112 research outputs found

    O conflito entre liberdade de expressão e direito à cultura em face do direito de imagem à luz do neoconstitucionalismo: o caso de pessoas retratadas em obras fotográficas em domínio público

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Jurídicas. Direito.O tema diz respeito ao conflito entre a liberdade de expressão e informação, e direito à cultura em face do direito de imagem, através da ponderação, desenvolvida pela doutrina neoconstitucionalista. A aplicação da técnica se dá ao seguinte caso concreto: foi reproduzida em um livro publicado por Leonel Kaz, que fez uma compilação das obras fotográficas de José Medeiros, uma fotografia de Manuel Bandeira. Esta, por sua vez, estava em domínio público, considerando que a contagem do prazo de proteção de obras dessa natureza se dá a partir de 1º de janeiro do ano subsequente à publicação, que no caso foi em 1936. Os herdeiros de Manuel Bandeira ingressaram em juízo alegando suposto dano por ricochete decorrente da violação da imagem do poeta. Requereram indenização a título de dano moral e a retirada das obras de circulação. As decisões proferidas no âmbito deste caso são criticadas tendo em vista que em primeira instância, o magistrado confundiu a tutela autoral com a de imagem e considerou procedentes os pedidos da autora. O Tribunal de Justiça do Rio de Janeiro reformou a decisão, considerados improcedentes os pedidos. Apesar de acertada, entende-se que sua fundamentação foi rasa haja vista que dispensou análise devida e profunda que se julga merecida por se tratar de direitos fundamentais que se colidem. O objetivo do trabalho, então, é sugerir uma resolução deste caso, à luz da Constituição Federal, por meio da técnica interpretativa da ponderação, reconhecendo o choque entre liberdade de expressão e informação, e direito à cultura em face do direito de imagem, demonstrando fundamentalmente que devido às circunstâncias do contexto fático devem prevalecer as liberdades e o direito à cultur

    Pasos Hacia La Salud: a randomized controlled trial of an internet-delivered physical activity intervention for Latinas.

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    BackgroundInternet access has grown markedly in Latinos during the past decade. However, there have been no Internet-based physical activity interventions designed for Latinos, despite large disparities in lifestyle-related conditions, such as obesity and diabetes, particularly in Latina women. The current study tested the efficacy of a 6-month culturally adapted, individually tailored, Spanish-language Internet-based physical activity intervention.MethodsInactive Latinas (N = 205) were randomly assigned to the Tailored Physical Activity Internet Intervention or the Wellness Contact Control Internet Group. Participants in both groups received emails on a tapered schedule over 6 months to alert them to new content on the website. The primary outcome was minutes/week of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) at 6 months as measured by the 7-Day Physical Activity Recall; activity was also measured by accelerometers. Data were collected between 2011 and 2014 and analyzed in 2015 at the University of California, San Diego.ResultsIncreases in minutes/week of MVPA were significantly greater in the Intervention Group compared to the Control Group (mean difference = 50.00, SE = 9.5, p < 0.01). Increases in objectively measured MVPA were also significantly larger in the Intervention Group (mean differences = 31.0, SE = 10.7, p < .01). The Intervention Group was also significantly more likely to meet national physical activity guidelines at 6 months (OR = 3.12, 95% CI 1.46-6.66, p < .05).ConclusionFindings from the current study suggest that this Internet-delivered individually tailored intervention successfully increased MVPA in Latinas compared to a Wellness Contact Control Internet Group.Trial registrationNCT01834287

    Tenazität luftgetragener Mikroorganismen: Untersuchung der Tenazität luftgetragener Mikroorganismen unter möglichst realen Außenluftbedingungen: Abschlussbericht zum Projekt TeluMi

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    Über die Abluft aus Tierhaltungsanlagen emittieren große Mengen Mikroorganismen in die Umwelt und können auch in benachbarte Wohngebiete gelangen. Dort stehen sie in Verdacht, die Gesundheit der Anwohner negativ zu beeinflussen. Ziel dieses dreijährigen Forschungsprojektes war es, die Absterberaten (Tenazität) von für Tierhaltungsanlagen spezifischen Bakterien unter Außenluftbedingungen quantitativ zu bestimmen und die wichtigsten meteorologischen Parameter zu identifizieren, die einen Einfluss darauf haben. Es wurde eine spezielle Messkammer entwickelt mit deren Einsatz Absterberaten in Verbindung mit hohen Globalstrahlungswerten von deutlich über 90 % festgestellt werden konnten. Die Veröffentlichung richtet sich an Betreiber landwirtschaftlicher Tierhaltungsanlagen oder anderer Bioaerosol-emittierender Anlagen, an Gutachter im Allgemeinen oder für Ausbreitungsberechnungen im Speziellen sowie an Genehmigungsbehörden, die mit der Thematik der Bioaerosole befasst sind. Die Veröffentlichung kann aber auch für jeden allgemein Interessierten interessant sein, der sich fragt, wie lange Mikroorganismen in der Atmosphäre in einem für sie lebensfeindlichen Umfeld überleben. Redaktionsschluss: 30.10.202

    Using Community-Based Programming to Increase Family Social Support for Healthy Eating among African American Adolescents

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    Little is known about emotional and instrumental social support for nutrition behaviors among African-American adolescents. In this paper, we specifically examine intervention effects on emotional, instrumental and total (composite) social support for fruit/vegetable and low-fat dairy intake. Data from a larger intervention, based on Social Cognitive Theory, which was implemented with 38 African-American adolescents and their families to increase fruit/vegetable intake, low-fat dairy intake and physical activity behaviors are presented. One-way ANOVA analyses revealed that intervention participants had positive and significant increases in emotional social support for low-fat dairy intake (P=0.01), total social support for fruit/vegetable intake (P=0.05), and total social support for low-fat dairy intake (P=0.02). Specific recommendations addressing family social support for healthy eating through youth development programming are discussed

    Physical activity maintenance among Spanish-speaking Latinas in a randomized controlled trial of an Internet-based intervention.

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    Spanish-speaking Latinas have some of the lowest rates of meeting physical activity guidelines in the U.S. and are at high risk for many related chronic diseases. The purpose of the current study was to examine the maintenance of a culturally and individually-tailored Internet-based physical activity intervention for Spanish-speaking Latinas. Inactive Latinas (N  =  205) were randomly assigned to a 6-month Tailored Physical Activity Internet Intervention or a Wellness Contact Control Internet Group, with a 6-month follow-up. Maintenance was measured by assessing group differences in minutes per week of self-reported and accelerometer measured moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) at 12 months after baseline and changes in MVPA between the end of the active intervention (month 6) and the end of the study (month 12). Potential moderators of the intervention were also examined. Data were collected between 2011 and 2014, and were analyzed in 2015 at the University of California, San Diego. The Intervention Group engaged in significantly more minutes of MVPA per week than the Control Group at the end of the maintenance period for both self-reported (mean diff. = 30.68, SE = 11.27, p = .007) and accelerometer measured (mean diff. = 11.47, SE = 3.19, p = .01) MVPA. There were no significant between- or within-group changes in MVPA from month 6 to 12. Greater intervention effects were seen for those with lower BMI (BMI × intervention = -6.67, SE = 2.88, p = .02) and lower perceived places to walk to in their neighborhood (access × intervention = -43.25, SE = 19.07, p = .02), with a trend for less family support (social support × intervention = -3.49, SE = 2.05, p = .08). Acculturation, health literacy, and physical activity related psychosocial variables were not significant moderators of the intervention effect during the maintenance period. Findings from the current study support the efficacy of an Internet-delivered individually tailored intervention for maintenance of MVPA gains over time

    Early-life adversity selectively impairs α2-GABAA receptor expression in the mouse nucleus accumbens and influences the behavioral effects of cocaine

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    Haplotypes of the Gabra2 gene encoding the α2 subunit of the GABAA receptor (GABAAR) are associated with drug abuse, suggesting that α2-GABAARs may play an important role in the circuitry underlying drug misuse. The genetic association of Gabra2 haplotypes with cocaine addiction appears to be evident primarily in individuals who had experienced childhood trauma. Given this association of childhood trauma, cocaine abuse and the Gabra2 haplotypes, we have explored in a mouse model of early life adversity (ELA) whether such events influence the behavioral effects of cocaine and if, as suggested by the human studies, α2-GABAARs in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) are involved in these perturbed behaviors. In adult mice prior ELA caused a selective decrease of accumbal α2-subunit mRNA, resulting in a selective decrease in the number and size of the α2-subunit (but not the α1-subunit) immunoreactive clusters in NAc core medium spiny neurons (MSNs). Functionally, in adult MSNs ELA decreased the amplitude and frequency of GABAAR-mediated miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents (mIPSCs), a profile similar to that of α2 "knock-out" (α2-/-) mice. Behaviorally, adult male ELA and α2-/- mice exhibited an enhanced locomotor response to acute cocaine and blunted sensitization upon repeated cocaine administration, when compared to their appropriate controls. Collectively, these findings reveal a neurobiological mechanism which may relate to the clinical observation that early trauma increases the risk for substance abuse disorder (SAD) in individuals harbouring haplotypic variations in the Gabra2 gene.</p

    Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Research Consortium focus group Study of Habits, Attitudes, Realities, and Experiences of Bladder health

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    AimThe study purpose is to explore adolescent and adult women’s experiences, perceptions, beliefs, knowledge and behaviours related to bladder health across the life course using a socioecological perspective. Lower urinary tract symptoms affect between 20-40% of young adult to middle-aged women, with symptoms increasing in incidence and severity with aging. There is limited evidence to address bladder health promotion and prevention of dysfunction. This first study of the Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (PLUS) Research Consortium is designed to address gaps in existing qualitative research in this area.DesignThis focus group study will be implemented across seven geographically diverse United States research centres using a semi-structured focus group guide informed by a conceptual framework based on the socioecological model.MethodsThe study was approved in July 2017. A total of 44 focus groups composed of 6-8 participants representing six different age categories (ranging from 11 to over 65 years) will be completed. We aim to recruit participants with diverse demographic and personal characteristics including race, ethnicity, education, socioeconomic status, urban/rural residence, physical/health conditions, and urinary symptom experience. Six of the focus groups will be conducted in Spanish and translated into English. Focus group transcripts will undergo content analysis and data interpretation to identify and classify themes and articulate emerging themes.DiscussionThis foundational qualitative study seeks to develop an evidence base to inform future research on bladder health promotion in adolescent and adult women.ImpactThis study has the potential to provide new insights and understanding into adolescent and adult women’s lived experience of bladder health, the experience of lower urinary symptoms and knowledge and beliefs across the life course.ç ®ç æ ¬ç  ç©¶ç ç ®ç æ ¯ä» ç¤¾ä¼ ç æ å­¦ç è§ åº¦,æ ¢è®¨é å° å¹´å æ å¹´å¥³æ §å ¨äººç è¿ ç¨ ä¸­ä¸ è è ±å ¥åº·ç ¸å ³ç ç» éª ã è§ å¿µã 信念ã ç ¥è¯ å è¡ ä¸ºã ä¸ å°¿è·¯ç ç ¶å½±å 20-40%ç 中é å¹´å¥³æ §,é ç å¹´é¾ ç å¢ é ¿,ç ç ¶ç å ç ç å 严é ç¨ åº¦é ½å ¨å¢ é ¿ã å ³äº ä¿ è¿ è è ±å ¥åº·å é¢ é ²å è ½é ç¢ ç è¯ æ ®æ é ã æ ¬æ¬¡é¢ é ²ä¸ å°¿è·¯ç ç ¶(PLUS)ç  ç©¶è ç ç ç  ç©¶æ ¯é¦ ä¸ªå ³äº æ­¤æ ¹é ¢ç ç  ç©¶,æ ¨å ¨è§£å ³ç °æ ç å® æ §ç  ç©¶å ¨è¿ æ ¹é ¢ç å·®è· ã è®¾è®¡è¯¥é¡¹ç ¦ç ¹å° ç» ç  ç©¶å° å ¨ä¸ ä¸ªä¸ å ä½ ç½®ç ç¾ å ½ç  ç©¶ä¸­å¿ è¿ è¡ ,ä»¥å ºäº ç¤¾ä¼ ç æ 模å æ¦ å¿µæ¡ æ ¶ç å ç» æ å ç ç ¦ç ¹å° ç» æ å 为æ 导ã æ ¹æ³ è¯¥ç  ç©¶äº 2017å¹´7æ è ·å¾ æ ¹å ã ç ±6-8å 代表6ä¸ªä¸ å å¹´é¾ ç±»å «(ä» 11å² å °65å² ä»¥ä¸ )ç å ä¸ è ç» æ å ±44ä¸ªç ¦ç ¹å° ç» ã æ 们计å æ å ä¸ å äººå £å ä¸ªäººç ¹å¾ ç å ä¸ è ,ä¾ å¦ ç§ æ ã ç§ æ æ¸ æº ã æ è ²ç» å ã ç¤¾ä¼ ç» æµ å °ä½ ã å ä¹¡å± æ° ã èº«ä½ /å ¥åº·ç ¶å µå æ³ å°¿ç³»ç» ç ç ¶ç» å ã å ­ä¸ªç ¦ç ¹å° ç» ç ç  ç©¶å° ä»¥è¥¿ç ­ç è¯­è¿ è¡ ,å¹¶ç¿»è¯ æ è ±è¯­ã ç ¦ç ¹å° ç» ç èª æ ¬å° è¢«ç ¨äº å 容å æ å æ °æ ®è§£é ,ä»¥ç¡®å® å å ç±»ä¸»é¢ ,并é æ æ °å ºç °ç ä¸»é¢ ã è®¨è®ºè¿ é¡¹å ºç¡ æ §ç å® æ §ç  ç©¶æ ¨å ¨ä¸ºæ é« æ ªæ ¥é å° å¹´å æ å¹´å¦ å¥³ç è è ±å ¥åº·ç ç  ç©¶æ ä¾ è¯ æ ®å ºç¡ ã å½±å è¿ é¡¹ç  ç©¶æ å ¯è ½æ ä¾ å ³äº é å° å¹´å æ å¹´å¦ å¥³ç è è ±å ¥åº·ç ç æ´»ç» éª ,ç» éª ç ä¸ å°¿è·¯ç ç ¶å ç ¥è¯ å ç æ³ ç 人ç è¿ ç¨ ä¸­æ °ç è§ è§£å ç 解ãPeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/151981/1/jan14148_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/151981/2/jan14148.pd

    Exercise Training Prevents Diaphragm Contractile Dysfunction in Heart Failure

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    Purpose: Patient studies have demonstrated the efficacy of exercise training in attenuating respiratory muscle weakness in chronic heart failure (HF), yet direct assessment of muscle fiber contractile function together with data on the underlying intracellular mechanisms remains elusive. The present study, therefore, used a mouse model of HF to assess whether exercise training could prevent diaphragm contractile fiber dysfunction by potentially mediating the complex interplay between intracellular oxidative stress and proteolysis. Methods: Mice underwent sham operation (n = 10) or a ligation of the left coronary artery and were randomized to sedentary HF (n = 10) or HF with aerobic exercise training (HF + AET; n = 10). Ten weeks later, echocardiography and histological analyses confirmed HF. Results: In vitro diaphragm fiber bundles demonstrated contractile dysfunction in sedentary HF compared with sham mice that was prevented by AET, with maximal force 21.0 ± 0.7 versus 26.7 ± 1.4 and 25.4 ± 1.4 N·cm−2, respectively (P < 0.05). Xanthine oxidase enzyme activity and MuRF1 protein expression, markers of oxidative stress and protein degradation, were ~20% and ~70% higher in sedentary HF compared with sham mice (P < 0.05) but were not different when compared with the HF + AET group. Oxidative modifications to numerous contractile proteins (i.e., actin and creatine kinase) and markers of proteolysis (i.e., proteasome and calpain activity) were elevated in sedentary HF compared with HF + AET mice (P < 0.05); however, these indices were not significantly different between sedentary HF and sham mice. Antioxidative enzyme activities were also not different between groups. Conclusion: Our findings demonstrate that AET can protect against diaphragm contractile fiber dysfunction induced by HF, but it remains unclear whether alterations in oxidative stress and/or protein degradation are primarily responsible

    Impact of fatigue as the primary determinant of functional limitations among patients with post-COVID-19 syndrome: a cross-sectional observational study

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    OBJECTIVES: To describe self-reported characteristics and symptoms of treatment-seeking patients with post-COVID-19 syndrome (PCS). To assess the impact of symptoms on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and patients' ability to work and undertake activities of daily living. DESIGN: Cross-sectional single-arm service evaluation of real-time user data. SETTING: 31 post-COVID-19 clinics in the UK. PARTICIPANTS: 3754 adults diagnosed with PCS in primary or secondary care deemed suitable for rehabilitation. INTERVENTION: Patients using the Living With Covid Recovery digital health intervention registered between 30 November 2020 and 23 March 2022. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: The primary outcome was the baseline Work and Social Adjustment Scale (WSAS). WSAS measures the functional limitations of the patient; scores of ≥20 indicate moderately severe limitations. Other symptoms explored included fatigue (Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Fatigue), depression (Patient Health Questionnaire-Eight Item Depression Scale), anxiety (Generalised Anxiety Disorder Scale, Seven-Item), breathlessness (Medical Research Council Dyspnoea Scale and Dyspnoea-12), cognitive impairment (Perceived Deficits Questionnaire, Five-Item Version) and HRQoL (EQ-5D). Symptoms and demographic characteristics associated with more severe functional limitations were identified using logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: 3541 (94%) patients were of working age (18-65); mean age (SD) 48 (12) years; 1282 (71%) were female and 89% were white. 51% reported losing ≥1 days from work in the previous 4 weeks; 20% reported being unable to work at all. Mean WSAS score at baseline was 21 (SD 10) with 53% scoring ≥20. Factors associated with WSAS scores of ≥20 were high levels of fatigue, depression and cognitive impairment. Fatigue was found to be the main symptom contributing to a high WSAS score. CONCLUSION: A high proportion of this PCS treatment-seeking population was of working age with over half reporting moderately severe or worse functional limitation. There were substantial impacts on ability to work and activities of daily living in people with PCS. Clinical care and rehabilitation should address the management of fatigue as the dominant symptom explaining variation in functionality