114 research outputs found

    Die Olsborg und ihr Umfeld: Enstehung, Entwicklung und Bedeutung einer slawenzeitlichen Region in Wagrien

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    Im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit steht die Insel Olsborg im Großen Plöner See, auf der sich vom 10. bis zum 12. Jahrhundert eine – vermutlich befestigte - slawische Siedlung befand. Nach der „Slawenchronik“ Helmolds von Bosau handelt es sich bei der Burg Plune um einen Ort von erheblicher Bedeutung für ein größeres Gebiet. In der Dissertation werden die Ausgrabungen (2004-2009) ausgewertet, wobei die Befunde, Funde sowie naturwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen einbezogen werden. Dadurch konnten Aussagen zu der Bebauung, der Phasengliederung der Siedlung, der genaueren Datierung sowie verschiedenen zentralörtlichen Funktionen erarbeitet werden. Insgesamt weist die Olsborg zahlreiche Merkmale eines zentralen Ortes auf. Ab etwa 975 bestand eine erhöhte Bedeutung, die in spätslawischer Zeit besonders groß war, was auch durch die Schriftquellen zum Castrum Plune belegt wird. Im zweiten Schritt wird das Siedlungsumfeld in der ehemaligen Terra Plune untersucht. Dazu werden alle bekannten slawischen Fundplätze im Gebiet um die Plöner Seen mit ihren Merkmalen erfasst. Dazu zählen insbesondere auch naturräumliche Charakteristika. Zudem wurde eine Netzwerkanalyse durchgeführt. Die Kartierung der Siedlungsfunde ergibt eine starke Clusterung der Fundstellen in unterschiedlich große Siedlungskammern. Sie zeigen einerseits eine innere Gliederung des Arbeitsgebiets und andererseits eine deutliche Abgrenzung nach außen. Durch die Analyse der Fundplatzmerkmale und des Netzwerkes konnten Aussagen zur Siedlungsdynamik, Siedlungskammern, zentralen Plätzen und ihrer Dynamik, Wegen und Kommunikationsnetzen getroffen werden. Die Olsborg nimmt dabei ab dem 11. Jh. eine bedeutende Position im Arbeitsgebiet ein.The Island “Olsborg” in the Great Plön Lake is the starting point and centre of the Thesis. From the 10th to the 12th century AD, a settlement – probably fortified – was situated on it. According to the “Chronicle of the Slavs” by Helmold of Bosau (12th ct.), the “castrum Plune” is a place of high importance for a larger region. The Dissertation analyzes the archaeological excavations on the island (2004-2009). Structures and finds as well as scientific analyses are considered. Results include building structures, settlement phases, more exact dating and several central functions. Altogether, the Olsborg holds several attributes of a central place. From ca. 975 A.D. onwards its importance was high, even growing in the Late Slavonic period. The high significance is emphasized by the written sources about the castrum Plune. In a second step, the surrounding settlement area are examined. All known Slavonic sites in the area around the Plön lakes are listed with their characteristics, especially concerning natural factors. Additionally, a network analysis was performed. Mapping of the settlement sites results in a strong clustering, forming several settlement areas of different size. On the one hand, they show an inner structure of the area of research, on the other hand the results demonstrate clearly the boundaries of the Late Slavonic terra Plune. By examining the site characteristics conclusion were drawn regarding settlement dynamics, settlement patterns, central places and their dynamics, roads and communication systems. From the 11th century, the Olsborg holds a dominant position in the area of research

    Sexual Risk Behaviour among HIV-Positive Individuals in Clinical Care in Urban KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

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    Objectives: To assess the prevalence and predictors of unprotected sex among HIV+ individuals in clinical care in urban KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Design: Cross-sectional survey of 152 HIV+ individuals attending a hospital-based HIV-clinic. Methods: Structured interviews were conducted by bilingual interviewers. Sexual risk behaviour in the preceding 3 months was assessed via event counts. Results: In one of the first studies of its kind in South Africa we found that nearly half of the sample reported vaginal or anal sex during the preceding 3 months, and 30% of these patients reported unprotected vaginal or anal sex. Among sexually active patients, a total of 171 unprotected sex events were reported, 40% of which were with partners perceived to be HIV negative or HIV-status unknown. Nine such partners were potentially exposed to HIV. Alcohol use during sex, being forced to have sex, sex with a perceived HIV+ partner, and sex with a casual partner predicted more unprotected sex, whereas HIV-status disclosure was related to less unprotected sex. Conclusions: HIV+ individuals in clinical care in South Africa may engage in unprotected sex that place others at risk of HIV infection and themselves at risk for infection with STIs. With a national ARV rollout currently underway in South Africa, increasing numbers of HIV+ individuals are entering care. This affords a crucial opportunity to link HIV prevention with HIV care, an approach that aims to reduce transmission risk behaviour among HIV+ individuals and is consistent with international agencies’ current prevention priorities

    State Immigrant Rights Highlights 2021: Advancing Community Health and Well-Being

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    This report highlights the immigrant inclusive laws enacted in 2021, as well as some pending bills and campaigns. During this time, states adopted policies improving access to health care, higher education, and professional licenses for immigrants; protecting the rights of workers and tenants; investing in access to counsel; strengthening driver and consumer privacy; and limiting local entanglement in federal immigration enforcement efforts.As Congress considers options for providing a pathway to permanent status or temporary relief to millions of immigrants in the U.S., states and localities have taken significant action to improve the lives of their community members, regardless of their immigration status. In response to effective local organizing, almost half the states adopted immigrant-inclusive laws and policies in 2021

    A cross-ecosystem comparison of temporal variability in recruitment of functionally analogous fish stocks

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    As part of the international MENU collaboration, variability in temporal patterns of recruitment and spawning stock were compared among functionally analogous species from four marine ecosystems including the Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank, the Norwegian/Barents Seas, the eastern Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska. Variability was characterized by calculating coefficients of variation for each time series and by representing the time series as anomalies. Patterns of synchrony and asynchrony in recruitment and spawning stock indices were examined among and between ecosystems and related to observed patterns in biophysical properties (e.g. local trophodynamics, local hydrography and large scale climate indices) using a wide range of time series analyses, autocorrelation corrections, autoregressive processes, and multivariate cross-correlation analyses. Of all the commonalities, the relatively similar cross-ecosystem and within-species magnitude of variation was most notable. Of all the differences, the timing of high or low recruitment years across both species and ecosystems was most notable. However, many of the peaks in these indices of recruitment were synchronous across ecosystems for functionally analogous species. Yet the relationships (or lack thereof) between recruitment anomalies and key biophysical properties demonstrated that no one factor consistently caused large recruitment events. Our observations also suggested that there was no routine and common set of factors that influences recruitment; often multiple factors were of similar relative prominence. This work demonstrates that commonalities and synchronies in recruitment fluctuations can be found across geographically very distant ecosystems, but biophysical causes of the fluctuations are difficult to partition. Keywords: Ecosystem, recruitment, trophodynamics, variation

    A comparison of community and trophic structure in five marine ecosystems based on energy budgets and system metrics

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    As part of the international MENU collaboration, energy budget models for five marine ecosystems were compared to identify differences and similarities in trophic and community characteristics across ecosystems. We examined the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean, the combined Norwegian/Barents Seas in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean, and the eastern Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. Comparable energy budgets were constructed for each ecosystem by aggregating information for similar species groups into consistent functional groups across all five ecosystems. Several ecosystem metrics (including functional group production, consumption, and biomass ratios, ABC curves, cumulative biomass, food web macrodescriptors, and network metrics) were examined across the ecosystems. The comparative approach clearly identified data gaps for each ecosystem, an important outcome of this work. Commonalities across the ecosystems included overall high primary production and energy flow at low trophic levels, high production and consumption by carnivorous zooplankton, and similar proportions of apex predator to lower trophic level biomass. Major differences included distinct biomass ratios of pelagic to demersal fish, ranging from highest in the Norwegian/Barents ecosystem to lowest in the Alaskan systems, and notable gradients in primary production per unit area, highest in the Alaskan and Georges Bank/Gulf of Maine ecosystems, and lowest in the Norwegian ecosystems. While comparing a disparate group of organisms across a wide range of marine ecosystems is challenging, this work demonstrates that standardized metrics both elucidate properties common to marine ecosystems and identify key distinctions for fishery management
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