782 research outputs found

    Effect of Phenolic Matrix Microcracking on the Structural Response of a 3-D Woven Thermal Protection System

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    The effect of microcracking in the phenolic matrix of a three-dimensional woven thermal protection system (TPS) and the resulting material stiffness reduction was studied via a comparison of finite element analysis results from a linear analysis and an iterative linear analysis. A TPS is necessary to protect space vehicles from the aerodynamic heating of planetary entry. The Heatshield for Extreme Entry Environment Technology (HEEET) project has developed a TPS for use in high heat-flux and pressure missions. The material is a dual-layer continuous dry weave, which is then infiltrated with a low-density phenolic resin matrix to form a rigid ablator. The phenolic resin matrix does not have structural load transfer requirements, and testing has shown that the phenolic resin can fully satisfy thermal requirements when the matrix contains microcracks. Due to high stresses in the through-the-thickness direction of the material, phenolic microcracks may form in the matrix material, which would result in a reduction of stiffness. An exploratory study was conducted to determine if reduction in material stiffness would change the load paths and/or decrease the structural margins. A comparison was performed between a linear finite element analysis that did not take into account phenolic microcracking and an iterative linear finite element analysis that accounted for propagation of phenolic microcracking. Four subcases using varying assumptions were analyzed and the results indicate that the assumed strength at which the phenolic microcracking propagates was the critical parameter for determining the extent of microcracking in the phenolic matrix. Phenolic microcracking does not have an adverse effect on the structural response of the test article and is not a critical failure

    College Readiness Initiative: AVID and Navigation 101

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    The purpose of this report is to provide summative feedback to personnel at the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) and at the College Spark Washington regarding evidence of implementation and impact of the Advancement via Individual Determination (AVID) and Navigation 101 programs in schools funded by the College Readiness Initiative (CRI) in Washington State. The report, while addressing the effects of both programs, is also designed to provide formative feedback to assist in ongoing program development

    Bifenthrin Baseline Susceptibility and Evaluation of Simulated Aerial Applications in \u3ci\u3eStriacosta albicosta\u3c/i\u3e (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

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    Striacosta albicosta (Smith) is a maize pest that has recently expanded its geographical range into the eastern United States and southeastern Canada. Aerial application of pyrethroids, such as bifenthrin, has been a major practice adopted to manage this pest. Reports of field failure of pyrethroids have increased since 2013. Striacosta albicosta populations were collected in 2016 and 2017 from maize fields in Nebraska, Kansas, and Canada and screened with bifenthrin active ingredient in larval contact dose-response bioassays. Resistance ratios estimated were generally low in 2016 (1.04- to 1.32-fold) with the highest LC50 in North Platte, NE (66.10 ng/cm2) and lowest in Scottsbluff, NE (50.10 ng/cm2). In 2017, O’Neill, NE showed the highest LC50 (100.66 ng/cm2) and Delhi, Canada exhibited the lowest (6.33 ng/cm2), resulting in a resistance ratio variation of 6.02- to 15.90-fold. Implications of bifenthrin resistance levels were further investigated by aerial application simulations. Experiments were conducted with a spray chamber where representative S. albicosta populations were exposed to labeled rates of a commercial bifenthrin formulation. Experiments resulted in 100% mortality for all populations, instars, insecticide rates, and carrier volumes, suggesting that levels of resistance estimated for bifenthrin active ingredient did not seem to impact the efficacy of the correspondent commercial product under controlled conditions. Results obtained from this research indicate that control failures reported in Nebraska could be associated with factors other than insecticide resistance, such as issues with the application technique, environmental conditions during and/or after application, or the insect’s natural behavior. Data generated will assist future S. albicosta resistance management programs

    SCFSlimb Ubiquitin Ligase Suppresses Condensin II–Mediated Nuclear Reorganization by Degrading Cap-H2

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    Condensin complexes play vital roles in chromosome condensation during mitosis and meiosis. Condensin II uniquely localizes to chromatin throughout the cell cycle and, in addition to its mitotic duties, modulates chromosome organization and gene expression during interphase. Mitotic condensin activity is regulated by phosphorylation, but mechanisms that regulate condensin II during interphase are unclear. Here, we report that condensin II is inactivated when its subunit Cap-H2 is targeted for degradation by the SCF(Slimb) ubiquitin ligase complex and that disruption of this process dramatically changed interphase chromatin organization. Inhibition of SCF(Slimb) function reorganized interphase chromosomes into dense, compact domains and disrupted homologue pairing in both cultured Drosophila cells and in vivo, but these effects were rescued by condensin II inactivation. Furthermore, Cap-H2 stabilization distorted nuclear envelopes and dispersed Cid/CENP-A on interphase chromosomes. Therefore, SCF(Slimb)-mediated down-regulation of condensin II is required to maintain proper organization and morphology of the interphase nucleus

    Prospective evaluation of novel biomarkers of acute kidney injury in dogs following cardiac surgery under cardiopulmonary bypass

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the occurrence of acute kidney injury (AKI) in dogs undergoing cardiac surgery under cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and explore associations between traditional and novel serum and urinary biomarkers. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study conducted between July 2018 and April 2019. SETTING: University teaching hospital. ANIMALS: Nineteen dogs undergoing cardiac surgery under CPB with preoperative serum creatinine <140 μmol/L (<1.6 mg/dl). INTERVENTIONS: Blood and urine samples were obtained at 4 time points: preoperatively following general anesthesia induction, immediately postoperatively, and 2 and 4 days postoperatively (T(1), T(2), T(3), and T(4)). AKI was defined as an increase in serum creatinine ≥26.4 μmol/L (≥0.3 mg/dl) above baseline within 48 hours. Serum creatinine, C‐reactive protein (CRP), symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA), inosine, beta‐aminoisobutyric acid (BAIB), urinary clusterin (uClus), and urinary cystatin B (uCysB) were measured. Data were log‐transformed (log(10)) when appropriate and assessed using linear mixed‐effects models. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: AKI occurred in 3 of 19 dogs (15.8%, 95% confidence interval: 0.047–0.384). Inosine increased at T(2) (adjusted mean ± standard error: 53 ± 5.6) in all dogs, and then gradually decreased. Log(10)uCysB increased at T(2) (2.3 ± 0.1) in all dogs and remained high. Log(10)CRP and log(10)uClus increased significantly at T(3) (1.9 ± 0.1 and 3.6 ± 0.1, respectively) in all dogs and remained increased. There was a significant positive association between serum creatinine and SDMA (P < 0.001, estimate ± standard error: 0.06 ± 0.00), between log(10)CRP and log(10)uClus (P < 0.001, 0.35 ± 0.08), between SDMA and creatinine as well as between SDMA and BAIB (P < 0.001, 11.1 ± 0.83 and P < 0.001, 1.06 ± 0.22, respectively) for all dogs at all time points. CONCLUSIONS: Inosine and uCysB concentrations changed in all dogs immediately following a surgery under CPB and may indicate tubular injury. Further studies are required to ascertain the usefulness of those biomarkers in early detection of AKI

    Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome and the Influence of T Regulatory Cells: A Cohort Study in the Gambia

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    The factors associated with the development of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in HIV patients commencing antiretroviral therapy have not been fully elucidated. Using a longitudinal study design, this study addressed whether alteration in the levels of T regulatory cells contributed to the development of IRIS in a West African cohort of HIV-1 and HIV-2 patients. Seventy-one HIV infected patients were prospectively recruited to the study and followed up for six months. The patients were categorized as IRIS or non-IRIS cases following published clinical guidelines. The levels of T regulatory cells were measured using flow cytometry at baseline and all follow-up visits. Baseline cytokine levels of IL-2, IL-6, IFN-(Gamma), TNF-(Alpha), MIP-1(Beta), IL-1, IL-12, IL-13, and IL-10 were measured in all patients

    Genomic Underpinnings of Population Persistence in Isle Royale Moose

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    Island ecosystems provide natural laboratories to assess the impacts of isolation on population persistence. However, most studies of persistence have focused on a single species, without comparisons to other organisms they interact with in the ecosystem. The case study of moose and gray wolves on Isle Royale allows for a direct contrast of genetic variation in isolated populations that have experienced dramatically differing population trajectories over the past decade. Whereas the Isle Royale wolf population recently declined nearly to extinction due to severe inbreeding depression, the moose population has thrived and continues to persist, despite having low genetic diversity and being isolated for ∼120 years. Here, we examine the patterns of genomic variation underlying the continued persistence of the Isle Royale moose population. We document high levels of inbreeding in the population, roughly as high as the wolf population at the time of its decline. However, inbreeding in the moose population manifests in the form of intermediate-length runs of homozygosity suggestive of historical inbreeding and purging, contrasting with the long runs of homozygosity observed in the smaller wolf population. Using simulations, we confirm that substantial purging has likely occurred in the moose population. However, we also document notable increases in genetic load, which could eventually threaten population viability over the long term. Overall, our results demonstrate a complex relationship between inbreeding, genetic diversity, and population viability that highlights the use of genomic datasets and computational simulation tools for understanding the factors enabling persistence in isolated populations

    Biofortification of UK food crops with selenium

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    Se is an essential element for animals. In man low dietary Se intakes are associated with health disorders including oxidative stress-related conditions, reduced fertility and immune functions and an increased risk of cancers. Although the reference nutrient intakes for adult females and males in the UK are 60 and 75 μg Se/d respectively, dietary Se intakes in the UK have declined from >60 μg Se/d in the 1970s to 35 μg Se/d in the 1990s, with a concomitant decline in human Se status. This decline in Se intake and status has been attributed primarily to the replacement of milling wheat having high levels of grain Se and grown on high-Se soils in North America with UK-sourced wheat having low levels of grain Se and grown on low-Se soils. An immediate solution to low dietary Se intake and status is to enrich UK-grown food crops using Se fertilisers (agronomic biofortification). Such a strategy has been adopted with success in Finland. It may also be possible to enrich food crops in the longer term by selecting or breeding crop varieties with enhanced Se-accumulation characteristics (genetic biofortification). The present paper will review the potential for biofortification of UK food crops with Se

    Bifenthrin Baseline Susceptibility and Evaluation of Simulated Aerial Applications in \u3ci\u3eStriacosta albicosta\u3c/i\u3e (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

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    Striacosta albicosta (Smith) is a maize pest that has recently expanded its geographical range into the eastern United States and southeastern Canada. Aerial application of pyrethroids, such as bifenthrin, has been a major practice adopted to manage this pest. Reports of field failure of pyrethroids have increased since 2013. Striacosta albicosta populations were collected in 2016 and 2017 from maize fields in Nebraska, Kansas, and Canada and screened with bifenthrin active ingredient in larval contact dose-response bioassays. Resistance ratios estimated were generally low in 2016 (1.04- to 1.32-fold) with the highest LC50 in North Platte, NE (66.10 ng/cm2) and lowest in Scottsbluff, NE (50.10 ng/cm2). In 2017, O’Neill, NE showed the highest LC50 (100.66 ng/cm2) and Delhi, Canada exhibited the lowest (6.33 ng/cm2), resulting in a resistance ratio variation of 6.02- to 15.90-fold. Implications of bifenthrin resistance levels were further investigated by aerial application simulations. Experiments were conducted with a spray chamber where representative S. albicosta populations were exposed to labeled rates of a commercial bifenthrin formulation. Experiments resulted in 100% mortality for all populations, instars, insecticide rates, and carrier volumes, suggesting that levels of resistance estimated for bifenthrin active ingredient did not seem to impact the efficacy of the correspondent commercial product under controlled conditions. Results obtained from this research indicate that control failures reported in Nebraska could be associated with factors other than insecticide resistance, such as issues with the application technique, environmental conditions during and/or after application, or the insect’s natural behavior. Data generated will assist future S. albicosta resistance management programs