12 research outputs found
Clinical supervisors’ play a vital role in the student learning process in carrying out direct action on patients in the hospital, affecting competence in cognitive, attitudes, and psychomotor students in providing nursing care and developing professional organizations. The study aimed to identify the clinical supervisors’ role and student satisfaction in the first field clinical practice RS Tentara TK IV 010701 Pematangsiantar. The sampling technique was a saturated sampling technique with as many as 75 respondents. The study was conducted from February to March 2020. The instruments in this study used a questionnaire. Student satisfaction data were collected using a nursing student satisfaction assessment questionnaire in the first clinical practice modified by Nejad et al. Statistical test is using Rho spearmen. The results showed that the majority of respondents were between 17-21 years of age, as many as 65 people (86.7%), the majority of whom were 56 women (74.7%), the role of clinical supervisors the majority were in the good category as many as 62 respondents (82.7%), student satisfaction in the first field clinical practice the majority were in the high category, 65 respondents (86.7%), the analysis with the SPSS program obtained a statistical value of p <0.05, namely of 0.000, which means that there is a significant correlation, meaning that there is a positive effect between clinical supervisors’ role and student satisfaction in the first field clinical practice. It is recommended that the hospital management and education keep making improvements and motivating clinical supervisors to carry out their roles seriously the responsibilities that have been given
Faktor–Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) Keluarga yang Menjaga Pasien di Rumah Sakit Tentara Tingkat IV Pematangsiantar
The Indonesia health profile Data in 2013 show that only 64,41% places have been conducted clean and healthy life. It covers educational institution (67,52%), work place (59,15%), praying places (58,84%), health facilities (77,02%) and others (62,26%). It shows that clean and healthy life in health centres has not been applied properly. This is a descriptive correlative study with cross-sectional approach. This study is conducted in Rumah Sakit Tentara Tingkat IV Pematang Siantar during March-July 2015. The Population are 965 people, and the samples are 91 people. The data are analyzed with univariat, bivariat, and multivariat using double regression logistic test. The results of the study show the factors influence to the factors with clean and healthy life of the patients’ family in Rumah Sakit Tentara Tingkat IV Pematang Siantar in 2015 are knowledge (p = 0,000, OR = 85,474), behaviour(p= 0,001, OR = 72,169), (p = 0,004, OR = 45,098), health workers behaviour (p= 0,002, OR = 62,521). While the belief factor doesn’t influent because p = 0,234. It is suggested to the director of the hospital toinstruct all the nurses working in the wards to give counseling about clean and healthy life to the patients’ family so they can have good knowledge about it
Individu yang menderita penyakit TB Paru sering merasa tidak berdaya, menolak, merasa bersalah, merasa rendah diri, dan menarik diri dari orang lain karena khawatir penyakit yang diderita menular kepada orang lain. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Rumah sakit Tentara Tingkat IV Pematang Siantar pada bulan bulan Agustus sampai dengan bulan desember 2022. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah desain studi korelasional yang mengkaji hubungan antara variabel. Populasi dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 15 orang, teknik sampel yang digunakan accidental sampling. Skala ukur yang digunakan adalah skala likert dan cara ukur skala rasio. Tehnik pengolahan data dilakukan secara editing, coding, tabulating dengan tehnik analisa data kuantitatif. Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah dukungan keluarga dan harga diri. Mayoritas responden yang berada pada kategori dukungan keluarga yang kurang sebanyak 6 orang (40 %), dan minoritas kategori dukungan keluarga yang baik sebanyak 4 orang (26,67 %). Mayoritas responden yang memiliki harga diri terganggu 9 orang (60 %), dan minoritas responden memiliki harga diri tidak terganggu 6 orang (40 %). Dukungan keluarga berhubungan secara positif dengan hubungan yang sedang terhadap harga diri pasien TB Paru r hitung 0,5 dengan nilai r tabel 0,027 dengan α = 0,05 maka r hitung 0,5 > r tabel 0,027 sehingga disimpulkan bahwa hipotesa dapat diterima, artinya ada hubungan dukungan keluarga dengan harga diri pasien TB Paru yang dirawat Di Rumah Sakit Tentara Tingkat IV Pematang Siantar. Diharapkan kepada perawat agar melibatkan keluarga pasien aktif dalam memberikan saran dan semangat seperti memberikan reward kepada pasien TB Paru untuk mempercepat penyembuhannya, karena yang paling berperan dalam proses kesembuhannya dan harga diri pasien tidak terganggu adalah keluarga.
Health Associated Infections (HAIs) are infections that occur in hospitals. One of the infections that occurs is bloodstream infections. This infection often occurs in patients who are infusions to prevent infection, nurses must use aseptic-aseptic techniques. Nurses' knowledge about HAIs is one of the things that can influence a person to apply sterile principles in order to prevent infection. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between nurses' knowledge about Health Associated Infections (HAIs) and the application of the sterile principle of infusion at the H. Sahudin Kutacane Regional General Hospital, Southeast Aceh Regency. The type of research used is descriptive correlation with cross sectional design. The sample of this research is the implementing nurse at the Regional General Hospital H. Sahudin Kutacane, Southeast Aceh Regency as many as 33 nurses. The sampling technique is accidental sampling. The results of the study obtained that the majority of nurses' knowledge was sufficient, the application of the sterile principle was good. Chi-square statistical test obtained p value = 0.016, this shows that there is a relationship between nurses' knowledge about Health Associated Infections (HAIs) with the application of sterile principles of infusion at the H. Sahudin Kutacane Regional General Hospital, Southeast Aceh Regency. Suggestions for nurses to pay more attention to septic-aseptic techniques when performing infusions.Health Associaated Infections (HAIs) merupakan infeksi yang terjadi di rumah sakit salah satu infeksi yang terjadi yaitu infeksi aliran darah. Infeksi ini sering terjadi pada pasien yang terpasang infus untuk mencegah terjadinya infeksi perawat harus melakukan teknik septik-aseptik. Pengetahuan perawat tentang HAIs salah satu hal yang dapat mempengaruhi seseorang untuk menerapkan prinsip steril guna untuk mencegah terjadinya infeksi. Tujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan perawat tentang Health Associated Infections (HAIs) dengan penerapan prinsip steril pemasangan infus Di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah H. Sahudin Kutacane Kabupaten Aceh Tenggara. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan deskriptif korelasi dengan desain cross sectional. Sampel penelitian ini yaitu perawat pelaksana di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah H. Sahudin Kutacane Kabupaten Aceh Tenggara sebanyak 33 perawat. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah accidental sampling. Hasil penelitian diperoleh pengetahuan perawat mayoritas cukup, penerapan prinsip steril mayoritas baik. Uji statistic chi-square diperoleh nilai p=0,016 hal ini menunjukan bahwa ada hubungan pengetahuan perawat tentang Health Associated Infections (HAIs) dengan penerapan prinsip steril pemasangan infus di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah H. Sahudin Kutacane Kabupaten Aceh Tenggara. Saran bagi perawat agar lebih memperhatikan teknik septik-aseptik pada saat melakukan tindakan pemasangan infus
Background: Neonatal asphyxia is a condition in which the baby cannot breathe spontaneously and regularly after birth, caused by fetal hypoxia in the uterus. Objective: This study aims to determine nursing care in patients with asphyxia neonatorum. Methods: this study used a descriptive method with an approach through the management of nursing care of By R aged 0 days. Results: this study was conducted at the Army Hospital TK IV 010701 Pematangsiantar in April 2021. Data collection was carried out through interviews with patients' families and nurses. Based on the assessment, the data obtained from the baby with a frequency of 68x/minute, apgar score 5/6, irregular breathing rhythm, chest retractions, using respiratory accessory muscles, yellowish eyes and skin, dark yellow urine, pale stools, body temperature 37.5 C, elevated bilirubin and leukocyte values. After nursing actions for 4 days all problems were resolved. Conclusion: Implementation is carried out according to the plan prepared so that the three nursing problems can be resolved.Latar Belakang; Asfiksia neonatorum adalah keadaan dimana bayi tidak dapat bernapas secara spontan dan teratur setelah lahir, disebabkan oleh hipoksia janin dalam uterus. Tujuan: penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui asuhan keperawatan pada pasien dengan asfiksia neonatorum. Metode: penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan melalui pengelolaan asuhan keperawatan pada By R usia 0 hari. Hasil: penelitian ini dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Tentara TK IV 010701 Pematangsiantar pada bulan April 2021. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan keluarga pasien dan perawat. Berdasarkan pengkajian diperoleh data bayi sesak frekuensi 68x/menit, apgar score 5/6, irama nafas irregular, adanya retraksi dada, menggunakan otot bantu pernafasan, mata dan kulit kekuningan, urin kuning pekat, feces berwarna pucat, suhu tubuh 37,5 ÂşC, peningkatan nilai bilirubin dan leukosit. Setelah dilakukan tindakan keperawatan selama 4 hari seluruh masalah teratasi. Kesimpulan: Implementasi yang dilakukan sesuai dengan rencana yang disusun sehingga ketiga masalah keperawatan dapat teratasi
Peningkatan pengetahuan lansia hipertensi dalam menangani kecemasan dengan latihan relaksasi nafas dalam di UPT Yayasan Sosial Tuna Runggu Wicara dan Lanjut Usia Pematangsiantar
Hipertensi merupakan masalah kesehatan di seluruh dunia, terutama menyerang masyarakat dengan lanjut usia. Hipertensi menjadi salah satu faktor resiko kardiovaskular utama sebagai penyebab kematian dini pada masyarakat dunia. Hipertensi adalah suatu penyakit degeneratif dimana tekanan darah sistolik 140 mmHg dan atau tekanan darah diastolik lebih dari 90 mmHg. Hipertensi merupakan peringkat keenam penyakit tertinggi di Indonesia mencapai 34,1%. Sementara itu, penderita hipertensi pada lansia di Sumatera Utara berjumlah 14.993 jiwa. Lanjut usia yang menderita hipertensi akan lebih mungkin untuk mengalami stress atau kecemasan. sehingga perlu diberikan latihan relaksasi nafas dalam untuk menurunkan kecemasan pada lansia. Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan berupa pemberian edukasi. Subjek atau sasaran pada kegiatan ini adalah lansia dengan hipertensi yang tinggal di UPT Yayasan Sosial Tuna Rungu Wicara dan lanjut Usia Pematangsiantar sebanyak 12 orang. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat diperoleh bahwa sebelum edukasi mayoritas pengetahuan responden adalah kurang sebanyak 7 orang (59%) dan setelah mendapatkan edukasi tingkat pengetahuan responden meningkat menjadi 9 orang (75%). Responden juga mengungkapkan terjadi penurunan kecemasan pada diri mereka. Hal ini menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan pemahaman responden sebelum dan sesudah pemberian edukasi sehingga terjadi penurunan kecemasan responden
Anxiety in patients treated with hemodialysis
Patients with renal failure undergoing hemodialysis often experience anxiety due to various individual, socioeconomic, and environmental factors. This study aimed to analyze the factors associated with anxiety in these patients. This was a quantitative, cross-sectional study. The risk factors for anxiety investigated in this study were education, duration of hemodialysis, knowledge, and family support. The study included 50 patients with renal failure undergoing hemodialysis (total sampling). Data were collected directly by distributing questionnaires to the patients. Data were analyzed using the chi-square test and logistic regression analysis (α=0.05). The results showed that education level was not significantly associated with anxiety in these patients (p= 0.816). However, the duration of hemodialysis (p= 0.023) and patient knowledge (p= 0.048) were significantly associated with the anxiety experienced by the patients. Family support was a protective factor against anxiety in these patients (P = 1.00). The dominant variable affecting patient anxiety is the duration of hemodialysis (p=0.041; PR = 4.1; 95%CI 1.061-16.107). This means that patients undergoing hemodialysis for more than 6 months are 4.1 times more likely to experience moderate anxiety compared to patients who have been undergoing hemodialysis for 6 months or less
Association of Risk Factors with Type 2 Diabetes: A Scoping Review
The incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (type 2 DM) is one of the public health problems worldwide, with various factors as risk factors that can lead to high morbidity and mortality rates for people with type 2 DM. This study aims to identify, investigate, and summarize various scientific evidence related to risk factors for type 2 DM. The approach used in this study was a scoping review with the PRISMA protocol. The PICO framework was used as an early-stage strategy in conducting article searches. Databases such as Google Scholar, PubMed, Scopus, and ScienceDirect were used as literature search tools. The study inclusion criteria were journal articles published from 2016 to 2024 and English-language articles with open access. Of the 157 journal articles identified, only 11 were eligible for analysis after selection and eligibility. The data extraction stage was conducted by six people on 11 eligible articles and continued with the qualitative data analysis process. The study reported that age, education, duration of DM, gender and income, physical activity, obesity, consumption of sugary foods and beverages, and low fruit consumption are risk factors for type 2 DM
Edukasi Kesehatan Tentang Pemeriksaan Payudara Sendiri (SADARI) Sebagai Deteksi Dini kanker Payudara
Currently breast cancer is a serious threat in the world and also a big problem in Indonesia and in other countries. Breast cancer is a major cause of morbidity and mortality among women. Breast cancer is the second highest case in the world reaching 2098 million people (11.6%), and 627000 people (6.6%) cause death. The highest prevalence of breast cancer in Indonesia is in the city of Yogyakarta at 2.4%, followed by East Kalimantan Province at 1.0% and West Sumatra at 0.9%. While in the province of North Sumatra by 0.4%. Generally, breast cancer deaths occur due to delays in treatment where breast cancer sufferers come already with stages III and IV (advanced stage), so it is necessary to take action or public health intervention through breast self-examination (aware). The form of community service activities is carried out by providing education about breast self-examination (aware) as an early detection of breast cancer prevention. The activity was carried out on teenagers who live in Huta III Nagori Tanjung Pasir, Tanah Java District. The results of community service showed that the majority of participants' knowledge was lacking as many as 10 people (83.3%) before being educated and the majority of participants' knowledge was good as many as 11 people (91.7%) after being given education. The conclusion shows that there is an increase in adolescent knowledge after being given education compared to before education.  ABSTRAK: Saat ini kanker payudara menjadi ancaman yang serius di dunia dan juga menjadi masalah besar di Indonesia maupun di negara lain. Kanker payudara merupakan penyebab utama morbiditas dan mortalitas di kalangan Wanita. Kanker payudara menjadi kasus tertinggi kedua di dunia mencapai 2098 juta jiwa (11,6%), dan 627000 jiwa diantaranya (6,6%) menyebabkan kematian. Prevalensi kanker payudara tertinggi di Indonesia terdapat di Kota Yogyakarta yaitu sebesar 2,4% disusul oleh Propinsi Kalimantan Timur sebesar 1,0% dan Sumatera Barat sebesar 0,9%. Sedangkan di propinsi Sumatera Utara sebesar 0,4%. Umumnya kematian akibat kanker payudara ini terjadi karena terlambatnya penanganan dimana penderita kanker payudara datang sudah dengan stadium III dan IV (stadium lanjut), sehingga perlu dilakukan tindakan atau intervensi kesehatan masyarakat melalui pemeriksaan payudara sendiri (sadari). Bentuk kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan dengan memberikan edukasi tentang pemeriksaan payudara sendiri (sadari) sebagai deteksi dini pencegahan kanker payudara. Kegiatan dilakukan pada remaja yang tinggal di Huta III Nagori Tanjung Pasir Kecamatan Tanah Jawa. Hasil Pengabdian masyarakat diperoleh bahwa mayoritas pengetahuan peserta adalah kurang sebanyak 10 orang (83,3%) sebelum dilakukan edukasi dan mayoritas pengetahuan peserta adalah baik sebanyak 11 orang (91,7%) setelah diberikan edukasi. Kesimpulan menunjukkan terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan remaja setelah diberikan edukasi dibandingkan sebelum dilakukan edukasi