144 research outputs found

    Strong spin-orbit coupling inducing Autler-Townes effect in lead halide perovskite nanocrystals

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    ペロブスカイトナノ粒子において近赤外光による大きな超高速光変調を室温で実現 --光通信帯における新たな超高速光スイッチング技術の開発に期待--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-05-24.Manipulation of excitons via coherent light-matter interaction is a promising approach for quantum state engineering and ultrafast optical modulation. Various excitation pathways in the excitonic multilevel systems provide controllability more efficient than that in the two-level system. However, these control schemes have been restricted to limited control-light wavelengths and cryogenic temperatures. Here, we report that lead halide perovskites can lift these restrictions owing to their multiband structure induced by strong spin-orbit coupling. Using CsPbBr₃ perovskite nanocrystals, we observe an anomalous enhancement of the exciton energy shift at room temperature with increasing control-light wavelength from the visible to near-infrared region. The enhancement occurs because the interconduction band transitions between spin-orbit split states have large dipole moments and induce a crossover from the two-level optical Stark effect to the three-level Autler-Townes effect. Our finding establishes a basis for efficient coherent optical manipulation of excitons utilizing energy states with large spin-orbit splitting

    MMSE Analysis for Generated Robot Motion Language with ALBERT

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    The 11th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines. Kobe University, Japan. 2023-06-06/09. Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines Organizing Committee.Poster Session P2

    Development of the Apparatus for High-Speed Decomposition of Sewage Sludge

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    We investigated the development of the apparatus for high-speed decomposition of sewage sludge. The decomposition mechanism was based on thermophilic oxic process of microorganism. Effect of additional stuff on the stable operation of the apparatus was examined by use of 6 kinds of carrier stuffs. Wood chips as an additional stuff into sewage sludge made the apparatus possible to operate stably and continuously. Decomposition of sewage sludge was carried out efficiency when the weight ratio of sewage sludge to wood chips was less than 10%. The influence of rice bran on the decomposition rate has been studied. The temperature in reaction tank rose with the addition of the rice bran. The decomposition rate of sewage sludge increased with a rise in the temperature. It was clarified that the rice bran was added to the sewage sludge to accelerate the decomposition. It is clear from the measurement of carbon dioxide concentration in exhaust that the decomposition reaction reached in the maximum about 12 hours after the beginning of reaction. The CO, evolution rate increased with a rise in the temperature. Total amount of carbon discharge in the exaust agreeded with the decrease of sewage sludge

    Direct Observation of Radical States and the Correlation with Performance Degradation in Organic Light-Emitting Diodes During Device Operation

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    Microscopic characterization of radical states in organic light‐emitting diodes (OLEDs) during device operation is useful for elucidating the degradation mechanism because the radical formation has been considered as non‐radiative recombination centers. Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy is suitable for such characterization because it can directly observe radicals in OLEDs. In this work, the detailed ESR investigation into the radical states in OLEDs during device operation is firstly reported using a typical light‐emitting Alq3‐based OLEDs. The simultaneous measurements of the ESR signal and the luminance of the same OLED are performed to study the direct correlation between the radical states and the performance degradation. These characteristics show that the luminance monotonically decreases and an ESR signal concomitantly increases as the duration of the device operation increases after operating the OLED. Using the analysis of density functional theory (DFT) calculation, the origin of the newly emerged ESR signal is ascribed to the cationic species due to decomposed Alq3 molecules. The elucidation of the radical species formed in OLEDs during device operation has been demonstrated at a molecular level for the first time. This ESR analysis would provide useful knowledge for understanding the degradation mechanism in the OLEDs at the molecular level

    Interference effects in high-order harmonics from colloidal perovskite nanocrystals excited by an elliptically polarized laser

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    Halide perovskite nanocrystals are suitable materials for photonic devices because their highly efficient luminescence can be tuned over a wide wavelength range by changing the nanocrystal composition and size. Here, we report on the high-order harmonic generation in a solution-processed perovskite CsPbBr₃ nanocrystal film that is excited by a strong midinfrared laser. We observe harmonics up to the 13th order, which is ultraviolet light well above the band-gap energy. By using elliptically polarized laser light, we analyze the influence of the sample structure on the intensity of the 5th harmonic. It is also found that the randomness in the orientation of the nanocrystals in the film induces a reduction in the harmonic intensities due to the interference among the harmonics emitted from nanocrystals with different phases. Our observation of high-order harmonics from nanocrystal films opens a way towards the development of an intensity modulator that can be tuned simply by changing the excitation ellipticity


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    Objectives: Pravastatin sodium is reported to have multiple beneficial effects in cerebral atherosclerosis and neuronal injury; however, the preventive effects on cerebral venous ischemia are still unknown. Herein, we aimed to examine the neuroprotective effects of transoral prior administration of pravastatin sodium against cerebral cortical venous ischemia with suppression of apoptosis. Methods: Thirty 8-week-old male Wistar rats were divided equally into two study groups (n = 15 vs. n = 15); the pravastatin group was fed 1% pravastatin sodium with their usual diet for 2 weeks, while the control group only received the usual diet. Two-vein occlusion (2VO) model was applied for this study, and two adjacent cortical veins in each animal were permanently occluded photochemically with rose bengal dye. During photothrombosis, regional changes of the cerebral blood flow (CBF) in area of the venous ischemia were recorded. At 48-h after 2VO, animals were euthanized using perfusion fixation, and we histologically measured ratios of infarcted area to contralateral hemisphere, and counted Bax- and Bcl-2-positive cells in the penumbra to investigate the implications for apoptosis. Results: The ratio of infarcted area was significantly decreased in the pravastatin group compared to the control group (P < 0.01). The number of Bax-positive cells also decreased significantly in the pravastatin group (P < 0.01). In contrast, immunolabeling for Bcl-2 was essentially negative in all areas in both groups. There were also no significant differences in regional CBF changes after 2VO between the two groups (P = 0.13). Conclusions: Pre-emptive administration of pravastatin sodium mixed in the food has neuroprotective effects against cerebral cortical venous ischemia with suppression of apoptosis associated with inhibition of Bax expression but has little influence on regional CBF.権利情報:© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of International Brain Research Organization. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    Associations of HIV testing and late diagnosis at a Japanese university hospital

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    OBJECTIVES: This study was conducted to clarify the rate of late diagnosis of HIV infection and to identify relationships between the reasons for HIV testing and a late diagnosis. METHODS: This retrospective cohort study was conducted among HIV-positive patients at the Jikei University Hospital between 2001 and 2014. Patient characteristics from medical records, including age, sex, sexuality, the reason for HIV testing and the number of CD4-positive lymphocytes at HIV diagnosis, were assessed. RESULTS: A total of 459 patients (men, n=437; 95.2%) were included in this study and the median age at HIV diagnosis was 36 years (range, 18-71 years). Late (CD4 cell coun

    Generation of third-harmonic spin oscillation from strong spin precession induced by terahertz magnetic near fields

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    The ability to drive a spin system to state far from the equilibrium is indispensable for investigating spin structures of antiferromagnets and their functional nonlinearities for spintronics. While optical methods have been considered for spin excitation, terahertz (THz) pulses appear to be a more convenient means of direct spin excitation without requiring coupling between spins and orbitals or phonons. However, room-temperature responses are usually limited to small deviations from the equilibrium state because of the relatively weak THz magnetic fields in common approaches. Here, we studied the magnetization dynamics in a HoFeO3 crystal at room temperature. A custom-made spiral-shaped microstructure was used to locally generate a strong multicycle THz magnetic near field perpendicular to the crystal surface; the maximum magnetic field amplitude of about 2 T was achieved. The observed time-resolved change in the Faraday ellipticity clearly showed second- and third-order harmonics of the magnetization oscillation and an asymmetric oscillation behaviour. Not only the ferromagnetic vector M but also the antiferromagnetic vector L plays an important role in the nonlinear dynamics of spin systems far from equilibrium