13 research outputs found

    Low-temperature properties of single-crystal CrB2_{2}

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    We report the low-temperature properties of 11^{11}B-enriched single-crystal CrB2_{2} as prepared from high-purity Cr and B powder by a solid-state reaction and optical float zoning. The electrical resistivity, ρxx\rho_{\rm xx}, Hall effect, ρxy\rho_{\rm xy}, and specific heat, CC, are characteristic of an exchange-enhanced Fermi liquid ground state, which develops a slightly anisotropic spin gap Δ220K\Delta \approx 220\,{\rm K} below TN=88KT_{\rm N}=88\,{\rm K}. This observation is corroborated by the absence of a Curie dependence in the magnetization for T0T\to0 reported in the literature. Comparison of CC with dρxx/dTd\rho_{\rm xx}/dT, where we infer lattice contributions from measurements of VB2_2, reveals strong antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations with a characteristic spin fluctuation temperature Tsf257KT_{\rm sf}\approx 257\,{\rm K} in the paramagnetic state, followed by a pronounced second-order mean-field transition at TNT_{\rm N}, and unusual excitations around TN/2\approx T_{\rm N}/2. The pronounced anisotropy of ρxx\rho_{\rm xx} above TNT_{\rm N} is characteristic of an easy-plane anisotropy of the spin fluctuations consistent with the magnetization. The ratio of the Curie-Weiss to the Neˊ\acute{\rm{e}}el temperatures, f=ΘCW/TN8.5f=-\Theta_{\rm CW}/T_{\rm N}\approx 8.5, inferred from the magnetization, implies strong geometric frustration. All physical properties are remarkably invariant under applied magnetic fields up to 14T14\,\,{\rm T}, the highest field studied. In contrast to earlier suggestions of local-moment magnetism our study identifies CrB2_{2} as a weak itinerant antiferromagnet par excellence with strong geometric frustration.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Transport Properties of YbCu4.4 Giant-unit-cell Metallic Compound

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    The experimental results of the transport properties: electrical resistivity, ρ, thermopower, S, and thermal conductivity, κ, of a polycrystalline sample of YbCu4.4, in the temperature range 2 to 300 K, are presented. In contrast to the divalent YbCu2 compound, YbCu4.4 has transport properties typical of an intermediate valence compound: relatively high electrical resistivity and large thermoelectric power. The electrical resistivity ρ(T) exhibits a typical Kondo lattice systems’ behaviour, with a room temperature value of ρr.t. ≈ 60 μΩ cm, while thermoelectric power S(T) is negative in the whole investigated temperature range. S(T) shows a distinct temperature dependence, which is attributed to the Kondo interaction. The room temperature, r.t., value of the thermal conductivity is κr.t. ≈ 20 W/mK. The pronounced maximum in κ(T) at low temperatures, which is frequently found in simple nonmagnetic and rather pure samples, is absent. The thermal conductivity decreases monotonically in a whole temperature range with a change in the slope around 50 K. The absence of a maximum in κ(T) could be related to the larger contribution of residual scattering processes and to the considerably weak coupling of electrons with phonons. The results are compared to the reported transport properties of similar Ce-Cu and Yb-Cu Kondo systems.</p

    Low-temperature structural investigations of the frustrated quantum antiferromagnets Cs2CuCl(4-x)Br(x)

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    Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) and single-crystal neutron scattering were used to study in detail the structural properties of the Cs2CuCl(4-x)Br(x) series, good realizations of layered triangular antiferromagnets. Detailed temperature-dependent PXRD reveal a pronounced anisotropy of the thermal expansion for the three different crystal directions of the orthorhombic structure without any structural phase transition down to 20 K. Remarkably, the anisotropy of the thermal expansion varies for different xx, leading to distinct changes of the geometry of the local Cu environment as a function of temperature and composition. The refinement of the atomic positions confirms that for x=1 and 2, the Br atoms occupy distinct halogen sites in the [CuX4]-tetrahedra (X = Cl, Br). The precise structure data are used to calculate the magnetic exchange couplings using density functional methods for x=0. We observe a pronounced temperature dependence of the calculated magnetic exchange couplings, reflected in the strong sensitivity of the magnetic exchange couplings on structural details. These calculations are in good agreement with the experimentally established values for Cs2CuCl4 if one takes the low-temperature structure data as a starting point

    Crystal growth of copper-rich ytterbium compounds: The predicted giant unit cell structures YbCu4.4 and YbCu4.25

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    Two new phases YbCu4.4 and YbCu4.25 are found as a result of careful phase diagram investigations. Between the congruent and peritectic formation of YbCu4.5 and YbCu3.5, respectively, the phases YbCu4.4 and YbCu4.25 are formed peritectically at 934(2)degC and 931(3)degC. Crystal growth was realised using a Bridgman technique and single crystalline grains of about 50-100 10^{-6}m were analyzed by electron diffraction and single crystal X-ray diffraction. Due to the only slight differences in both compositions and formation temperatures the growth of larger single crystals of a defined superstructure is challenging. The compounds YbCu4.4 and YbCu4.25 fit in Cerny`s (J. Solid State Chem. 174 (2003) 125) building principle {(RECu5)n(RECu2)} where RE = Yb with n = 4 and 3. YbCu4.4 and YbCu4.25 base on AuBe5/MgCu2-type substructures and contain approximately 4570 and 2780 atoms per unit cell. The new phases close the gap in the series of known copper-rich rare earth compounds for n = 1, 2 (DyCu3.5, DyCu4.0) and n = 5 (YbCu4.5, DyCu4.5)

    Yb-Cu-Phasen mit sehr großen Einheitszellen

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    Im Zentrum dieser Arbeit stehen die Überstrukturphasen des Yb-Cu-Systems. Als Ausgangspunkt für die Kristallzüchtung wird die kongruent schmelzende Verbindung YbCu4:5 gewählt. Um einen genauen Einblick in das Erstarrungsverhalten dieser Phase zu erhalten, werden zunächst im Bereich zwischen 17.3 und 22.4 at-% Yb eine Reihe von DSC-Messungen durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse lassen sich nur bedingt mit den in der Literatur veröffentlichten Phasendiagrammen (Moffat [Mo92] bzw. Massalski [Ma90] und Giovannini et al. [Gi08]) vereinbaren. Zwar kann eine kongruent schmelzende Phase der Zusammensetzung YbCu4:5 nachgewiesen werden, die Messungen deuten aber die Existenz zusätzlicher Verbindungen an, die allerdings mit Hilfe der EDX-Analyse nicht weiter spezifiziert werden können. Um diese Phasen genauer zu analysieren, werden Einkristallzüchtungsversuche nach der Bridgman-Methode im Bereich zwischen 19 und 19.2 at-% Yb durchgeführt und mittels Einkristallbeugungsmethoden (SC-XRD und SAED) charakterisiert. Auf diese Weise können neben YbCu4:5 die bisher noch unbekannten berstrukturphasen YbCu4:4 und YbCu4:25 nachgewiesen werden, deren Schmelztemperaturen mittels DSC-Untersuchungen zu 934(2)°C und 931(3)°C bestimmt werden. Die Entdeckung der beiden Verbindungen bestätigt die von Cerný et al. [Ce03] bisher nur theoretisch vorhergesagte Existenz der Überstrukturphasen SECux (x=4.4 und 4.25) für das Yb-Cu-System. Mit Hilfe von Polarisations- und Rasterelektronenmikroskopie und unter Anwendung der Laue-Methode wird das Wachstumsverhalten dieser Überstrukturphasen analysiert. Man beobachtet ein Schichtwachstum, wobei sich die Schichten parallel zur a- und b-Richtung ausbilden und in c-Richtung gestapelt vorliegen. Da eine zuverlässige Unterscheidung der YbCux-Verbindungen nur mit Hilfe von Einkristallbeugungsmethoden gelingt, wird im Rahmen dieser Arbeit untersucht, inwiefern eine Charakterisierung mittels Pulverdiffraktometrie möglich ist. Die Messungen mit Synchrotronstrahlung am ESRF in Grenoble erlauben eine eindeutige Unterscheidung der Überstrukturphasen allerdings nicht. Die Analyse des an das Überstrukturgebiet angrenzenden Zusammensetzungsbereichs von 12.5 bis 17.24 at-% Yb bestätigt die Existenz der Verbindung YbCu6:5, eine kupferärmere Phase der Zusammensetzung YbCu5 kann in den DSC-Experimenten nicht nachgewiesen werden. Die Messungen belegen die Existenz einer Phasenbreite von YbCu6:0+x mit 0 <= x <= 0:5 ist, was im Gegensatz zu dem von Giovannini et al. [Gi08] publizierten Phasendiagramm steht. SC-XRD-Aufnahmen an nach der Bridgman-Methode gezüchteten Einkristallen der Zusammensetzung YbCu6:31(9) untermauern das von Hornstra und Buschow [Ho72] gefundene Strukturmodell. Die Verschiebungen der Atompositionen bedingt durch den im Gegensatz zur YbCu5-Verbindung erhöhten Kupferanteil werden mit Hilfe der gemessenen und berechneten Paarverteilungsfunktion nachvollzogen. Phasendiagrammuntersuchungen und Einkristallzüchtungsergebnisse für weitere SE-Cu-Systeme (SE =Ho, Gd) bestätigen die Existenz der Verbindung HoCu4:5 und erhärten den Verdacht sowohl in diesem als auch in den anderen Systemen noch weitere Überstrukturphasen finden zu können

    Ecology and Evolution / Bumblebees require visual pollen stimuli to initiate and multimodal stimuli to complete a full behavioral sequence in close-range flower orientation

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    Flower visits are complex encounters, in which animals are attracted by floral signals, guided toward the site of the first physical contact with a flower, land, and finally take up floral rewards. At close range, signals of stamens and pollen play an important role to facilitate flower handling in bees, yet the pollen stimuli eliciting behavioral responses are poorly known. In this study, we test the response of flower-naive bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) toward single and multimodal pollen stimuli as compared to natural dandelion pollen. As artificial pollen stimuli, we used the yellow flavonoid pigment quercetin, the scent compound eugenol, the amino acid proline, the monosaccharide glucose, and the texture of pollen-grain-sized glass pellets as a tactile stimulus. Three test stimuli, dandelion pollen, one out of various uni- and multimodal stimulus combinations, and a solvent control were presented simultaneously to individual bumblebees, whose response was recorded. The results indicate that bumblebees respond in an irreversible sequence of behavioral reactions. Bumblebees approached the visual stimulus quercetin as often as natural dandelion pollen. An additional olfactory stimulus resulted in slightly more frequent landings. The multimodal stimulus combinations including visual, olfactory, gustatory, and tactile stimuli elicited approaches, antennal contacts, and landings as often as natural pollen. Subsequent reactions like proboscis extension, mandible biting, and buzzing were more often but not regularly observed at dandelion pollen. Our study shows that visual signals of pollen are sufficient to trigger initial responses of bumblebees, whereas multimodal pollen stimuli elicit full behavioral response as compared to natural pollen. Our results suggest a major role of pollen cues for the attraction of bees toward flowers and also explain, why many floral guides mimic the visual signals of pollen and anthers, that is, the yellow and UV-absorbing color, to direct bumblebees toward the site where they access the floral rewards.(VLID)222025