240 research outputs found

    Phytoplankton and environmental factors in the Paraíba do Norte River Estuary, northeastern Brazil: composition, distribution and quantitative remarks

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    This paper reports the results obtained from studies on the estuarine phytoplankton of the Paraíba do Norte River in northeastern Brazil. Surface and near-bottom samples were taken at four stations numbered seawards, during high and low tides from September 1978 to September 1979. A total of 139 phytoplankters were encountered. Diatoms and dinoflagellates showed highest diversity in most saline areas. Typical freshwater organisms were restricted to stations I and II where salinity was more reduced. Maximum cell densities were: 11,256,000 cells/1, 4,380,000 cells/1, 1,276,000 cells/1 and 1,035,000 cells/1, for stations I, II, III and IV, respectively. Sewage enrichments were probably responsible for the greatest values of the first two stations. However, in these stations the turbidity reduces light penetration, limiting phytoplankton growth particularly during the rainy season. The phytoflagellates (maximum of up to 4,874,000 cells/1) and the diatoms Thalassiosira spp (maximum of up to 9,262,000 cells/1) were dominant during the annual cycle. Other important taxa were Navicula spp, Cylindrotheca closterium, Paralia sulcata, Thalassionema nitzschioides and the dinoflagellate Protoperidinium spp. Seasonal variations of phytoplankton densities, dissolved oxygen, phosphate, water transparency, temperature, salinity and suspended material are also presented

    A widespread necrotizing disease affecting Palythoa caribaeorum (Duchassaing and Michelotti, 1860) on coastal reefs in northeastern Brazil

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    A highly aggressive necrotizing disease affecting the zooantharian Palythoa caribaeorum was studied on coastal reefs in northeastern Brazil during March and April of 2008. Approximately 87% of the colonies at each locality showed wounds ranging from 27 cm to 1200 cm long and from 12 to 320 cm wide. This disease initiates with the darkening of the polyps, followed by the appearance of a rapidly enlarging wound that decomposes colony tissues and eventually exposes the substrate. The exposed areas are subsequently colonized by macroalgae, Zoanthus sociatus, and other benthic organisms. The necrotized areas were dark-colored and expelled fetid odors. Although extremely aggressive, complete mortality of the colonies was not observed. Surviving fragments recomposed the colonies within 6 to 9 months. Recurrences of the disease were in the summer of 2008 and from February/2013 to March/2014. During the study period, we found various colonies having black-spots (early stage of necrotizing disease), suggesting stress conditions. Zooxanthellae densities in those black-spots were always lower than in apparently healthy colonies, with reductions of up to 74%. More than one environmental variable seems to influence the zooxanthellae densities significantly, but there is no evidence of any association with abnormally high water temperature, as thermal variations in the study area were within their normal range. Histological analysis showed losses of tissue organization in colonies with black-spots and necrotizing components with hypertrophy and cell apoptosis of the gastrodermal cells; apoptosis of zooxanthellae and damage in completes mesenteries. All these features showed an inflammatory response to necrosis disease

    Hybrid Shared-Autonomy Architecture for Robot Teleoperation with Wearable Interface

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    Con la diffusione di sistemi robotici è aumentata la necessitàdi avere un controllo efficace da parte degli utenti, ottenuto tramite la condivisione tra utente e robot. In questo lavoro un sistema del genere di shared autonomy in grado di assistere l'utente in un task di presa è migliorato con l'introduzione di collision avoidance, collegando insieme i due attraverso l'archittetura ibrida proposta, la quale viene poi testata e i risultati riportati confermando l'efficacia

    Population density and photosynthetic pigment content in symbiotic dinoflagellates in the Brazilian scleractinian coral Montastrea cavernosa (Linnaeus, 1767)

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    A dinâmica sazonal na densidade de células e na concentração de pigmentos fotossintetizantes das zooxantelas de Montastrea cavernosa foram analisados no período setembro/1999 a setembro/2000 nos Recifes do Picãozinho (06º42'05"/07º07'30" S e 34º48'37"/34º50'00" W), Nordeste do Brasil. Verificou-se que existe um padrão distinto entre estes parâmetros, com maior quantidade de células no período chuvoso e maior concentração de pigmentos fotossintetizantes na época de estiagem. Ambos os parâmetros apresentaram, no entanto, uma nítida redução em seus valores nos meses de maiores índices pluviométricos (junho e julho /1999). Especulamos que tal fato deve estar relacionado com o regime de chuvas que pode variar em magnitude e freqüência, afetando a qualidade ótica da água e o estado fisiológico das células.The seasonal dynamics of cell density and photosynthetic pigment contents of the zooxanthellae hosted by Montastrea cavernosa were investigated on coastal reefs off Picãozinho (06º42'05"/07º07'30"S and 34º48'37"/34º50'00" W), Northeast Brazil between September 1999 and 2000. A distinct pattern of these parameters was found: cell numbers were greater during the rainy season (autumn/winter) while photosynthetic pigments were greater during the dry season (summer). Both parameters showed drastic reductions during heavy rains (June and July 1999). We speculate that this pattern is largely influenced by the rain cycles which, owing to their magnitude and frequency, affect the water clarity and the seasonal physiological condition of the cells

    A semi-Lagrangian algorithm in policy space for hybrid optimal control problems

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    The mathematical framework of hybrid system is a recent and general tool to treat control systems involving control action of heterogeneous nature. In this paper, we construct and test a semi-Lagrangian numerical scheme for solving the Dynamic Programming equation of an infinite horizon optimal control problem for hybrid systems. In order to speed up convergence, we also propose an acceleration technique based on policy iteration. Finally, we validate the approach via some numerical tests in low dimension

    Quantification of Spatial Repolarization Heterogeneity: Testing the Robustness of a New Technique

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    Abstract The V-index is a recently-proposed metric related to repolarization heterogeneity (RH) Introduction Spatial heterogeneity of ventricular repolarization is a key quantity for the development of arrhythmias. Despite many methods have been proposed and investigated in the past [1-3], a non-invasive quantification of Repolarization Heterogeneity (RH) is still an open issue We recently proposed an estimator of the standard deviation of RH, which was named "V-index" Although the performances of the method have been deeply investigated in the original paper Method An estimate of repolarization heterogeneity Let us suppose to subdivide the myocardium in "nodes", each node m sharing a common transmembrane potential (TMP), D(t), but having a specific repolarization time given by ρ m =ρ + Δρ m . At each node m, the repolarization delay Δρ m is the deviation from the average repolarization timeρ = 1 M M m=1 ρ m in the given heartbeat. We have recently [5] introduced a simple model to describe the distribution of these delays Δρ m (k) among beats, being k the beat index. In particular we set: where ϑ m models the spatial variability of the repolarization times for a given subject at a given HR, and ϕ m (k) describes difference in repolarization times which are observable among successive beats

    Surface functionalization with phosphazene substrates, Part IV: Silica and Si(100) surface functionalization using cyclophosphazenes partially substituted with trialkoxysilane derivatives and PEG-750 monomethylether, 2,2,3,3-tetrafluoropropanol and 4-hydroxyazobenzene

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    This paper deals with the possibility of functionalizing the surface of silicon-based materials by exploiting cyclophosphazenes containing suitable substituent groups. Thus, phosphazene trimers were prepared, containing about 50% of the reactive sites substituted by γ-aminopropyltriethoxy silane (APTES), while the residual positions in the cycle contain poly(ethylene glycol) monomethylether (MW approx. 750; PEG-750-ME), tetrafluoropropanol (TFP) and 4-hydroxyazobenzene (AzB). Using these novel materials we succeeded in surface functionalizing SiO2 beads in the coating of silicon wafers or sodalime slides and in the preparation of cyclophosphazene-based monoliths in the presence of hydrolyzed TEOS by sol–gel technique. The whole series of products has been characterized by standard spectroscopic (IR, UV-Vis, 1H-, 13C-, 29Si- and 31P-NMR, both in solution and in solid state) and thermal (DSC and DMTA) techniques. This approach to the surface functionalization of silicon-based materials containing carefully ..