1,520 research outputs found

    Interplanetary magnetic fields, their fluctuations, and cosmic ray variations

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    The cause of Forbush decreases is examined using neutron monitor data and measurements of the interplanetary magnetic field. It is found that for the period examined (Dec. 15, 1965 to April 23, 1966) large enhancements of the interplanetary magnetic field correlate well with decreases in cosmic ray intensity, while various parameters connected with the fluctuations in the field do not display such good correlation. The inference is drawn that Forbush decreases are not related to the turbulence or random motions in the field but to the large scale features of the field

    Penerapan Bimbingan Kelompok Teknik Bermain untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menjalin Hubungan Interpersonal Siswa Kelas Viii-g SMP Negeri 1 Kawedanan Kabupaten Magetan

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    Memuat uraian singkat mengenai masalah dan tujuan penelitian, metode yang digunakan, dan hasil penelitian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dapat atau tidaknya layanan bimbingan kelompok teknik bermain diterapkan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menjalin hubungan interpersonal siswa kelas VIII G SMP Negeri 1 Kawedanan Kabupaten Magetan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah pre-experimental dengan bentuk one-group pretest-posttest design. Adapun yang menjadi subjek dalam penelitian ini delapan siswa kelas VIII G yang mempunyai skor kemampuan menjalin hubungan interpersonal terendah. Bentuk perlakuan yang diberikan adalah bimbingan kelompok teknik bermain yang dilakukan selama lima kali pertemuan. Ada empat permainan yang digunakan dalam bimbingan kelompok ini, yaitu inilah aku, acak kasus, saling melengkapi dan kumpulkan kartu berwarna. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji tanda (sign test). Berdasarkan hasil analisis data diketahui bahwa jumlah pengamatan yang relevan, N = 8 (jumlah tanda positif dan tanda negatif) dan jumlah terkecil, r = 0 (jumlah tanda negatif). Sesuai dengan tabel probabilitas binomial untuk ketentuan N = 8 dan r = 0, maka diperoleh Ptabel  = 0,004. Jika dalam ketetapan a dengan taraf signifikansi 5% adalah 0,05, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ptabel > a, di mana 0,004< 0,05. Sesuai dengan statistik tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa hipotesis diterima. Artinya, ada peningkatan yang signifikan pada skor kemampuan menjalin hubungan interpersonal antara sebelum dan setelah bimbingan kelompok teknik bermain. Dengan demikian, penerapan layanan bimbingan kelompok teknik bermain dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menjalin hubungan interpersonal siswa kelas VIII-G SMP Negeri 1 Kawedanan Kabupaten Magetan. Kata Kunci: kemampuan menjalin hubungan interpersonal,bimbingan kelompok, teknik bermain

    Modulation of low energy cosmic rays

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    The power spectrum of the interplanetary magnetic field were tested, as well as the power spectrum-cosmic diffusion ray coefficient relation at low energies. A first order perturbation solution of the Fokker-Planck equation governing the diffusion, convection, and adiabatic deceleration of galactic cosmic rays in the solar medium was found to relate intensity fluctuations of low energy cosmic rays to local changes in the propagation parameters. Diffusion coefficients and their day to day variations were calculated from interplanetary magnetic field data obtained by Pioneer 6 in 1965/1966. These are compared to simultaneous observations by IMP 3 of the proton flux in three energy channels (20 to 40, 40 to 60, 60 to 80 MeV)

    The long and the short of the high energy emission in GRB090926A: an external shock

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    SSC emission from a reverse shock has been suggested as the origin for the high energy component lasting 2 s in the prompt phase of GRB98080923 (Fraija et al. 2012). The model describes spectral indices, fluxes and the duration of the high-energy component as well as a long keV tail present in the prompt phase of GRB980923. Here, we present an extension of this model to describe the high-energy emission of GRB090926A. We argue that the emission consist of two components, one with a duration less than 1s during the prompt phase, and a second, longer-lasting GeV phase lasting hundred of seconds after the prompt phase. The short high-energy phase can be described as SSC emission from a reverse shock similar to that observed in GRB980923, while the longer component arises from the forward shock. The main assumption is that the jet is magnetized and evolves in the thick-shell case, and the calculated fluxes and break energies are all consistent with the observed values. A comparison between the resulting parameters obtained for GRB980923 and GRB090926A suggests differences in burst tails that could be attributable to the circumburst medium, and this could account for previous analyses reported in the literature for other bursts. We find that the density of the surrounding medium inferred from the observed values associated to the forward shock agrees with standard values for host galaxies such as the one associated to GRB090926A

    On detecting terrestrial planets with timing of giant planet transits

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    The transits of a planet on a Keplerian orbit occur at time intervals exactly equal to the period of the orbit. If a second planet is introduced the orbit is not Keplerian and the transits are no longer exactly periodic. We compute the magnitude of these variations in the timing of the transits, dt. We investigate analytically several limiting cases: (i) interior perturbing planets with much smaller periods; (ii) exterior perturbing planets on eccentric orbits with much larger periods; (iii) both planets on circular orbits with arbitrary period ratio but not in resonance; and (iv) planets on initially circular orbits locked in resonance. Case (iv) is perhaps the most interesting case since some systems are known to be in resonances and the perturbations are the largest. As long as the perturber is more massive than the transiting planet, the timing variations would be of order of the period regardless of the perturber mass! For lighter perturbers, we show that the timing variations are smaller than the period by the perturber to transiting planet mass ratio. An earth mass planet in 2:1 resonance with a 3-day period transiting planet (e.g. HD 209458b) would cause timing variations of order 3 minutes, which would be accumulated over a year. These are easily detectable with current ground-based measurements. For the case of both planets on eccentric orbits, we compute numerically the transit timing variations for several cases of known multiplanet systems assuming they were edge-on. Transit timing measurements may be used to constrain the masses and radii of the planetary system and, when combined with radial velocity measurements, to break the degeneracy between mass and radius of the host star. (abstract truncated)Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Heredity of Band Pattern in Clown Fish, Amphiprion Percula

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    One of marine ornamental fishes which was succeeded on its breeding, from eggs production to larval and juvenile rearing at Institute for Mariculture Research and Development, Gondol was Clown fish, Amphiprion percula. In local name, the fish also known as Biak Clown fish. In culture development, the fish frequently faced the problem on color pattern which was not meet with export demand. The fish should be bright orange and thin black stripe pattern. In this experiment, analysis was conducted to understand the juvenile color variation produced from 3 pairs broodstock. Larvae and juvenile were reared in the indoor hatchery for 2-3 months,then reared at outdoor tanks for other 3-4 months. Amplification of broodstock and juvenile genoms using specific primer for pigment sequens. Parameters observed on juvenile were classified into three color pattern classes i.e., class I (thick black stripe and disperse), class II(thick black stripe), and class III (thin black stripe). Numbers of juvenile analyzed from its pair broodstock and each class were 2-3 fishes. Color perform similarity coefficient was analyzed molecularly using sequencing. Sequencing process followed: DNA isolation, amplification using gen Tyr primer, purification PCR product and finally DNA sequencing. Sequencing analyses of PCR product, after alignment showed that similarity coefficient of color pattern of class I, II, and III between broodstock and juvenile was only 50 %, and phenotipically, color pattern appeared on juvenile were different than its broodstock. The changes of color perform on Clown fish also affected by interaction between genotype and environment and feed pigment concentration

    The protein challenge:Matching future demand and supply in Indonesia

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    Indonesia has the fourth largest population in the world and in the coming years food production will need to catch up with its growth. To fulfill the protein demand of this growing population, the productivity of the Indonesian agricultural sector should be increased. This can be achieved either by expanding the agricultural land or by increasing the productivity of existing agricultural land and protein use efficiency. An expansion of agricultural land is not always possible or desirable: large parts of Indonesia comprise forest areas, including tropical rain forests. Consequently, the optimization of the use of existing agricultural land is inevitable. The present manuscript describes and discusses the current protein consumption and production in Indonesia. It presents the levels predicted for 2035, which would imply a strong gap between consumption and production. Alternatives therefore need to be considered to avoid protein shortage in the future. These would include the use of new biomass resources, utilization of agricultural residues as alternative protein sources for feed and other nonfood applications, and biorefining of biomass sources.</p

    Quasi-thermal Comptonization and gamma-ray bursts

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    Quasi-thermal Comptonization in internal shocks formed between relativistic shells can account for the high energy emission of gamma-ray bursts. This is in fact the dominant cooling mechanism if the typical energy of the emitting particles is achieved either through the balance between heating and cooling or as a result of electron-positron pair production. Both processes yield sub or mildly relativistic energies. In this case the synchrotron spectrum is self-absorbed, providing the seed soft photons for the Comptonization process, whose spectrum is flat [F(v) ~ const], ending either in an exponential cutoff or a Wien peak, depending on the scattering optical depth of the emitting particles. Self-consistent particle energy and optical depth are estimated and found in agreement with the observed spectra.Comment: 10 pages, ApJ Letters, accepted for publicatio
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