184 research outputs found

    Flat type thick film inductive sensors

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    Two thick film flat-type inductive sensors are described and tested for distance and profile measurement. The first one is a single-layer spiral while the second one is a multi-layer structure consisting of ten spirals one over the other. The paper describes their geometric configurations together with their simulated magnetic fields and it reports the results from the characterization test i.e. the series-equivalent circuit parameters, the sensitivity and the cross-sensitivity to temperature. An experimental analysis of the sensitivity suggests that optimized values are obtained by an appropriate choice of the working frequency. The sensors are shielded against e.m. noise coming from the nonsensitive area. Moreover, two sensors have been tested in the laboratory using the single layer as a distance sensor and the multi-layer as a transducer for the measurement of a metallic object profile. The results of the tests show a maximum sensitivity of 14mV/µm and a resolution of 0.6 µm for the single layer, while the multi layer one reconstructs the profile with an axial resolution of a few microns and a lateral resolution better than 200 mm

    Time-lapse 3-D measurements of a glucose biosensor in multicellular spheroids by light sheet fluorescence microscopy in commercial 96-well plates

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    Light sheet fluorescence microscopy has previously been demonstrated on a commercially available inverted fluorescence microscope frame using the method of oblique plane microscopy (OPM). In this paper, OPM is adapted to allow time-lapse 3-D imaging of 3-D biological cultures in commercially available glass-bottomed 96-well plates using a stage-scanning OPM approach (ssOPM). Time-lapse 3-D imaging of multicellular spheroids expressing a glucose Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) biosensor is demonstrated in 16 fields of view with image acquisition at 10 minute intervals. As a proof-of-principle, the ssOPM system is also used to acquire a dose response curve with the concentration of glucose in the culture medium being varied across 42 wells of a 96-well plate with the whole acquisition taking 9 min. The 3-D image data enable the FRET ratio to be measured as a function of distance from the surface of the spheroid. Overall, the results demonstrate the capability of the OPM system to measure spatio-temporal changes in FRET ratio in 3-D in multicellular spheroids over time in a multi-well plate format

    Konflik dalam Pemilihan Umum Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Kabupaten Kotawaringin Barat Tahun 2010-2012

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    The election is important instrument in establishing the democracy, for general election and election in Indonesian has been executed with principle luber and jurdil. Nevertheless, the success of the would not rule out reality that they are breaking the, cheating, and conflicts that have occurred. The conflict in the election in district west kotawaringin is an example of a conflict election inIndonesian. The conflict between candidates and society. Research objectives is reconstruction conflicts that have occurred in the field into the form of scientific work with explain the dynamics of conflict and the factors that for conflict election. Methods used in research this is the method qualitative descriptive with the collection primary and secondary data. Informants selected socialite is a political role in conflict and the community of district west kotawaringin and the support by candidates.The results show that the conflict in election in district west kotawaringin prolonged. Steps precondition conflict, practices money politics, election day, a lawsuit to the constitutional court, the actors play, tensions decisions by constitutional court and burning facilities the government. Conflict caused by decision electoral commission, the award constitutional court and the inauguration in central.Recommendations that may be given constitutional court decision better do a re-election and decisions ministries in the country better involving local government and appoint regent and vice-regent in district west kotawaringin and involving local communities

    Studi Perbandingan Partisipasi Politik Pemilih Di Kota Tegal Dalam Pemilu Legislatif Tahun 2014 Dan Pemilihan Presiden Dan Wakil Presiden Tahun 2014 (Studi Kasus Kecamatan Tegal Timur Dan Margadana)

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    In 2014 Indonesia once again held elections to vote Legislatives, President and Vice President. Generally, Legislative Election collects a better participation number compare to Presidential Elections. But in subdistrict level, East Tegal collected more votes on Presidential Election and the highest participations rate (2,47%) among other subdisctrict. It is really the contrary of Margadana that have the biggest slump participation rate (5,08%) In Tegal on Presidential Election. This study aim is to analyse the voters political participation difference tendencies and the determine factors that affect the voters political participation on Legislative Elections and Presidential Elections in East Tegal and Margadana based on the external factors (structural and figures candidate) and internal factors (sociological, psychological, and rational choice). This study uses survey methode by distributing questionnaires to the respondents. The targets in this study are 40 voters in East Tegal and 40 voters in Margadana that selected by using cluster random sampling.The results shows there is significant difference of psychological factor on Legislative Election. The majority respondents in East Tegal tend to choose candidates while the majority respondents in Margadana tend to choose the supporting party of candidates. Whereas there is no found any difference factors that affect voter turnout in both district over Presidential Elections. In general the technical problems causes of non-voting behaviour either on Legislatif or Presidential elections in East Tegal and Margadana. The flurry of activities, unreacheable polling station from the workplace, or temporary move in tto he other city for work / study and the difficulties of changing polling station rules are the reason voters did not vote. The advice can be given to General Elections Commission(KPU) of Tegal as election organizers are expected to increase more thorough and equitable dissemination to the public, especially regarding technical at the election so as to facilitate voters in participating, especially for voters who spend more time outside the city. In addition, the Commission can strengthen the good relations to other government agencies that assist the implementation of the election, NGOs, community leaders, or volunteer in providing political education to the community. Expected with increasing political knowledge society they will be more aware of the importance of their participation in the election

    Perlawanan Masyarakat Luar Batang Jakarta Terhadap Kebijakan Revitalisasi Kawasan Pesisir Pada Tahun 2016

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    Dalam beberapa waktu terakhir, variasi, frekuensi dan intensitas gerakan peralawan semakin kompleks. Terdapat ketidakadilan yang membuat masyarakat melakukan perlawanan seperti pada perlawanan masyarakat Luar Batang Jakarta terhadap kebijakan revitalisasi kawasan pesisir. Perlawanan masyarakat Luar Batang dikarenakan mereka menginginkan kampung ini tidak ditertibkan oleh pemerintah melainkan dijaga dan dilestarikan. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengtahui dinamika perlawanan masyarakat Luar Batang Jakarta terhadap kebijakan revitalisasi kawasan pesisir dan faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi masyarakat dalam melakukan perlawanan tersebutMetode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumen. Informan pada penelitian ini adalah Aktor Perlawanan dari masyarakat Luar Batang, beberapa masyarakat Luar Batang yang terkena dampak kebijakan revitalisasi dan Kepala Bidang Pemerintahan Bappeda Provinsi DKI Jakarta.Hasil peneltian menunjukan bahwa perlawanan masyarakat Luar Batang adalah perlawanan secara tim (Team Work) terbagi atas 3 tugas yaitu mengedukasi masyarakat, mengumpulkan bukti surat hak atas tanah, dan membangun jaringan lintas sektoral. Dengan pembagian tugas tersebut tercipta 3 bentuk perlawanan masyarakat Luar Batang yaitu aksi massa, jalur hukum dengan memperjuangkan hak atas tanah, dan diplomasi. Adapun faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi masyarakat Luar Batang untuk melakukan perlawanan adalah faktor hsitoris, agama, hak atas tanah, dan kebijakan yang dianggap merugikan masyarakat.Rekomendasi yang dapat diberikan untuk pemerintah adalah ketika dalam merumuskan, menetapkan dan melaksanakan suatu kebijakan harus melibatkan masyarakat didalamnya sehingga masyarakat mengetahui tujuan dari kebijakan tersebut sehingga meminimalisir konflik antara masyarakat dan pemerintah

    Strategi Pemasaran Politik (Political Marketing) Dpc Partai Gerindra Kota Semarang dalam Pemilu Legislatif Tahun 2014

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    Gerindra Party is a party that has increased the percentage of votes and seats in the legislative elections in 2014 at the national level, in addition to PDIP which is the party winning the election. At the local level in Semarang City, Gerindra Party also experienced an increase in votes. So the acquisition of Gerindra Party seats in Parliament Semarang City also took part too. The increase of Gerindra Party's vote in Semarang City is an interesting phenomenon to be studied because it has become a new power base considering the political market in Semarang Raya tends to be the basis of nationalist party such as PDIP.In this research use qualitative descriptive analysis method. This study aims to describe and analyze the Political Marketing Strategy of DPC Gerindra Party of Semarang City In Legislative Election Year 2014. With data collection techniques that is, observation, interview and literature study. Informants in this research is the board of DPD Party Gerindra Central Java, board of DPC Party Gerindra Semarang and with the candidates who are directly involved in the legislative election momentum in 2014.Research results show that DPC Gerindra Party of Semarang City has applied the principles of political marketing with good enough to the community. The strategies used also fit the basic political marketing corridor. Commitment and loyalty of the cadre also become the main role in moving the party machine. In addition, the character of Prabowo Subianto who has guerrilla to build the image of Gerindra Party has become one of the success factors of Gerindra Party in Semarang City

    Flat Type Thick Film Inductive Sensors

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    Two thick film flat-type inductive sensors are described and tested for distance and profile measurement. The first one is a single-layer spiral while the second one is a multi-layer structure consisting of ten spirals one over the other. The paper describes their geometric configurations together with their simulated magnetic fields and it reports the results from the characterization test i.e. the series-equivalent circuit parameters, the sensitivity and the cross-sensitivity to temperature. An experimental analysis of the sensitivity suggests that optimized values are obtained by an appropriate choice of the working frequency. The sensors are shielded against e.m. noise coming from the nonsensitive area. Moreover, two sensors have been tested in the laboratory using the single layer as a distance sensor and the multi-layer as a transducer for the measurement of a metallic object profile. The results of the tests show a maximum sensitivity of 14mV/µm and a resolution of 0.6 µm for the single layer, while the multi layer one reconstructs the profile with an axial resolution of a few microns and a lateral resolution better than 200 mm

    Weathering of Viama?o granodiorite, south Brazil : Part 2-Initial porosity of un-weathered rock controls porosity development in the critical zone

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    The development of porosity during rock weathering is a key process controlling nutrients release, water holding capacity available for plants and water flow. Here we used X-ray Computed Tomography (XRCT) and 14C PolyMethylMethAcrylate (PMMA) autoradiography to show how cracks are created and enlarged during initial weathering stages (saprock and saprolite) of granodiorite in southern Brazil (Viama similar to o - RS). The physical evolution is characterized by imaging the pore network, using 14C-PMMA and XRCT methods. Combined with bulk porosity measurements, they highlight the increase in porosity with the degree of weathering (un-weathered rock phi = 1.66 %, saprolite phi = 11.7 %). This increase is related to the joint increase of the density of the cracks (unweathered rock D = 0.28 mm-1, saprolite D = 0.94 mm-1) and of the average opening of the microcracks (unweathered rock w = 2.4 mu m, saprolite w = 3.9 mu m) and macrocracks (un-weathered rock w = 176 mu m, saprolite w = 400 mu m). However, these average crack openings do not account for the variability of the openings that govern the flows, characterized here by specific distribution ranging from the submicrometre to the centimetre scale. The results highlight that the pore network of the un-weathered rock plays a key role in the initial stages or incipient weathering. The density and aperture and cracks increase following the subcritical cracking concept and new pores are formed by chemo-mechanical processes. The presence/absence of initial fractures in the regolith is certainly a key parameter controlling the weathering of different rock types (mafic vs felsic).Peer reviewe
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