8,643 research outputs found

    A rendszerváltás utáni magyar filmek társadalomképe, különös tekintettel a filmszemléken díjazott,illetve a legmagasabb nézőszámot elért játék és dokumentumfilmekre. = The images of the Society in the Hungarian movie after the System change with he special emphasis on the awarded and the most popular art and documentary films.

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    A rendszerváltás utáni magyar filmek társadalomképe 1,/ A filmszakma szervezte debreceni konferencia. 2./ Film és valóság. 3./ Rendszerkritika az 1989 előtti dokumentumfilmekben. 4./Dokumentumfilmek1989-után:Történelmi traumák,a gazdaság szétesése, elszegényedés, marginalizálódás. /Almási, Schiffer,Varga, Csillag, Kőszegi, B. Révész, Forgács/ Következtetés: Társadalmi betegségtünetek a filmekben. Forgács ezen túl: hogyan maradunk kívül saját történelmünkön. 5/ Rendszerváltás előtti játékfilmek: Szabó, Jancsó, Makk, Gothár, Jeles. A pangás, a hatalommal való kiegyezés lehetetlensége, a rendszer agóniája. 6/Rendszerváltás utáni játékfilmek:?fekete?, ?bűn?, ?roncsfilmek?.Fehér: A kilátástalanság,Grunvalszky: a bűn, Tarr: az apokalipszis filmjei. Fekete: ?BolseVita?: reményteljes illúzió. Chiko: Kiábrándulás a forradalmár mítoszából.Gothár:??Vászka? meséje: vissza a szovjet rend születéséig. 7./ Fiatal filmesek. Török, Miklauzic, Mundruczó, Pálfy, Flieghauf, Kocsis. Irónikus, parabolikus filmek. A rémes történelem, és talán végleg elrontott világ. Legerősebb életérzésük: a vesztes lét, a luzerség. 8./A ?fiatal?Jancsó: machiavellista gépezet helyett, a káosz fantasztikus abszurd társadalomrajzát mutatja. 9./Összegezés: Egyetértek a debreceni konferencia megállapításával: A filmek kaotikus társadalmat mutatnak. Ugyanakkor-nézetem szerint, a társadalomkritika: szembefordulás a Kádárral történt kiegyezéssel. Egyéni sorsokban, ábrázolt erős történeteit látjuk a rendszerváltás utáni filmekben. | The image of society in films after the change of regime in Hungary 1, The conference of the filmprofession in Debrecen in 2002 2, Criticism of the system in documentaries before 1989 4, Documentaries after 1989 Historical traumas, the disintegration of economy, poverty, marginalization byVarga, Csillag, Kőszegi, Révész, Forgács. My conclusion is that these films show the symptoms of a disease. But Forgács goes beyond: he shows how people stay outside of their history. 5, Hungarian films before 1989. The success of films of Szabó, Jancsó, Makk, Gothár, Jeles can be explained with the impossibility of coming to an arrangement with authority and with the artistic illustration of the agony of the system. 6, Films after 1989. ?Dark, black, wreck? films., Fehér: hopeless, being without prospects, Tarr?s ?Werkmeister?: vision of apocalypse, Gothár?s tale ?Vaska? brings us to the born of Soviet order. In Grunwalszky?s ?Homecoming? the killer resurrects to show us: nothing have changed. 7, Young filmmakers. Török, Miklauzic, Mundruczó, Pálffy, Flieghauf, Kocsis. Ironic, parabolic films. The horrible history and? finally ruined world. Their strongest feeling is they are but everyone is like them lousers.. 8, The ?young? Jancsó The sarcastic society-image of chaos instead of machiavellian mechanism. 9, I agree with the conclusions of the conference, that the films show chaotic society. But in my view those criticise the compromise with Kádár. Films after 1989 we can see strong stories

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    World Health Organization (WHO) menyatakan bahwa lebih dari 200 penyakit yang berpotensi dapat menular melalui makanan. Berdasarkan data Kementerian Kesehatan Indonesia Tahun 2019, terdapat sebanyak 4.165.789 penderita diare yang dilayani di sarana kesehatan Indonesia, berdasarkan data Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara  Tahun 2019, sebanyak 21.052 penderita diare yang ditangani, dan berdasarkan data Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Minahasa Tahun 2019, terdapat 2.174 penderita diare yang ditangani, di Langowan sebanyak 323 penderita yang ditangani, yaitu di Langowan Timur 27 penderita, Langowan Utara 64 penderita, Langowan Selatan 24 penderita, dan Langowan Barat 208 penderita. Tujuan penelitian ini Untuk mengetahui keberadaan E. coli pada air bersih, tangan penjamah makanan, dan sayur kubis rumah makan lalapan di Langowan Raya Kabupaten Minahasa. Penelitian ini merupakan survei deskriptif. Penelitian ini dilakukan di rumah makan yang menjual makanan lalapan di wilayah Langowan Raya, pada bulan Juni-September 2019. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 14 rumah makan lalapan, yang menjadi dalam subjek penelitian yaitu, 14 sampel air bersih, 14 telapak tangan penjamah makanan, dan 14 sampel sayur kubis. Sampel dalam penelitian ini dilakukan secara total populasi. Berdasarkan uji laboratorium dengan menggunakan metode Most Probable Number (MPN) pada air besih serta metode Pour Plate pada telapak tangan dan sayur kubis maka didapatkan hasil bahwa 12 air bersih positif bakteri E. coli, 14 telapak tangan penjamah makanan negatif bakteri E. coli, dan 5 sayur kubis positif bakteri E. coli.  Kata kunci : Escherichia coli, Air Bersih, Telapak Tangan Penjamah Makanan, Sayur Kubis ABSTRACTWorld Health Organization (WHO) states that more than 200 diseases that can potentially could be contagious through food. Based on data from the Ministry of Health of Indonesia in 2019, there were 4,165,789 diarrhea patients served in Indonesian health means and facilities, based on data from the North Sulawesi Provincial Health Office in 2019, as many as 21,052 diarrhea patients were handled, and based on 2019 Minahasa District Health Office data, there were 2,174 diarrhea patients treated, in Langowan 323 patients were treated, namely in East Langowan 27 patients, 64 North Langowan patients, 24 Langowan Selatan patients, and 208 patients west Langowan. The purpose of this research is to find out The existence of Escherichia Coli in Clean Water, The Hand of Food Handlers, And Cabbage On Lalapan Reastaurant in Langowan Raya, Minahasa Regency. This research is a descriptive survey. This research was conducted at a restaurant that sells Lalapan food in the Langowan Raya area, in June-September 2019. The population in this research were 14 lalapan restaurants, which became the research subjects, 14 samples of clean water, 14 palms of food handlers, and 14 samples of cabbage. The sample in this research was conducted in total population. Based on laboratory tests using the Most Probable Number (MPN) method in clean water and the Pour Plate method on palms and cabbage, the results showed that 12 clean water was positive for E. coli bacteria, 14 palms of food handlers were negative for E. coli bacteria, and 5 cabbage vegetables are positive for E. coli bacteria. Keywords: Escherichia coli, Clean Water, The Hand of Food Handlers, Cabbag

    Life table analysis of Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) infesting sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) in São Paulo

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    An ecological life table for eggs and nymphs of Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) was constructed with data obtained from orange orchards (Citrus sinensis Osbeck) in 2 regions of the State of São Paulo, over 4 generations in the period from XI-2006 to V-2007, comprising spring, summer, and fall seasons. Young growing shoots with D. citri eggs present were identifed, and live individuals were counted until adult emergence. No predatory arthropods were observed in association with D. citri eggs and nymphs during the study. The mean parasitism of fourth- and ffth-instar nymphs by Tamarixia radiata Waterston (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) was 2.3%. The durations of the egg–adult period were similar among the 4 generations, ranging from 18.0 to 24.7 d (at mean temperatures ranging from 21.6 to 26.0 °C) and followed the temperature requirement models obtained in the laboratory for D. citri. However, survival from the egg to the adult stage for the same period varied considerably from 1.7 to 21.4%; the highest mortalities were observed in the egg and small nymphal (frst- to thirdinstar) stages, which were considered to be key phases for population growth of the pest.Uma tabela de vida ecológica foi construída para ovos e ninfas de Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) com dados obtidos em pomares de laranja (Citrus sinensis Osbeck) em 2 regiões do estado de São Paulo, com 4 gerações, no período de novembro de 2006 a maio de 2007, compreendendo as estações de primavera, verão e outono. Ramos jovens em crescimento com a presença de ovos de D. citri foram identificados e os indivíduos vivos foram contados até a emergência dos adultos. Nenhum predador foi observado associado a ovos e ninfas de D. citri durante o estudo. A taxa média de parasitismo de ninfas de quarto e quinto ínstares por Tamarixia radiata Waterson (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) foi de 2.3%. A duração do período de ovo a adulto foi semelhante entre as quatro gerações, variando de 18.0 a 24.7 dias (com temperaturas médias de 21.6 a 26.0 °C) e seguiram os modelos de exigencias térmicas obtidas em laboratório para D. citri. Todavia, a sobrevivencia de ovo até o estágio adulto variou consideravelmente para o mesmo período, de 1.7 a 21.4%, sendo que as maiores mortalidades foram observadas nos estágios de ovos e ninfas pequenas (de primeiro a terceiro ínstares), as quais foram consideradas fases chaves para o crescimento populacional desta praga.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avian malaria is absent in juvenile colonial herons (Ardeidae) but not Culex pipiens mosquitoes in the Camargue, Southern France

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    Apicomplexan blood parasites Plasmodium and Haemoproteus (together termed “Avian malaria”) and Leucocytozoon are widespread, diverse vector-transmitted blood parasites of birds, and conditions associated with colonial nesting in herons (Ardeidae) and other waterbirds appear perfect for their transmission. Despite studies in other locations reporting high prevalence of parasites in juvenile herons, juvenile Little Egrets (Egretta garzetta) previously tested in the Camargue, Southern France, had a total absence of malaria parasites. This study tested the hypotheses that this absence was due to insufficient sensitivity of the tests of infection; an absence of infective vectors; or testing birds too early in their lives. Blood was sampled from juveniles of four species shortly before fledging: Little Egret (n = 40), Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis; n = 40), Black-crowned Night-Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax, n = 40), and Squacco Heron (Ardeola ralloides; n = 40). Sensitive nested-Polymerase Chain Reaction was used to test for the presence of parasites in both birds and host-seeking female mosquitoes captured around the colonies. No malaria infection was found of in any of the heron species. Four different lineages of Plasmodium were detected in pooled samples of female Culex pipiens mosquitoes, including two in potentially infective mosquitoes. These results confirm that the absence of malaria parasites previously demonstrated in Little Egret is not due to methodological limitations. Although the prevalence of infection in mosquitoes was low, conditions within the colonies were suitable for transmission of Plasmodium. These colonial heron species may have evolved strategies for resisting malaria infection through physiological or behavioral mechanisms

    Pleural Tuberculosis and its Treatment Outcomes

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    Purpose: To evaluate the incidence, treatment and clinical outcomes of tuberculosis pleuritis at a hospital in the state of Penang, Malaysia.Methods: A retrospective study was conducted in Hospital of Penang, Malaysia. Patient records were reviewed retrospectively to identify patients with confirmed diagnosis of tuberculous pleuritis from January 2006 to December 2008. Chest x-ray (CXR) and pleural biopsy were carried out on all patients. Directly observed therapy (DOT) was given to all patients. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 16.Results: Of 1548 tuberculosis cases, 80 (5.2 %) patients had tuberculous pleuritis. The mean age of the patients was 35.4 ± 12.87 years, with a male to female ratio of 3.4:1. Ethnically, a plurality (n = 30, 37.7 %) of cases among tuberculosis pleuritis patients were Chinese, followed by Malay (31.2 %). Out of the 80 patients with tuberculous pleuritis, 10 (12.5 %) also had diabetes mellitus, and 8 (10.0 %) HIV/AIDS. Fever, cough, chest pain and shortness of breathing were the most frequently reported symptoms. Treatment success rate was 1.558 times higher among TB group than pleuritis TB group (Odds ratio, 95 % CI, 1.06 – 2.59, p = 0.025).Conclusion: The incidence of TB pleuritis was gender- and race-related, with DM and HIV the most commonly reported risk factors. Treatment success rate was higher among pulmonary TB group than in those with TB pleuritis (extra pulmonary TB).Keywords: Tuberculosis, Pleuritis, HIV/AIDS, Biopsy, Pulmonary

    Asynchronous Corner Tracking Algorithm based on Lifetime of Events for DAVIS Cameras

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    Event cameras, i.e., the Dynamic and Active-pixel Vision Sensor (DAVIS) ones, capture the intensity changes in the scene and generates a stream of events in an asynchronous fashion. The output rate of such cameras can reach up to 10 million events per second in high dynamic environments. DAVIS cameras use novel vision sensors that mimic human eyes. Their attractive attributes, such as high output rate, High Dynamic Range (HDR), and high pixel bandwidth, make them an ideal solution for applications that require high-frequency tracking. Moreover, applications that operate in challenging lighting scenarios can exploit the high HDR of event cameras, i.e., 140 dB compared to 60 dB of traditional cameras. In this paper, a novel asynchronous corner tracking method is proposed that uses both events and intensity images captured by a DAVIS camera. The Harris algorithm is used to extract features, i.e., frame-corners from keyframes, i.e., intensity images. Afterward, a matching algorithm is used to extract event-corners from the stream of events. Events are solely used to perform asynchronous tracking until the next keyframe is captured. Neighboring events, within a window size of 5x5 pixels around the event-corner, are used to calculate the velocity and direction of extracted event-corners by fitting the 2D planar using a randomized Hough transform algorithm. Experimental evaluation showed that our approach is able to update the location of the extracted corners up to 100 times during the blind time of traditional cameras, i.e., between two consecutive intensity images.Comment: Accepted to 15th International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC2020

    Open access increases citations of papers in ecology

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    Open access (OA) can effectively increase the accessibility and visibility of scientific articles and thus potentially confer them with citation advantages. Such an impact may be more pronounced in developing countries where the cost for journal subscription is comparably expensive and usually unaffordable. By comparing one OA article with one non‐OA article published in the same issue, we tested the impact of OA on citation advantages of articles published in 46 ecology journals indexed in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR). We compared OA to non‐OA articles published in the same issue of these journals, thereby controlling for potentially confounding effects of publication requirement and period. OA articles received significantly more citations than non‐OA articles, and this citation advantage of approximately one citation per year was sustained across publication years from 2009 to 2013. The OA citation advantage did not depend upon income of the country of origin of the citing scientists, and the OA citation advantage was found for citing scientists from North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceania, but not for Latin America. A total of 10 countries contributed more than 1000 citations each, and the OA citation advantage was found in all the 10 countries except Canada. Therefore, in ecology journals OA confers articles with citation advantages and such an impact accumulates with years and independent of the economic status of the countries. This information may guide decisions of scientific societies, journals, and individual authors as they weigh the relative costs and benefits of open electronic accessibility of scientific research