79 research outputs found
Artificial Intelligence and Fact Checking in Africa: Between Logic of Dependency and the Limits of Automation
This article focuses on fact-checking initiatives in the context of the rise of artificial intelligence. With reference to theories of the political economy of communication and platform studies, this study sheds light on the very confusing evolution of initiatives in Africa. The approach combines content analysis and distanced observation of two fact-checking platforms, chosen on the basis of their local roots and the experimentation of smart tools: Africa Check and Check4Decision. The results highlight the economic and technological dependencies of African platforms on GAFAM via fact-checking services and an automation process that is far from complete with regard to local realities. It appears that the African context provides a different perspective with structural constraints and "cultural" algorithmic biases
Artificial Intelligence and Fact Checking in Africa: Between the Logic of Dependency and the Limits of Automation
This article focuses on fact-checking initiatives in the context of the rise of artificial intelligence. With reference to theories of the political economy of communication and platform studies, this study sheds light on the very confusing evolution of initiatives in Africa. The approach combines content analysis and distanced observation of two fact-checking platforms, chosen on the basis of their local roots and the experimentation of smart tools: Africa Check and Check4Decision. The results highlight the economic and technological dependencies of African platforms on GAFAM via factchecking services and an automation process that is far from complete with regard to local realities. It appears that the African context provides a different perspective with structural constraints and “cultural” algorithmic biases
Artificial Intelligence and Fact Checking in Africa: Between Logic of Dependency and the Limits of Automation
This article focuses on fact-checking initiatives in the context of the rise of artificial intelligence. With reference to theories of the political economy of communication and platform studies, this study sheds light on the very confusing evolution of initiatives in Africa. The approach combines content analysis and distanced observation of two fact-checking platforms, chosen on the basis of their local roots and the experimentation of smart tools: Africa Check and Check4Decision. The results highlight the economic and technological dependencies of African platforms on GAFAM via fact-checking services and an automation process that is far from complete with regard to local realities. It appears that the African context provides a different perspective with structural constraints and "cultural" algorithmic biases
Professionnalisation et politisation des commentaires numériques sur la marque Orange en Afrique de l'Ouest
This article explores the professionalization and politicization of digital commentaries on Orange's brand in sub-Saharan Africa. It’s first underlines the overrepresentation of negative comments published on Facebook and Twitter as well as the diversity of boycott actions initiated by "customer" Internet users: Orangesatch (2013), Boycott-orange-Niger (2015) Stop anarchs of Orange Mali (2015) Africa boycott Orange (2016) or Talatay-Orange (2018). It describes the nature of digital commentaries, ideological, political and even geopolitical issues, as well as the use of Cultural Jamming by contestants who develop technical and social skills. The study exposes the tactics favored by the Orange brand including the establishment of "Team digital" to animate and manage its official pages and accounts and the use of bloggers/influencers to strengthen its reputational authority. Finally, the promotional or entertaining nature of the responses provided by the brand's community managers, in a situation of sensitive communication that can lead to a crisis, questions the skills related to the reputation of the brand.Cet article explore la professionnalisation et la politisation des commentaires numériques sur la marque de l’opérateur mobile Orange en Afrique subsaharienne. Il souligne d’abord la surreprésentation de commentaires négatifs publiés sur Facebook et Twitter ainsi que la diversité des actions de boycott initiées par les internautes « clients » : orangesatch (2013), Boycott-orange-Niger (2015) Stop aux anarques d’orange Mali (2015) Afrique boycott orange (2016) ou encore Talatay-orange (2018). Il détaille ensuite la nature des commentaires numériques, aux soubassements idéologiques, politiques, voire géopolitiques, ainsi que le détournement des messages publicitaires de la marque (Cultural Jamming) par les contestataires disposant a priori de compétences techniques et sociales. L’étude expose les tactiques privilégiées par la marque Orange notamment la mise en place de « Team digitale » pour animer ses pages Facebook et comptes officiels Twitter ainsi que le recours à des blogueurs/influenceurs pour renforcer son autorité réputationnelle. Enfin, le caractère promotionnel ou divertissant des réponses apportées par les community managers de la marque, dans une situation de communication sensible pouvant déboucher sur une crise, interroge les compétences reliées à l’autorité énonciative de la marque
Covid-19 : Réception de la communication publique et acceptabilité des mesures sanitaires au Sénégal
Résumé : Cet article analyse la communication du Ministère de la Santé et de l’Action Sociale (MSAS) du Sénégal auprès des « publics institutionnels » lors de la pandémie du Coranavirus. L’étude s’appuie sur les théories de la réception et de l’acceptabilité sociale combinée à des enquêtes quantitatives avec une approche qualitative et une observation non participante. Elle est menée à l’échelle des « territoires » ruraux, périurbains et urbains afin de cerner la manière dont les mesures sanitaires « universelles » rencontrent des dynamiques locales préexistantes. Les résultats démontrent que l’environnement informationnel, les réalités socio-économiques et territoriales des publics ne sont pas suffisamment intégrés comme en témoignent la réception limitée des supports écrits, les barrières sémiolinguistiques, les perceptions religieuses sur l’origine l’inacceptabilité de la distanciation sociale et des restrictions interurbaines. In fine, il apparaît que la démocratie sanitaire reste un défi à relever dans les stratégies de communication de santé publique.
Mots-clés : Réception, acceptabilité, communication de santé publique, Covid-19, démocratie sanitair
Puerperal uterine inversion managed by the uterine balloon tamponade
The uterine inversion is a rare and severe puerperal complication. Uncontrolled cord traction and uterine expression are the common causes described.We report a case of uterine inversion stage III caused by poor management of the third stage of labor. It was about a 20 years old primigravida referred in our unit for postpartum hemorrhage due to uterine atony. After manual reduction of the uterus, the use of intra uterine balloon tamponade helped to stop the hemorrhage. The uterine inversion is a rare complication that may cause maternel death. The diagnosis is clinical and its management must be immediate to avoid maternal complications.Key words: Uterine inversion, postpartum hemorrhage, uterine balloon tamponad
La Bajenu Gox actrice de mobilisation sociale et de transformation des normes sociales d’inégalités de genre pour une utilisation des services de santé maternelle, infantile et des adolescent-es au Sénégal
La mortalité maternelle et néonatale reste la plus grande disparité en matière de santé entre les pays à faible revenu et ceux à revenu élevé. Pour parvenir à améliorer la santé maternelle et infantile, il est important de prendre en compte les dimensions culturelles et de genre. Nous avons étudié le rôle des Bajenu Gox (BGs) dans la réduction de la mortalité maternelle et infantile par la mobilisation sociale et la transformation sociale au Sénégal. Des données quantitatives et qualitatives sur le genre et la santé ont été collectées à Dakar, Louga, Fatick et Kaolack, aux niveaux individuel, familial, communautaire et institutionnel selon une approche participative et inclusive. Les données ont été collectées auprès des autorités et des professionnels de santé (infirmiers en chef, sages-femmes), des familles et de la communauté (femmes enceintes, femmes allaitantes, enfants et adolescents, beaux-pères et belles-mères, maris, imams, prêtres,). Les résultats ont montré que les BG interviennent à trois niveaux : les bénéficiaires, les gardiens des us et coutumes ou des décisions, et les gardiens des obligations morales ou des décisions. Les BG ont amélioré les indicateurs de santé. De nombreux femmes, enfants et jeunes filles sont maintenant référés aux structures appropriées pour les soins prénataux et postnataux, le planning familial, la vaccination. En conclusion, les BG ont développé des méthodes efficaces de mobilisation sociale pour promouvoir la SMNI. Les BG sont des agents potentiels de transformation des normes sociales et de genre.
Maternal and new-born mortality remains the greatest existing disparity in health between low-income and high-income countries. To achieve improvement in maternal and child health, it is important to consider cultural and gender dimensions. We studied the role of Bajenu Gox women (BGs) in reducing maternal and child mortality through social mobilization and social transformation in Senegal. Quantitative and qualitative data on gender and health were collected in Dakar, Louga, Fatick and Kaolack, at the individual, family, community and institutional levels using semi-structured interviews, focus groups and community dialogues based on a participatory and inclusive approach. Data were collected from authorities and professionals working in the health sector (head nurses, midwives, Health Committee (CS), and family and community members who are directly concerned or have authority on the patient (pregnant women, breastfeeding women, children and adolescents, mothers and father’s in-law, husbands, imams, priests). Results of our research showed that BGs intervene at three levels - beneficiaries, custodians of habits and customs or decisions, and custodians of moral obligations or decisions. The BGs contribute in the improvement of the main health outcomes, in particular: antenatal care, postnatal care for mothers and their children. Plus, many women and girls are now being referred to the appropriate structures for ante-and post-natal visits, family planning, etc. In conclusion, BGs have developed efficient methods of social mobilization to promote MCH, and BGs’are potential social and gender norms’ transforming agent
Providential non-union of the medial condyle of distal humerus: a case report
Non-union of the medial condyle of the humerus is a rare development of neglected fractures of the distal humerus. We report a case found in a 19 years old boy who consulted for relative functional impotence of the right elbow, with a functional score rated at 76 points out of 100 according to Broberg and Morrey. The elbow radiograph showed a pseudarthrosis of the medial condyle of the humerus and the computed tomography found in addition a partial filling of the olecranon and coronoid dimples. Also, a therapeutic abstention was retained this pseudarthrosis in view of its providential character
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