1,308 research outputs found

    A Semi-analytic Formulation for Relativistic Blast Waves with a Long-lived Reverse Shock

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    This paper performs a semi-analytic study of relativistic blast waves in the context of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). Although commonly used in a wide range of analytical and numerical studies, the equation of state (EOS) with a constant adiabatic index is a poor approximation for relativistic hydrodynamics. Adopting a more realistic EOS with a variable adiabatic index, we present a simple form of jump conditions for relativistic hydrodynamical shocks. Then we describe in detail our technique of modeling a very general class of GRB blast waves with a long-lived reverse shock. Our technique admits an arbitrary radial stratification of the ejecta and ambient medium. We use two different methods to find dynamics of the blast wave: (1) customary pressure balance across the blast wave and (2) the "mechanical model". Using a simple example model, we demonstrate that the two methods yield significantly different dynamical evolutions of the blast wave. We show that the pressure balance does not satisfy the energy conservation for an adiabatic blast wave while the mechanical model does. We also compare two sets of afterglow light curves obtained with the two different methods.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figures, published in Ap

    Cyclicity of Second-hand-ness: the Language and Translation of Afrizal Malna's “Toko Bekas Bahasa a Dan B”

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    Penned by the Indonesian poet, Afrizal Malna, “Toko Bekas Bahasa A dan B” is a poem with the prominent theme of second-hand-ness. This paper examines the use of language in Malna's poem, along with its co-relation with its English translation by Gracia Asri, using translation theory from Marilyn Gaddis Rose and Lacan's psychoanalytic theory on language and speech. Ultimately, this research found the presence of two cyclical relationships (cyclicities) in the following forms: (1) the cyclicity of language in the form of the co-dependent relationship between “problem” and “language”, made apparent by the non-normative translation of the poem, and (2) the cyclicity of language “birth” performed by characters A and B. These two cyclicities are constantly renewing themselves inside the scope of the poem


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    Kenakalan remaja merupakan perilaku yang dilakukan oleh anak-anak muda dikarenakan adanya pengabaian sosial sehingga terbentuklah perilaku yang menyimpang. Tindakan kenakalan tidak muncul tanpa adanya faktor yang mempengaruhinya, salah satunya adalah ketika remaja melakukan konformitas terhadap teman sebayanya. Pengaruh konformitas teman sebaya terhadap kenakalan remaja akan diperlemah ketika remaja memiliki kecerdasan emosional. Dengan memiliki kecerdasan emosional remaja akan mampu untuk mengekspresikan emosinya dengan tepat dan regulasi emosi yang adaptif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui apakah kecerdasan emosional bisa memoderasi pengaruh konformitas teman sebaya terhadap kenakalan remaja. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan subjek penelitian sebanyak 350 remaja. Pengukuran menggunakan instrumen Self Report Delinquency (SRD), Peer Conformity Disposition Scale (PCSD), dan Wong and Law Emotional Intelligence Scale (WLEIS). Analisis data menggunakan Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kecerdasan emosional tidak berperan sebagai moderator pada pengaruh konformitas teman sebaya terhadap kenakalan remaja (β=0.558; p=0.081)


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    Lean adalah suatu upaya perbaikan secara terus-menerusuntuk meningkatkan nilai tambah produk dengan cara menghilangkan pemborosan. Usaha Adee Kak Nah merupakan salah satu industri skala kecil yang memproduksi kue bingkang dengan merek dagang Adee Kak Nah. Pihak manajemen usaha Adee Kak Nah belum pernah menganalisis proses produksi usahanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pemborosan pada aktivitas produksi kue bingkang ubi dan memberikan usulan perbaikan untuk pemborosan tersebut. Proses diawali dengan pembentukan current state map untuk menggambarkan kondisi nyata dari proses produksi yang dijalankan oleh perusahaan. Identifikasi pemborosan dilakukan dengan menggunakan Process Activity Mapping dan Demand Amplification Mapping. Pemborosan yang terjadi berupa waktu menunggu, persediaan bahan baku yang berlebih dan produk cacat. Pemborosan yang telah teridentifikasi kemudian dianalisis penyebabnya dengan menggunakan analisis 5 Why. Tindakan perbaikan yang digunakan untuk merancang future state map adalah menghilangkan proses yang tidak memberikan nilai tambah, pengalokasian pekerja dari pencampuran bahan ke pemerasan kelapa, penambahan pekerja pada pemanggangan, serta menjalin kerjasama dengan supplier. Lead time produksi yang dihasilkan adalah 280,54 menit, terjadi pengurangan lead time dari 497,79 menit menjadi 280,54 menit. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa lean mampu meminimalisir pemborosan yang terjadi di Usaha Adee Kak Nah.Kata kunci: Lean, Pemborosan, Value Stream Mapping, Kue Bingkan

    Stres akademik sebagai mediator antara kesiapan belajar dan kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap proses belajar daring

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    AbstractThe learning and teaching process has been transformed into an online learning system due to COVID-19, which affected lecturer and university students. This research investigates students online learning satisfaction amid COVID-19 by focusing on online learning readiness and academic stress toward online learning satisfaction. Approximately 276 bachelor’s students (Mage = 20.36, SD = 2.47) hired using the accidental sampling technique participated in this study from public and private universities. The data was collected using Learner Readiness for Online Learning (? = .89), Student Satisfaction with Online Learning (? = .90), and Stressor Scale for College Student (? = .85) that has been modified into an online setting and translated into Bahasa. The results showed that academic stress partially mediated the relationship between online learning readiness and online learning satisfaction in bachelor students. It is shown that academic stress significantly affected online learning satisfaction, besides online learning readiness. Further theoretical and practical implications of this research are discussed.Keywords: academic stress; online learning readiness, online learning satisfaction, university students. AbstrakKondisi pandemik COVID-19 memaksa sistem pendidikan untuk beralih dari proses belajar tatap muka menjadi belajar daring (online), yang berdampak pada pengajar maupun siswa dari jenjang pendidikan dasar hingga perguruan tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap proses belajar daring, dengan melihat peranan kesiapan belajar daring dan stres yang dirasakan akibat dari proses belajar tersebut. Penelitian ini melibatkan 276 mahasiswa S1 (Musia = 20.36, SD = 2.47) dari berbagai perguruan tinggi negeri dan swasta yang direkrut dengan metode accidental sampling. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan alat ukur Learner Readiness for Online Learning (? = .89), Student Satisfaction with Online Learning (? = .90), dan Stressor Scale for College Student(? = .85)  yang dimodifikasi agar sesuai dengan konteks belajar daring dan diadaptasi ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa stres akademik secara parsial berperan menjadi mediator dalam hubungan antara kesiapan dan kepuasan belajar daring. Hal ini menjukkan selain kesiapan belajar daring, stres akademik merupakan variabel penting yang dapat mempengaruhi kepuasan belajar daring. Implikasi teoritis dan praktis dari penelitian ini, dibahas lebih lanjut dalam diskusi hasil penelitian.Kata kunci: kepuasan belajar daring; kesiapan belajar daring; mahasiswa, stress akademik.

    Koordinasi Pelaksanaan Job Expo oleh Dinas Tenaga Kerja Kota Pekanbaru

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    Job market or often known as job expo is an annual event organized by the City Workforce Pekanbaru with the aim to reduce unemployment in the City Pekanbaru. In the implementation of this job expo the City Workforce Pekanbaru cooperating with the company in the City Pekanbaru. In the implementation job expo is still low placement of workers absorbed, the number of job vacancies ar little considering the number of job seekers are increasing, then the law number 13 0f 2003 on employment to give authority to the company as a provider of job vacancies provided by the company in the activity of job expo.The method used in this study is purposive sampling, the data source used in this study is covering primary data and secondary data, the location of research conducted on the Labor and Transmigration office of Pekanbaru City. Informant of this research head of placement of employment, head of section of employment of domestic worker, PT. Swakarya Mandiri, PT. Inter Boga Nusantara and job seekers.The concept of theory used by research is the theory of coordination according to sugandha wich consist of : organizational structure, planning, procedures and supervision. This research use qualitative descriptive data assessment, data collection techniques used are observation, interview and documentation. To ensure the validity of research data using data source tringulation.From the results of the research, it is known that the coordination of job expo implementation by City Workforce Pekanbaru not implemented well, because the low labor absorbed in the placement and available job vacancies are still small. As for the factors that hinder the coordination of job expo implementation by the Workforce Pekanbaru namely: budget, communication/ information and job vacancy

    Hubungan Antara Gaya Kepemimpinan Melayani Dengan Work-family Conflict Pada Dosen Wanita Di Perguruan Tinggi “X”

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara gaya kepemimpinan melayani dengan work-family conflict pada dosen wanita di Perguruan Tinggi “X”. Populasi penelitian berjumlah 87 dosen wanita di Perguruan Tinggi “X” dengan karakteristik dosen tetap yang memiliki NIDN, masa kerja minimal 1 tahun, berstatus menikah, dan aktif mengajar. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik simple random sampling.Sampel penelitian berjumlah 43 dosen wanita. Metode pengambilan data menggunakan skala gaya kepemimpinan melayani sebanyak 38 aitem dengan nilai α = 0,984 dan skala work-family conflict sejumlah 30 aitem dengan nilai α= 0,920. Data dianalisa dengan menggunakan analisis regresi sederhana menunjukkan hasil (rxy) = -0,512 dengan p = 0,000 (p<0,001), artinya terdapat hubungan negatif dan signifikan antara variabel gaya kepemimpinan melayani dengan variabel work-family conflict. Gaya kepemimpinan melayani memberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 26,2% terhadap work-family conflict

    Kinerja Pegawai dalam Pelayanan Kepada Nasabah di PT. Bpr Bumi Riau Insani Kabupaten Kampar

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    A company performance was mirrored by performance employee. But how to gauge the performance employees are doing performance evaluation. Performance evaluation process is an organization in to assess performance that is done by the aim is to give feedback to the employees in efforts to improve display its work and effort to increase productivity organization, and in particular carried out in relation to various wisdom to employees such as for the purpose, the salary increase promotion, education and training and others. The aim of this research is to know their performance PT. BPR Earth Riau Insani Kampar Regency in the service to the customers and to know these factors that support and hamper performance. PT. BPR Bumi Riau Insani Kampar Regency in the service to the customers.Research method uses qualitative research method of research. This research will be done in . BPR Earth Riau Insani Kampar Regency. While in the collection data that is by using interview technique to informers competent in direct observation and field.This research concluded performance in personnel services to customers in rural banks Earth. Kampar Regency in Riau Insani indicators quality of work has been done with good this. BPR Earth Riau Insani Kampar Regency to improve performance employees apply unique culture is one of them to give knowledge and skills to improve employee regularly is 2 times a day in a week so that civil servants to form a number of competencies that one officer that includes loyalty, discipline, cooperation and responsibility to provide excellent service to the customers. While quantity employee work that I see based on financial report that continues to increase every year. And the implementation supervision at PT BPR Kampar Regency, Riau Insani, including work agenda that was established in work culture. BPR Kampar Regency, Riau Insani and teaching at a time when hours before and after services to customers.while performance based on the presence, . BPR Earth Riau Insani Kampar Regency to apply leave for 12 days and the conversion indicators, PT BPR Kampar Regency, Riau Insani provide equipment for each of its work employee who has been determined, if there is a damage there is a part technician who has been appointed BPR Earth Riau Insani. Kampar Regency to fix it. The factors factors that support or hinder performanceBPR Earth Riau Insani. Kampar Regency in the service to the customers based on: the rate of economic growth, development of palm oil plantations Kampar District, the growth in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Kampar District, and the leadership .Key words : performance, and his servants, . BPR Earth Riau Insani Kampar Regenc
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