11 research outputs found

    Oil-Polluted Water Treatment Using Nano Size Bagasse Optimized- Isotherm Study

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    The preliminary studies were conducted in order to evaluate the ability and behavior of sugarcane bagasse (generated as waste material from sugar mill) to remove oil by-products from aqueous. In this work adsorption experiments were carried out in a batch reactor to obtain adsorption isotherms of oil by-product on sugarcane bagasse. The capacity of sugarcane bagasse to adsorb oil by-product from aqueous solutions was evaluated at different pH, adsorbent dose and initial concentration. Equilibrium isotherms were analyzed by Langmuir isotherm equations. Compare the result and Langmuir isotherm shown that adsorption of oil by-product on a sugarcane bagasse is favorable. The concentration which was reviewed in this study was much closed to concentration in the industrial water disposal effluents and Langmuir isotherm did describe well the adsorption behavior obtained for these systems

    RRR (Reclamation, Remediation and Recovery): Green Phases of Mining and Drilling Lifecycle Influence on and/or Influenced by Sustainable Development

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    Today industries play comprehensive role in modern and developed societies. Pollution and wastes as output of these processes- here: mine and drilling - are important concerns of both environmental authorities and managers. Recently green studies are favored as a key factor in environmental management systems. It can also be served as a study field in sustainable development. One environmentally-concerned phase of industries is closure and abandonment of mine and well when permanent environmental impacts must be dealt with. Reclamation and/or rehabilitation of mined and drilled lands not only can decrease environmental problems but also can establish environment-friendly conditions having substantial benefits. Wastes can be lowered or even eliminated by being returned into source or by remediation and reuse processes. Circumstantially in mining, the mined land can approach post-mining land uses such as recreational, residential and agricultural uses. These make losses and disadvantages to turn into benefit and advantage. In terms of drilling, practices like subsurface injection can procure demanding disposal. Post closure acts are the long-term phases of industries which should integrate well-designed engineering, management and monitoring to bring about the aimed results and to comply with the environmental management systems

    Structural Controls of Polymetal Mineralization in North Kashmar, Iran

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    Abs tract: The North part of Kashmar is located about 250 Km Southwest of M ashhad, Northeast Iran. It is part of the structural Darouneh fault zone and contains rhyolitic, andesitic, pyroclas t ic a n d lava flows . Based on results obtained fro m A F M and Miyashiro diagrams the igneous rocks class ified as a s ubalkaline and calcalkaline. From the data obtained the Ka s h mar strike-slip fault geometry (dis tribution of s hear fractures s uc h a s R,Ró ,P s urfaces , Riedel structures ) plays an important role in controlling the location and emplacement of polymetal mineralization of cop per, lead and zinc ore depos its . The Rie del structure which was obs erved along the northern border of Darouneh fault in d ic a t es a top-west sense of motion. Similar s tructures were obs erved along the southern border o f T a n o u rcheh fault as well. In alterated regions along R, Ró and P surfaces , intrus ion of plutonic roc ks into volcanic rocks have caus ed the develop me n t o f p ropylytic, argillic and s ilis ic hydrothermal alteration, hos ting copper, gold, lead and zinc ore depos its . To s how that the obs erved s hear fracture s urfaces are indeed not significantly different from class ical Riedel s hear pattern a fractal analys is has been done to compare field obs ervations and class ical Riedel s hear pattern. The result shows that the estimated fractal dimens ion for s chematic Riedel is about 1.17, which is in agreement with fra c tal dimens ion of field measurement

    A proposed framework for estimating the environmental damage cost of mining activities in line with the goals of sustainable mining: a case study of Sungun-Ahar Copper Mine, Iran

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    The growth of mining activities reduces the area covered by natural ecosystems and the value of ecosystem services (ES) provided by them. It is necessary to estimate the impacts of land-use changes on the ES value of the ecosystems located in the areas directly and indirectly influenced by mining activities as well as the cost of environmental damages inflicted on the ecosystems. Green mining makes it possible to develop a suitable and effective mechanism for the policymakers and planners to optimally and sustainably upgrade resources utilization. Estimating the cost of the environmental damage of mining activities would effectively preserve ES values and prevent the degradation of ecosystems. It is also an efficient approach in making effective decisions and plans for the restoration of mines. The recent study is the first research to investigate the relationship between mining activities and their impact on reducing/losing the value of ecosystem services by offering a comprehensive and specific framework. The total estimated cost of environmental damages inflicted on ecosystem services influenced by the mining activities in the Sungun Copper Mine was estimated at Int $ 7543232 (1734943 million IRR). This research aimed to develop a comprehensive framework for the stages involved in estimating the changes and losses inflicted on the values of ecosystem services provided by the ecosystems within the scope of direct and indirect effects of mining activities. This framework can help policymakers, stakeholders, and land use planners at regional and national levels preserve ecosystem services and make sustainability plans for the mining regions

    Estimating the Costs Incurred On Ecosystem Services of Cultivated Areas Caused By the Mining of Bauxite Metal in Jajarm, North Khorasan Using the Benefit Transfer Approach

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    Mineral extraction plays an essential role in economic and social development. On the other hand, mining and its dependent processes can have harmful consequences on natural ecosystems, including air pollution, water, soil, and the impact on biodiversity and land use. Therefore, by quantifying these consequences and estimating the costs of damages to ecosystem services, it is possible to reduce the destruction of ecosystems in the country by applying measures based on prevention and control of effects. Jajarm bauxite mining area, as the largest and most crucial bauxite mine in the country, is located in North Khorasan province. Bauxite mining has negative environmental consequences on neighboring ecosystems during the exploitation and extraction of valuable aluminum material. Since the maximum impact area of ​​this mine is cultivated areas downstream and around the extraction area of ​​this area is 6000 hectares, in this study, the cost of environmental damages to the mine has been estimated using the benefit-transfer approach on this biome. The cost of damages to ecosystem services due to bauxite mining in the cultivated Areas (for 1000 hectares of affected cultivated areas) is estimated at 2481375 million IRR (equivalent to USD 9925500) in the year (2021). This highlights the importance of mine reclamation as well as ecological rehabilitation after mining activities in the area.Using economic tools to prevent and control the effects of mining activities is essential

    Material Flow Cost Accounting Modeling and Life Cycle Analysis of Zinc Smelting Industry Concentrate Unit in Iran to Reduce Environmental Pollution

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    Introduction: In developing countries, Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA) offers numerous benefits, including the identification of hidden costs, waste reduction, improved environmental outcomes, enhanced product quality and competitiveness, and increased process and resource productivity. The zinc mining industry and related activities, such as concentrate production and zinc smelting, require process life cycle analysis due to the extensive pollution they generate, including contamination of surface and underground water from heavy elements in the leachate. Through the use of MFCA modeling, it is possible to accurately evaluate the inputs and outputs of current processes in this field and analyze them for environmental effects.Materials and Methods: This study involved visits to industrial smelting units, expert opinions, and integration with the Sima Pro software database to prepare a life cycle model and network of the product life cycle and its environmental effects. By analyzing the life cycle of Iran's zinc smelting industry, green product productivity was used to calculate the cost-material flow in the selected sample unit, track the material flow, and present a model for the life cycle of zinc. This involved utilizing information from Iran's zinc smelting industry, data from the Sima Pro software database, and the implementation of the MFCA model on information related to zinc smelting and concentrate products. In this model, zinc smelting and zinc concentrate production processes were treated as input and greenhouse gas emissions as output.* Corresponding Author’s email: [email protected]  Results: Based on the material balance relationship, the combination of calcine with sulfuric acid produces leach cake, silver, lead, and air pollution. The research estimates that for the production of one ton of zinc ingot, the amount of air pollution generated is 7 kg. MFCA analysis of the leaching unit of the industrial research complex indicates that the cost of 5070 kilograms of input materials is 12,350,000 Tomans, the cost of the system is 30,000,000 Tomans, and the cost of energy is 1,950,000 Tomans. The study also found that 3549 kg of product is obtained for 9,100,000 Tomans, while 1536 kg of waste is produced at the cost of 3,250,000 Tomans. This highlights the input values, the primary product, and the secondary product.Discussion: Through the provision of comprehensive life cycle models for the zinc smelting process, especially the zinc smelting concentrate process, the inputs and outputs of the production chain were evaluated. By accurately determining the flow cost of these materials, the process of zinc smelting concentrate production can be optimized to minimize losses, reduce environmental pollution, lower direct costs, and increase economic output, thereby leading to the growth and development of the industrial complex

    شناسايي مخاطرات فرآيندي در برج عريان سازي گرم پروژه هاي رايج شيرين سازي نفت خام به روش مطالعه مخاطرات و راهبري عمليات

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    Background and Objectives: Nowadays, oil and gas resources play a vital role in supplying energy and raw materials so that any disruption in the operation of refineries leads to compensatory damages. Therefore, the continuous, safe, and accurate operation of refineries is essential. The presence of impurities in oil and gas has a negative effect on equipment and reduces the quality of the final product. Hence, a hot stripping unit was used for the separation of Hydrogen sulfide gas from crude oil. And identifies deviations in this desalination unit that will cause harm to humans, equipment, and the environment. Methods and Materials: To prevent human, economic, and environmental damages, we need a systematic approach to study hazards and risk analysis. The Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) techniques were applied to identify hazards in the sweetening of the crude oil project. Initially, the HAZOP team divided the sweetening unit into 11 nodes and evaluated 94 deviations in these nodes. The faults  and their causes, consequences, and safeguards were traced and reported. Results: Based on operational deviations, risk factors, consequences, and barriers were reviewed and weaknesses in protection layers were identified. Outcomes of risk and operational management sessions, deviations, causes, consequences, safeguards, and possible solutions are identified. The most vital faults were traced in the desalination unit, overfilling of the tank surface, high pressure and incorrect function of the flare, which occurred in nodes 6, 7, and 9, respectively, for various reasons. Conclusion: After summarizing the findings, for preventing the occurrence of consequences and accidents, recommendations were presented in the form of a general suggestion. The results of this study could create a safer surroundings with higher reliability and environmental-friendly product. How to cite this article: Sarkheil H, Dehdari F, Azimi Y, Talaeian Araghi M. Identification of Process Hazards in the Hot Stripping Tower of Common Crude Oil Sweetening Projects Using HAZOP Study. J Saf Promot Inj Prev. 2020; 8(3):172- 83.سابقه و هدف: نفت و گاز از مهم‌ترين منابع جهت تأمين انرژي و مواد اوليه در دنياي امروز مي‌باشند، به‌طوري‌که رخداد هرگونه اختلال در فعاليت پالايشگاه‌ها خسارات جبران‌ناپذيري به دنبال خواهد داشت. ازاين‌رو فعاليت مداوم، ايمن و دقيق پالايشگاه‌ها بسيار حائز اهميت است. علاوه بر آن حضور ناخالصي‌هاي موجود در نفت و گاز مي‌تواند بر روي تجهيزات و کاهش کيفيت محصول نهايي اثر منفي داشته باشد. اين مطالعه بر روي بخش جداسازي گاز هيدروژن سولفيد از نفت خام به روش بهره‌گيري از برج عريان سازي گرم متمرکزبود و به شناسايي انحرافات موجود در اين واحد شيرين سازي که موجب آسيب به انسان، تجهيزات و محيط خواهند گرديد، ‌انجاميد. روش بررسي: در اين تحقيق به‌منظور جلوگيري از صدمات انساني، اقتصادي و محيط‌زيستي، از مطالعه مخاطرات و راهبري عمليات که يک روش سامانمند براي مطالعه خطرات و آناليز ريسک است، استفاده‌شد. در ابتدا گروه مطالعه مخاطرات و راهبري عمليات، واحد را به 11 گره تجزيه و سپس تعداد 94 انحراف محتمل موجود در هر گره را مورد ارزيابي قراردادند. يافته‌ها: بر اساس انحرافات عملياتي، عوامل خطر، پيامدها و لايه‌هاي حفاظتي مورد بازبيني قرار گرفت و نقاط ضعف موجود در لايه‌هاي حفاظتي مشخص گرديد. نتايج جلسات مخاطرات و راهبري عمليات، انحراف‌ها، علل، پيامدها، محافظ‌ها و راه‌حل‌هاي احتمالي مشخص‌شد. به‌طوري‌که مهم‌ترين انحراف‌هاي موجود در اين واحد شيرين سازي، بيش‌ازحد پر شدن سطح مخزن، فشار بالا، عملکرد ناصحيح فلر که به ترتيب در گره‌هاي 6، 7 و 9 به دلايل مختلف اتفاق افتاده‌ بودند. نتيجه‌گيري: پس از جمع‌بندي يافته‌ها، به‌منظور جلوگيري از رخداد پيامد و حوادث ناگوار تعداد 55 اقدام اصلاحي مؤثر پيشنهاد گرديد. بديهي است به‌کارگيري نتايج اين تحقيق به ايجاد محيطي ايمن‌تر باقابليت اطمينان بالاتر و محصولات دوستار محيط‌زيست کمک خواهد نمود. How to cite this article: Sarkheil H, Dehdari F, Azimi Y, Talaeian Araghi M. Identification of Process Hazards in the Hot Stripping Tower of Common Crude Oil Sweetening Projects Using HAZOP Study. J Saf Promot Inj Prev. 2020; 8(3):172- 83