11 research outputs found

    Estimation of Bali Cattle Body Weight Based on Morphological Measurements by Machine Learning Algorithms: Random Forest, Support Vector, K-Neighbors, and Extra Tree Regression

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    In order to forecast and model the weight of cattle a number of techniques have been used. Nonetheless, no machine algorithm has been utilized to estimate the weight of Bali cattle. This article examines the use of machine learning regression to create models for Bali cattle's body weight prediction. The response variables consist of body weight as the dependent variable and  body length, girth circumference, height at wither of 228 male and 211 female cattle of similar ages (285 days). The descriptive statistics of female Bali cattle in our investigation revealed that the morphological measurements were similar to those documented by other researchers. To predict body weight on the basis of different characteristics, machine learning models such as Random Forest, Support Vector, K-Neighbors, and Extra Tree regressions have been used. Additionally, linear regression was utilized to estimate the body weight for comparison with the traditional approach. The assessment standards used included the determination coefficient, the root mean square error, the average absolute error, and the average absolute percentage error as measures of evaluation efficiency. We found that Linear Regression performs the best among all the regressors for female cattle. Similarly for male, it is about the same as extra tree regression. The machine learning algorithm (MLA) was discovered to furnish more precise estimate of the weight of the body cattle, surpassing the conventional algorithm

    Evaluation of Clean Market Chain from a Biosecure Farm

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    This paper presents the existing condition of a clean market chain (CMC) developed by the Indonesian government with the Australian government through AH 169/2006 project in 2011. This research aims at evaluating the existence of CMC update and to record the needs for mentoring for sustainability of the chain to provide product from a biosecure farm. Results of the study shows that the CMC still works and tend to expand with more stakeholders to get involved especially at the organizational buyers. Some policy initiatives need to be applied to make the chain sustain. Keywords: clean market chain, eggs, biosecurit

    Suplementasi Tepung Jagung Dalam Ransum Meningkatkan Kualitas Daging Sapi Bali

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    Tujuan: Studi ini dilaksanakan untuk mengoptimalkan produktivitas sapi bali sehingga mampu menghasilkan daging dengan kualitas yang baik. Metode penelitian: Percobaan menggunakan perlakuan yang terdiri atas: Perlakuan A: Sapi yang diberikan pakan rumput gajah + konsentrat 1,5% dari berat badan; Perlakuan B: Sapi yang diberikan pakan rumput gajah + 1,5% konsentrat dari berat badan dan 1 kg tepung jagung; Perlakuan C: Sapi yang diberikan pakan rumput gajah + konsentrat 1,5% dari berat badan dan 1,5 kg tepung jagung; dan Perlakuan D: Sapi yang diberikan pakan rumput gajah + konsentrat 1,5% dari berat badan dan 2 kg tepung jagung. Pakan konsentrat diberikan dua kali pada pagi dan sore hari, sedangkan pakan hijauan diberikan dalam keadaan segar setelah diberikan pakan konsentrat. Temuan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase karkas hasil penelitian ini cukup tinggi yakni mencapai 55%, susut masak daging sapi berkisar antara 33,27 – 35,49. Ada kecenderungan meningkatnya daya ikat air dan menurunnya susut masak. Warna, keempukan, dan citarasa daging sapi bali hasil penelitian ini lebih disukai dibandingkan daging sapi import maupun sapi lokal yang dibeli di pasaran. Implikasi: Sapi bali adalah salah satu komuditas unggulan Provinsi Bali. Kualitas daging sapi bali sampai saat ini masih memerlukan upaya peningkatan. Kualitas daging sapi bali yang dipelihara dengan manajemen yang baik, secara fisik dan hedonik tidak berbeda dengan daging sapi import

    Pemberian Ransum Berenergi Tinggi Memperbaiki Performans Induk dan Menambah Bobot Lahir Pedet Sapi Bali (PROVISION HIGHER LEVEL OF ENERGY RATION IMPROVE CATTLE PERFORMANCE AND CALVES BIRTH WEIGHT)

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of energy levels in bali cattle rations of seven months pregnant on birth weight calves. The study was conducted in Farm Sobangan Badung Regency on 12 pregnant breeding phase of pre-calving (two months before the birth) with the parent body weight at average 300 kg/head. The treatments were four types of rations which was iso protein 10% with the energy level were 2000, 2100, 2200, and 2300 kcal ME/kg respectively. Variables measured were: weight gain, consumption of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), consumption energy, crude protein (CP) and crude fiber (CF), and birth weight calves. The design used was a randomized block design. Results showed DM intake varied from 5175.80 to 5366.80 g/d. Consumption of OM ranging from 4438.54 to 4610.44 g/d. Calf birth weight was also highest in the parent with treatment D is 18 kg. All these differences were not statistically significant (P>0.05). Energy consumption significantly highest (P <0.05) at the treatment D i.e. 19320.65 kcal GE/d. The conclusion of this study is energizing ration of 2000–2300 kcal ME/kg increase energy consumption however, improve performance seven months pregnant bali cattle and calf birth weight to add into 18 kg. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh level energi ransum pada sapi bali bunting tujuh bulan terhadap bobot lahir pedet. Penelitian dilakukan di Stasiun Penelitian Sobangan, Mengwi, Badung, Bali pada 12 ekor induk bunting fase pre-calving (dua bulan menjelang kelahiran) dengan bobot badan induk sekitar 300 kg/ekor. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah empat jenis ransum iso protein 10% dengan level energi berbeda (2000, 2100, 2200, dan 2300 kkal ME/kg) sebagai perlakuan A, B, C, dan D. Peubah yang diamati: pertambahan bobot badan, konsumsi bahan kering (BK), bahan organik (BO), konsumsi energi, protein kasar (PK), serat kasar (SK), dan bobot lahir pedet. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsumsi BK bervariasi dari 5175,80–5366,80 g/h. Konsumsi BO mulai dari 4438,54–4610,44 g/e/h. Bobot lahir pedet juga tertinggi pada induk dengan perlakuan D yaitu 18 kg/e. Semua perbedaan ini secara statistika tidak nyata (P>0,05). Konsumsi energi nyata (P<0,05) tertinggi pada perlakuan D yaitu 19,320,65 kkal GE/h. Simpulan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah pemberian energi ransum dari 2000–2300 kkal ME/kg meningkatkan konsumsi energi, memperbaiki performans sapi bali bunting tujuh bulan, dan menambah bobott lahir pedet sehingga menjadi 18 kg

    Correlation of Production (Mortality and Weight Gain) with Status and Level of Biosecurity Implemented on Layer and Broiler Farms in West Java, Bali and South Sulawesi

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    Biosecurity is the most effective way to prevent farms from Avian Influenza outbreak that affect most of broiler and layer farms. This paper discussed the status and level of biosecurity implemented by small and big farms (broiler and layer) in the three provinces. In addition to that is to determine if there is any correlation between mortality and weight gain to both status and level biosecurity implemented by farmers. Results showed that small layer and broiler farms have similar biosecurity status in Java and Bali but not in South Sulawesi. While small and big layer producers on both types of farms are also have similar biosecurity status in the three provinces. Regarding to the level of biosecurity implemented the three provinces has their own characteristic of implementation. Both status and level of biosecurity implemented do not have correlation on mortality in both types of farms neither on broiler weight gain

    Increasing energy ration of Bali cattle to improve digestible nutrient, milk yield and milk quality

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    To determine the effect of energy levels on digestible nutrient, milk production and milk quality of 7 months pregnant Bali cattle, was the purpose of this study. The study was conducted in Bali, Province of Indonesia on 12 pregnant breeding phase of pre-calving (2 months before the birth) with the parent body weight 329-340 kg/head. The treatment given is four types of Metabolizable Energy (ME) levels: 2000, 2100, 2200 and 2300/kg respectively as treatment A, B, C, and D. All ration contain 10% of crude protein. Variables measured: energy intake, digestible nutrient, milk yield, and milk quality. This research is a randomized block design. The results showed that increase energy ration until 2300 kcal ME/kg would significantly (P&lt;0.05) increase energy intake and highest at cattle consumed ratio D is 22239.55 kcal/day. However, digestible nutrient was not affected. Milk production increased with increasing energy rations and highest (P&lt;0.05) at cattle received treatment D is 2179.83 ml/day compared to treatment A 936.67 ml/day. Milk fat and milk lactose also highest (P&lt;0.05) in treatment D are 8.56% and 4.76% respectively. Based on these results, it can be concluded that increase energy ration will increase energy intake, milk yield, and milk fat and milk lactose of Bali cattle

    Increasing energy ration of Bali cattle to improve digestible nutrient, milk yield and milk quality

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    To determine the effect of energy levels on digestible nutrient, milk production and milk quality of 7 months pregnant Bali cattle, was the purpose of this study. The study was conducted in Bali, Province of Indonesia on 12 pregnant breeding phase of pre-calving (2 months before the birth) with the parent body weight 329-340 kg/head. The treatment given is four types of Metabolizable Energy (ME) levels: 2000, 2100, 2200 and 2300/kg respectively as treatment A, B, C, and D. All ration contain 10% of crude protein. Variables measured: energy intake, digestible nutrient, milk yield, and milk quality. This research is a randomized block design. The results showed that increase energy ration until 2300 kcal ME/kg would significantly (P&lt;0.05) increase energy intake and highest at cattle consumed ratio D is 22239.55 kcal/day. However, digestible nutrient was not affected. Milk production increased with increasing energy rations and highest (P&lt;0.05) at cattle received treatment D is 2179.83 ml/day compared to treatment A 936.67 ml/day. Milk fat and milk lactose also highest (P&lt;0.05) in treatment D are 8.56% and 4.76% respectively. Based on these results, it can be concluded that increase energy ration will increase energy intake, milk yield, and milk fat and milk lactose of Bali cattle

    Developing a clean market chain for poultry products in Indonesia

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    Biosecurity on smallholder poultry farms in Indonesia is becoming increasingly important to the Indonesian poultry industry. Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI- H5N1) and other poultry diseases continue to reduce poultry farm productivity, cause human mortalities and reduce consumer confidence in poultry products. Since HPAI was first diagnosed in Indonesia in 2004 (FAO 2004), it has become endemic in 31 of the 33 provinces and been responsible for 146 human fatalities (FAO 2012), the most recent in Bali in 2012