26 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Macam Inokulum dan Lama Inkubasi Pupuk Organik terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Padi

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    The experiment aimed to know the best inoculant and incubation time of organic fertilizer to the growth and yield of paddy. The experiment was conducted in Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta. The altitude of experiment site is 110 m above sea level with the soil type of regosol.The experiment used the 3 x 4 factorial with one control and was arranged in Randomized Completely Block Design with three block as replication. The first factor was kind of inoculant to make organic fertilizer, consisted of 3 levels i.e (1) without inoculant, (2) EM4 and (3) Stardec. The second factor was incubation time, consisted of 4 levels i.e (1) 7 days, (2) 14 days, (3) 21 days and (4) 28 days. The control used organic fertilizer (Urea, SP36, KCl) with recommended dose.The result showed that neither organic fertilizer without inoculant nor with addition of EM4 and Stardec (with incubation time 7-28 days) affected significantly to the growth and yield of paddy, the used 3ton/hectare of organic fertilizer with or without inoculant did not affect significantly to the yield of paddy

    Pengaruh Macam Inokulum Dan Lama Inkubasi Pupuk Organik Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Padi

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    The experiment aimed to know the best inoculant and incubation time of organic fertilizer to the growth and yield of paddy. The experiment was conducted in Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta. The altitude of experiment site is 110 m above sea level with the soil type of regosol.The experiment used the 3 x 4 factorial with one control and was arranged in Randomized Completely Block Design with three block as replication. The first factor was kind of inoculant to make organic fertilizer, consisted of 3 levels i.e (1) without inoculant, (2) EM4 and (3) Stardec. The second factor was incubation time, consisted of 4 levels i.e (1) 7 days, (2) 14 days, (3) 21 days and (4) 28 days. The control used organic fertilizer (Urea, SP36, KCl) with recommended dose.The result showed that neither organic fertilizer without inoculant nor with addition of EM4 and Stardec (with incubation time 7-28 days) affected significantly to the growth and yield of paddy, the used 3ton/hectare of organic fertilizer with or without inoculant did not affect significantly to the yield of paddy

    Pengaruh Macam Inokulum dan Lama Inkubasi Pupuk Organik terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Padi

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    The experiment aimed to know the best inoculant and incubation time of organic fertilizer to the growth and yield of paddy. The experiment was conducted in Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta. The altitude of experiment site is 110 m above sea level with the soil type of regosol.The experiment used the 3 x 4 factorial with one control and was arranged in Randomized Completely Block Design with three block as replication. The first factor was kind of inoculant to make organic fertilizer, consisted of 3 levels i.e (1) without inoculant, (2) EM4 and (3) Stardec. The second factor was incubation time, consisted of 4 levels i.e (1) 7 days, (2) 14 days, (3) 21 days and (4) 28 days. The control used organic fertilizer (Urea, SP36, KCl) with recommended dose.The result showed that neither organic fertilizer without inoculant nor with addition of EM4 and Stardec (with incubation time 7-28 days) affected significantly to the growth and yield of paddy, the used 3ton/hectare of organic fertilizer with or without inoculant did not affect significantly to the yield of paddy


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    ABSTRAKProgram nasional gerakan menanam tanaman di pekarangan rumah dalam rangka mewujudkan ketahanan pangan, kemandirian pangan, dan kedaulatan pangan sudah dicanangkan sejak tahun 2015. Program jangka pendek dan menengah Kementan RI tahun 2020 -2024 ini dilakukan melalui kegiatan pekarangan pangan lestari dan pertanian keluarga. Beberapa permasalahan yang dihadapi anggota Kelompok Taman TOGA Surya Putri ‘Asyiyah Pandak Barat dalam mengelola pekarangannya adalah pengetahuan dan wawasan dalam pemanfaatan pekarangan masih terbatas, keterampilan dalam budidaya tanaman serta pemeliharaan ikan dan ternak masih kurang. Berdasarkan pada analisis kebutuhan anggota kelompok Taman TOGA Surtri’as Panbar dan kompetensi Tim Pengusul, maka solusi masalahnya adalah pemanfaatan pekarangan secara optimal dan produktif melalui Sistem Pertanian Terpadu dengan penerapan teknologi budidaya tanaman serta pemeliharaan ikan dan ternak, sehingga tersedia bahan pangan dari pekarangannya. Untuk mencapai target luaran sesuai permasalahan yang dihadapi, maka digunakan beberapa metode, yang meliputi penyuluhan, pelatihan dan demonstrasi/ praktik serta pendampingan pengelolaan pekarangan secara terpadu. Hasil pelaksanaan PKM di kelompok Taman TOGA Surtri’as Panbar dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan, wawasan dan pemahaman serta keterampilan anggota dalam mengelola lahan pekarangan dengan sistem pertanian terpadu, sehingga dapat  meningkatkan ketersediaan dan kemandirian pangan keluarga dan masyarakat. Kata Kunci: pertanian terpadu; kemandirian pangan ABSTRACTThe national planting movement program in the house yard to establish food security, food independence, and food sovereignty has been launched since 2015. The short and medium-term program of the Ministry of Agriculture for 2020-2024 is carried out through sustainable food yard activities and family farming. Some of the problems faced by members of the Surya Putri 'Asyiyah Pandak Barat TOGA Park Group in managing their yards are limited knowledge and insight in the use of the yard, skills in plant cultivation, and fish and livestock maintenance. Based on the analysis of these problems and the competence of the Proposing Team, the solution advised is an optimal and productive use of the yard through the Integrated Farming System with the application of plant cultivation technology and fish and livestock maintenance so that food is available from the yard.  According to the problems faced, several methods are used to achieve the output target, including counseling, training, demonstration/practice, and assistance in integrated yard management. The implementation of PKM (Community Partnership Service) in the Taman TOGA Surtri'as Panbar group can increase members' knowledge, insight, understanding, and skills in managing yards with an integrated farming system to increase the availability and food independence of families and communities. Keywords: integrated farming; food self-sufficienc

    Penjaminan Mutu Produk Olahan Tanaman Obat dalam Perluasan Pangsa Pasar

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    Kelompok Toga Surya Putri ‘Aisyiyah Pandak Barat (Surtri’as Panbar) adalah suatu kelompok yang beranggotakan ibu-ibu ‘Aisyiyah yang mempunyai usaha membuat olahan tanaman obat hasil panen para anggota, antara lain sirup jahe, manisan jahe, dan serbuk jahe. Permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah komposisi bahan dalam produk olahan belum terstandar sehingga rasanya berubah-ubah dan tampilan produk tidak seragam; kemasan belum sesuai dengan standar kemasan makanan; dan pangsa pasar masih terbatas. Tujuan dari pengabdian ini yaitu (a) standardisasi komposisi bahan agar dihasilkan produk olahan yang rasanya tetap dan tampilannya seragam, (b) standardisasi kemasan produk agar sesuai dengan standar kemasan makanan, dan (c) memperluas pangsa pasar melalui promosi secara offline dan online. Kegiatan yang dilakukan yaitu (a) pendampingan dan pelatihan pembuatan olahan jahe yaitu sirup, manisan, dan serbuk jahe yang sesuai dengan standar, (b) pelatihan pengemasan agar produk tidak mudah rusak, tetapi menarik konsumen, serta pemberian bantuan bahan dan alat pengemas. Hasil pemberdayaan menunjukkan bahwa adanya pendampingan, pelatihan, serta fisilitasi bahan dan peralatan pengemas dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan anggota kelompok dalam mengolah tanaman obat serta membuat kemasan yang aman untuk makanan olahan dan menarik konsumen yang tampak dari skor pretest 56,25% menjadi 71,25% (posttest). Penjualan olahan jahe meningkat karena adanya promosi secara online dan offline

    Contribution of Rhizobium–Mycorrhiza–Merapi-indigenous Rhizobacteria Association on Growth and Yield of Three Cultivars Soybean Cultivated on Coastal Sandy Soil

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    A study was conducted to examine the effect of inoculum association between Rhizobium sp., mycorrhizae and Merapi-indigenous Rhizobacteria on the growth and yield of 3 soybean cultivars, and to determine the best inoculum and cultivars for soybean cultivation on coastal sandy soil. The study was conducted in the Agro-biotechnology and Research Laboratory and experimental station of Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta during the period of September 2015 to June 2016. Experiments were conducted by using coastal sandy soil as planting medium in polybags by employing 4 x 3 factorial experiments, arranged in completely randomised design, and placed under the field condition. The first factor used was inoculation treatment consisted of 4 combination of inoculums: (1) Rhizobium sp. – mycorrhizae, (2) Rhizobium sp. – Merapi-indigenous Rhizobacteria, (3) Rhizobium sp. – mycorrhizae – Merapi-indigenous Rhizobacteria, and (4) without inoculation. The second factor was soybean cultivars consisted of 3 varieties: (1) Grobogan, (2) Detam-1, and (3) Petek. Observation was carried out on nodulation, mycorrhizal effect, Rhizobacterial population dynamics, plant growth and yield. The results showed that Rhizobium sp.–mycorrhizae inoculated on Petek increased root growth, leaf area and yield (5,97 tonnes/ha). Rhizobium sp.–mycorrhizae inoculation only increased diameter of nodules. It was also observed that the best soybean cultivar for coastal sandy soil was Petek

    The Diversity and Dominance of Weeds in Various Population Proportions of Intercropping Soybeans With Corn

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    Soybean is an important food crop for Indonesia after rice and corn. Soybean productivity in Indonesia is still low because most farmers use monoculture cropping patterns which has many weaknesses. Intercropping is an alternative to increase soybean productivity because it has many advantages. Soybeans can be intercropped with corn because the two plants have different physical characteristics, physiology and growth patterns. This research aimed to obtain information about the diversity and abundance of weeds in soybean and corn intercropping. The study was conducted using a single factor treatment design which will be arranged in a single plot field design, using Grobogan variety soybean and Bisma variety corn. The treatment was the proportion of soybean and corn populations which consisted of 4 proportions, i.e. 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, and 5:1, and monoculture soybeans were also planted as a control. Observations on weeds were carried out at the age of 2, 8, and 12 weeks after planting (before harvest) with vegetation analysis. The size of each sample is 0.5 m x 0.5 m with 15 sample plots/plots. The results showed that based on the summed dominance ratio (SDR) in the research area, 16 species of weeds were dominated by broadleaf weeds, with the dominant types of weeds being Phyllanthus urinaria L., Eleusine indica L., and Oryza sativa L. The results showed that based on the Summed Dominance Ratio (SDR) in soybean there were 16 species of weeds that were dominated by broadleaf weeds, with the dominant types of weeds being Phyllanthus urinaria L., Eleusine indica L., and Oryza. sativa L. Weeds growing on soybean intercropping with corn and soybean monoculture have a medium diversity index (H').Kedelai merupakan tanaman pangan penting bagi Indonesia setelah padi dan jagung. Produktivitas kedelai di Indonesia masih rendah, karena sebagian besar petani menggunakan pola tanam monokultur yang memiliki banyak kelemahan. Tumpang sari merupakan salah satu alternatif untuk meningkatkan produktivitas kedelai karena memiliki banyak keunggulan. Kedelai dapat ditumpangsarikan dengan jagung karena kedua tanaman tersebut memiliki karakteristik fisik, fisiologi dan pola pertumbuhan yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi tentang keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan gulma pada tumpangsari kedelai dan jagung. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan rancangan perlakuan faktor tunggal yang akan disusun dalam rancangan petak tunggal lapang, menggunakan kedelai varietas Grobogan dan jagung varietas Bisma. Perlakuannya adalah proporsi populasi kedelai dan jagung yang terdiri dari 4 proporsi yaitu 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, dan 5:1, serta kedelai monokultur sebagai kontrol. Pengamatan gulma dilakukan pada umur 2, 8, dan 12 minggu setelah tanam (sebelum panen) dengan analisis vegetasi. Ukuran masing-masing sampel 0,5 m x 0,5 m dengan 15 petak/petak sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan Summed Dominance Ratio (SDR) di daerah penelitian terdapat 16 jenis gulma yang didominasi oleh gulma berdaun lebar, dengan jenis gulma yang dominan adalah Phyllanthus urinaria L., Eleusine indica L., dan Oryza. sativa L. Gulma yang tumbuh pada pertanaman kedelai tumpangsari dengan jagung dan kedelai monokultur mempunyai indeks keragaman (H’) yang termasuk dalam kategori sedang