46 research outputs found


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    This study aimed for identifying the effect of corporate governance mechanisms on firm performance in Indonesia's SOE's. Generally, we can conclude that Indonesian BUMN still has to design corporate governance mechanisms on Indonesia's state - ownership Enterprises, performonce, measured by return on assets, return on equity and sales - employee ratio. The units of analysis are 3I Indonesia's stote - ownership Enterprises for period of 2003 - 2006. The study results are asfollow: (1) in contrast with previous researches, partially it is found that there is a positive significant influence of board of commissioner's size onfirm performance. (2) There is no significant influence of Board of commissioners'composition to firm performance. (3) Averagely, government owner ship percentage has negative significant impact on more optimal corporate governance mechanisms system that could encourage the company to hove eficient governance in order to increase the -firm's performance. This is so crucial because board of commissioner and ownership structure are some of primary element in corporate governance, and corporate governance it self is really needed to maximizefirm,s valu


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    Latar Belakang: Diabetes melitus tipe 2 (DMT2) merupakan penyakit metabolik yang tingkat morbiditas dan mortalitas meningkat setiap tahunnya. Indonesia merupakan negara yang menyandang peringkat ke 7 dari seluruh dunia 10,7 juta dengan penderita DMT2. Tujuan: Menganalisis hubungan asupan zinc dengan kadar glukosa darah 2 jam pasca puasa pada pasien DMT2. Metode: Sebanyak 210 pasien DMT2 berpatisipasi dalam penelitian Cross Sectional. Kriteria inklusi subjek penelitian ini adalah pasien DMT2 berusia 20-60 tahun bertempat tinggal di Kabupaten Purbalingga dan Kabupaten Banjarnegara. Pasien DMT2 dengan komplikasi dan menggunakan injeksi insulin tidak diikutsertakan dalam penelitian ini. Asupan zinc diperoleh dari Recall 24jam dan stress psikologis menggunakan Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10). Kadar glukosa darah 2 Jam pasca puasa (GD2JPP) diperoleh dari sampel darah vena pasien dengan metode hexokinase.Uji korelasi pearson digunakan untuk menguji hubungan antar variabel dengan nilai signifikansi <0,05. Hasil: Usia rata-rata subjek adalah 52.7+5.2 tahun. Sebanyak 47.6% subjek penelitian DMT2 dengan overweight dan 14.7%  obesitas. Stres sedang didapatkan pada 89.5% subjek penelitian DMT2 dan 63.9% yang mengalami defisiensi asupan zinc dari kebutuhan per harinya. Asupan zinc (r=-0.712;95%CI= 0.049-0.003;p=0.024). Stres Psikologis (r=0.274;95% CI=1.959-1.611;p=0.042), Usia (r=0.378;95%CI=0.014-2.812;p=0.041). Indeks Masa Tubuh (r= 0.478; 95% CI=3.748-432; p=0.032 Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan yang kuat dan signifikan asupan zinc, stres psikologis, usia dan IMT dengan kadar GD2JPP pada subjek DMT

    Kondisi Awal Perkuliahan IPA SMP/MTS Kelas IX dalam Rangka pengembangan Alat Peraga Berbasis Project Based Learning

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    This study aims to analyze preliminary data on lecture conditions as the needs in developing science teaching aids. This research is the initial stage of research and development using the development model proposed by Plomp, namely preliminary research. Data collected by using questionnaire given to physics education students semester July-December 2017. Data analysis technique used in the form of descriptive statistical analysis.The results of this study are: 1) the available teaching materials are quite varied, 2) the assignments given in lectures can help students in understanding the material, 3) control of ideas and project work in lectures is still lacking, so students have limitations to develop their creativity, and 4)the students have considerable potential in understanding the material, but the number of students who have ideas in solving problems and who are able to correct friends' answers, and those who actively ask are still low.It can be conclude that the development science teaching aids based on project-based learning need to be done to improve student creativity

    Penggunaan Partograf dengan Kejadian Seksio Sesar

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    The aim of this research is to identify the proportion of mothers having caesarean section without being monitored with partogram and those who are monitored with partogram in Hospitals in Kepulauan Riau. The study uses case control design. Based on preliminary study samples consisted of 94 mothers for each group. Bivariate analysis uses chi-square with p&lt;0.05 and CI 95% and multivariate analysis uses logistic regression test to find out the significance of external variables of mothers’ age, parity and service provider and the prevalence of caesarean section. Mothers giving birth without being monitored using partogram had 2.62 times greater risk (OR=2.62, 95% Cl= 1.40-4.90) for caesarean section than those using partogram. Other variables affecting the prevalence of caesarean section were 1) primipara (OR=2.28; 95%Cl =1.22-4.32) and 2) service provider (OR=2.27, 95%Cl=1.22-4.21). In conclusion, mothers who give birth without being monitored using partogram have greater risk for having caesarean section than those that used partogram

    Relationship of Appetite, Body Image, and Energy Intake with Body Mass Index in Undergraduate Students in Surakarta

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    Background: Young adults are vulnerable to lifestyle changes that will eventually change their behavior, including health behavior. Behavioral changes during this period can affect nutritional status. Nutritional status is affected by energy intake, influenced by several internal factors such as appetite and body image. This study shows the correlation between appetite, body image, and energy intake with body mass index. Method: This study was conducted with a random sampling method through 120 undergraduate students. Appetite was measured using a visual analog scale. Energy intake was measured using the 24-hour food recall method. Statistical analysis used was Spearman's rankBody shape perception was assessed using the Stunkard figure rating scale. Results: Appetite is closely related to energy intake (p &lt;0.05) but not with BMI. Body image correlates with intake energy and BMI. Most obese students (70.4%) consider themselves overweight. Energy intake is correlated with BMI (p &lt;0,001). Conclusion: Appetite and body image are related to food intake. Energy intake is correlated with body mass index


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    Skripsi ini membahas tentang peningkatan pemahaman siswa kelas IV 2 MIN Kota Jambi dengan menggunakan media video animasi pada mata pelajaran tematik tema 6 cita-citaku subtema 1 aku dan cita-citaku pembelajaran 1. Adapun Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK. hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang dilakukan dengan proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan dari tahapan siklus I dan siklus II yaitu dapat diketahui bahwa setelah dilakukannya Pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media video animasi bisa meningkatkan pemahaman siswa tema 6 cita-citaku subtema 1 aku dan cita-citaku pembelajaran 1. Yang mana bisa kita lihat dari tabel hasil presentasi ketuntasan nilai siswa yang ada pada tahapan pra siklus yaitu 40 % ( sangat kurang), saat dilakukan tahapan siklus I yaitu sedikit mengalami peningkatan menjadi 62,85 % (kurang), dan kemudian setelah dilakukannya tahapan kegiatan pada siklus II terjadinya peningkatan hasil yang diperoleh menjadi 88,57 (baik). Dan juga dapat diketahui nilai rata-rata yang diperoleh pada tahapan pra siklus yaitu 62,02 (kurang), pada saat dilakukannya tahap siklus I mengalami sedikit peningkatan nilai rata-rata yang diperoleh yaitu 74,32 dan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan melakukan tahapan pada siklus II yang membuat nilai rata-rata pemahaman siswa yang diperoleh meningkat menjadi 84,81 (baik)


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    Mual dan muntah pada kehamilan umumnya disebut morning sickness, dialami oleh sekitar 70-80% wanita hamil dan merupakan fenomena yang sering terjadi pada umur kehamilan    5-12 minggu  dan sebanyak 1-2% dari semua ibu hamil mengalami morning sickness yang ekstrim. Lemon minyak esensial (Citrus lemon) adalah salah satu minyak herbal yang dianggap sebagai obat yang aman pada kehamilan. Menurut sebuah studi, 40% wanita telah menggunakan aroma lemon untuk meredakan mual dan muntah, dan 26,5% dari mereka telah dilaporkan sebagai cara yang efektif untuk mengontrol gejala mual muntah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh inhalasi aromaterapi lemon terhadap morning sickness pada ibu hamil di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tulang Bawang I Kecamatan Banjar Agung Kabupaten Tulang Bawang.Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan Pre-Experimental Design dengan bentuk one grub Pre-test and Post-test. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu hamil Trimester I yang mengalami morning sickness di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tulang Bawang I  Tahun 2016. Tekhnik sampel Dilakukan dengan purposive  sampling dan didapatkan sampel sejumlah 28 responden. Penelitain dilakukan pada bulan Februari s.d. Juli 2016. Pengumpulan data menggunakan Indeks Rhodes dan perlakuan dengan inhalasi aromaterapi lemon. Analisa univariat menggunakan distribusi frekuensi, analisa bivariat menggunakan uji t Dependen.Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan frekuensi morning sickness sebelum diberikan inhalasi aromaterapi lemon diperoleh nilai rata-rata 15,68 dalam sehari, dan frekuensi morning sickness  sesudah diberikan inhalasi aromaterapi lemon diperoleh nilai rata-rata 7,96 dalam sehari. Ada pengaruh pemberian inhalasi aromaterapi lemon terhadap morning sickness pada ibu hamil dengan P-value = 0.000. Kata Kunci      :inhalasi aromaterapi lemon, morning sicknes

    The Effect of Folic Acid Adjuvant on Cognitive Function on Patients with Chronic Schizophrenia

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    ABSTRACT   Background: Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder that associated with daily life and social function deterioration and could be accompanied with cognitive deficits. Meanwhile, hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy) is the increasing homocysteine (Hcy) level which might be the one of biological factor in schizophrenia. In recent study with healthy subjects, it was known that there was a correlation between total Hcy level and cognitive function. Folic acid is part of water-soluble vitamin B and expected to have important role in oxidative stress by preventing hyperhomocysteinemia.Objective: This study aimed to elaborate the effect of folic acid adjuvant to improve cognitive function in chronic schizophrenia patients.Methods: This was a double-blinded randomized controlled trial with pre and post-test clinical trial design. This study included 32 patients in control group and 32 patients in treatment group. MOCA-INA score was examined in all subjects on the first day. Then, all subjects were given standard antipsychotic treatment plus folic acid adjuvant / placebo during 3 week of hospitalized treatment and 1 week of outpatient treatment. When the 4-week treatment finished, the subjects were followed by MOCA-INA post-test.Results: In this study, we had the significant difference of pre and post-test MOCA-INA score in the control group (p<0.001), significant difference of pre and post-test MOCA-INA score in the treatment group (p<0.001), and significant difference of post-test MOCA-INA score between the control and treatment group (p<0.001).Conclusion: Folic acid adjuvants significantly improved cognitive function in chronic schizophrenic patients. 

    Keanekaragaman Mamalia Kecil Pada Empat Tipe Tutupan Lahan Di Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan (KPH) Batutegi, Provinsi Lampung

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    The diversity of small mammals has a vital role as a bioindicator of a managed area in the forest. This research was conducted to determine the small mammals in four types of land cover in the agroforestry management area of ​​KPH Batutegi. Sampling was carried out using traps in the four types of land cover. Species diversity was analyzed by diversity index, evenness, dominance, and abundance. The results of this study indicate that the variety, evenness, and abundance of small mammals are low due to land cover conditions, elevation, and the behavior of small mammals in their habitat. The dominant small mammals are Rattus tiomanicus sabae and Maxomys baeodon because they have a high level of adaptation to various habitats. Twelve small mammals were found in the agroforestry cover, ten individuals in the forested cover, four individuals in the monoculture coffee cover, and two individuals in the private land. The management of the Batutegi KPH shall counsel the community to prevent land clearing, which causes damage to forest sustainability, to maintain the existence of small mammals