167 research outputs found

    Supporting adaptiveness of cyber-physical processes through action-based formalisms

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    Cyber Physical Processes (CPPs) refer to a new generation of business processes enacted in many application environments (e.g., emergency management, smart manufacturing, etc.), in which the presence of Internet-of-Things devices and embedded ICT systems (e.g., smartphones, sensors, actuators) strongly influences the coordination of the real-world entities (e.g., humans, robots, etc.) inhabitating such environments. A Process Management System (PMS) employed for executing CPPs is required to automatically adapt its running processes to anomalous situations and exogenous events by minimising any human intervention. In this paper, we tackle this issue by introducing an approach and an adaptive Cognitive PMS, called SmartPM, which combines process execution monitoring, unanticipated exception detection and automated resolution strategies leveraging on three well-established action-based formalisms developed for reasoning about actions in Artificial Intelligence (AI), including the situation calculus, IndiGolog and automated planning. Interestingly, the use of SmartPM does not require any expertise of the internal working of the AI tools involved in the system

    SmartPM: An Adaptive Process Management System for Executing Processes in Cyber-Physical Domains

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    Nowadays, the automation of business processes not only spans classical business domains (e.g., banks and governmental agencies), but also new settings such as healthcare, smart manufacturing, domotics and emergency management [2]. Such domains are characterized by the presence of a Cyber-Physical System (CPS) coordinating heterogeneous ICT components with a large variety of architectures, sensors, actuators, computing and communication capabilities, and involving real world entities that perform complex tasks in the "physical" real world to achieve a common goal. In this context, Process Management Systems (PMSs) are used to manage the life cycle of the processes that coordinate the services offered by the CPS to the real world entities, on the basis of the contextual information collected from the specific cyber-physical domain of interest. The physical world, however, is not entirely predictable. CPSs do not necessarily and always operate in a controlled environment, and their processes must be robust to unexpected conditions and adaptable to exceptions and external exogenous events. In this paper, we tackle the above issue by introducing the SmartPM System (http://www.dis.uniroma1.it/smartpm) an adaptive PMS which combines process execution monitoring, unanticipated exception detection (without requiring an explicit definition of exception handlers), and automated resolution strategies on the basis of well-established Artificial Intelligence techniques, including the Situation Calculus and IndiGolog [1], and classical planning [3]

    Automating the anonymisation of textual corpora

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    [EU] Gaur egun, testu berriak etengabe sortzen doaz sare sozialetako mezu, osasun-txosten, dokumentu o zial eta halakoen ondorioz. Hala ere, testuok informazio pertsonala baldin badute, ezin dira ikerkuntzarako edota beste helburutarako baliatu, baldin eta aldez aurretik ez badira anonimizatzen. Anonimizatze hori automatikoki egitea erronka handia da eta askotan hutsetik anotatutako domeinukako datuak behar dira, ez baita arrunta helburutzat ditugun testuinguruetarako anotatutako corpusak izatea. Hala, tesi honek bi helburu ditu: (i) Gaztelaniazko elkarrizketa espontaneoz osatutako corpus anonimizatu berri bat konpilatu eta eskura jartzea, eta (ii) sortutako baliabide hau ustiatzea informazio sentiberaren identi kazio-teknikak aztertzeko, helburu gisa dugun domeinuan testu etiketaturik izan gabe. Hala, lehenengo helburuari lotuta, ES-Port izeneko corpusa sortu dugu. Telekomunikazio-ekoizle batek ahoz laguntza teknikoa ematen duenean sortu diren 1170 elkarrizketa espontaneoek osatzen dute corpusa. Ordezkatze-tekniken bidez anonimizatu da, eta ondorioz emaitza testu irakurgarri eta naturala izan da. Hamaika anonimizazio-kategoria landu dira, eta baita hizkuntzakoak eta hizkuntzatik kanpokoak diren beste zenbait anonimizazio-fenomeno ere, hala nola, kode-aldaketa, barrea, errepikapena, ahoskatze okerrak, eta abar. Bigarren helburuari lotuta, berriz, anonimizatu beharreko informazio sentibera identi katzeko, gordailuan oinarritutako Ikasketa Aktiboa erabili da, honek helburutzat baitu ahalik eta testu anotatu gutxienarekin sailkatzaile ahalik eta onena lortzea. Horretaz gain, emaitzak hobetzeko, eta abiapuntuko hautaketarako eta galderen hautaketarako estrategiak aztertzeko, Ezagutza Transferentzian oinarritutako teknikak ustiatu dira, aldez aurretik anotatuta zegoen corpus txiki bat oinarri hartuta. Emaitzek adierazi dute, lan honetan aukeratutako metodoak egokienak izan direla abiapuntuko hautaketa egiteko eta kontsulta-estrategia gisa iturri eta helburu sailkapenen zalantzak konbinatzeak Ikasketa Aktiboa hobetzen duela, ikaskuntza-kurba bizkorragoak eta sailkapen-errendimendu handiagoak lortuz iterazio gutxiagotan.[EN] A huge amount of new textual data are created day by day through social media posts, health records, official documents, and so on. However, if such resources contain personal data, they cannot be shared for research or other purposes without undergoing proper anonymisation. Automating such task is challenging and often requires labelling in-domain data from scratch since anonymised annotated corpora for the target scenarios are rarely available. This thesis has two main objectives: (i) to compile and provide a new corpus in Spanish with annotated anonymised spontaneous dialogue data, and (ii) to exploit the newly provided resource to investigate techniques for automating the sensitive data identification task, in a setting where initially no annotated data from the target domain are available. Following such aims, first, the ES-Port corpus is presented. It is a compilation of 1170 spontaneous spoken human-human dialogues from calls to the technical support service of a telecommunications provider. The corpus has been anonymised using the substitution technique, which implies the result is a readable natural text, and it contains annotations of eleven different anonymisation categories, as well as some linguistic and extra-linguistic phenomena annotations like code-switching, laughter, repetitions, mispronunciations, and so on. Next, the compiled corpus is used to investigate automatic sensitive data identification within a pool-based Active Learning framework, whose aim is to obtain the best possible classifier having to annotate as little data as possible. In order to improve such setting, Knowledge Transfer techniques from another small available anonymisation annotated corpus are explored for seed selection and query selection strategies. Results show that using the proposed seed selection methods obtain the best seeds on which to initialise the base learner's training and that combining source and target classifiers' uncertainties as query strategy improves the Active Learning process, deriving in steeper learning curves and reaching top classifier performance in fewer iterations

    Search for Truth vs. the Public Good: The Effect of the Patient Safety Act on Common-Law Discovery Rules

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    Gestión ambiental de canteras de materiales para la construcción en la provincia de Matanzas, Cuba

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    Las canteras de materiales para la construcción al dejar de ser minadas se usan, a menudo, como rellenos "sanitarios" o basureros, generando un problema ambiental. En la provincia de Matanzas más del 75 % de las canteras se encuentran abandonadas. Ello condujo a una investigación en la que, a partir de la identificación y validación de 16 variables, y su evaluación in situ en 250 canteras, pudo obtenerse una base de datos que refleja las características de cada uno de estos espacios. La aplicación del análisis de agrupamiento (método de Ward) a los datos permitió obtener cuatro grupos de manejo ambiental. A cada grupo se le asignó posibles variantes de uso, así como propuestas de objetivos y programas para el manejo, lo cual facilitó la elaboración de un procedimiento para la rehabilitación de estos espacios degradado

    Manejo de la defoliación en pasturas de alfalfa para sistemas de invernada en el noroeste bonaerense

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    Tesis para obtener el grado de Magister Scientiae en Producción Animal, de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, en febrero de 2022Este estudio determinó el impacto generado en la producción primaria y secundaria de una pastura de alfalfa a través de cambios en el sistema de pastoreo. Se comparó un sistema (T-500) utilizando la recomendación tradicional de comenzar el pastoreo en primavera cerca del 10% de floración, utilizando una frecuencia de pastoreo de ~500 grados días acumulados (GDA; temperatura base de crecimiento de 5 ºC) para todo el período experimental (mediados de primavera a mediados de otoño) con un sistema (T-350) que comenzó el pastoreo 10-15 días antes (con ~1000 kg MS ha-1) y durante “primavera-verano” el intervalo de pastoreo fue de ~350 GDA hasta mediados de febrero, mientras que durante el período de “descanso otoñal” (de mediados de verano a mediados de otoño) el intervalo de pastoreo fue, como en T-500, ~500 GDA. La producción de carne fue 185 y 115 kg ha-1 mayor en T-350 que en T-500 en año 1 y 2, respectivamente. Esto fue debido a la mayor ganancia de peso por animal, mayor carga y mayor período de utilización. La asignación de forraje fue similar en ambos sistemas de pastoreo, por lo que la mayor carga animal en T-350 se debió a su mayor producción de forraje. La ganancia de peso en novillos fue positivamente relacionada a la proporción de hoja de alfalfa y a la digestibilidad de la fibra detergente neutro (DFDN), particularmente bajo situaciones donde el consumo diario pudo estar restringido por el tiempo de pastoreo (i.e. condiciones de calor) y/o peso de bocado (i.e. baja densidad del forraje). La población de plantas (~70 plantas m-2) y la biomasa perenne (primeros 30 cm de raíz más corona) al final del segundo año no tuvo diferencias entre tratamientos. Esto sugiere que la persistencia de alfalfa no fue afectada por el pastoreo más intensivo durante “primavera-verano” de T-350, donde un adecuado período de descanso permitió la recuperación. Este trabajo demostró el posible potencial de producción de carne (+30%, +150 kg ha-1) cuando el manejo del pastoreo de alfalfa durante la primavera-verano fue basado en el crecimiento de las pasturas en lugar de la fenología del cultivo.This study will end the impact generated in the primary and secondary production of an alfalfa pasture through changes in the grazing system. A system (T-500) was compared using the traditional recommendation to start grazing in spring around 10% of flowering, using a grazing frequency of ~500 cumulative degree days (GDA; base growth temperature 5 ºC) for the entire experimental period (mid-spring to mid-autumn) with a system (T-350) that started grazing 10-15 days earlier (with ~1000 kg DM ha-1) and during "spring-summer" the grazing interval was ~350 GDA until mid-February, while during the “autumn rest” period (mid-summer to mid-autumn) the grazing interval was, as in T-500, ~500 GDA. Meat production was 185 and 115 kg ha-1 higher in T-350 than in T-500 in years 1 and 2, respectively. This was due to the higher weight gain per animal, higher load and longer period of use. The forage load was similar in both grazing systems, so the higher stocking rate in T-350 was due to its higher forage production. Weight gain in steers was positively related to alfalfa leaf proportion and neutral detergent fiber digestibility (NDFD), particularly under situations where daily intake could be restricted by grazing time (i.e. hot conditions) and /or bite weight (i.e. low forage density). Plant population (~70 plants m-2) and perennial biomass (first 30 cm of root plus crown) at the end of the second year did not differ between treatments. This suggests that alfalfa persistence was not affected by the more intensive “spring-summer” grazing of T-350, where an adequate rest period allowed recovery. This work will break down the possible meat production potential (+30%, +150 kg ha-1) when spring-summer grazing management of alfalfa was based on pasture growth rather than crop phenology.Estación Experimental Agropecuaria General VillegasFil: Sardiña, María Cecilia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Villegas. Argentin

    Qualificação da Atenção à Saúde dos Adultos Portadores de Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica e/ou Diabetes Mellitus na UBS Paulo Alcione Márquez, Santa Rosa do Purus-AC

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    SARDINA, Yuneisys Perez. Qualificação da atenção à saúde dos adultos portadores de Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica e/ou Diabetes Mellitus na UBS Paulo Alcione Márquez, Santa Rosa do Purus-AC.2015.120f.Trabalho de conclusão de Curso (Curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família) - Departamento de Medicina Social, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, 2015. A Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica (HAS) e o Diabetes Mellitus (DM), doenças crônicas não transmissíveis são importantes fatores de risco das doenças cardiovasculares. A HAS é um grave problema de saúde pública no Brasil e no mundo e o DM acomete parte importante da população brasileira, sendo seu rastreio importante para iniciar tratamento adequado o mais rapidamente possível, evitando assim as complicações e os custos destas para a sociedade. A intervenção trata da qualificação da atenção à saúde dos adultos portadores de Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica e/ou Diabetes Mellitus na UBS Paulo Alcione Márquez, Santa Rosa do Purus-AC. Iniciamos a Intervenção em 16 de setembro e finalizamos em 10 de dezembro de 2015. As ações foram realizadas nos quatro eixos pedagógicos: monitoramento e avaliação, organização e gestão dos serviços, engajamento público e qualificação da Prática Clínica. Os Instrumentos de registros específicos dos atendimentos e das ações realizadas adotadas pela equipe foram: Prontuários individuais, Ficha Espelho (individual), Cartão de Hipertensão e Diabéticos e o Livro de Registro de HIPERDIA para o cadastro e monitoramento das ações. A UBS atende a uma população de 2468 usuários e o público alvo desta intervenção foram os adultos maiores de 20 anos de idade portadores de Hipertensão Arterial e Diabetes Mellitus. Na análise do Caderno de Ações Programáticas - CAP temos uma estimativa de 434 hipertensos e 124 diabéticos. Para realizar a intervenção adotamos como protocolo os Cadernos números 36 e 37 do Departamento de Atenção Básica _Estratégia para o Cuidado da pessoa com doença crônica: Diabetes Mellitus e Hipertensão Arterial, respectivamente, publicados em 2013. Durante o período da Intervenção cadastramos e acompanhamos no Programa de Atenção ao Hipertenso e Diabético na UBS 158 (42,1%) usuários hipertensos e 35 (37,6%) dos diabéticos previstos para a área. A intervenção apesar de não atingir a meta de cobertura proposta propiciou a melhoria da qualidade da atenção a pessoas com hipertensão e/ou diabetes. Conseguimos que os usuários cadastrados tivessem priorizada a prescrição de medicamento da farmácia popular/ Hiperdia, realizamos a avaliação da necessidade de atendimento odontológico em 100% dos cadastrados. Durante a intervenção, em todos os meses, os faltosos às consultas foram buscados conforme a periodicidade recomendada assim como melhoramos o registro das informações e realizamos ações de promoção à saúde. No que refere à importância da intervenção para a equipe a intervenção exigiu que a equipe se capacitasse guiados pelo protocolo e esta atividade promoveu o trabalho integrado da equipe e promoveu também à organização do serviço, pois revimos as atribuições de cada membro. O impacto da intervenção já é percebido pela comunidade, os hipertensos e diabéticos demonstram satisfação com a prioridade e qualidade do atendimento

    Automating the anonymisation of textual corpora

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    [EU] Gaur egun, testu berriak etengabe sortzen doaz sare sozialetako mezu, osasun-txosten, dokumentu o zial eta halakoen ondorioz. Hala ere, testuok informazio pertsonala baldin badute, ezin dira ikerkuntzarako edota beste helburutarako baliatu, baldin eta aldez aurretik ez badira anonimizatzen. Anonimizatze hori automatikoki egitea erronka handia da eta askotan hutsetik anotatutako domeinukako datuak behar dira, ez baita arrunta helburutzat ditugun testuinguruetarako anotatutako corpusak izatea. Hala, tesi honek bi helburu ditu: (i) Gaztelaniazko elkarrizketa espontaneoz osatutako corpus anonimizatu berri bat konpilatu eta eskura jartzea, eta (ii) sortutako baliabide hau ustiatzea informazio sentiberaren identi kazio-teknikak aztertzeko, helburu gisa dugun domeinuan testu etiketaturik izan gabe. Hala, lehenengo helburuari lotuta, ES-Port izeneko corpusa sortu dugu. Telekomunikazio-ekoizle batek ahoz laguntza teknikoa ematen duenean sortu diren 1170 elkarrizketa espontaneoek osatzen dute corpusa. Ordezkatze-tekniken bidez anonimizatu da, eta ondorioz emaitza testu irakurgarri eta naturala izan da. Hamaika anonimizazio-kategoria landu dira, eta baita hizkuntzakoak eta hizkuntzatik kanpokoak diren beste zenbait anonimizazio-fenomeno ere, hala nola, kode-aldaketa, barrea, errepikapena, ahoskatze okerrak, eta abar. Bigarren helburuari lotuta, berriz, anonimizatu beharreko informazio sentibera identi katzeko, gordailuan oinarritutako Ikasketa Aktiboa erabili da, honek helburutzat baitu ahalik eta testu anotatu gutxienarekin sailkatzaile ahalik eta onena lortzea. Horretaz gain, emaitzak hobetzeko, eta abiapuntuko hautaketarako eta galderen hautaketarako estrategiak aztertzeko, Ezagutza Transferentzian oinarritutako teknikak ustiatu dira, aldez aurretik anotatuta zegoen corpus txiki bat oinarri hartuta. Emaitzek adierazi dute, lan honetan aukeratutako metodoak egokienak izan direla abiapuntuko hautaketa egiteko eta kontsulta-estrategia gisa iturri eta helburu sailkapenen zalantzak konbinatzeak Ikasketa Aktiboa hobetzen duela, ikaskuntza-kurba bizkorragoak eta sailkapen-errendimendu handiagoak lortuz iterazio gutxiagotan.[EN] A huge amount of new textual data are created day by day through social media posts, health records, official documents, and so on. However, if such resources contain personal data, they cannot be shared for research or other purposes without undergoing proper anonymisation. Automating such task is challenging and often requires labelling in-domain data from scratch since anonymised annotated corpora for the target scenarios are rarely available. This thesis has two main objectives: (i) to compile and provide a new corpus in Spanish with annotated anonymised spontaneous dialogue data, and (ii) to exploit the newly provided resource to investigate techniques for automating the sensitive data identification task, in a setting where initially no annotated data from the target domain are available. Following such aims, first, the ES-Port corpus is presented. It is a compilation of 1170 spontaneous spoken human-human dialogues from calls to the technical support service of a telecommunications provider. The corpus has been anonymised using the substitution technique, which implies the result is a readable natural text, and it contains annotations of eleven different anonymisation categories, as well as some linguistic and extra-linguistic phenomena annotations like code-switching, laughter, repetitions, mispronunciations, and so on. Next, the compiled corpus is used to investigate automatic sensitive data identification within a pool-based Active Learning framework, whose aim is to obtain the best possible classifier having to annotate as little data as possible. In order to improve such setting, Knowledge Transfer techniques from another small available anonymisation annotated corpus are explored for seed selection and query selection strategies. Results show that using the proposed seed selection methods obtain the best seeds on which to initialise the base learner's training and that combining source and target classifiers' uncertainties as query strategy improves the Active Learning process, deriving in steeper learning curves and reaching top classifier performance in fewer iterations