2,105 research outputs found

    Reflexiones sobre los motivos del trabajo infantil y adolescente desde la esfera familiar en México

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    La investigación tuvo como propósito fundamental identificar los motivos por los cuales trabajan los niños y niñas ocupados en México. Se buscá generar una reflexión desde la perspectiva de las unidades domésticas como oferentes de fuerza de trabajo y al mismo tiempo como el espacio en que se concreta, organiza y materializa el trabajo de niños y niñas. La metodología utilizada fue cuantitativa, pues se revisán los datos arrojados por el Módulo de Trabajo Infantil incluido en la Encuesta Nacional de Ocupación y Empleo 2011. Se llega a la conclusión de que los niños y niñas ocupados en México lo hacen debido a dos causas principales: en primer lugar que en tanto unidades económicas productivas los hogares hacen uso del recurso fuerza de trabajo en la que los niños y las niñas, son actores centrales, y en segundo lugar por la insuficiencia de los ingresos de los hogares para sufragar los gastos personales y costos escolares

    Obtención de un bionanocomposito con nanopartículas biogénicas de plata, para ser utilizado como hilo de sutura.

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    La ocurrencia de infecciones por la utilización de hilos de sutura a base de fibras naturales, representa en la actualidad, un riesgo evidente a la salud humana, especialmente los hilos de sutura multifilamento, en donde se ha encontrado una acumulación importante de comunidades bacterianas. Además de cuidar los procedimientos durante el acto quirúrgico, y la elección del material adecuado, es importante contar con sustancias o productos que posean un efecto antiséptico, que disminuya el riesgo a contaminación post quirúrgica. Uno de los requisitos más importantes que un material de sutura debe reunir, es el hecho de poseer propiedades físicas, mecánicas, de manejo, biocompatibilidad y efecto antibacteriano. La nanotecnología representa una alternativa para la creación de materiales avanzados que coadyuven a la práctica quirúrgica bucomaxilofacial. El presente trabajo propone la creación de un bionanocomposito que posea un efecto inhibitorio sobre microorganismos patógenos y que sea producido bajo condiciones eco-amigables para aminorar el daño ocasionado a la salud y el impacto ambiental

    Neurophysiological effects of ischaemia

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    Spinal cord injury (SCI) and paralysis remains a tragic complication of thoraco-abdominal aortic aneurysm (TAAA) surgery, despite advances in surgical and medical management. A survey of vascular anaesthetists showed availability of intra-operative spinal cord monitoring to detect an injury and subsequently guide remedial interventions, is variable across the United Kingdom and Ireland, despite clear evidence of its benefit. This research sought to explore the potential benefits of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) as alternative, more accessible monitors of ischaemic SCI. TAAA surgery has several nuances that required greater investigation if TMS was to be utilised in theatre. Firstly, the motor evoked potentials (MEPs) of peripheral vascular disease (PVD) patients were characterised. PVD is the primary pathology underlying TAAA and the MEPs of this cohort of patients showed no difference beyond that which would accountable by aging compared to healthy, younger controls. Also, it was demonstrated that over an hour of repeated single-pulse TMS, a time-frame similar to when the spinal cord is at greatest risk intra-operatively and a need for intense monitoring, the variability of the MEPs was no different to controls. A second feature of TAAA surgery is the need to render the surgical field bloodless, thus providing a clear operative space for the surgeons to work in. This is achieved using arterial clamps, the unintended consequence of which is an ischaemic nerve block (INB). An INB has been used as a research tool to initiate changes in cortical excitability. Deafferentation of distal limb structures and subsequent disinhibition of the motor cortical output to non-ischaemic muscles ipsilateral to the INB, manifested as increased MEPs. Through the use of a novel, low pressure INB applied to the lower limb, an increase in MEP amplitude in muscles proximal to the INB occurred. It was further shown that this increase in cortical excitability extended to the contralateral legs muscles and to arm muscles. Simultaneous recordings of somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEP) from stimulation of the tibial nerve, also distal to the INB, demonstrated a reduction in SSEP amplitude but not a complete deafferentation as previously assumed. Investigations into the mechanisms underlying these finding was then performed. Using quantitative sensory testing whilst an INB was performed, the loss of Aβ and Aδ indicated the deafferentation required to initiate changes in motor cortical excitability. The preservation of C-fibre function could account for the unexpected finding where participants with exaggerated punctate sensation had greater increases in MEPs and possible cortical excitability. Paired-pulse TMS paradigms explored the potential neuronal networks responsible for the increase in MEPs of the contralateral muscles. A reduction in interhemispheric inhibition was seen from the deafferented motor cortex to the intact motor cortex, whilst no change in intrahemispheric pathways was seen. The final chapter of this thesis explores the use of TMS and NIRS under surgical conditions. Despite numerous obstacles to patient recruitment, not withstanding a pandemic, a case series is presented with meaningful data which can be used to guide future study. Under the correct anaesthetic regimen, TMS induced MEPs can be recorded. The limited sample size was unable to determine if changes in cortical excitability occur in these conditions during surgery utilising a thigh INB however. In the second clinical investigation, NIRS was used to measure paraspinal muscle oxygen saturations levels (rO2), believed to correlate with intra-spinal oxygenation. This was performed alongside traditional intraoperative neuromonitoring of spinal cord with transcranial electrical stimulation (TES) MEPs. Paraspinal rO2 appeared to follow changes in the haemodynamic status of the patients, where a low rO2 would reflect a low blood pressure. One patient experienced a paraparesis, with a recoverable reduction in MEP amplitude and paraspinal rO2. Another patient who later died without clinical confirmation of paralysis, had a precipitous and permanent reduction in both MEPs and rO2, likely reflecting a SCI. A third patient where a decrease in MEPs and paraspinal rO2 was seen had remedial interventions initiated to prevent a possible SCI, which resulted in a return of both measures close to baseline. Future work should look to explore the changes in cortical excitability secondary to iatrogenic limb ischaemic during TAAA surgery and how this impacts TMS-induced MEP characteristics and their interpretation in detecting a SCI. It should also explore their use alongside NIRS to detect both intra-operative and post-operative SCI and to guide their management.Open Acces

    Procesos de transformación de las creencias religiosas entre las mujeres inmigrantes marroquíes en España

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    La inmigración procedente de Marruecos hacia España es cada vez más femenina. Este hecho ya no se debe a un aumento de las reagrupaciones familiares sino al creciente número de mujeres solteras y divorciadas que deciden emigrar por cuenta propia con un proyecto primordialmente laboral. Esta nueva inmigración, protagonizada por mujeres urbanas, con estudios y que ejercen un importante rol económico dentro de sus familias, vulnera las tradicionales restricciones a la movilidad femenina y a su participación en el espacio público, restricciones que en el caso de Marruecos se integran dentro de la cultura musulmana. El siguiente estudio es una aproximación a las transformaciones socioeconómicas que explican esta nueva inmigración femenina así como al modo en que estas mujeres reinterpretan el sentido de su musulmaneidad y sus creencias islámicas, a la luz de los cambios que la trayectoria migratoria y la inserción en la sociedad española opera en sus vidas.Moroccan migration towards Spain is every time more feminine. This fact is due to the growing number of single and divorced women who decide to emigrate on their own in order to find better working conditions. This new type of migration is led by urban women, with studies, who play an important economic rolle within their families, breaking therefore with the traditional restrictions on women's mobility and their participation in the public space. These restrictions are, in Morocco's case, integrated in a Muslim culture. The following paper tries to offer an approach to the social and economic changes that are in the origin of this new migration, as well as to the way in which these women reinterpret their sense of being Muslims and their Islamic beliefs after migrating to the Spanish society

    El eclesiástico Luis Fernández de Córdoba y Portocarrero: aproximación a su patronazgo cultural

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    El siguiente artículo pretende analizar la interesante personalidad de Luis Fernández de Córdoba y Portocarrero mediante el patronazgo cultural que desarrolla a lo largo de su trayectoria como eclesiástico. En este patronazgo no sólo se advierten connotaciones meramente espirituales, sino también un componente de prestigio y distinción social, en correspondencia al contexto familiar al que pertenece


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    Obra ressenyada: Cristina BLANCO, Las migraciones contemporáneas. Madrid: Alianza Editonal, 2000