11 research outputs found


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    This research focuses on the influence of anticipation guide strategy on students' reading comprehension at the twelfth grade of MA KM Muhammadiyah Padang Panjang, 2017/2018 Academic Year. The research design was an experimental research conducted to the Science class as the participants of the research. The instrument of this research was a multiple-choice test distributed as the pre-test and post-test. As the result, the students’ reading comprehension became significantly better after being taught by the anticipation guide strategy. It is found that the pre-test average score was 42.36, and after the treatment, the post-test average score was 75.7. The result shows that the anticipation guide strategy has significant influence on the student’s reading comprehension

    Implementation of School Culture Management in State Elementary School in the District of Aur Birugo Tigobaleh

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    The formation development and maintenance of school cultural values is very important in order to create honesty, mutual trust, discipline, neat, clean, beautiful and create a harmonious atmosphere so that the formation of student character is good. This study aims to describe the school's cultural planning and implementation. The subjects of this study were principals of primary schools, teachers and students in primary schools in the Aur Birugo Tigobaleh district. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out by means of observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques use techniques developed by Miles and Huberman (1996). The findings of this study include: (1) school cultural planning is not planned according to MoNE standards; (2) the implementation of school culture is implemented by every school member but it does not yet refer to the correct guidelines. For this reason, it is recommended that schools make plans and implement correctly according to applicable guidelines

    An Analysis of Students’ Problem in Writing Recount Text

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    This research aims at finding the writings’ problem written by students in writing recount text. This descriptive research is qualitative. The choosen respondent is first semester students in Educational English Program at FKIP UMSB in Padangpanjang which consist of one class. Technique in collecting data is total sampling of ten students and analized due to the document analysis. The analysis guide has been formulated as students’ writing problem indicators in writing recount text which consist of Capitalization, Punctuation, Inexpliciteness/Fuziness, Poor Organization/Illogical Sequence, Spelling And Grammatical Errors. From the document checklist, the result shows that the problem that mostly occur is Capitalization (32%) followed by Punctuation (24%) and also Inexpliciteness/fuziness problem (20%). Then Poor organization/illogical sequence (12%), Spelling (8%). while grammatical error occurs in less percentage (4%).It shows that students need more basic skills in order to improve their writing comprehension. Keywords: Writing Problem, Writing Analysis, Recount Text

    The Reflection of Javanese Cultural Characteristics as Found in English Apology Strategies

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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat refleksi budaya yang terkandung dalam tindak tutur permintaan maaf yang dituturkan oleh penutur asli bahasa Jawa dalam bahasa Inggris. Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini menggunakan 30 peserta penutur asli bahasa Jawa yang menguasai bahasa Inggris. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik Tes Melengkapi Wacana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat refleksi budaya Jawa yang terkandung dalam tuturan permintaan maaf orang Jawa dalam bahasa Inggris. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya beberapa ciri bahasa Jawa yang muncul dalam pemilihan strategi permintaan maaf bahasa Inggris. Refleksi budaya Jawa terlihat dalam tuturan, yaitu dari segi kompleksitas strategi, penggunaan sapaan, intensifikasi yang memodifikasi IFID dan akuntabilitas dalam bentuk ungkapan menyalahkan diri sendiri. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penutur bahasa Jawa sebagai masyarakat kolektif dalam tuturannya berusaha untuk menjaga kaidah-kaidah sosial, yaitu tidak menimbulkan konflik dan saling menghormati. Keberadaan tuturan berupa tindakan representatif yang bercirikan budaya Jawa masih terlihat jelas dalam tuturan bahasa Inggrisnya. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa budaya Jawa cenderung tercermin secara signifikan dalam tuturan penuturnya walaupun di dalam bahasa Inggris.Kata Kunci: Latar belakang budaya, strategi permintaan maaf. Refleksi, Karakteristik penutur Jawa, Tindak Tutur AbstractThis study aims to see the cultural reflection contained in the speech act of apologies which is spoken by native Javanese speakers in English. This qualitative descriptive study used 30 Javanese native speaker participants who mastered English. The data were collected using the Discourse Completion Text technique. The results showed that there was a reflection of Javanese culture contained in the Javanese apology speech in English. This is evidenced by the presence of several Javanese language characteristics that appear in the choice of an English apology strategy. The results show that there is indeed a reflection of Javanese culture in speech, namely in terms of the complexity of the strategy, the use of greetings, intensification that modifies IFID and accountability in the form of expressions of self-blame. This shows that Javanese speakers as a collective society in their speech strive to maintain social rules, namely not to cause conflict and respect. The existence of a speech in the form of a representative action characteristic of Javanese culture is still evident in his English speech. This shows that Javanese culture tends to be reflected significantly in the speech of its speakers even though it is in English.Keywords: Cultural background, Apology Strategy, Reflection, characteristic Javanese speaker, Speech ac

    Peranan Pemilihan Strategi dan Stilistika dalam Iklan di Televisi

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    Televisi adalah salah satu media terbaik saat ini yang dapat menghubungkan tujuan-tujuan dari para produsernya dengan kebutuhan konsumen. Tayangan televisi sangat penting sehingga konsumen dapat dengan mudah mendapatkan hal-hal baru melalui tayangan televisi seperti iklan. Iklan menjadi sangat penting ketika produser ingin menawarkan produk atau jasa. Hal ini dapat dengan mudah dicapai dengan membuat iklan di televisi untuk mendapatkan perhatian pembeli yang potensial. Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk menyampaikan pesan iklan tersebut dengan menarik yang dikemas untuk menjaring konsumen. Hal-hal yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam memilih strategi adalah relevansi akan produk itu sendiri, pesaing dan target pasar juga harus jelas. Iklan harus memerhatikan aspek iklan, yaitu stilistika. Dalam mendapatkan keunikan gaya, produsen dapat menggunakan penggunaan strategi bahasa seperti slogan, pemilihan karakter yang menarik, pemilihan strategi yang tepat dan juga menggunakan elemen iklan lainnya. Pemilihan strategi iklan akan menentukan penyampaian gaya bahasa pesan melalui bentuk kreativitas untuk mendapatkan respons konsumen yang lebih baik.The Role of Selection and Stylistics Strategies in Advertising on Television. Television is one of the best medium today that can connect producers’goals with consumers' needs. The televisions’ impressions are crucial so that consumers can easily get new things through the television’s impressions like advertisment. Advertisment becomes very important when producer wants to offer product or service. It can be easily achieved by making advertisment on television to get potential buyers’attention.The main goal is to deliver advertising messages by using attractive packaged to stimulate consumers. The things that should be considerated in choosing strategies are the relevancies to product itself, competitors and also clear target market. Advertisement should pay attention to the Stylistics’ advertising aspects. In getting the uniqueness of style, producers can  use language strategies usage like slogans, selection of interesting characters, selection of appropriate strategies and also using other advertising elements. The selection advertisements’ strategies  will determine conveying stylistics’ messages through form of creativity to get the better consumer response

    Peranan Pemilihan Strategi dan Stilistika pada Iklan di Televisi

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    Television is one of the best medium today that can connect producers’goals with consumers' needs. The televisions’ impressions are crucial so that consumers can easily get new things through the television’s impressions like advertisment.Advertisment becomes very important when producer wants to offer product or service. It can be easily achieved by making advertisment on television to get potential buyers’attention.The main goal is to deliver advertising messages by using attractive packaged to stimulate consumers. The things that should be considerated in choosing strategies are the relevancies to product itself, competitors and also clear target market. Advertisement should pay attention to the Stylistics’ advertising aspects. In getting the uniqueness of style, producers can use language strategies usage like slogans, selection of interesting characters, selection of appropriate strategies and also using other advertising elements. The selection advertisements’ strategies will determine conveying stylistics’ messages through form of creativity to get the better consumerresponse

    ELEMENTARY GRAMMAR (A Practice Book for Basic English Grammar)

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    This Elementary Grammar book is devoted to helping learners proceed at their rate according to what they are interested in studying. It helps students learn how to learn grammar better, study, and solve grammatical problems. Some illustrations, such as pictures and other visual presentations, are deliberately made to help students visualize some emphasized grammar points


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    This research discusses about the special language style from the comments on the book cover of non fictions based on the using of distinctive linguistic features. The style of language is analyzed from stylistics point of view and put the lexical cohesion, reference and another linguistic elements as the part of distinctive linguistic features to be the analysis focus then reflect it to the function and the effect it brings. The methods are referential and formal. Based on the analyis, it can be found that in the comments of the book cover, generally, include all of the lexical and reference elements. The most significant element that mostly occur is repetition and personal reference. While, another forms such as synonym, general word, super ordinate, collocation, demonstrative and comparative reference occur in less percentage. The purpose of using these elements is in order that the comments of the non fictions‟ book can influence the reader through the choosing features then bring the psychological effect for commercial purposes. Moreover, the effect that it caused for the reader is being influenced the readers‟ thought to be more interested to the book from its dictions or the specific distinctive linguistic features

    The Impacts of Covid-19 Pandemy in Term of Technology Literacy Usage on Students Learning Experience

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    This study aims at investigating the positive impact of the Covid-19 pandemic which has changed the learning process from offline to online. The research focuses on the use of the internet as a means of technological literacy which is the reference for research on student learning experiences. This study uses a comparative descriptive method by comparing internet usage before and during the pandemic related to the learning process. A structural questionnaire link using google form was sent to students through WhatsApp. A total of 36 students provided complete information regarding the survey. The simple percentage distribution was used to assess the learning status of the study participants. The results showed that there was a significant increase in the use of technology and internet literacy where downloading, uploading, attending workshops, webinars, and online competitions increased by using many online learning applications. The positive impact that can be seen is the increase in digital skills of students and lecturers as shown by their creativity and willingness to be more active, which of course supports online learnin