.006), and despite having lower average birth weight than eutrophic children (p = 0.01), only two children as had prenatal malnutrition. Stunted children exhibited no impairment. No differences in socio-economic variables were found among groups. CONCLUSIONS: chronic malnutrition was associated to impairment of expressive speech, visual-spatial short-term memory and increased anxiety. No effects were observed in intellectual abilities, executive functions, verbal working memory, long-term memory, nor in visuoconstructive function. Preservation of the latter cognitive functions can be attributed to adequate environmental conditions and the lack of overall prenatal malnutrition.OBJETIVOS: comparar o perfil neuropsicológico de crianças eutróficas, desnutridas pregressas e crônicas, em idade escolar, e analisar o papel de fatores, socioeconômicas, no seu desenvolvimento cognitivo. MÉTODOS: foram avaliadas crianças de ambos os sexos, 27 eutróficas, 31 desnutridas pregressas e 15 desnutridas crônicas, de 7 a 10 anos de idade, de uma comunidade carente da cidade de São Paulo. A avaliação incluiu funções cognitivas pouco investigadas nessa população; memória operacional, memória declarativa e não-declarativa, atenção e funções executivas. Foram analisados também condições socioeconômicas, saúde mental materna e comportamento na escola. RESULTADOS: as crianças desnutridas crônicas tiveram pior desempenho do que as eutróficas no teste de vocabulário (p s < 0,05) e no teste de memória operacional vísuo-espacial (p = 0,01), mostraram-se mais ansiosas (p = 0,006), somente dois indivíduos tinham desnutrição pré-natal. As crianças desnutridas pregressas não mostraram prejuízos. Nas variáveis socioeconômicas não houve diferenças. CONCLUSÕES: a desnutrição crônica foi relacionada a prejuízo de linguagem expressiva, memória operacional vísuo-espacial e maior ansiedade. Não houve prejuízo de nível intelectual, funções executivas, memória de longo prazo e função vísuo-construtiva. A preservação da maioria das funções cognitivas pode ser atribuída à ausência de desnutrição intra-uterina, e/ou ao fato de que, as crianças vivem em adequado ambiente socio-econômico.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de PsicobiologiaUNIFESP, Depto. de PsicobiologiaSciEL

    Finding abnormal events during the Iraq War monitored at Japan 8000km away from Iraq

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    Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, Kanazawa UniversityGraduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa UniversityMeteorological Research Institute JST Cooperative System for Supporting Priority ResearchMeteorological Research Institute JST Cooperative System for Supporting Priority ResearchGraduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa UniversityGraduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa UniversityGraduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa UniversityUnusual strong acidic rain recorded during the Iraq War in Japan Sea side 8000km away from Iraq. In order to monitor the seasonal change of pH, the rainwater was collected during the period from March 24th to September 24th, 2003 at Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. For comparison, the rainwater at Wakayama (the Pacific Ocean side) was collected, during the period from March 24th to April 30th, 2003. The pH, Eh, EC, and DO of the rainwater were measured in laboratory periodically. Filtered rain dusts were investigated by scanning electron microscope equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (SEM-EDX), electron probe micro analyzer (EPMA), transmission electron microscope (TEM), energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (ED-XRF), and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analyses. In this study, the fluctuation of pH values and electrical conductivity (EC) of rainwater during this half-year period were measured to find abnormal events, such as the Iraq War effects. Since March 21st, 2003, Iraq plunged into the war. The more than 30 oil field fires in Rumaylah, Basrah, Mosul, and other oil fields near the borderline of Kuwait and Iran were reported in March and in April, 2003 in Japan. The first precipitation during the Iraq War was caught on March 24th, 2003. In the period from March 24th to April 5th, the notable low pH value of 3.4-4.4 and high EC value of 20-360ƒハS/cm were detected in Kanazawa. The acidic rain associated with WNW wind (2.7-4.1m/s) has continued to the first 10 days of April in Kanazawa, during the 9 oil fields were burning in Rumaylah, Iraq. In the same time, the upper current of air maps confirmed that the 5520-5700m lines cross over and spread on both Iraq and Japanese Honshu Island. It is considered that westerly wind crossed over both Iraq and Japan. The high EC values from March 24th to April 5th, 2003, suggest that high concentrations of water-soluble carbon particles and soot contained in the rainwater. In addition, the black powdery dusts were detected from the strong acidic rainwater on April 1st. The powdery dusts and carbon-bearing particles contained in the rainwater have characteristics different from that of the Asian aerosol particles (Kosa). The results suggest that both powdery dusts and carbon-bearing particles of rainwater have been produced by combustion of oil field in Iraq. Simulation data support the directly cycling by westerly wind indicating the influence of the Iraq War. Possible evidences provided in this paper, such as strong acidic rain and high EC values with nm-sized carbon soot at lapan Sea side, was the influence of the Iraq War. It was suggested that local events affect the global atmospheric environments. Smoke from oil field fires around Baghdad and other wartime pollution could create long-term health hazards

    Activated Microglia Disrupt the Blood-Brain Barrier and Induce Chemokines and Cytokines in a Rat in vitro Model

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    Severe neuroinflammation is associated with blood brain barrier (BBB) disruption in CNS diseases. Although microglial activation and the subsequent changes in cytokine/chemokine (C/C) concentrations are thought to be key steps in the development of neuroinflammation, little data are available concerning the interaction of microglia with BBB cells. In this study, we investigated this interaction by adding LPS-activated microglia (LPS-MG) to the abluminal side of a BBB model composed of endothelial cells (EC), pericytes (Peri) and astrocytes (Ast). We then examined the abluminal concentrations of 27 C/Cs and the interactions between the LPS-MG and BBB cells. LPS-MG caused collapse of the BBB, revealed by decreases in the trans-endothelial electrical resistance (TEER) and by changes in the expression levels of tight junction (TJ) proteins. Under these conditions, 19 C/Cs were markedly increased on the abluminal side. Unexpectedly, although LPS-MG alone released 10 of the 19 C/Cs, their concentrations were much lower than those detected on the abluminal side of the BBB model supplemented with LPS-MG. Co-culture of LPS-MG with Ast caused marked increases in 12 of the 19 C/Cs, while co-culture of LPS-MG with EC and Peri resulted in a significant increase in only 1 of the 19 C/Cs (fractalkine). These results suggest that C/C dynamics in this system are not only caused by activated microglia but also are due to the interaction between activated microglia and astrocytes


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    金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科 環境科学Royal Netherland Institute for Sea research (NIOZ)Editor : Tazaki, Kazue, Cover:Scanning electoron microscopic photograph of Gallionella sp. in biomats of Aso caldera, Kyusyu, Japan. Various shapes of Gallonella sp. are shown (image:Moriichi, Shingo).COE, 金沢大学 水・土壌環境領域シンポジウム「地球環境における微生物の役割」, 日時:2002年12月4日(水)13:00~, 場所:金沢大学理学部3階第一実験