553 research outputs found

    Pengembangan SDM Indonesia Unggul Menghadapi Masyarakat Kompetitif Era Globalisasi

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    Keberadaan dunia saat ini penuh dengan keterbukaan, dunia seolah menyatu atau dikenal dengan sebutan globalisasi. Globalisasi dimaknai oleh sebagian besar orang seolah-olah tidak ada lagi batas-batas tembok pemisah antara satu negara dengan negara lainnya, baik dalam bidang ekonomi, poltik, sosial maupun budaya. Walaupun masing-masing bangsa memiliki karakter-karakter bangsanya, namun dengan keterbukaan yang ada semuanya menjadi saling membaur. Sebagai konsekuensi dari era globalisasi, adalah tingginya tingkat persaingan dan tantangan yang ditimbulkannya. Suka atau tidak suka, ini merupakan suatu realitas yang harus dihadapi setiap warga bangsa. Pertanyaan mendasar dari realitas ini adalah sanggupkah dan siapkah manusia dikondisikan sebagai sumber daya transformasi sosial atau sumber daya yang diantisipasi sebagai pelaku pembangunan ? Salah satu upaya mengantisipasinya adalah dengan menciptakan berbagai sumber daya manusia unggul yang memiliki kemampuan berbuat sesuatu bagi bangsanya. Terdapat dua macam manusia unggul, yaitu 1) keunggulan individualistik yang dianggap sebagai cerminan sikap rakus manusia karena keunggulannya digunakan untuk dirinya dan kepuasan pribadinya sehingga diasumsikan tidak tepat diterapkan dalam era globalisasi, dan 2) keunggulan partisipatoris yang mengembangkan prinsip-prinsip persaingan sehat untuk mencari cara, proses dan hasil terbaik

    Virtual exchange: towards digital equity in internationalisation

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    Adapting and Extending Multimodal (Inter)action Analysis to investigate synchronous multimodal online language teaching

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    Multimodal (inter)action analysis offers a powerful and robust methodology for the study of action and interaction between social actors, their environment, and the objects and tools within. Yet its implementation in the analysis of synchronous multimodal online data sets, e.g. (inter)actions via videoconferencing, is limited. Drawing on our research in understanding teacher-learner (inter)actions in instruction-giving fragments in synchronous multimodal online language lessons, we describe and illustrate the ways in which we adapted and extended some of the methodological and analytical tools. These include (1) the use of a grounded theory approach in delineating and identifying higher-level actions, (2) the embodiment and disembodiment of frozen actions, (3) electronic print mode, (4) semiotic lag, (5) semiotic (mis)alignment, (6) modal density (mis)alignment, and (7) how modal density can be achieved by brisk modal shifts in addition to through modal intensity and complexity. We conclude by a call for further educational research in online teaching platforms using the framework to have richer understandings of the (inter)actions between social actors with particular roles and identities (teachers-learners), their environment, and the objects and tools within, which bring their “own material properties, feel and techniques of use, affordances and limitations” (Chun, Kern, & Smith 2016: 65)

    BER performance study for optical OFDM of optical camera communication

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    In this article, different forms of optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) were observed which were suitable for optical camera communication (OCC) systems. This research aims to establish the bit error rate (BER) versus signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the OCC system. This research will focus on OCC systems and the design that produces the noise of the clipping but will gain SNR as a whole if an optimum clipping factor is chosen. The BER versus SNR analysis was investigated for the different clipping factors 0.7, 1.4, and 2.6. The BER performance of the asymmetrically clipped optical OFDM (ACO-OFDM) was also compared with the direct current optical OFDM (DCO-OFDM) to show the suitable effectiveness of the proposed approach. ACO-OFDM was considered to be better due to lower bit loading, but DCO-OFDM was efficient for higher SNR values. This was because the DC bias used was inefficient in terms of optical capacity, while ACO-OFDM used only half of the subcarriers to transmit the information. Moreover, ACO-OFDM two-dimensional half-subcarriers of mapping rule would introduce the clipping noise to its unused 2D subcarriers, although further data can be provided by the 2D DCO-OFDM mapping rule


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    Ulanta Village is an area in the middle of the city and most (81.84%) of the village area has been designated as a provincial strategic area in the 2014-2034 Bone Bolango Regency Regional Spatial Plan, namely Agropolitan Areas and Integrated Industrial Areas as a form of support for life community economy in Bone Bolango Regency. As for the Identification and Formulation of the Problem (1) Analyze community perceptions regarding the spatial pattern of the area in Ulanta Village, Suwawa District, Bone Bolango Regency, (2) Evaluate the suitability of the implementation of the spatial pattern for the Ulanta Village area with the RTRW of Bone Bolango Regency. (3) Making recommendations based on the results of an evaluation of spatial planning patterns in the Suwawa sub-district in Bone Bolango Regency. The target group in this science and technology implementation activity is the community, especially village government apparatus and youth youth organizations in Ulanta Village, Suwawa District, totaling 20 people. This activity takes the form of village spatial planning training by using village government officials and youth youth organizations in Ulanta Village, Suwawa District, which are very vulnerable to various land conversion problems.This training is an alternative solution to tackling environmental degradation and provides added value in increasing skills, insight and knowledge about the use of the environment to make it a comfortable and beautiful environment for the community. Keywords: Arrangement, spatial pattern, village, environmen

    Thermal properties of Malaysian cohesive soils

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    The thermal properties of soils surrounding energy piles are required for the efficient and optimal design of shallow geothermal energy pile systems. In this study, the thermal conductivity, thermal resistivity and volumetric specific heat of two types of Malaysian cohesive soil were obtained through a series of laboratory experiments using a thermal needle probe. This study was conducted to determine the effect of moisture content on the thermal conductivity, thermal resistivity and volumetric specific heat values of the cohesive soil at a given value of soil density. For soils with low to medium moisture content, a linear increase in the thermal conductivity and volumetric heat capacity was observed as the moisture content gradually increased, while the thermal resistivity values of the soil had decreased. Meanwhile, for soils with high moisture content, the thermal conductivity was observed to have decreased, and a marked increase was seen in the thermal resistivity. This is due to the disruption of the thermal flow continuity in the soil matrix with the presence of moisture in the soil which adversely affects the thermal conductivity

    A mediating effect on erp km model for the performance of oil and gas sector in klang valley: A preliminary study

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    The development of information technology and the internet has created a borderless business environment and increased market competition. Driving globalization trends, information technology facilitates the organization in the aspect of the decision-making process, increasing productivity with cost-effective and fast delivery to meet customer needs. This article presents a conceptual study of ERP KM model and proposes a direction for further investigation. In this study, a literature review on Incentive as mediating effects in ERP KM model against operational and financial performance was analyzed. In order to achieve this target, to maintain the competitive advantage, oil and gas industry players implement Knowledge Management (KM) on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. However, most studies focus only on the implementation and improvement of the ERP process flows as compared to KM concepts. This paper covers literary studies related to KM and ERP as well as merging these two concepts to form the appropriate ERP KM model for the oil and gas sector in Klang Valley, Malaysia. The new model of ERP KM Rizam 2019 introduced in this study will be tested for its effectiveness in the oil and gas sector especially in the Klang Valley. It was found that the mediating effect ‘Incentives’ in addition to KM is expected to have a positive relationship on operational and financial performance compared to the direct influences of ERP usage on performance. © 2019, World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering. All rights reserved

    Experimental Shear Behavior of Fiber Reinforced Composite Corrugated Plate Girders at Intermediate Supports

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    Bridges with corrugated steel webs have been extensivelyconstructed in different countries. A trapezoidally corrugatedsteel plate is composed of a series of longitudinal andinclined subpanels. For a steel corrugated web girder, it isassumed that the web carries merely shear forces due to theaccordion effect [1,2]. The web in such a girder was found tocarry insignificant longitudinal stresses from the primaryflexure. Consequently, the bending moment is nearly carriedby its flanges. Thus, it is worth pointing out that the shearstrength can be determined without consideration ofmoment-shear interaction. But it was found that problem inan area where intermediate supports that shear forces arecompletely carried by web, and found that the value of theshear resistance, which is a concrete slab by almost beneglected. In recent years has been the study of differenttypes of materials to increase the efficiency of concrete andincrease the shear forces at the intermediate supports. Thusin this research, the effect of adding fiber to the concrete incomposite corrugated plate girders at intermediate supportswas investigated

    Concurrent Acquisition of a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in Diverse Influenza H5N1 Clade 2.2 Sub-clades

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    Highly pathogenic Influenza A H5N1 was first identified in Guangdong Province in 1996, followed by human cases in Hong Kong in 1997 1,2. The number of confirmed human cases now exceeds 300 and the associated Case Fatality Rate exceeds 60% 3. The genetic diversity of the serotype continues to increase. Four distinct clades or sub-clades have been linked to human cases 4-7. The gradual genetic changes identified in the sub-clades have been attributed to copy errors by viral encoded polymerases that lack an editing function, thereby resulting in antigenic drift 8. We report here the concurrent acquisition of the same polymorphism by multiple, genetically distinct, clade 2.2 sub-clades in Egypt, Russia, Kuwait, and Ghana. These changes are not easily explained by the current theory of “random mutation” through copy error, and are more easily explained by recombination with a common source. The recombination role is further supported by the high fidelity replication in swine influenza 9 and aggregation of single nucleotide polymorphisms in H5N1 clade 2.2 hemagglutinin 10