1,764 research outputs found

    1.5 and 2nd Generation Luso-Canadian Mothering: Language and Cultural Retention in the Greater Toronto Area

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    This presentation is based on my thesis that identifies what the division of labour surrounding language and cultural retention is for 6-8 Canadian women of Portuguese decent (Luso-Canadians). Specifically, the issue of choice of retention and transmission of language and culture to children is addressed. These women are an interesting group as their social position enables a cultural hybridity where they choose which aspects of their culture(s) they would like to accept or reject and which to transmit to children. Rooted in a qualitative research design that involved interviewing, this presentation addresses: Do second generation Luso-Canadian mothers desire to sustain Portuguese cultural habits in themselves and subsequently teach their children? If so, what progressive steps do they take to ensure this? Do changes in family structure assist/hinder their choices? Initial findings suggest that regardless of partner’s ethnicity, there are varied differences associated with retention. For some, there may be a tension between wanting to be ‘Canadian’, and the broken language transmission between older family members. For others, there may be no value associated, and subsequently no need to teach culture and language that is not ‘Canadian’. The children in these households inevitably bear the future prospects of maintaining a vibrant Portuguese community in the Greater Toronto Area. Although the Portuguese community is a large population in relation to other immigrant groups in Canada, studies in Canadian academic journals are comparatively lower than other groups. This project will add to the existing literature while reflecting a small group of Luso-Canadian mothers

    “Eu tô vivo e isso aqui é minha vida agora”: produção de territórios e condições de existência no cotidiano de uma prisão

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    From the experience of two imprisoned people in a female penitentiary in São Paulo, this text reflects on the means of producing territories and existence conditions in their daily life. The creative and tactical ways of adapting the environments in order to make them home, so as the support networks, favors and affections woven over years are juxtaposed with the forms of domination and institutional attempts to annul the imprisoned subject. In extreme situations, the body becomes the resistance's last territory, from which escape routes are put in movement for producing war machines against the State, in order to make life possible. Through narratives that allow us to see different ways of producing territories for liveable life, I seek to discuss the boundaries between subjugation, resistance and creation in daily life of a prison.A partir da experiência de duas pessoas aprisionadas em uma penitenciária feminina de São Paulo, o presente texto reflete sobre os modos de produção de territórios e condições de existência no cotidiano do cárcere. As formas criativas e táticas de adequar os ambientes de modo a torná-los morada e as redes de suporte, favores e afetos tecidas ao longo de anos são justapostas às formas de dominação e tentativas institucionais de anulação do sujeito aprisionado. Em situações extremas, o corpo torna-se território último de resistência, a partir do qual são agenciadas linhas de fuga capazes de produzir verdadeiras máquinas de guerra contra o Estado, de modo a fazer vida perseverar. Por meio de narrativas que fazem ver diferentes formas de produzir territórios de vidas vivíveis, busca-se discutir as fronteiras entre subjugação, resistência e criação no cotidiano de uma prisão

    Getting to know yourself: learn to read social contexts and learn to think on the everyday life through the research

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    The aim of this text is to approach the two paths we have found in the School of Education and Social Sciences (ESECS), Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPL) and Research Center of Identities and Diversities (CIID) to turn what is too often separate as one: education and research. One route has been through the courses that we taught, relating to the anthropology of education, in particular, where we look for students to learn, to read social reality, to think and investigate daily life and do research on educational processes, not only at school, but also through the Internet, by analyzing the children's games, through the analysis of family relationships and how they educate children. The idea is unscholars education. The second way we found to construct the bridge between education and research is through work we have going on with adults returning to school after they have left, compulsory schooling, and those between the ages of 30 and 60 years old. By investigation of listening, powered by ethnographic research and ethnographic interviews, we placed these adults juxtaposed to discuss issues and to think that we tried changing world views, either in childhood or in adolescence, both in elementary school, and now returning to school (University)

    Zinc Deficiency in Fetal Development: A Systematic Review

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    Visão geral e objetivos: O zinco é um micronutriente essencial para muitos processos no organismo. A deficiência de zinco (DZn) é uma condição prevalente e a DZn materna, antes e durante a gravidez, interfere com o crescimento e desenvolvimento fetal, estando intimamente relacionada com malformações congénitas. O nosso objetivo é avaliar o efeito da DZn materna durante a gravidez no desenvolvimento fetal. Desenho de estudo, População e Métodos: Realizámos uma revisão sistemática dos dados que associam a DZn materna e malformações fetais com pesquisas nas bases de dados PubMed, Web of Science e Scopus. Um total de 10 estudos foi incluído nesta análise, sendo oito estudos animais e dois estudos realizados em humanos. Resultados: Todos os estudos reportaram uma associação entre a DnZ materna, embriões deformados e atraso no crescimento embrionário, mas apenas um forneceu o valor dos níveis séricos normais de zinco. Em condições deficitárias, quatro estudos encontraram fetos de reduzidas dimensões, sacos vitelinos com circulações pobres, anomalias placentárias e problemas na rotação dos embriões. Cinco estudos reportaram malformações esqueléticas, cardíacas e defeitos do tubo neural. Um estudo demonstrou relação entre ciclos de alimentação dos animais sob dietas pobres em zinco e a incidência de anomalias congénitas. Além disso, um outro estudo revelou um aumento de microvilosidades na superfície de células de embriões deficientes em zinco, bem como a presença de protuberâncias nas membranas plasmáticas. Conclusões: A prevalência da DZn varia muito na literatura devido à ausência de um valor padronizado e às diferenças existentes entre países. A DZn materna influencia gravemente o desenvolvimento embrionário. No entanto, uma investigação mais aprofundada sobre o impacto da DZn em humanos seria benéfica para confirmar e compreender melhor estes resultados.Overview and Aims: Zinc is an essential micronutrient for many processes in human body. Zinc Deficiency (ZnD) is a prevalent condition and maternal ZnD before and during pregnancy interferes with fetal growth and development. Our aim was to evaluate the effect of maternal ZnD during pregnancy on the development of the fetus. Study Design, Population and Methods: A systematic review of the published data on the association of maternal ZnD and fetal malformations was carried out by searching on PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus databases. A total of 10 studies were included in this review, eight been animal studies and two human studies. Results: All the studies reported the association between maternal ZnD and deformed embryos and embryonic growth retardation, but only one provided the cut-off value of normal serum zinc levels. Under ZnD conditions, four studies found smaller fetuses, poor yolk sac circulations, placental abnormalities, and problems in the rotation of the embryos. Five studies reported skeletal, heart and neural tube defects. One study shows the relation between feeding cycles of animals under ZnD diets and the incidence of congenital anomalies. Also, one study reported an increased surface microvilli in ZnD embryos cells, as well as the presence of blebbing. Conclusions: Prevalence of ZnD varies greatly in the literature due to the absence of standardized ZnD value and to differences existing between countries around the world. Maternal ZnD severely influences the embryofetal development. Nonetheless, further investigation regarding the impact of ZnD in humans would be beneficial to confirm and better comprehend these results

    Fish sarcoplasmic proteins as biomaterial for biomedical applications

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Biomateriais, Reabilitação e Biomecânica)In 2014, fish captures and aquaculture supplied ca. 167 million tonnes of fish, of which about 87% were used for human food and 10% was destined for fishmeal and fish oil. The remain 3% is waste that can be used as raw material for direct feeding in aquaculture. Fish sarcoplasmic proteins (FSP) are soluble in water. Large quantities of those proteins are discarded as part of the waste water resulting from fish surimi preparation. FSP constitutes around 25-30% of the total fish muscle protein. FSP comprise heme proteins and enzymes, which are associated with the energy-producing metabolism of the muscle. Herein, FSP from codfish (Gadus morhua) were isolated, resulting in FSP extracts. Both FSP extracts and membranes were physicochemically characterized and their cytocompatibility with human lung fibroblasts (MRC-5 cell line) was also evaluated. By SDS-PAGE, it was possible to define the composition of FSP extracts. From the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) thermograms, it was possible to define that FSP denature at 44.12 ± 2.34˚C. By circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, it was possible to defined that the secondary structure of FSP is mainly composed by α-helix structures. For concentrations lower than 10 mg/mL, no cytotoxicity was observed over 72h of culture. Further on, the FSP extracts were processed into FSP membranes by the spin coating. FSP membranes shown an uniform surface when analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. By CD spectrum, it was verified an increase in the amount of α-helix structures. The FSP membranes were more stable than the FSP extracts, since the denaturation temperature was higher as determined by DSC. FSP membranes were hydrophobic, with a surface zeta potential of -33.4 mV, showing distinctive mechanical properties, with a stiffness of 16.57 ± 3.95 MPa and a yield strength of 23.85 ± 5.97 MPa. Human fibroblasts cultured in direct contact with FSP membranes demonstrate their cytocompatibility until 48h. Based on these results, FSP can be considered a potential biomaterial recovered from the waste water of fish, constituting a pool of enzymes that has potential interest for wound healing applications.Em 2014, a captura de peixes e a aquacultura forneceram aproximadamente 167 milhões de toneladas de peixe, das quais 87% foram para consumo humano e 10% destinado a farinhas e óleos de peixes. Os restantes 3% são considerados desperdício, que podem ser utilizados como alimento direto na aquacultura. As proteínas sarcoplasmáticas de peixe são solúveis em água, pelo que grandes quantidades são descartadas juntamente com a água desperdiçada durante a preparação das delícias do mar. As proteínas sarcoplasmáticas constituem cerca de 25-30% das proteínas totais do músculo. Estas proteínas são compostas por proteínas heme e enzimas, que estão associadas com a produção de energia no músculo. Assim, as proteínas sarcoplasmáticas do bacalhau (Gadus morhua) foram isoladas, dando origem a extratos de proteínas sarcoplasmáticas. Tanto os extratos como as membranas foram caracterizados física e quimicamente e a sua citocompatibilidade foi avaliada com fibroblastos do pulmão humano (linha celular MRC-5). Pelo SDS-GE foi possível definir a composição dos extratos das proteínas sarcoplasmáticas. Pelo termograma da calorimetria diferencial de varrimento (DSC) foi possível definir que os extratos desnaturam a 44.12 ± 2.34˚C. Pela dicroísmo circular (CD) verificou-se que a estrutura secundária dos extratos era composta maioritariamente por estruturas α-hélices. Os extratos não apresentaram citotoxicidade para concentrações inferiores a 10 mg/mL durante 72h de cultura. Neste sentido, os extratos foram processados em membranas por spin coating. As membranas compostas por proteínas sarcoplasmáticas foram analisadas através de microscopia eletrónica de varrimento, verificando-se que a superfície era uniforme. Pela análise do espectro de CD, notou-se um aumento na quantidade de estruturas α-hélices. As membranas foram mais estáveis que os extratos, uma vez que temperatura de desnaturação foi superior, como determinado pelo DSC. As membranas foram hidrofóbicas, com uma carga de superfície de -33.4 mV. Por outro lado, apresentaram propriedades mecânicas distintivas, com uma rigidez de 16.57 ± 3.95 MPa e uma tensão de cedência de 23.85 ± 5.97 MPa. Os fibroblastos de pulmão humano cultivados em contacto direto com as membranas demostraram citocompatibilidade até 48h. Com base nestes resultados, as proteínas sarcoplasmáticas de peixe, constituídas maioritariamente por enzimas, podem ser consideradas um potencial biomaterial recuperado das águas residuais dos peixes, com um potencial de interesse para cicatrização de feridas

    Plant-derived bioactive compounds for inflammatory diseases

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    Tese de doutoramento em Engenharia de Tecidos, Medicina Regenerativa e Células EstaminaisA Organização Mundial da Saúde qualifica as doenças inflamatórias crónicas como a principal causa de morbilidade e mortalidade no mundo. A inflamação crónica é caracterizada por uma resposta inflamatória anormal e persistente que conduz à disfunção de tecidos e órgãos (p. ex. artrite). Nas últimas décadas, foram observadas melhorias significativas no tratamento destas doenças. No entanto, a contínua administração de fármacos anti-inflamatórios é limitada devido à sua associação com efeitos secundários graves. Assim, terapias mais seguras e eficazes devem ser exploradas. As plantas, sendo a base da medicina tradicional em muitas culturas por milhares de anos, são uma excelente fonte de moléculas bioativas, tornando-se algumas delas marcos na indústria farmacêutica (p. ex. morfina). Duas plantas tradicionalmente utilizadas no tratamento de doenças imunológicas são a Salvia officinalis e a Echinacea purpurea. Todavia, a sua atividade imunomoduladora ainda não foi amplamente estudada de forma a fornecer evidências científicas sólidas acerca da sua eficácia. Neste trabalho foram preparados extratos de diferentes órgãos dessas plantas (flores, folhas e raízes) para explorar o seu potencial como formulações pró- ou anti-inflamatórias. Diferentes solventes e métodos de extração foram usados para preparar extratos com diferentes características. Em particular, os extratos da E. purpurea foram separados em duas frações (fenóis/ácidos carboxílicos e alquilamidas) para permitir identificar a classe de compostos responsável pela maior bioatividade. A composição química dos extratos e das frações foi caracterizada por diferentes técnicas cromatográficas. A atividade antioxidante das diferentes formulações foi avaliada na presença de espécies reativas relevantes. Os efeitos pró- e anti-inflamatórios dos diferentes extratos e frações foram investigados, respetivamente, em macrófagos não estimulados e estimulados com lipopolissacarídeos. Relativamente às propriedades pró-inflamatórias, somente os extratos aquosos de E. purpurea demonstraram bioatividade ao induzir as principais vias de sinalização inflamatória e os mediadores pró-inflamatórios. Considerando as atividades antioxidantes e anti inflamatórias, todos os extratos e frações preparados apresentaram grande eficácia, a qual foi influenciada pelo método de extração, solvente utilizado e órgão da planta selecionado. Posteriormente, o extrato mais promissor foi encapsulado em vesículas unilamelares grandes, funcionalizadas com ácido fólico, com o objetivo de melhorar a sua biodistribuição. Por fim, demonstrou-se a segurança e a eficácia terapêutica desta formulação num modelo experimental de inflamação em ratos. Assim, concluiu-se que os extratos de plantas são formulações com grande potencial para serem posteriormente utilizadas como base no tratamento eficaz de doenças que afetam o sistema imunológico, seja quando este está comprometido ou hiper-reativo.Chronic inflammation-related diseases are ranked by the World Health Organization as the major cause of morbidity and mortality in the world. Chronic inflammation is characterized by a persistent and abnormal inflammatory response that leads to tissue damage and/or dysfunction (e.g., arthritis). There were remarkable improvements in the last decades in the management of chronic inflammatory diseases. However, the constant administration of the clinically available anti-inflammatory drugs is limited due to their association with serious side effects. Therefore, alternative, safer and more effective therapies must be investigated. Plants, being the basis of traditional medicine in many cultures for thousands of years, are a rich source of bioactive molecules. Some of them became landmarks in the pharmaceutical field (e.g., morphine). Two plants traditionally used in the treatment of immune-related diseases are Salvia officinalis and Echinacea purpurea. However, their immunomodulatory activity has not been extensively studied in a scientifically soundness. Therefore, in this work, we obtained extracts from different organs of those plants (flowers, leaves, and roots) to explore their potential as pro- or anti-inflammatory formulations. Different solvents and extraction methods were used to prepare a variety of extracts. Particularly for E. purpurea extracts were fractionated into phenolic/carboxylic acids and alkylamide fractions to identify the class of compounds responsible for the strongest bioactivity. Then, the chemical fingerprint in the extracts and fractions was evaluated by different chromatographic techniques. The antioxidant activity of the different formulations was evaluated against relevant reactive species. The proand anti-inflammatory effects of the different extracts and fractions were evaluated using non-stimulated and lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophages, respectively. Regarding pro-inflammatory properties, aqueous E. purpurea extracts were the most promising by the induction of main inflammatory signaling pathways and pro-inflammatory mediators. Considering antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities, all the developed extracts displayed strong efficacy that was influenced by the extraction method, solvent used, and source organ of the plant. Afterward, the most promising extract was loaded in folic acidfunctionalized large unilamellar vesicles (FLUVs) to improve its therapeutic biodistribution. Finally, it was demonstrated in an experimental rat model of inflammation the safety and enhanced therapeutic efficacy of the most powerful extracts loaded in FLUVs. Therefore, we showed that the plant extracts are promising natural formulations that can be further used as a basis for the effective treatment for disorders in which the immune system is either overactive or impaired.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) for my Ph.D. scholarships (PD/BD/135246/2017 and COVID/BD/152012/2021) and the Ph.D. programme in Advanced Therapies for Health (PATH, PD/00169/2013)

    Temporal variations of monsoon systems

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    It has been proposed that the Asian-Australasian monsoon system is influenced by large-scale sea-surface temperature (SST) variability in the three tropical oceans although how this influence is manifested has remained a largely open question. Closure of this issue is important because it is needed to explain trends in monsoon precipitation and circulation that have occurred in the last 30 years. Using an atmospheric general circulation model, we run a series of experiments with different configurations of global SST relating to various epochs occurring during the last century to evaluate their influence on the monsoon. Comparisons of circulation fields show that a colder SST configuration generates a weaker large-scale monsoonal circulation. On the other hand, warmer SST states generate stronger large scale circulations with more vigorous centers of divergence and convergence. Warmer SST configurations are associated with positive anomalies of precipitation in the eastern Bay of Bengal, Eastern Indian Ocean and South East Asia. Cooler SST configurations are associated with negative anomalies of precipitation in the Arabian Sea and Indian peninsula, especially at the beginning of the summer. Since SST gradients determine, to a large degree, the low level flow, they are also going to influence the transport of atmospheric moisture. Comparison of vertically integrated moisture transport fields between the different experiments show that cold SST configuration favors an increased inter-hemispheric flow of moisture but decreases in the westerly moisture flow in to the Bay of Bengal and India. Warm SST configurations, on the other hand, strengthens westerly flow into the eastern Indian Ocean. An increasing availability of moisture in a region of stronger convergence constitutes a favorable environment for the production of monsoonal precipitation. African easterly waves (AEW) constitute an important component of the African and tropical Atlantic Ocean climate during the boreal summer. An understanding of this component is essential since AEW are closely related with tropical Atlantic storm activity. We adopt an idealized modeling approach using the WRF model initialized with ERA-40 reanalysis data to study the mechanisms that trigger the formation and maintenance of AEW. The model domain includes the African continent, central and eastern Atlantic Ocean and the western Indian Ocean. Experiments are designed to test the relative importance of the thermal effect of the eastern African topography and the influence of the cross-equatorial pressure gradient, induced by the sea surface temperature (SST) on the origins and maintenance of AEW. Topography and SST variation are selectively added and removed. The control experiment shows that the model reproduces many of the mean features observed during the boreal summer. Westward propagating disturbances of 3-8 day period that originate between 30 and 40E at the surface levels and in the mid troposphere are well depicted. In addition, the model provides a reasonable representation of the AEJ. When all topographic features are removed, there is a weakening of the AEJ over land and ocean, however, longitude-time sections of meridional velocity still exhibit westward propagating disturbances that reach the western African coast at the surface and at the jet level with the same 3-8 day period. Spectral analysis of meridional velocity show that the variability associated with AEWs is reduced over East Africa and West Africa at 850-hPa and is reduced west of 20E along the southern flank of the jet and over northern Africa at the jet level. Maximum amplitude of the disturbances occurs right at the coast. The spatial distribution of barotropic and baroclinic energy conversions explains the reduction in AEWs over land and the intensification of these features at the coast. When the zonal SST gradient is removed, a weaker AEJ displaces southward and a weaker monsoon flow ensues. Spectral analysis of meridional velocity displays a variance reduction in the 3-8 day band at the 850-hP a level in western and eastern Africa and at the coast. At the 650-hPa level significant changes are not observed at the latitude of the AEJ (15N), however, a decrease in the variance associated with AEW occurs at the southern flank of the jet. A southward displacement of the jet favors a weakening of the baroclinic energy conversions. Barotropic conversions also appear to be weaker when the SST gradient is removed. The present study suggests that orography plays an important role in determining the variability of meridional wind associated with AEW over Eastern Africa at the lower levels. Further, zonal SST gradients over the Atlantic favor intensification of waves when they reach the coast and the maintenance of disturbances across the Ocean. Also, results could suggest that SST gradients support genesis of AEW just off the coast of Africa.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Peter Webster; Committee Member: Annalisa Bracco; Committee Member: Judith A. Curry; Committee Member: Marshall Shepherd; Committee Member: Yi Den

    Digital art, sustainability and design thinking: study of a case in higher education

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    After a brief overview on the relationship between art and sustainability, in this paper we present a practical case that illustrates the potential of using design thinking in raising awareness towards environmental sustainability in the context of Higher Education. We describe the phases in the application of design thinking by a group of students, and evaluate the impact of this procedure on their vision regarding the relationship between art and nature, and their motivation to find artistic solutions with an impact on society.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Piroliza čestica borovine i radiološka analiza

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    The goal of this experiment is to assess the mass and volume loss of medium size pine wood particles undergoing pyrolysis. Wood samples of different sizes and shapes were pyrolysed at 500 ºC with different residence times. A thermogravimetric analysis was carried out for comparison purposes. Finally, the pyrolysed samples were analysed using radiographic methods. A connection between the different analyses was found. For larger particles, the heating rate is lower, and a time gap between hemicellulose and cellulose thermal decomposition was noticed. Research shows that an important part of the analysis of the process is the rate of biomass heating and sample size. As the sample size increases, the pyrolysis time increases; however, the increase is not linear. The publication also shows the great possibilities of radiographic methods in analysing the pyrolysis process.Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti gubitak mase i volumena čestica borovine srednje veličine podvrgnutih pirolizi. Uzorci drva različitih veličina i oblika pirolizirani su pri 500 °C i pri različitim vremenima trajanja pirolize. Za usporedbu je provedena termogravimetrijska analiza borovih čestica. Nakon toga pirolizirani su uzorci analizirani metodom radiografije. Pronađena je veza između različitih analiza. Brzina zagrijavanja većih čestica je niža, a primijećen je i vremenski jaz između toplinskog raspadanja hemiceluloze i celuloze. Istraživanja su pokazala da su važan dio analize procesa pirolize brzina zagrijavanja biomase i veličina uzorka. Kako se veličina uzorka povećava, tako se povećava i vrijeme pirolize, i to nelinearno. Usto, rad upućuje na velike mogućnosti radiografskih metoda u analizi procesa pirolize