87 research outputs found

    Struktur Komunitas Laba-laba (Arachnida: Araneae) Di Taman Nasional Bogani Nani Wartabone, Sulawesi Utara

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    Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park is a tropical low land rain forest. This region has high diversity of arthropods, i.e. spider. The aims of this study was to analyze the Community structure of spiders of spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) in various types of habitat at Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park North Sulawesi. Sampling was carried out at three habitat types, namely primary, secondary, and farm. The research was conducted from March to May 2014 by using pitfall trap (to collect spiders that move on the ground) and sweep net (to collect the spideron vegetation canopy). The number of spiders obtained during the study of was 1267 speciments. The specimens collected are consists 15 families, 71 genera, and 129 morphospecies. The Family which most individual abundance is family Tetragnathidae and the least was Ctenizidae. Salticidae were the most common family of species (30 species), while the least were Agelenidae, Ctenidae and Ctenizidae where each family has one species. Abundance, richness, diversity and evenness of species was higher in the farm, while the lowest in the secondary forest. The highest similarity index of spider communities was between primary forests and secondary forests. The results of this research can be used as a diversity database of spiders for conservation strategies in North Sulawesi


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    ABSTRACTRed jungle fowl is one of the important animals that live in the forest and has various roles, such as ecological, economic and aesthetic functions. This study aims to analyze the population of red jungle fowl in forest habitat I and forest habitat II in the forest of Mount Klabat Utara Minahasa and analyze the activity of red forest chicken in forest habitat I and forest habitat II in the forests of Mount Klabat North Minahasa. This study uses a survey method with line transect sampling. Transects were determined as many as four, namely two transects in forest habitat type I and two transects in forest habitat type II. Each transect length is 2000 m and the left width is 20 m and the right width is 20 m, each transect is observed for 10 times. Density found in transect I was 25.63 animals / km² and transect II was 10.63 animals / km², in addition it was found that the dominant activity in both types of forest was forest I with feeding activity 19 (0.76%) moved 4 (0.16%), rest 2 (0.20%), in forest II looking for food, 5 (0.50%), move 3 (0.30%), rest 2 (0.20%).Keywords: Red jungle fowl (Gallus gallus), density, activity, Mount Klabat, North Minahasa, North Sulawesi ABSTRAKAyam hutan merah merupakan salah satu satwa penting yang hidup di hutan dan mempunyai berbagai peran, seperti fungsi ekologi, ekonomi dan estetika. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis populasi ayam hutan merah pada habitat hutan I dan habitat hutan II di hutan Gunung Klabat Minahasa Utara dan menganalisis aktivitas ayam hutan merah pada habitat hutan I dan habitat hutan II di hutan Gunung Klabat Minahasa Utara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan sampling berbentuk transek garis. Transek ditentukan sebanyak empat, yaitu dua transek pada tipe habitat hutan I dan dua transek pada tipe habitat hutan II. Panjang transek masing-masing ialah 2000 m dan lebar kiri 20 m dan lebar kanan 20m, setiap transek dilakukan pengamatan selama 10 kali. Densitas yang di temukan pada transek I yaitu 25.63 ekor/km² dan di transek II 10.63 ekor/km², selain itu di temukan aktivitas yang dominan pada kedua tipe hutan yaitu hutan I dengan aktivitas makan 19 (0.76%) berpindah 4 (0.16%), istirahat 2 (0.20%), di hutan II mencari makan, 5 (0.50%), berpindah 3 (0.30%), istirahat 2 (0.20%).Kata kunci: Ayam hutan merah (Gallus gallus), densitas, aktivitas, Gunung Klabat, Minahasa Utara, Sulawesi Utar


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    Laju pertumbuhan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Kutai Barat (Kubar) tahun 2021 untuk lapangan usaha pertanian, kehutanan, dan perikanan adalah negatif dan lebih rendah dibandingkan lapangan usaha kesehatan dan kegiatan sosial, jasa pendidikan, dan jasa keuangan dan asuransi. Sektor pertanian perlu untuk dikembangkan agar kemampuan sektor pertanian dalam mensejahterakan masyarakat semakin meningkat. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menginventarisasi lembaga kesehatan, pendidikan, dan keuangan, mendata kegiatan pertanian (pertanian, peternakan, kehutanan, dan perikanan),  menelaah kinerja lembaga dan sektor pertanian, serta menganalisis peran lembaga dalam mendukung pengembangan pertanian di Kubar. Cakupan penelitian adalah Kabupaten Kutai Barat, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. Penelitian dilaksanakan sejak September 2021 hingga Februari 2022. Penelitian ini mengumpulkan data sekunder dan data dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif dan dilakukan penentuan  indeks Location Quotient (LQ). Telah berkembang berbagai lembaga kesehatan, pendidikan, dan keuangan di Kubar. Kegiatan bidang pertanian yang diusahakan adalah pertanian tanaman pangan, tanaman hortikultura, perkebunan, peternakan, jasa pertanian dan perburuan, kehutanan dan penebangan kayu, dan perikanan. Kinerja lapangan usaha pertanian, kehutanan, dan perikanan lebih tinggi dibandingkan lapangan usaha jasa kesehatan dan kegiatan sosial, jasa pendidikan, dan jasa keuangan dan asuransi. Rata-rata indeks LQ lapangan usaha pertanian, kehutanan, dan perikanan; jasa kesehatan dan kegiatan sosial; jasa pendidikan; dan jasa keuangan dan asuransi di Kubar berturut-turut sebesar 1,87 (sektor basis); 1,20 (sektor basis); 0,99 (sektor non basis); dan 0,08 (sektor non basis). Lembaga kesehatan sangat berperan, lembaga pendidikan berperan, dan lembaga keuangan kurang berperan dalam mendukung pengembangan pertanian di Kubar. Peran sektor kesehatan, pendidikan, dan keuangan perlu ditingkatkan dengan berbagai upaya.The Role of Health, Education, and Finance Institutions in Supporting Agricultural Development in West Kutai District.  The growth rate of Gross Regional Domestic Product of West Kutai in 2021 for industry of agriculture, forestry, and fishing was negative and lower than that of human health and social work activities, education, and financial and insurance activities industries. The agricultural sector needs to be developed so that the ability of agricultural sector to improve the community welfare will increase. The research objectives were to inventory of health, educational, and financial institutions, record agricultural activities (agriculture, livestock, forestry, and fishing), examine the performance of health institutions, educational institutions, financial institutions, and the agricultural sector, as well as analyze the role of health, educational, and finance institutions in supporting the agricultural development in West Kutai. The scope of research was West Kutai District, East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. The research was conducted from September 2021 to February 2022. This study collected secondary data and the data were analyzed descriptively quantitatively and the Location Quotient (LQ) indexs were determined. Various health, educational, and financial institutions have developed in West Kutai. Activities in the agricultural sector that are cultivated the food crops, horticultural crops, plantation crops, livestock, agriculture services and hunting, forestry and logging, and fishing. The performance of agriculture, forestry, and fishing industry was higher than that of the human health and social work activities, education, and financial and insurance activities industries. The average LQ indexs of agriculture, forestry, and fishing; human health and social work activities; education; and financial and insurance activities industries were 1.87 (base sector); 1.20 (base sector); 0.99 (non-base sector); and 0.08 (non-base sector), respectively. Health institutions play a very important role, educational institutions play a role, and financial institutions play less role in supporting the agricultural development in West Kutai. The role of health, education, and financial institutions needs to be increased with various efforts

    Biodiversitas Burung Pada Beberapa Tipe Habitat Di Kampus Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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    Burung merupakan salah satu hewan yang memiliki kaitan erat dengan kehidupan manusia sejak dahulu kala. Fungsi ekologis burung yaitu sebagai penyebar biji dan penyerbuk alami. Burung juga dimanfaatkan manusia sebagai bahan makanan serta sebagai hewan peliharaan, bahkan burung juga turut berperan dalam berbagai budaya masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan tingkat biodiversitas burung di daerah Kampus Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado berdasarkan nilai indeks Shannon-Wiener. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2016-Maret 2017. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terdapat sembilan jenis yang ditemukan yaitu, Butorides striatus, Collocalia esculenta, Passer montanus, Pycnonotus aurigaster, Geopelia striata, Gallirallus torquatus, Hirundo tahitica, Nectarinia jugularis, dan Halcyon chloris. Burung yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah Collocalia esculenta dan yang paling sedikit adalah Butorides striatus. Indeks keanekaragaman dari burung yang diamati termasuk dalam kategori sedang melimpah yaitu, 1,638.Bird is one of the animals that has a closed relationship with human life since a long time ago. The ecological functions of birds are as natural seed dispersers and pollinators. Birds are also used by humans as food material and as a pet, even birds also play a role in various cultures of society. This study aims to determine the level of bird biodiversity in the area of University of Sam Ratulangi Manado based on Shannon-Wiener index value. This study used purposive sampling method conducted in December 2016-March 2017. Based on the results of the study there were nine species found, namely Butorides striatus, Collocalia esculenta, Passer montanus, Pycnonotus aurigaster, Geopelia striata, Gallirallus torquatus, Hirundo tahitica, Nectarinia jugularis, and Halcyon chloris. The most bird that commonly found is Collocalia esculenta and the fewest is Butorides striatus. The index diversity value of birds is 1,638 that belongs to abundant category

    Perbandingan Aktivitas Harian Dua Kelompok Monyet Hitam Sulawesi (Macaca Nigra) di Cagar Alam Tangkoko-batuangus, Sulawesi Utara

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    PERBANDINGAN AKTIVITAS HARIAN DUA KELOMPOK MONYET HITAM SULAWESI (Macaca nigra) DI CAGAR ALAM TANGKOKO-BATUANGUS, SULAWESI UTARA Deidy Katili 1) dan Saroyo 1) 1)Program Studi Biologi, FMIPA, Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Jl. Kampus UNSRAT Manado 95115; e-mail: [email protected] ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang perbandingan aktivitas harian dua kelompok monyet hitam Sulawesi (Macaca nigra) di Cagar Alam Tangkoko-Batuangus, Sulawesi Utara dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan frekuensi aktivitas harian pada kondisi habitat yang berbeda. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari sampai dengan Desember 2009 pada dua kelompok Macaca nigra terhabituasi, yaitu kelompok Rambo I (KRI) dan kelompok Rambo II (KRII). KRI lebih banyak menempati hutan primer, sedangkan KRII lebih banyak menempati hutan sekunder dan semak belukar. Aktivitas harian dibedakan menjadi 5 kelas, yaitu makan (feeding), mencari makan (foraging), berpindah (moving), istirahat (resting), dan sosial (social). Data aktivitas harian diambil dengan menggunakan metode focal animal sampling dengan interval 2 menit dari jam 06.00 sampai jam 18.00. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua kelompok memiliki frekuensi aktivitas yang berbeda tetapi hasil uji Chi-Square menunjukkan frekuensi aktivitas makan kedua kelompok tersebut tidak berbeda nyata. Aktivitas terbanyak yang dilakukan oleh kedua kelompok tersebut adalah makan. Kata kunci: aktivitas harian, cagar alam Tangkoko-Batuangus, Macaca nigra, COMPARISON OF DAILY ACTIVITIES BETWEEN TWO GROUPS OF SULAWESI-CRESTED-BLACK-MACAQUES (Macaca nigra) AT TANGKOKO-BATUANGUS NATURE RESERVE, NORTH SULAWESI ABSTRACTThe comparison of daily activities between two groups of Sulawesi-crested-black-macaques (Macaca nigra) was studied at Tangkoko-Batuangus Nature Reserve, North Sulawesi. This study aimed to analyze the different of daily activities frequency in the different habitat condition. This research was conducted on two habituated group in January to December 2009. The first group was Rambi I that was accupied in the primary forest and the second group was that was occupied in the secondary forest as well as in the shurb. The daily activities were grouped into 5 classes, i.e. feeding, foraging, moving, resting, and social. Daily activity data were collected using focal-animal- sampling from 06.00 a.m. to 06.00 p.m with 2 minutes interval. The results showed the different frequency of daily activities between the groups, however, the differences were not significant based on Chi-Square test. The highest frequency of daily activity was feeding


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    ABSTRACT The Kuwil Village Forest City holds an endemic species of Tangkasi (Tarsier spectrum). The condition of forests that characterizes primary forests makes the stems remain in the forest area still status is urban forest. The area of the City Forest of the Kuwil Village is ± 43 ha with a total sampling area of 0.0275 km2 or 2.75 ha with the number of plots installed putting together 14 plots that form a circle with a radius of 25 m. Data was collected in the morning at 05.00-06.15 WITA. Based on the research results obtained a total of duet calls at the location obtained 18 duet calls with a total of 2627 tails / km2 or 26.27 tails / ha which indicates a high population density in urban forest areas. Kuwil City Forest has a variety of potential wildlife that can be processed for conservation of its sustainability. Wildlife conservation can be useful in the future so that it can be used as the development of wildlife utilization both for recreation, natural attractions, and research development. Key words: Kuwil Village, Tangkasi, Kuwil Urban Forest, Density of Tarsier, Conservation. ABSTRAKHutan Kota Desa Kuwil menyimpan satwa endemik tangkasi (Tarsius spectrum). Kondisi hutan yang mencirikan hutan primer membuat tangkasi tetap tinggal di kawasan hutan meskipun statusnya adalah hutan kota. Luas area Hutan Kota Desa Kuwil adalah ± 43 ha dengan luas area total pengambilan sampel adalah 0,0275 km2 atau 2,75 ha dengan  jumlah plot yang di pasang berjumlah 14 plot berbentuk lingkaran dengan jari-jari 25 m. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada pagi hari pukul 05.00-06.15 WITA. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh total duet call di lokasi berjumlah 18 duet call dengan jumlah 2627 ekor/Km2 atau 26,27 ekor/ha yang menunjukkan kepadatan populasi tangkasi pada kawasan hutan kota jumlah populasi yang tinggi. Hutan Kota Kuwil mempunyai beragam potensi satwaliar yang dapat diolah untuk memelihara kelestariannya. Konservasi satwaliar dapat berguna kedepannya agar dapat digunakan sebagai pengembangan pendayagunaan satwaliar baik untuk rekreasi, objek wisata alam, dan pengembangan penelitian. Kata kunci: Desa Kuwil, Tangkasi, Hutan Kota kuwil, Densitas Tangkasi, konservas

    Pemetaan Distribusi dan Densitas Monyet Hitam Sulawesi (Macaca Nigra) di Sulawesi Utara

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    A study on mapping of distribution and population of Sulawesi crested black macaques (Macaca nigra) has been carried out to evaluate the current condition of distribution and density. This research was conducted from January to November 2009 at 24 locations in North Sulawesi Province. Determination of  M. nigra distribution was based on the information provided by people surrounding the sites and field observation. Line transect was used to evaluate the density of the monkey with the length based on the habitat condition and the width was 100 m. The results showed that monkeys were not found at all of the locations and based on categories, high density of monkey was only found at Tangkoko-Batuangus Nature Reserve  Two serious problems responsible to monkey population decreasing were hunting for consumption and habitat destruction. It can be concluded that distribution of M. nigra in North Sulawesi is meta-population and the current status of the species as critically endangered is accepted; the conservation of this species depends on the active management and terminating the factors of population decreasing