237 research outputs found

    Contextual Motifs: Increasing the Utility of Motifs using Contextual Data

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    Motifs are a powerful tool for analyzing physiological waveform data. Standard motif methods, however, ignore important contextual information (e.g., what the patient was doing at the time the data were collected). We hypothesize that these additional contextual data could increase the utility of motifs. Thus, we propose an extension to motifs, contextual motifs, that incorporates context. Recognizing that, oftentimes, context may be unobserved or unavailable, we focus on methods to jointly infer motifs and context. Applied to both simulated and real physiological data, our proposed approach improves upon existing motif methods in terms of the discriminative utility of the discovered motifs. In particular, we discovered contextual motifs in continuous glucose monitor (CGM) data collected from patients with type 1 diabetes. Compared to their contextless counterparts, these contextual motifs led to better predictions of hypo- and hyperglycemic events. Our results suggest that even when inferred, context is useful in both a long- and short-term prediction horizon when processing and interpreting physiological waveform data.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted for oral presentation at KDD '1

    Elucidating the magma plumbing system of Ol Doinyo Lengai (Natron Rift, Tanzania) using satellite geodesy and numerical modeling

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    Ol Doinyo Lengai, located in the southern Eastern Branch of the East African Rift had several eruptive episodes with ash falls and lava flows (VEI 3) that caused damage to the nearby communities between 2007 and 2010. The volcano is remote and access is difficult. Although this volcano has been studied for decades, its plumbing system is still poorly understood, in part, because of the lack of precise observations of surface deformation during periods of quiet and unrest. This study investigates the volcanic plumbing system of Ol Doinyo Lengai and its surroundings using data from the network of permanent Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) sites monitoring the volcano (the TZVOLCANO network) around the flanks of the volcano and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) observations. We constrain surface motions using 6 GNSS sites distributed around Ol Doinyo Lengai, operating between 2016 and 2021, and InSAR data covering nearly the same time period. Because of the complex local tectonics, the interpretation of the deformation pattern is not straightforward. We first invert the GNSS deformation and InSAR observations independently to infer potential deformation sources. Then we perform a joint inversion of both GNSS and InSAR datasets to verify our findings. We compare the results from the joint inversion with the results from inverting each dataset independently. The GNSS, InSAR, and joint inversion results point to a deflating source, located east of Ol Doinyo Lengai and southwest of the dormant volcano Gelai at a depth of 3.49 ± 0.03 km (GNSS inversion), 5.2 ± 1.2 km (InSAR inversion) and 3.49 ± 0.06 km (joint inversion) relative to the summit (vent) and with a volume change ΔV of -0.04 ± 0.05 × 106 m3 (GNSS inversion), -0.39 ± 0.29 × 106 m3 (InSAR inversion), and -0.04 ± 0.01 × 106 m3 (joint inversion). Although this is non-unique modeling of geodetic datasets with small signals, the inversion results suggest that Ol Doinyo Lengai could be fed by an offset multi-reservoir system that includes a shallow magma reservoir (<5 km) east of Ol Doinyo Lengai, possibly connected to a deeper magma reservoir

    Variasi Komunitas Plankton dan Parameter Oseanografi di Daerah Penangkapan Ikan Pelagis di Perairan Malang Selatan, Jawa Timur

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    The South Malang water is a potential area as a fishing ground. The existence of various species of small pelagic fishes such as planktivores fishes are directly influenced by the growth of phytoplankton and zooplankton. Phytoplankton has an important role as the basis of the food chain in aquatic ecosystems, whereas zooplankton is its predator. The growth of phytoplankton and zooplankton is influenced by oceanography factors. This study aims to determine the variation of the plankton community and its relationship with oceanographic parameters, as well as the spatial distribution of plankton in the fishing ground at South Malang water. The purposive sampling method with zigzag technique at 10 sampling sites was used in data collection in this research. Sedwicgk rafter counting cells were used in plankton counting methods. The plankton samples were taken horizontally and vertically at depths of 1 and 15 m with a 20 μm planktonnet, while in situ oceanographic parameters were measured using aqua quality sensor AAQ type 1183 C. The results showed that phytoplankton abundance was 49.764 cells / m3, dominated by the genus Chaetoceros (Bacillariophyceae), and zooplankton abundance of 894 ind / m3, dominated by the genus Nauplius (Copepoda). The diversity index and uniformity index of phytoplankton and zooplankton could be categorized as the middle as 1.77-1.85 and 1.70-1.77; 0.58-0.59 and 0.77-0.79, respectively, while the dominance index was included in the low category that was 0.27-0.28 and 0.24-0,27, respectively. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) analysis showed that the most important major oceanographic parameters for plankton community variation were turbidity, chlorophyll-a, dissolved oxygen and phosphate. T test results show that the spatial distribution of phytoplankton abundance and zooplankton at depth of 1 m and 15 m are significantly different. This study provides important information on the plankton abundance and oceanography factors affected at fishing ground of South Malang water

    Kinase-independent role of cyclin D1 in chromosomal instability and mammary tumorigenesis

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    Cyclin D1 is an important molecular driver of human breast cancer but better understanding of its oncogenic mechanisms is needed, especially to enhance efforts in targeted therapeutics. Currently, pharmaceutical initiatives to inhibit cyclin D1 are focused on the catalytic component since the transforming capacity is thought to reside in the cyclin D1/CDK activity. We initiated the following study to directly test the oncogenic potential of catalytically inactive cyclin D1 in an in vivo mouse model that is relevant to breast cancer. Herein, transduction of cyclin D1(-/-) mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) with the kinase dead KE mutant of cyclin D1 led to aneuploidy, abnormalities in mitotic spindle formation, autosome amplification, and chromosomal instability (CIN) by gene expression profiling. Acute transgenic expression of either cyclin D1(WT) or cyclin D1(KE) in the mammary gland was sufficient to induce a high CIN score within 7 days. Sustained expression of cyclin D1(KE) induced mammary adenocarcinoma with similar kinetics to that of the wild-type cyclin D1. ChIP-Seq studies demonstrated recruitment of cyclin D1(WT) and cyclin D1(KE) to the genes governing CIN. We conclude that the CDK-activating function of cyclin D1 is not necessary to induce either chromosomal instability or mammary tumorigenesis

    Outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 infected pregnancies after medically assisted reproduction

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    The role of certain viruses in the etiology of some tumors is today indisputable, but there is a lack, however, of an overview of the relationship between viruses and cancer with a multidisciplinary approach. For this reason, the Health Sciences Foundation has convened a group of professionals from different areas of knowledge to discuss the relationship between viruses and cancer, and the present document is the result of these deliberations. Although viruses cause only 10-15% of cancers, advances in oncology research are largely due to the work done during the last century on tumor viruses. The clearest cancer-inducing viruses are: HPV, HBV, HCV, EBV and, depending on the geographical area, HHV-8, HTLV-1 and HIV. HPVs, for example, are considered to be the causative agents of cervical carcinomas and, more recently, of a proportion of other cancers. Among the Herpes viruses, the association with the development of neoplasms is well established for EBV and HHV-8. Viruses can also be therapeutic agents in certain neoplasms and, thus, some oncolytic viruses with selective tropism for tumor cells have been approved for clinical use in humans. It is estimated that the prophylaxis or treatment of viral infections could prevent at least 1.5 million cancer deaths per year

    Early Detection of Critical Pulmonary Shunts in Infants

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    This paper aims to improve the design of modern Medical Cyber Physical Systems through the addition of supplemental noninvasive monitors. Specifically, we focus on monitoring the arterial blood oxygen content (CaO2), one of the most closely observed vital signs in operating rooms, currently measured by a proxy - peripheral hemoglobin oxygen saturation (SpO2). While SpO2 is a good estimate of O2 content in the finger where it is measured, it is a delayed measure of its content in the arteries. In addition, it does not incorporate system dynamics and is a poor predictor of future CaO2 values. Therefore, as a first step towards supplementing the usage of SpO2, this work introduces a predictive monitor designed to provide early detection of critical drops in CaO2 caused by a pulmonary shunt in infants. To this end, we develop a formal model of the circulation of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body, characterized by unknown patient-unique parameters. Employing the model, we design a matched subspace detector to provide a near constant false alarm rate invariant to these parameters and modeling uncertainties. Finally, we validate our approach on real-patient data from lung lobectomy surgeries performed at the Children\u27s Hospital of Philadelphia. Given 198 infants, the detector predicted 81% of the critical drops in CaO2 at an average of about 65 seconds earlier than the SpO2-based monitor, while achieving a 0:9% false alarm rate (representing about 2 false alarms per hour)

    Early Detection of Poor Adherers to Statins: Applying Individualized Surveillance to Pay for Performance

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    Background: Medication nonadherence costs $300 billion annually in the US. Medicare Advantage plans have a financial incentive to increase medication adherence among members because the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) now awards substantive bonus payments to such plans, based in part on population adherence to chronic medications. We sought to build an individualized surveillance model that detects early which beneficiaries will fall below the CMS adherence threshold. Methods: This was a retrospective study of over 210,000 beneficiaries initiating statins, in a database of private insurance claims, from 2008-2011. A logistic regression model was constructed to use statin adherence from initiation to day 90 to predict beneficiaries who would not meet the CMS measure of proportion of days covered 0.8 or above, from day 91 to 365. The model controlled for 15 additional characteristics. In a sensitivity analysis, we varied the number of days of adherence data used for prediction. Results: Lower adherence in the first 90 days was the strongest predictor of one-year nonadherence, with an odds ratio of 25.0 (95% confidence interval 23.7-26.5) for poor adherence at one year. The model had an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.80. Sensitivity analysis revealed that predictions of comparable accuracy could be made only 40 days after statin initiation. When members with 30-day supplies for their first statin fill had predictions made at 40 days, and members with 90-day supplies for their first fill had predictions made at 100 days, poor adherence could be predicted with 86% positive predictive value. Conclusions: To preserve their Medicare Star ratings, plan managers should identify or develop effective programs to improve adherence. An individualized surveillance approach can be used to target members who would most benefit, recognizing the tradeoff between improved model performance over time and the advantage of earlier detection

    Population-aware Hierarchical Bayesian Domain Adaptation via Multiple-component Invariant Learning

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    While machine learning is rapidly being developed and deployed in health settings such as influenza prediction, there are critical challenges in using data from one environment in another due to variability in features; even within disease labels there can be differences (e.g. "fever" may mean something different reported in a doctor's office versus in an online app). Moreover, models are often built on passive, observational data which contain different distributions of population subgroups (e.g. men or women). Thus, there are two forms of instability between environments in this observational transport problem. We first harness knowledge from health to conceptualize the underlying causal structure of this problem in a health outcome prediction task. Based on sources of stability in the model, we posit that for human-sourced data and health prediction tasks we can combine environment and population information in a novel population-aware hierarchical Bayesian domain adaptation framework that harnesses multiple invariant components through population attributes when needed. We study the conditions under which invariant learning fails, leading to reliance on the environment-specific attributes. Experimental results for an influenza prediction task on four datasets gathered from different contexts show the model can improve prediction in the case of largely unlabelled target data from a new environment and different constituent population, by harnessing both environment and population invariant information. This work represents a novel, principled way to address a critical challenge by blending domain (health) knowledge and algorithmic innovation. The proposed approach will have a significant impact in many social settings wherein who and where the data comes from matters

    Dwelling as the life basis of Ukrainians

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    На прикладі містечок Батурина, Глухова, Борзни та Кролевця у статті розглядається інтер’єр жител населення Чернігово-Сіверщини (друга половина ХVІІІ – середина ХІХ ст.). На основі значного описового матеріалу, стосовно звичаїв і побуту українців, який накопичився в середині і особливо в другій половині ХІХ ст. можна зробити науково-вивірені узагальнення з приводу порівняльної характеристики українців і росіян. Дослідженням цієї теми займалися М. Маркевич, І. Срезнєвський, П. Куліш та ін. Значний внесок до вивчення даної проблематики належить історику М. Костомарову, який виокремив український культурний і традиційно-буттєвий комплекс із загальноросійського, що утрадиційнилось як спільне за понад сторіччя співжиття в рамках однієї імперії. Також у даній статті характеризується поділ оселі на умовні частини та визначаються основні сакральні центри хати. Автор наголошує на глибокому символічному обрядово-ритуальному значенні, яке українці надавали всім предметам хатнього інтер’єру та наголошує на ліричній прив’язаності їх до місця свого проживання.На примере городков Батурина, Глухова, Борзны и Кролевца в статье рассматривается интерьер жилищ населения Чернигово-Северщины во второй половине XVIII – середине XIX вв. На основе материалов, описывающих украинские обычаи и быт, накопившихся в средине, а особенно во второй половине XIX в., можно сделать обобщения по поводу сравнительной характеристики украинцев и русских. Исследованием этой темы занимались Н. Маркевич, И. Срезневский, П. Кулиш и другие ученые. Значительный вклад в изучение данной проблематики принадлежит историку Н. Костомарову, который выделил украинский культурный и традиционно- бытейный комплекс из общероссийского, которые сосуществовали более столетия в границах одной империи. Также в данной статье характеризируется разделение жилища на условные части и определяются основные сакральные центры дома (хаты). Автор отмечает глубокое символическое ритуально-обрядовое значение, которое украинцы придавали всем предметам домашнего интерьера, а также подчеркивает лирическую привязанность населения к месту его проживания.Article deals with the interior of dwellings in Chernihiv-Siverskyi region (in the 2nd half of the ХVІІІ – 1st half of the ХІХ cent.). On the example of towns Baturyn, Glukhiv, Borzna and Krolevets the article deals with the house interiors of the population of Chernihovo-Sivershchyna (the second half of the XVIII – mid. XIX cent.). The analysis is based on considerable descriptive material concerning Ukrainian customs and way of life that has accumulated in the middle and especially in the second half of the XIX cent. and led to scientific adjusted conclusion about the comparative characteristics of Ukrainians and Russians. This topic was researched by M. Markevych, I. Sreznevskyi, P. Kulish and others. A significant contribution to the study of this subject belongs to historian M. Kostomarov, who singled Ukrainian cultural and traditional existential complex out of all-Russian complex, that was considered unified for more than three centuries of coexistence within a single empire. Also, this article characterizes the division of the house on special parts and identifies the main sacred centres of the house. The attention is given to the fact that the Ukrainian housing is associated with many beliefs and rituals. It indicates that the dwelling-house reflects not only people’s ideological and artistic heritage, but also a pragmatic idea. After all, the house seemed a model of nature and the universe, which protected both physically and spiritually. We know that house was not only a place where the family spent most of its life, but it was the family hearth around which ancient and beautiful traditions were preserved. The author emphasizes the deep symbolic ritual value that Ukrainians gave to all subjects of domestic interior and the lyrical attachment to their place of residence. After all, the house had a kind of sacred meaning for its tenants, that is why, to the house and all domestic things people gave some philosophical content. Complexity of representations of the world for humans began from the dwelling and was a dominant through all life. It is revealed that a Ukrainian house with its aesthetic appearance and its interior in particular, is an important factor in the understanding of the Ukrainian people and makes the character unique, and one that is very different from the characteristics of other nations. The author concluded that this topic needs a further study