66 research outputs found

    Estudo de custo-efetividade do anastrozol adjuvante no câncer de mama em mulheres pós-menopausa

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    OBJETIVOS: Análise econômica com dados nacionais sobre a possível incorporação do anastrozol como terapia adjuvante hormonal no câncer de mama em pacientes pós-menopausa. MÉTODOS: Foi feita estimativa de custo-efetividade no tratamento adjuvante do câncer de mama, em mulheres pós-menopausa, do anastrozol versus tamoxifeno em três perspectivas: do paciente, de planos de saúde e do governo. Modelo de Markov foi desenvolvido utilizando dados extraídos de publicação do estudo ATAC após seguimento de 100 meses, com projeção de desfechos em 25 anos para uma coorte hipotética de 1000 pacientes com câncer de mama pós-menopausa no Brasil. Dados de utilização de recursos e custos associados foram obtidos de fontes preestabelecidas e de opinião de especialistas. O custo associado aos tratamentos foi extraído separadamente, dependendo do ponto de vista estudado. O benefício foi inserido no modelo para obtenção do custo por ano de vida ganho ajustado pela qualidade (QALY). RESULTADOS: Extrapolando benefícios encontrados para 25 anos de seguimento, o anastrozol, em relação ao tamoxifeno, resultou numa estimativa de ganho de 0,29 QALY. A razão de custo-efetividade por QALY ganho dependeu da perspectiva utilizada. Houve incremento de R32.403,00/QALYnopontodevistadoSUS;deR 32.403,00/QALY no ponto de vista do SUS; de R 32.230,00/QALY no dos planos de saúde; e de R55.270,00/QALYnodaspacientes.CONCLUSA~O:Obenefıˊcioencontradonousodoanastrozoladjuvanteempacientescomca^ncerdemamaoperadonapoˊs−menopausaestaˊassociadoagrandesdiferenc\casnaraza~odecusto−efetividade,dependendodaperspectivautilizadaparaocaˊlculo.Comparandocompara^metrosusualmenteaceitospelaOMS,oincrementoeˊaceitaˊvelsobaperspectivadoSUSedosplanosdesauˊde,masna~osobaoˊticadopaciente.OBJECTIVES:CarryoutaneconomicanalysisoftheincorporationofanastrozoleasadjuvanthormonetherapyinpostmenopausalwomenwithbreastcancerinaBraziliansetting.METHODS:Thecost−effectivenessestimatecomparinganastrozoletotamoxifenwasmadefromtheperspectivesofthepatient,privatehealthinsurance,andgovernment.AMarkovmodelwasdesignedbasedondatafromATACtrialafter100monthsfollow−upinahypotheticalcohortof1000postmenopausalwomeninBrazil,usingoutcomesprojectionsfora25−yearperiod.Resourceutilizationandassociatedcostswereobtainedfrompreselectedsourcesandspecialists′opinions.Treatmentcostsvariedaccordingtotheperspectiveused.Theincrementalbenefitwasinsertedinthemodeltoobtainthecostofquality−adjustedlife−yeargained(QALY).RESULTS:Benefitextrapolationsfora25−yeartimelineshowedanestimateof0.29QALYgainedwithanastrozolecomparedtotamoxifen.Thecost−effectivenessratioperQALYgaineddependedonwhichperspectivewasused.TherewasanincrementofR 55.270,00/QALY no das pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: O benefício encontrado no uso do anastrozol adjuvante em pacientes com câncer de mama operado na pós-menopausa está associado a grandes diferenças na razão de custo-efetividade, dependendo da perspectiva utilizada para o cálculo. Comparando com parâmetros usualmente aceitos pela OMS, o incremento é aceitável sob a perspectiva do SUS e dos planos de saúde, mas não sob a ótica do paciente.OBJECTIVES: Carry out an economic analysis of the incorporation of anastrozole as adjuvant hormone therapy in postmenopausal women with breast cancer in a Brazilian setting. METHODS: The cost-effectiveness estimate comparing anastrozole to tamoxifen was made from the perspectives of the patient, private health insurance, and government. A Markov model was designed based on data from ATAC trial after 100 months follow-up in a hypothetical cohort of 1000 postmenopausal women in Brazil, using outcomes projections for a 25-year period. Resource utilization and associated costs were obtained from preselected sources and specialists' opinions. Treatment costs varied according to the perspective used. The incremental benefit was inserted in the model to obtain the cost of quality-adjusted life-year gained (QALY). RESULTS: Benefit extrapolations for a 25-year time line showed an estimate of 0.29 QALY gained with anastrozole compared to tamoxifen. The cost-effectiveness ratio per QALY gained depended on which perspective was used. There was an increment of R 32.403,00/QALY in the public health system/government, R32.230,00/QALYforprivatehealthsystem,andR 32.230,00/QALY for private health system, and R 55.270,00/QALY for patients. CONCLUSION: The benefit from adjuvant anastrozole in postmenopausal patients with breast cancer is associated to major differences in cost-effectiveness ratio and varies with the different perspectives. According to current WHO parameters, the increment is considered acceptable under public and private health system perspectives, but not from that of the patient

    Immunization Coverage and Surveillance: Challenges for the Poliomyelitis Global Eradication Initiative

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    In May 1988 the Forty-first World Health Assembly committed WHO to the global eradication of poliomyelitis by the year 2000 (Resolution WHA41.28). Global eradication, as has been achieved for smallpox, can be defined as the complete and permanent cessation of the natural transmission of an infectious-disease agent. The broad objectives of the global poliomyelitis eradication initiative are to achieve, by the year 2000, no case of clinical poliomyelitis associated with wild poliovirus, and no wild poliovirus identified worldwide through sampling of communities and the environment. Global poliomyelitis eradication will be highly beneficial. Apart from the huge benefit associated with the control of the disease - more than 200,000 cases of paralytic poliomyelitis are estimated to occur each year - the main cost savings for all countries, developed as well as developing, would be provided by abandoning poliomyelitis immunization. In the United States alone, the expected savings are estimated to be $114 million per year. However, because of the epidemiological features of poliomyelitis, all control efforts directed at the disease can be dropped only when worldwide eradication has been achieved and certified. Two of the main problems to solve before global eradication can be realized are how to implement and maintain a) high-coverage immunization programs and b) effective surveillance systems all over the world. The purpose of this paper is to review the progress and the remaining problems in these two key areas.Master of Public Healt

    Addition of bevacizumab to first-line chemotherapy in advanced colorectal cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis, with emphasis on chemotherapy subgroups

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Bevacizumab has an important role in first-line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer. However, clinical trials studying its effect have involved distinct chemotherapy regimens with divergent results. The aim of this meta-analysis is to gather current data and evaluate not only the efficacy of bevacizumab, but also the impact of divergent backbone regimens.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A wide search of randomized clinical trials using bevacizumab in first-line metastatic colorectal cancer was performed in Embase, MEDLINE, LILACS and Cochrane databases. Meeting presentations and abstracts were also investigated. The resulting data were examined and included in the meta-analysis according to the type of regimen.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Six trials, totaling 3060 patients, were analyzed. There was an advantage to using bevacizumab for overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) (HR = 0.84; CI: 0.77-0.91; P < 0.00001 and HR = 0.72; CI: 0.66-0.78; P < 0.00001, respectively). However, heterogeneity of results was very high for both outcomes, and subgroup analyses supported the OS advantage with bevacizumab restricted to irinotecan-based regimens. Infusional fluorouracil subsets involved a minor proportion, and did not demonstrate statistical benefit in PFS or OS. Regarding toxicity, higher rates of grades 3-4 hypertension, bleeding, thromboembolic events and proteinuria were uniformly observed with bevacizumab, leading to increased treatment interruptions (HR = 1.47; P = 0.0004).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Bevacizumab has efficacy in first-line treatment of advanced colorectal cancer, but the current data are insufficient to support efficacy in all regimens, especially infusional fluorouracil regimens, like FOLFIRI and FOLFOX.</p

    Magnetic Resonance Image in the diagnosis and evaluation of extra-prostatic extension and involvement of seminal vesicles of prostate cancer: a systematic review of literature and meta-analysis

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    Objective Systematic review of literature and meta-analysis to evaluate the results of magnetic resonance image 1.5T with endorectal coil in the diagnosis and evaluation of extra-prostatic extension and involvement of seminal vesicles of prostate cancer, compared to the histopathological results of the radical prostatectomy specimen. Materials and Methods It was conducted a systematic review of literature and meta-analyses of all studies data published after 2008. In those studies, the patients with prostate cancer with indication to radical prostatectomy were submitted to magnetic resonance image (MRI) at pre-operatory period and the results were compared to those of histopathological studies after the surgery. The selected terms for research included prostate cancer, magnetic resonance, radical prostatectomy, and prostate cancer diagnosis, in the databases EMBASE, LILACS, PUBMED/MEDLINE and Cochrane Library. The data were collected using a specific qualitative instrument and the meta-analysis data were presented in the forest plot graphics, homogeneity test and sROC curves and funnel plot. Results A total of seven studies were included, with a total of 603 patients. Among these studies, six evaluated the value of MRI for the detection of prostate cancer, and the median sensitivity of meta-analysis was 0.6 and specificity 0.58, but with heterogeneity among the studies. Three studies evaluated extra-prostatic extension with a median sensitivity of 0.49, specificity 0.82 and heterogeneity only for sensitivity. Three studies evaluated invasion of seminal vesicles, with median sensitivity of 0.45 and specificity 0.96, with heterogeneity in both analysis. Conclusion Magnetic resonance of 1.5T with endocoil showed low values of sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis and staging of prostate cancer. The reviewed studies showed a significant heterogeneity among them. The best observed result was MRI specificity for invasion of seminal vesicles. More studies are necessary to evaluate new techniques and parameters before recommending the routine use of MRI in clinical practice.15516

    Efficient Killing of Murine Pluripotent Stem Cells by Natural Killer (NK) Cells Requires Activation by Cytokines and Partly Depends on the Activating NK Receptor NKG2D

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    Natural killer (NK) cells play an important role as cytotoxic effector cells, which scan the organism for infected or tumorigenic cells. Conflicting data have been published whether NK cells can also kill allogeneic or even autologous pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) and which receptors are involved. A clarification of this question is relevant since an activity of NK cells against PSCs could reduce the risk of teratoma growth after transplantation of PSC-derived grafts. Therefore, the hypothesis has been tested that the activity of NK cells against PSCs depends on cytokine activation and specifically on the activating NK receptor NKG2D. It is shown that a subcutaneous injection of autologous iPSCs failed to activate NK cells against these iPSCs and can give rise to teratomas. In agreement with this result, several PSC lines, including two iPSC, two embryonic stem cell (ESC), and two so-called multipotent adult germline stem cell (maGSC) lines, were largely resistant against resting NK cells although differences in killing were found at low level. All PSC lines were killed by interleukin (IL)-2-activated NK cells, and maGSCs were better killed than the other PSC types. The PSCs expressed ligands of the activating NK receptor NKG2D and NKG2D-deficient NK cells from Klrk1−/− mice were impaired in their cytotoxic activity against PSCs. The low-cytotoxic activity of resting NK cells was almost completely dependent on NKG2D. The cytotoxic activity of IL-2-activated NKG2D-deficient NK cells against PSCs was reduced, indicating that also other activating receptors on cytokine-activated NK cells must be engaged by ligands on PSCs. Thus, NKG2D is an important activating receptor involved in killing of murine PSCs. However, NK cells need to be activated by cytokines before they efficiently target PSCs and then also other NK receptors become relevant. These features of NK cells might be relevant for transplantation of PSC-derived grafts since NK cells have the capability to kill undifferentiated cells, which might be present in grafts in trace amount

    Post-migration acquisition of HIV: Estimates from four European countries, 2007 to 2016.

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    BackgroundThe assumption that migrants acquire human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) before migration, particularly those from high prevalence areas, is common.AimWe assessed the place of HIV acquisition of migrants diagnosed in four European countries using surveillance data.MethodsUsing CD4+ T-cell count trajectories modelled to account for seroconversion bias, we estimated infection year of newly HIV-diagnosed migrants residing in the United Kingdom (UK), Belgium, Sweden and Italy with a known arrival year and CD4+ T-cell count at diagnosis. Multivariate analyses identified predictors for post-migration acquisition.ResultsBetween 2007 and 2016, migrants constituted 56% of people newly diagnosed with HIV in the UK, 62% in Belgium, 72% in Sweden and 29% in Italy. Of 23,595 migrants included, 60% were born in Africa and 70% acquired HIV heterosexually. An estimated 9,400 migrants (40%; interquartile range (IQR): 34-59) probably acquired HIV post-migration. This proportion was similar by risk group, sex and region of birth. Time since migration was a strong predictor of post-migration HIV acquisition: 91% (IQR: 87-95) among those arriving 10 or more years prior to diagnosis; 30% (IQR: 21-37) among those 1-5 years prior. Younger age at arrival was a predictor: 15-18 years (81%; IQR: 74-86), 19-25 years (53%; IQR: 45-63), 26-35 years (37%; IQR: 30-46) and 36 years and older (25%; IQR: 21-33).ConclusionsMigrants, regardless of origin, sex and exposure to HIV are at risk of acquiring HIV post-migration to Europe. Alongside accessible HIV testing, prevention activities must target migrant communities

    Trends in HIV surveillance data in the EU/EEA, 2005 to 2014: New HIV diagnoses still increasing in men who have sex with men

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    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission remains significant in Europe. Rates of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) have declined, but not in all countries. New HIV diagnoses have increased among native and foreign-born men who have sex with men. Median CD4+T-cell count at diagnosis has increased, but not in all groups, and late diagnosis remains common. HIV infection and AIDS can be eliminated in Europe with resolute prevention measures, early diagnosis and access to effective treatment

    [cost-effectiveness Analysis Of Adjuvant Anastrozol In Post-menopausal Women With Breast Cancer].

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    Carry out an economic analysis of the incorporation of anastrozole as adjuvant hormone therapy in postmenopausal women with breast cancer in a Brazilian setting. The cost-effectiveness estimate comparing anastrozole to tamoxifen was made from the perspectives of the patient, private health insurance, and government. A Markov model was designed based on data from ATAC trial after 100 months follow-up in a hypothetical cohort of 1000 postmenopausal women in Brazil, using outcomes projections for a 25-year period. Resource utilization and associated costs were obtained from preselected sources and specialists' opinions. Treatment costs varied according to the perspective used. The incremental benefit was inserted in the model to obtain the cost of quality-adjusted life-year gained (QALY). Benefit extrapolations for a 25-year time line showed an estimate of 0.29 QALY gained with anastrozole compared to tamoxifen. The cost-effectiveness ratio per QALY gained depended on which perspective was used. There was an increment of R32.403,00/QALYinthepublichealthsystem/government,R 32.403,00/QALY in the public health system/government, R 32.230,00/QALY for private health system, and R$ 55.270,00/QALY for patients. The benefit from adjuvant anastrozole in postmenopausal patients with breast cancer is associated to major differences in cost-effectiveness ratio and varies with the different perspectives. According to current WHO parameters, the increment is considered acceptable under public and private health system perspectives, but not from that of the patient.55535-4


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