2,766 research outputs found

    Toward a Digital Transfer Doctrine ? The First Sale Doctrine in the Digital Era

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    The first sale doctrine in copyright law allows a person who owns a copy of a copyrighted work to sell, lend, or give away the copy to someone else. An owner of a copy of a copyrighted work can take advantage of the first sale doctrine, but a licensee cannot. In today’s digital environment, people are increasingly purchasing digital music files and e-books instead of CDs and physical books. Customers often mistakenly believe they become owners of the digital content they purchase when in actuality they merely become licensees most of the time. Licensing agreements impose use restrictions on digital content. As licensees, customers are unable to invoke the first sale doctrine and legally resell or transfer their digital content to others. This Note explores the feasibility of applying the first sale doctrine to digital content and concludes that a better solution would be to operate a digital secondary marketplace outside the scope of the first sale doctrine. This solution is referred to as a “digital transfer doctrine.” A digital secondary marketplace that provides a portion of revenues from secondary sales to the copyright holders most effectively balances the interests of both consumers and copyright holders

    Toward a Digital Transfer Doctrine ? The First Sale Doctrine in the Digital Era

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    The first sale doctrine in copyright law allows a person who owns a copy of a copyrighted work to sell, lend, or give away the copy to someone else. An owner of a copy of a copyrighted work can take advantage of the first sale doctrine, but a licensee cannot. In today’s digital environment, people are increasingly purchasing digital music files and e-books instead of CDs and physical books. Customers often mistakenly believe they become owners of the digital content they purchase when in actuality they merely become licensees most of the time. Licensing agreements impose use restrictions on digital content. As licensees, customers are unable to invoke the first sale doctrine and legally resell or transfer their digital content to others. This Note explores the feasibility of applying the first sale doctrine to digital content and concludes that a better solution would be to operate a digital secondary marketplace outside the scope of the first sale doctrine. This solution is referred to as a “digital transfer doctrine.” A digital secondary marketplace that provides a portion of revenues from secondary sales to the copyright holders most effectively balances the interests of both consumers and copyright holders

    Morality of a pill: tracing boundary-making in the discussion on cognitive enhancement in academia

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    "From medical treatments to recreational purposes, cognitive enhancement increasingly plays a role for healthy individuals aiming to improve their intellectual or cognitive performance. Much attention has been paid on educational settings such as elementary, high-schools, and even undergraduate students, especially in the United States. Yet this paper focuses on the contemporary role, meaning and moral boundaries of cognitive enhancement placed in academia. Clear-cut and simple dichotomies of "normal and pathological" cognitive functioning, of "healthy and unhealthy" persons, and the value of "authentic and altered/fraud" working results ask for closer reflections. Hence, this paper explores the following questions: how do academics draw moral boundaries between accepted cognitive enhancers and non-accepted cognitive enhancers? How can the given arguments be characterized? This paper aims at advancing our understanding of moral boundary work in the discussion on cognitive enhancement in academia by studying the case of several master, PhD students and research members of the Maastricht University community in the Netherlands, as a study for qualitative research." (author's abstract

    A publicidade como ferramenta social : análise de campanhas de prevenção ao suicídio no Brasil

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Comunicação, 2019.O número de suicídios cresceu no Brasil nos últimos anos. Devido a esse cenário, a publicidade começou a abordar o tema em uma tentativa de servir como ferramenta de prevenção. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi analisar qualitativamente campanhas que vem sendo veiculadas no Brasil a fim de refletir sobre o potencial de prevenção. Para isso, se fez necessário uma vasta pesquisa e coleta de campanhas veiculadas, utilizando as ferramentas Google, Youtube, Propmark, Meio&Mensagem e o site do Centro de Valorização à Vida (CVV), resultando em 222 peças coletadas. Foi realizada a seleção de 10% do material coletado para compor a mostra a ser analisada. A análise contou com uma vasta pesquisa bibliográfica, que resgatou conceitos da Publicidade, do Design, da Psicologia Social e do suicídio, além de entrevistas em profundidade com psicólogos de diferentes áreas de atuação. O estudo mostrou que existe uma sub-representação de grupos de risco, escassez de conteúdo e de orientações, concentração de veiculação no mês de setembro e pouco discurso direcionado a pessoas com ideação suicida. Esse trabalho permitiu perceber que, embora o potencial de prevenção que a publicidade pode oferecer não esteja sendo adequadamente aproveitado, existe um interesse por parte da mídia e da sociedade em colaborar para a diminuição desse problema de saúde pública.The number of suicides has grown in Brazil in recent years. Because of this scenario, advertising has begun to talk about this issue as an attempt to serve as a prevention tool. The objective of this research was to qualitatively analyze campaigns that have been running in Brazil in order to reflect on the potential for prevention. This required extensive research and collection of campaigns, using Google, Youtube, Propmark, Medium & Message and the Centro de Valorização à Vida (CVV) website, resulting in 222 collected pieces. A selection of 10% of the collected material was made to compose the sample to be analyzed. The analysis included a vast bibliographic research, which retrieved concepts from Advertising, Design, Social Psychology and suicide, as well as in-depth interviews with psychologists from different fields. The study showed that there is an underrepresentation of risk groups, lack of content and orientation, concentration of placement in September and little speech directed at people with suicidal ideation. This work showed that, although the prevention potential that advertising can offer is not being well exploited, there is an interest on the part of the media and society to contribute to the reduction of this public health problem

    Funções motivacionais e personalidade em universitários voluntários : relação com a satisfação e a persistência

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    Mestrado em PsicologiaPortugal apresenta a taxa de voluntariado mais baixa da Europa, mas tem surgido várias iniciativas como o Ano Europeu do Voluntariado (2011) que tentam colmatar esta falha na sociedade portuguesa, de maneira a alterar e consolidar a perceção do voluntariado em Portugal. Como ainda são escassos os estudos na área do voluntariado no nosso país surge o presente estudo que tem como objetivos fazer uma caracterização de uma amostra de 289 estudantes universitários voluntários quer ao nível sociodemográfico, quer ao nível de outras variáveis mais específicas do voluntariado, analisar as suas funções motivacionais, benefícios sentidos, traços de personalidade globais e um mais específico – empatia – e relacionar estas variáveis com a satisfação e persistência no voluntariado. Os instrumentos utilizados para a recolha dos dados foram os seguintes: questionário sociodemográfico e de características específicas do voluntariado, Inventário de Motivações para o Voluntariado (IMV; Gonçalves, Monteiro, & Pereira, 2011), NEO-FFI (Magalhaes et al., 2012) e Índice de Reatividade Interpessoal (IRI; Limpo & Alves, 2013). Verificou-se que as funções motivacionais e benefícios valores, experiência e crescimento/autoestima apresentam correlações mais fortes com a satisfação. Em relação aos traços de personalidade, são a conscienciosidade e amabilidade que mais se relacionam com os níveis de satisfação e na empatia é a preocupação empática, fantasia e tomada de perspetiva. O traço de neuroticismo e o desconforto pessoal não se relacionam com a satisfação. Encontrou-se também uma relação positiva entre satisfação e persistência.Portugal has the lowest rate of volunteering in Europe but several initiatives have arisen such as the European Year of Volunteering (2011) to bridge this gap in the Portuguese society, in order to amend and consolidate the perception of volunteering in Portugal. The present study arises in a background with few studies about volunteering in Portugal and aims to characterize a sample of 289 college students volunteers in terms of a socio-demographic level and other specific variables of volunteering, analyze their motivational functions, benefits that have been felt, personality traits and a more specific trait - empathy - and relate these variables with satisfaction and persistence in volunteering. The instruments used for data collection were: a sociodemographic and specific characteristics of volunteering questionnaire, Volunteer Functions Inventory (VFI; Gonçalves Monteiro & Pereira, 2011), NEO-Five Factor Inventory, (NEO-FFI, Magalhães et al., 2012) and the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI; Limpo & Alves, 2013). It was found that the motivational functions and benefits values, experience and growth / self-esteem show stronger correlations with satisfaction. Regarding personality traits, conscientiousness and agreeableness are the variables that most related to the levels of satisfaction and in empathy the variables are empathic concern, perspective taking and fantasy. The trait of neuroticism and personal distress does not relate to satisfaction. We also found a positive relationship between satisfaction and persistence

    Orçamento público e redistribuição com enfoque de gênero : uma análise da experiência do Equador

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de Serviço Social, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Política Social, 2014.O presente estudo partiu de inquietações em relação à implementação de experiências intituladas “Orçamentos Sensíveis ao Gênero” na América Latina e se deteve na experiência específica do Equador. Naquele país o Orçamento Público foi modificado e a igualdade de gênero passou a ser considerada uma função orçamentária (assim como a Saúde, a Educação e a Segurança Pública). Tal mudança gerou a obrigação de os gestores/as públicos/as informarem se cada gasto realizado havia ou não contribuído para a igualdade de gênero. A presente pesquisa buscou identificar e resgatar os processos políticos e sociais ocorridos no Equador que favoreceram a incorporação do enfoque de gênero no Orçamento Geral do Estado, analisando suas decorrências para as políticas de promoção da igualdade de gênero no país. Por meio de análise documental, confirmou-se a hipótese que tais processos ensejaram condições favoráveis às iniciativas de redistribuição com enfoque de gênero naquele país. Além da obrigação de se preverem recursos para a promoção da igualdade de gênero, outra iniciativa com potencial redistributivo adotada pelo Estado no Equador foi o reconhecimento do trabalho de cuidado como um trabalho produtivo, e como decorrência disso a proposição de ações de redistribuição do cuidado entre Estado, homens e mulheres. Ao final do estudo, realizou-se uma análise do ponto de vista do Orçamento Público em relação à implementação de tais iniciativas no período de 2010 a 2012. ______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis study concerns to the implementation of experiences entitled "Gender Responsive Budgets" in Latin America and focuses in a specific experience of Ecuador, where the Public Budget structure was modified to consider gender equality as a budget function (like Health, Education and Public Safety). Such change generated the obligation for civil servants to report if each public expenditure had contributed to gender equality. This research sought to identify and discuss the political and social processes in Ecuador that favored this incorporation of gender perspective in the Public Budget, and also to analyze its implications to gender equality policies in the country. Through document analysis, the study confirmed the hypothesis that these processes created favorable conditions for redistribution initiatives with a gender perspective. Besides of the obligation of allocating public resources for gender equality, another initiative adopted by the State in Ecuador with redistributive potential was the recognition of reproductive work as a productive work, and therefore the definition of actions to share reproductive work responsibility among State, men and women. Finally, the study analyzes (through the perspective of the Public Budget) the implementation of such initiatives from 2010 to 2012

    Vector Competence of the Tick Ixodes ricinus for Transmission of Bartonella birtlesii

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    Bartonella spp. are facultative intracellular vector-borne bacteria associated with several emerging diseases in humans and animals all over the world. The potential for involvement of ticks in transmission of Bartonella spp. has been heartily debated for many years. However, most of the data supporting bartonellae transmission by ticks come from molecular and serological epidemiological surveys in humans and animals providing only indirect evidences without a direct proof of tick vector competence for transmission of bartonellae. We used a murine model to assess the vector competence of Ixodes ricinus for Bartonella birtlesii. Larval and nymphal I. ricinus were fed on a B. birtlesii-infected mouse. The nymphs successfully transmitted B. birtlesii to naïve mice as bacteria were recovered from both the mouse blood and liver at seven and 16 days after tick bites. The female adults successfully emitted the bacteria into uninfected blood after three or more days of tick attachment, when fed via membrane feeding system. Histochemical staining showed the presence of bacteria in salivary glands and muscle tissues of partially engorged adult ticks, which had molted from the infected nymphs. These results confirm the vector competence of I. ricinus for B. birtlesii and represent the first in vivo demonstration of a Bartonella sp. transmission by ticks. Consequently, bartonelloses should be now included in the differential diagnosis for patients exposed to tick bites

    Experimental Selection of Paromomycin Resistance in Leishmania donovani Amastigotes Induces Variable Genomic Polymorphisms

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    The relatively high post-treatment relapse rates of paromomycin (PMM) in visceral leishmaniasis treatment and the swift emergence of experimental drug resistance challenge its broad application and urge for rational use and monitoring of resistance. However, no causal molecular mechanisms to Leishmania PMM resistance have been identified so far. To gain insights into potential resistance mechanisms, twelve experimentally selected Leishmania donovani clonal lines and the non-cloned preselection population, with variable degrees of PMM resistance, were subjected to whole genome sequencing. To identify genomic variations potentially associated with resistance, SNPs, Indels, chromosomal somy and gene copy number variations were compared between the different parasite lines. A total of 11 short nucleotide variations and the copy number alterations in 39 genes were correlated to PMM resistance. Some of the identified genes are involved in transcription, translation and protein turn-over (transcription elongation factor-like protein, RNA-binding protein, ribosomal protein L1a, 60S ribosomal protein L6, eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E-1, proteasome regulatory non-ATP-ase subunit 3), virulence (major surface protease gp63, protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1-like protein), mitochondrial function (ADP/ATP mitochondrial carrier-like protein), signaling (phosphatidylinositol 3-related kinase, protein kinase putative and protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1-like protein) and vesicular trafficking (ras-related protein RAB1). These results indicate that, in Leishmania, the aminoglycoside PMM affects protein translational processes and underlines the complex and probably multifactorial origin of resistance