90 research outputs found

    Root Canal Shaping by Single-File Systems and Rotary Instruments: a Laboratory Study

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to compare the shaping ability of two single-file systems and conventional rotary instruments in severely curved root canals of extracted human molars. Methods and Materials: Mesiobuccal canals of 120 mandibular molars with angles of curvature ranging between 25° and 35° and radii of curvature from 5 to 9 mm, were divided into three groups (n=40). In each group the canals were instrumented with either WaveOne (W), Reciproc(R) or ProTaper (P). The time required for canal shaping and the frequency of broken instruments were recorded. The standardized pre and post-instrumentation radiographs were taken to determine changes in working length (WL) and straightening of canal curvature. The presence of blockage or perforation was also evaluated. Data were analyzed using the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and post-hoc Tukey’s test. The level of significance was set at 0.05. Results: Both single-instrument systems reduced the canal preparation time by approximately 50% (P<0.05). No incidence of broken instruments from single-file systems was reported; however, two F2 instruments in the P group were broken (P<0.05). Reduction in WL and straightening of canal curvature was observed in all three systems with the highest scores belonging to P system (P<0.05). No case of blockage or perforation was found during shaping in any group. Conclusion: Single-file systems shaped curved canals with substantial saving in time and a significant decrease in incidence of instrument separation, change in WL, and straightening of canal curvature

    Hernie inguinale de la vessie: Ă  propos de 8 cas

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    Décrire notre expérience de la prise en charge des hernies inguinales de la vessie (HIV). Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective descriptive colligeant les dossiers des patients opérés pour une HIV entre janvier  2005 et décembre 2012. Les paramètres suivants ont été étudiés: l'âge des patients, les aspects  anatomo-cliniques de la hernie, les circonstances de découverte, l'attitude thérapeutique et les résultats de la cure. Huit HIV ont été diagnostiquées sur une période de 7 ans. Tous les patients étaient de sexe masculin. La moyenne d'âge était de 57,6 ans. La HIV siégeait à droite chez 5 patients et était associée à une HBP chez 3 patients, deux patients avaient des antécédents de herniorraphie . La découverte était per opératoire chez 6 patients, postopératoire (fistule vesicocutanée) chez un patient et  préopératoire chez un patient. Ce dernier a présenté une HIV géante diagnostiquée à l'Uroscanner. L'attitude thérapeutique était fonction des circonstances de  découverte de la HIV et de la pathologie associée. Six patients ont été opérés selon la technique de Bassini et deux selon la technique de Mac Way. La durée   moyenne de  l'hospitalisation était de 7 jours. Après un suivi régulier de 2 ans nous n'avons pas noté de récidive  herniaire. La HIV est une affection rare dont la   découverte est le plus souvent per-opératoire après une taille vésicale. Il faut l'évoquer chez tout patient aux antécédents d'herniorraphie et chez les sujets âgés de plus de 50 ans qui présentent une hernie inguinale associée à des TUBA.Key words: Vessie, hernie, découverte peroperatoire

    L’éléphantiasis vulvo-clitoridien: à propos d’un nouveau cas

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    L'éléphantiasis vulvo-clitoridien d'origine filarienne est une affection très rare. Nous rapportons un nouveau cas chez une femme de 33 ans suivie dans un service de Maladies Infectieuses pour filariose lymphatique. Elle avait une masse vulvo-clitoridienne qui évoluait depuis plus de 10 ans. Une résection clitoridienne et une plastie vulvaire a été réalisée. Les résultats fonctionnels et esthétiques étaient satisfaisants.Key words: Eléphantiasis, filariose, vulvo-clitoridie

    Barcoding: Comparison of Variation Degree of COI and Cytochrome b Mitochondrial Markers in Two Species Primary Maize Pests (Sitophilus zeamais and Sitophilus oryzae)

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    The phylogeny, taxonomy and identification of insects were originally based upon shared or derived morphological and anatomy criteria. However, these processes are confronted with the barrier of the existence of sympatric or cryptic species. Thus, genetic analyses have more recently played an increasingly important role in confirming existing or establishing often radically different insect

    One-Year Clinical Evaluation of the Bonding Effectiveness of a One-Step, Self-Etch Adhesive in Noncarious Cervical Lesion Therapy

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    This study evaluated the one-year clinical performance of a one-step, self-etch adhesive (Optibond All-in-One, Kerr, CA, USA) combined with a composite (Herculite XRV Ultra, Kerr Hawe, CA, USA) to restore NCCLs with or without prior acid etching. Restorations performed by the same practitioner were evaluated at baseline and after 3, 6, and 12 months using modified USPHS criteria. At 6 months, the recall rate was 100%. The retention rate was 84.2% for restorations with prior acid etching, but statistically significant differences were observed between baseline and 6 months. Without acid etching, the retention rate was 77%, and no statistically significant difference was noted between 3 and 6 months. Marginal integrity (93.7% with and 87.7% without acid etching) and discoloration (95.3% with and 92.9% without acid etching) were scored as Alpha or Bravo, with better results after acid etching. After one year, the recall rate was 58.06%. Loss of pulp vitality, postoperative sensitivity, or secondary caries were not observed. After one year retention rate was of 90.6% and 76.9% with and without acid conditioning. Optibond All-in-One performs at a satisfactory clinical performance level for restoration of NCCLs after 12 months especially after acid etching

    Cancer de la prostate au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Aristidie Le Dantec de Dakar : aspects épidemiologiques sur les cinq dernières années: Prostate cancer in Aristide Le Dantec hospital of Dakar: epidemiological aspects over the last five years

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    Context and objective. Prostate cancer represents a major public health issue, but data from sub-Saharan Africa are scarce. This study aimed to describe the epidemiological aspects of prostate cancer during the last five years in Aristide Le Decantec hospital of Dakar. Methods. it’s a retrospective and descriptive study involving 5 last years including all patients with histologically confirmed prostate cancer. The studied parameters were: prevalence, incidence, age, clinical stage, lethality and death rate. Results. Two hundred and thirty-three patients were enrolled. The prevalence of prostate cancer during the study period was 0.8%. Depending on the stage, metastatic cancer was the most common form with 45.9% of cases. The new cases were 199 with an average of 39.8 per year. The total incidence of prostate cancer over the study period was 0.7%. The mean age of the patients at the diagnosis time was 68.6 ± 9.2 years. The lethality was 0.5%. The global death rate was 0.9 ‰. The specific death rate was 0.9‰. The annual mortality rate was higher in 2017 (36.4%) compared to other years. Depending on the stage, the death rate was higher in metastatic stages patients. Conclusion. The incidence of prostate cancer is increasing in our medical center. Metastatic forms remain more common with higher death rate. Early detection campaigns for prostate cancer should be considered. Contexte et objectif. Le cancer de la prostate reprĂ©sente un enjeu majeur de santĂ© publique et mais il reste très peu documentĂ© en Afrique subsaharienne. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d’évaluer les aspects Ă©pidĂ©miologiques du cancer de la prostate sur les 5 dernières annĂ©es dans notre centre. MĂ©thodes. Il s’agissait d’une Ă©tude documentaire et descriptive sur 5 ans ayant colligĂ© les dossiers de tous les patients avec cancer de la prostate histologiquement confirmĂ©. Les paramètres Ă©tudiĂ©s Ă©taient : la prĂ©valence, l’incidence, l’âge, le stade clinique, la lĂ©talitĂ© et la mortalitĂ©. RĂ©sultats. Deux cent trente-trois patients ont Ă©tĂ© retenus. La prĂ©valence du cancer de la prostate durant la pĂ©riode Ă©tudiĂ©e Ă©tait de 0,8%. En fonction du stade, le stade de cancer mĂ©tastatique Ă©tait prĂ©pondĂ©rant (45,9%). Les nouveaux cas Ă©taient de 199, soit une moyenne de 39,8 nouveaux cas par an. L’incidence totale du cancer de la prostate sur la pĂ©riode Ă©tudiĂ©e Ă©tait de 0,7%. L’âge moyen des patients au moment du diagnostic Ă©tait de 68,6 ± 9,2 ans. Le taux lĂ©talitĂ© Ă©tait de 0,5%. La mortalitĂ© globale Ă©tait de 0,9‰. Le taux de mortalitĂ© annuelle Ă©tait plus important en 2017 (36,4%) en comparaison aux autres annĂ©es Ă©tudiĂ©es. En fonction du stade, le taux de mortalitĂ© Ă©tait plus important pour les stades mĂ©tastatiques. Conclusion. L’incidence du cancer de la prostate est en augmentation dans notre centre. Les formes mĂ©tastatiques restent prĂ©dominantes assombrissant le pronostic vital. Des campagnes de dĂ©pistage prĂ©coce du cancer de la prostate sont Ă  envisager


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    In recent years, a considerable amount of effort has been devoted, both in industry and academia, to improving maintenance. Time is a critical factor in maintenance, and efforts are placed to monitor, analyze, and visualize machine or asset data in order to anticipate to any possible failure, prevent damage, and save costs. The MANTIS Book aims to highlight the underpinning fundamentals of Condition-Based Maintenance related conceptual ideas, an overall idea of preventive maintenance, the economic impact and technical solution. The core content of this book describes the outcome of the Cyber-Physical System based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance project, also known as MANTIS, and funded by EU ECSEL Joint Undertaking under Grant Agreement nÂş 662189. The ambition has been to support the creation of a maintenance-oriented reference architecture that support the maintenance data lifecycle, to enable the use of novel kinds of maintenance strategies for industrial machinery. The key enabler has been the fine blend of collecting data through Cyber-Physical Systems, and the usage of machine learning techniques and advanced visualization for the enhanced monitoring of the machines. Topics discussed include, in the context of maintenance: Cyber-Physical Systems, Communication Middleware, Machine Learning, Advanced Visualization, Business Models, Future Trends. An important focus of the book is the application of the techniques in real world context, and in fact all the work is driven by the pilots, all of them centered on real machines and factories. This book is suitable for industrial and maintenance managers that want to implement a new strategy for maintenance in their companies. It should give readers a basic idea on the first steps to implementing a maintenance-oriented platform or information system.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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