18 research outputs found
Bifurcation gaps in asymmetric and high-dimensional hypercycles
Hypercycles are catalytic systems with cyclic architecture. These systems have been suggested to play a key role in the maintenance and increase of information in prebiotic replicators. It is known that for a large enough number of hypercycle species (n>4 the coexistence of all hypercycle members is governed by a stable periodic orbit. Previous research has characterized saddle-node (s-n) bifurcations involving abrupt transitions from stable hypercycles to extinction of all hypercycle members, or, alternatively, involving the outcompetition of the hypercycle by so-called mutant sequences or parasites. Recently, the presence of a bifurcation gap between a s-n bifurcation of periodic orbits and a s-n of fixed points has been described for symmetric five-member hypercycles. This gap was found between the value of the replication quality factor Q
from which the periodic orbit vanishes (QPO)and the value where two unstable (nonzero) equilibrium points collide (QSS). Here, we explore the persistence of this gap considering asymmetries in replication rates in five-member hypercycles as well as considering symmetric, larger hypercycles. Our results indicate that both the asymmetry in Malthusian replication constants and the increase in hypercycle members enlarge the size of this gap. The implications of this phenomenon are discussed in the context of delayed transitions associated to the so-called saddle remnants.
Read More: https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S021812741830001X
Read More: https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S021812741830001XPeer ReviewedPreprin
Topological Complexity and Predictability in the Dynamics of a Tumor Growth Model with Shilnikov's Chaos
Dynamical systems modeling tumor growth have been investigated to determine the dynamics between tumor and healthy cells. Recent theoretical investigations indicate that these interactions may lead to different dynamical outcomes, in particular to homoclinic chaos. In the present study, we analyze both topological and dynamical properties of a recently characterized chaotic attractor governing the dynamics of tumor cells interacting with healthy tissue cells and effector cells of the immune system. By using the theory of symbolic dynamics, we first characterize the topological entropy and the parameter space ordering of kneading sequences from one-dimensional iterated maps identified in the dynamics, focusing on the effects of inactivation interactions between both effector and tumor cells. The previous analyses are complemented with the computation of the spectrum of Lyapunov exponents, the fractal dimension and the predictability of the chaotic attractors. Our results show that the inactivation rate of effector cells by the tumor cells has an important effect on the dynamics of the system. The increase of effector cells inactivation involves an inverse Feigenbaum (i.e. period-halving bifurcation) scenario, which results in the stabilization of the dynamics and in an increase of dynamics predictability. Our analyses also reveal that, at low inactivation rates of effector cells, tumor cells undergo strong, chaotic fluctuations, with the dynamics being highly unpredictable. Our findings are discussed in the context of tumor cells potential viability
Functional shift-induced degenerate transcritical neimark–sacker bifurcation in a discrete hypercycle
In this paper, we investigate the impact of functional shifts in a time-discrete cross-catalytic system. We use the hypercycle model considering that one of the species shifts from a cooperator to a degrader. At the bifurcation caused by this functional shift, an invariant curve collapses to a point P while, simultaneously, two fixed points collide with P in a transcritical bifurcation. Moreover, all points of a line containing P become fixed points at the bifurcation and only at the bifurcation in a degenerate scenario. We provide a complete analytical description of this degenerate bifurcation. As a result of our study, we prove the existence of the invariant curve arising from the transition to cooperation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
Topological entropy of catalytic sets: Hypercycles revisited
The dynamics of catalytic networks have been widely studied over the last decades because of their implications in several fields like prebiotic evolution, virology, neural networks, immunology or ecology. One of the most studied mathematical bodies for catalytic networks was initially formulated in the context of prebiotic evolution, by means of the hypercycle theory. The hypercycle is a set of self-replicating species able to catalyze other replicator species within a cyclic architecture. Hypercyclic organization might arise from a quasispecies as a way to increase the informational containt surpassing the so-called error threshold. The catalytic coupling between replicators makes all the species to behave like a single and coherent evolutionary multimolecular unit. The inherent nonlinearities of catalytic interactions are responsible for the emergence of several types of dynamics, among them, chaos. In this article we begin with a brief review of the hypercycle theory focusing on its evolutionary implications as well as on different dynamics associated to different types of small catalytic networks. Then we study the properties of chaotic hypercycles with error-prone replication with symbolic dynamics theory, characterizing, by means of the theory of topological Markov chains, the topological entropy and the periods of the orbits of unimodal-like iterated maps obtained from the strange attractor. We will focus our study on some key parameters responsible for the structure of the catalytic network: mutation rates, autocatalytic and cross-catalytic interactions
Viral replication modes in single-peak fitness landscapes: A dynamical systems analysis
Positiv e-sense, single-stranded RN A viruses are im portant pathogens infecting almost all types of organ- isms. Experimental evidence from distributions of mutations and from viral RN A ampli¿cation suggest that these pathogens may follow different RN A replication modes, r anging from the stamping machine replication (SMR) to the geo metric replication (GR) mode. Although previous theoretical work has focuse d on the evolutionary dynamics of RNA viruses amplifying their genomes with dif fer ent strategies, little is known in ter ms of the bifurcations and transitions invol ving the so-called error threshold (mutation- induced dominance of mutants) and lethal mutagenesis (extinction of all sequences due to mutation ac- cumulation and demographic stochasti city). Here we analyze a dynamical system describing the intracel- lular ampli¿cation of viral RN A genomes e volving on a single-peak ¿tness landscape focusing on thr ee cases considering neutral, deleterious, and lethal mutants. We analytically derive the critical mutation rates causing lethal mutagenesis and err or thr eshold, governe d by transcritical bifurcations that depend on parameters a (paramet er introducing the mode of replication), repl icat ive ¿tness of mutants ( k 1 ), and on the spontaneous degradation rate s of the sequences ( ¿ ). Our re sults re late the error catastrophe with lethal mutag enesis in a model with continuous populations of viral genome s. The form er case invol ves dominance of the mutant sequences, while the latter , a deterministic extinction of the viral RNAs during replication due to increased mutation. Fo r the lethal case the critical mutation ra te involving lethal mu- tagenesis is µ c = 1 - e / v a . Here, the SMR involv es lower critical mutation ra tes, being the system more robu st to lethal mutagenesis replicating closer to the GR mode. This resul t is also f ound for the neutral and deleterious cases, but for these later cases lethal mutagenesis can shift to the er r or threshold once the replication mode surpasses a threshold given by v a = ¿ /k 1Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
Coexistence stability in a four-member hypercycle with error tail through center manifold analysis
Establishing the conditions allowing for the stable coexistence in hypercycles has been a subject of intensive research in the past decades. Deterministic, time-continuous models have indicated that, under appropriate parameter values, hypercycles are bistable systems, having two asymptotically stable attractors governing coexistence and extinction of all hypercycle members. The nature of the coexistence attractor is largely determined by the size of the hypercycle. For instance, for two-member hypercycles the coexistence attractor is a stable node. For larger dimensions more complex dynamics appear. Numerical results on so-called elementary hypercycles with (Formula presented.) and (Formula presented.) species revealed, respectively, coexistence via strongly and weakly damped oscillations. Stability conditions for these cases have been provided by linear stability and Lyapunov functions. Typically, linear stability analysis of four-member hypercycles indicates two purely imaginary eigenvalues and two negative real eigenvalues. For this case, stability cannot be fully characterized by linearizing near the fixed point. In this letter, we determine the stability of a non-elementary four-member hypercycle which considers exponential and hyperbolic replication terms under mutation giving place to an error tail. Since Lyapunov functions are not available for this case, we use the center manifold theory to rigorously show that the system has a stable coexistence fixed point. Our results also show that this fixed point cannot undergo a Hopf bifurcation, as supported by numerical simulations previously reported.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
Bivalent chromatin as a therapeutic target in cancer: an in silico predictive approach for combining epigenetic drugs
Tumour cell heterogeneity is a major barrier for efficient design of targeted anti-cancer therapies. A diverse distribution of phenotypically distinct tumour-cell subpopulations prior to drug treatment predisposes to non-uniform responses, leading to the elimination of sensitive cancer cells whilst leaving resistant subpopulations unharmed. Few strategies have been proposed for quantifying the variability associated to individual cancer-cell heterogeneity and minimizing its undesirable impact on clinical outcomes. Here, we report a computational approach that allows the rational design of combinatorial therapies involving epigenetic drugs against chromatin modifiers. We have formulated a stochastic model of a bivalent transcription factor that allows us to characterise three different qualitative behaviours, namely: bistable, high- and low-gene expression. Comparison between analytical results and experimental data determined that the so-called bistable and high-gene expression behaviours can be identified with undifferentiated and differentiated cell types, respectively. Since undifferentiated cells with an aberrant self-renewing potential might exhibit a cancer/ metastasis-initiating phenotype, we analysed the efficiency of combining epigenetic drugs against the background of heterogeneity within the bistable sub-ensemble. Whereas singletargeted approaches mostly failed to circumvent the therapeutic problems represented by tumour heterogeneity, combinatorial strategies fared much better. Specifically, the more successful combinations were predicted to involve modulators of the histone H3K4 and H3K27 demethylases KDM5 and KDM6A/UTX. Those strategies involving the H3K4 and H3K27 methyltransferases MLL2 and EZH2, however, were predicted to be less effective. Our theoretical framework provides a coherent basis for the development of an in silico platform capable of identifying the epigenetic drugs combinations best-suited to therapeutically manage non-uniform responses of heterogenous cancer cell populationsPostprint (published version
9th International Workshop on MUlti-Rate Processes and HYSteresis (MURPHYS) and 4th International Workshop on Hysteresis and Slow-Fast Systems (HSFS)
This volume contains extended abstracts outlining selected presentations delivered by participants of the joint international multidisciplinary workshop MURPHYS-HSFS-2018 (MUltiRate Processes and HYSteresis; Hysteresis and Slow-Fast Systems), dedicated to the mathematical theory and applications of the multiple scale systems, the systems with hysteresis and general trends in the dynamical systems theory. The workshop was jointly organized by the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM), Barcelona, and the Collaborative Research Center 910, Berlin, and held at the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica in Bellaterra, Barcelona, from May 28th to June 1st, 2018. This was the ninth workshop continuing a series of biennial meetings started in Ireland in 2002, and the second workshop of this series held at the CRM. Earlier editions of the workshops in this series were held in Cork, Pechs, Suceava, Lutherstadt and Berlin. The collection includes brief research articles reporting new results, descriptions of preliminary work, open problems, and the outcome of work in groups initiated during the workshop. Topics include analysis of hysteresis phenomena, multiple scale systems, self-organizing nonlinear systems, singular perturbations and critical phenomena, as well as applications of the hysteresis and the theory of singularly perturbed systems to fluid dynamics, chemical kinetics, cancer modeling, population modeling, mathematical economics, and control. The book is intended for established researchers, as well as for PhD and postdoctoral students who want to learn more about the latest advances in these highly active research areas
Two systems were studied, numbered (2.4) and (3.19) in the paper. The codes for MATCONT6p10 for both systems are provided