74 research outputs found

    Centralized workflow process for multilanguage subtitling of live events

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    Descripción de una plataforma de servicios basados en cloud para la generación de subtítulos y su traducción a diversas lenguas y tecnologías como Broadcast TV o WebTV para sordos

    Pathological mandibular fracture: a severe complication of periimplantitis

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    Nowadays, dental implant treatment is a very common option for patients even in medical compromised conditions. Some complications related to them have been described. Periimplantitis (PI) is one of the biggest concerns of these kind of treatments, probably has a multifactorial aethiology. Usually the consequences of PI are the loss of the implants and prostheses, expenses of money and time for dentists and patients. Very often PI implies the necesity of repeating the treatment . Pathological mandibular fracture due to PI is a severe but infrequent complication after dental implant treatment, especially after PI. In this study we present three cases of mandibular pathologic fractures among patients with different medical and dental records but similar management: two of them had been treated years ago of oral squamous cell carcinoma with surgery and radiotherapy, the other patient received oral bisphosphonates for osteoporosis some years after implantation. We analized the causes, consequences and posible prevention of these fractures as well as the special features of this kind of mandibular fractures and the different existing treatments

    Adsorció de l'herbicida Paraquat en Alginat de Calci

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    La sostenibilitat de l’ús de l’aigua esta lligada de forma fonamental al seu ús en l’agricultura. L’activitat agrària afecta directament la qualitat de les aigües. Els residus de fertilitzants i de productes fitosanitaris, entre ells els herbicides, constitueixen una font de contaminació del sòl, els quals a través de processos d’escorrentia i infiltració alteren la qualitat de diferents masses d’aigua. La detecció de residus d’herbicides i els seus metabòlits en les aigües dels rius i el mar fa que la eliminació d’aquets productes orgànics, molts d’ells tòxics, s’hagi convertit en un dels problemes mediambientals més importants. Per tal de intentar solucionar aquest problema s’han realitzat nombrosos estudis sobre la eliminació d’aquests compostos mitjançant diferents processos, essent uns del més utilitzats el procés d’adsorció. En les últimes dècades, la utilització de biopolímers com adsorbents per la eliminació de compostos orgànics de les aigües residuals ha demostrat ser eficaç [1]. En aquest treball es presenta l’estudi sobre l’adsorció de l’herbicida paraquat en l’alginat de calci, així com l’efecte de la presencia del colorant reactive black 5 (RB5) sobre l’adsorció del paraquat. Hem de tenir en compte que les formulacions comercials contenen a més del propi herbicida altres substancies com els colorants que eviten la confusió amb altres tipus de begudes. El paraquat és altament tòxic i pel fet de estar carregat positivament s’uneix fortament a les argiles del sòl, al humus i altres compostos orgànics que poden estar presents en el sòl, però no s’adsorbeix en terres sorrenques amb baix contingut de matèria orgànica. En aquest últim cas el paraquat pot esser alliberat passant a les aigües circumdants al terreny on s’ha aplicat, per escorrentia o infiltració [2]. Les variables que s’han tingut en compte en l’estudi de la capacitat d’adsorció del paraquat en alginat de calci són: el pH, la concentració inicial de paraquat; la velocitat d’agitació; massa d’adsorbent i la concentració de colorant present en la dissolució. Els resultats obtinguts ens han demostrat que l’alginat de calci és eficaç en l’eliminació del paraquat de les dissolucions aquoses. L’adsorció del paraquat es veu influenciada per el pH. Al augmentar el pH augmenta la capacitat d’adsorció del paraquat. La presència de colorant disminueix l’adsorció del paraquat, conservant-se una reducció del 20 i 24% quan s’addicionen 50 i 100 mg/L, respectivament. En aquest estudi també s’ha realitzat un tractament estadístic dels resultats experimentals, aplicant la tècnica de mínims quadrats parcials (PLS; Partial Least Square) [3-5]. La regressió per mínims quadrats parcials (PLS, Partial Least Squares) fa ser introduïda per Herman Wold (1975) per a ser aplicada a ciències econòmiques i socials, tot i que desprès ha estat aplicada a moltes altres branques científiques. La metodologia PLS generalitza i combina característiques de l’Anàlisi de Components Principals (PCA) i l’Anàlisi de Regressió Múltiple. L’anàlisi PLS és utilitzat quan volem correlacionar un elevat nombre de descriptors (variables independents), amb un determinat nombre de variables dependents. Els càlculs s’han realitzat amb el programa SIMPCA-P [6], fent possible la valoració de la capacitat d’adsorció, la predicció toxicològica i l’impacta ambiental en processos similars.Peer Reviewe

    Cavernous sinus metastasis from oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma

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    Metastasis to the cavernous sinus from head and neck cancer is uncommon and has been previously reported by a few authors. It is usually a late manifestation of the primary tumor and may be the first evidence of a widespread dissemination of the disease. Main clinical findings are those related with involvement of cranial nerves III to VI as they pass through the cavernous sinus. Although diagnosis may be difficult, the appearance of clinical and radiological findings of cavernous sinus involvement in a context of head and neck cancer must alert us about an intracranial metastatic infiltration. In most cases treatment is palliative with radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy. The prognosis of this entity is poor, with survival of a few months. We present the case of cavernous sinus metastasis from oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma and review the literature about the clinical presentation and management of this rare entity

    Solitary cystic lymph neck node metastasis of occult thyroid papillary carcinoma

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    The appearance of a solitary lateral cervical cystic mass as the only initial presenting symptom of occult thyroid carcinoma is uncommon. Its presence is often misdiagnosed due to the more frequent branchial cyst in young people. Although oronasopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma has been reported as the main cause of lymph neck node metastasis, thyroid papillary carcinoma may be responsible for solitary cervical cystic masses as the initial manifestation of the disease. This situation has been rarely reported, although solid masses are much more frequent. In most of these cases all such lesions may initially be considered as metastatic foci from a primary thyroid lesion. However, an alternative explanation by means of which ectopic thyroid tissue is associated with a branchial cyst has to be considered, especially if no primary tumour is observed in the histological examination of the thyroid gland. We present a rare case of solitary cystic lymph node metastasis of occult papillary carcinoma of the thyroid. We also discuss possible ethiology for thyroid papillary carcinoma in lateral neck cysts

    On the impact of initial conditions in the forecast of Hurricane Leslie extratropical transition

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    Hurricane Leslie (2018) was a non-tropical system that lasted for a long time undergoing several transitions between tropical and extratropical states. Its trajectory was highly uncertain and difficult to predict. Here the extratropical transition of Leslie is simulated using the Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS) with two different sets of initial conditions (IC): the operational analysis of the Integrate Forecast System (IFS) and the Global Forecast System (GFS).This work was partially supported by the research project PID2019-105306RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and the two ECMWF Special Projects (SPESMART and SPESVALE)

    Mandibular odontogenic myxoma : reconstructive considerations by means of the vascularized fibular free flap

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    The odontogenic myxoma is a rare entity located in mandible and upper maxilla. Due to its local aggressiveness, wide surgical excision is mandatory. Several surgical techniques have been described for the reconstruction of segmental mandibular defects. In comparison with other free flaps, the vascularized free fibular flap (VFFF) supports the longest amount of bone and, due to the nature of the vascular supply a complete freedom in location of the osteotomy is present. A precise mandibular arc can be performed following bone resection. We suggest the performance of the ?in situ? VFFF technique in order to recreate mandibular contour by means of several osteotomies, while the pedicle is still attached to the leg. Substantial decrease in surgical time is obtained. With the ?double-barrel? technique and subsequent osseointegrated implants, good results are obtained in the reconstruction of dentate patients without maxillary atrophy. We present two new cases of large odontogenic mandibular myxoma. Wide surgical excision by means of hemimandibulectomies and subsequent reconstruction with VFFF were performed

    Endoscopically-assisted transoral approach for the treatment of subcondylar fractures of the mandible

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    Introduction: Treatment of subcondylar fractures of the mandible is one of the most controversial aspects in the field of maxillofacial traumatology. This controversy centers on the positive and negative aspects of open and closed approaches for the treatment of this kind of fractures. Open techniques lead to good reduction and osteosynthesis, but have a high risk of injury to the facial nerve and produce facial scars. Closed techniques (intermaxillary fixation) reduce all the above-mentioned risks but rarely produce correct anatomic reduction, and complications such as ankylosis, condylar necrosis and inhibition of mandibular growth, causing abnormal occlusion, may occur. Despite all the associated risks, closed techniques are currently the most popular treatment. Objectives: To introduce the endoscopically-assisted transoral approach for the treatment of subcondylar fractures, presenting three cases treated in our department. A description of the technique has been included as well as the clinical and radiographic results obtained. Material and Methods: The study is based in three patients with subcondylar fractures of the mandible who were treated by an endoscopically-assisted transoral approach. A description of the surgical technique is included. The results were assessed by postsurgical radiographic control (orthopantomography), maximum mouth opening, occlusion and pain. Results: Three reductions of subcondylar fractures with transoral endoscopically-assisted approach were undertaken. The follow-up period was 6 months. Postsurgical radiographic control showed good reduction of the fracture in all three cases. None of the patients showed any sign of temporomandibular dysfunction after 6 months. Conclusion: Endoscopic treatment by transoral approach combines the positive aspects of both conventional techniques: closed and open reduction; allowing anatomic reduction and a stable fixation leaving no visible facial scars and with a minimum risk of injury to the facial nerve

    Virtual reality in rehabilitation: WIITM as an occupational therapy tool in patients with spinal cord injuries

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    The use of virtual reality has gained importance in the rehabilitation sector over the last few years. The Wii™ console complements traditional treatment by exercising the motor skills in a motivating context, which is important in long-term interventions, such as spinal cord injury. Objectives: to describe our work with the Wii™ console and the different support products used in occupational therapy at the Fundación del Lesionado Medular, and to discuss advantages and disadvantages. Method: 63 patients with spinal cord injury (of whom 46 with quadriplegia and 17 with paraplegia), treated over the period of one year in weekly 30-minute sessions. Results: motor-skill improvements, more involvement of the patients in the treatment. Conclusion: the features of the console and the support products created by our department make the Wii™ accessible to patients, increase their motivation and enrich the treatment

    Quantitative and qualitative methods of evaluating response to biologics in severe asthma patients: Results from a real-world study

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    [EN] Asthma is a complex major noncommunicable disease affecting around 333 million people worldwide, both children and adults.New biological therapies for treating severe asthma have remarkably improved disease management. Notwith-standing, one remaining crucial problem is evaluating the response to these treatments. Therefore, adequate measurement of the response to biologics in a holistic manner that integrates clinical variables of interest and quality of life is needed, particularly in identifying super-responder patients (SR). Menzies-Gow et al went more profound in the concept and proposed a consensus to evaluate remission.Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII); European Union -Next Generation EU; Junta de Castilla y Leó
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