355 research outputs found

    Effect of Giving Celecoxib on Uric Acid Level on Mice

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    Celecoxib is a breakthrough for pain relievers under the trade name Celebrex®, which is a Non-Steroid Anti-Inflammatory drug with its activity as an analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory. The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of celecoxib on blood uric acid levels of female white mice was induced with fresh cow liver extract. Experimental animals were divided into five groups, namely the control group (-), the control group (+) and the three dose groups, respectively 0.26, 0.52 and 1.04 mg/20 g. Observations were made on 7, 14 and 21 days with the Enzymatic Photometric method. The results showed that administration of celecoxib suspension at a dose of 0.26, 0.52 and 1.04 mg/20 g did not affect blood uric acid levels when compared with controls (P> 0.05)

    Formulasi Krim dari Ekstrak Kulit Batang Kemiri (Aleurites molucca ( L.) Willd ) dan Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri

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    Cream  is one of the pharmaceutical preparations that used topically for  treatment of skin diseases. Candlenut bark has compounds that have inhibitory activities as antibacterial. In this research, a cream formulation was made from the ethanolic extract of candlenut bark. Candlenut bark extract cream has antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus. Evaluation of cream such as organoleptic, adhesion, homogeneity and obtained good results

    Evaluation of Patient Satisfaction Towards Pharmacy Services at Hospital Outpatient Pharmacies in Padang

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    Patient satisfaction with the quality of pharmaceutical services is an essential indicator in the variety of health services in hospitals. Service quality is said to be enjoyable and satisfying if the services received are by or exceeding expectations. Otherwise, service quality is supposed to be inadequate or unsatisfactory if the service received is lower than expected. This study aims to determine the percentage level of patient satisfaction with pharmacy services at hospital outpatient pharmacies in Padang and to find out the pharmaceutical service system carried out by pharmacists on duty at hospital outpatient pharmacies that were located in Padang.  This study used descriptive data collection. Satisfaction was assessed by giving questionnaires to respondents, and then the surveys were analyzed descriptively. Assessment of patient satisfaction was conducted by taking data through a poll of 100 respondents. Satisfaction analysis was carried out using a Likert scale, and then the data was displayed in the cartesian form

    Peningkatan Produktivitas Serbuk Jahe Instan Dengan Metode Mesin Parut Listrik Pada Kelompok Tani Kelurahan Bungus Barat Kota Padang

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    This Community Service activity aims to provide information about ginger plants that have the best quality that can be processed into instant ginger powder, a method that can increase the productivity of instant ginger powder. This community service activity in alam mintanak farmer group, West Bungus sub-district, Padang city was carried out in 3 stages for 1 month. From the beginning of March to the 2nd week of May 2022, the preparation stage which consisted of meetings with related parties, preparation of proposals,  and surveys were carried out. The next stage is Implementation which is the main agenda, including counseling and how to choose quality ginger plants and how to process ginger into instant ginger powder. The last stage is reporting as outlined in the form of this Community Service Journal. From this service activity, it is hoped that the people of Bungus Barat sub-district, Padang city will receive education on processing ginger into instant ginger powder and how to increase productivity

    Single Channel Wireless EEG: Proposed Application in Train Drivers

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    Electroencephalography (EEG) can be used as an indicator of fatigue. Several studies have shown that slow wave brain activities, delta (0-4 Hz) and theta (4- 8 Hz), increase as an individual becomes fatigued, while the fast brain activities, alpha (8-13 Hz) and beta (13-35 Hz), decrease. However, an EEG is a complex piece of equipment that is generally used in laboratory based studies. In order to develop a fatigue countermeasure device for train drivers using EEG, there is a need for a simple and wireless EEG monitor. This paper explains the development of a single channel wireless EEG device

    A survey on video segmentation for real-time applications

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    Video object segmentation is to extract moving and static objects from consecutive video frames. It is a prerequisite for visual content retrieval (e.g., MPEG-7 related schemes), objectbased compression and coding (e.g., MPEG-4 codecs), object recognition, object tracking, security video surveillance, traffic monitoring for law enforcement, and many other application

    Edukasi Peduli Obat “Dagusibu” (Dapatkan, Gunakan, Simpan, Buang)

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    DAGUSIBU (Dapatkan, Gunakan, Simpan, Buang) merupakan bagian dari Gerakan Keluarga Sadar Obat (GKSO) yang diprakarsai Ikatan Apoteker Indonesia (IAI) dalam mencapai pemahaman dan kesadaran masyarakat, khususnya pada ibu – ibu terhadap penggunaan obat dengan benar. Kegiatan penyuluhan Peduli Edukasi ObatDAGUSIBU memiliki tujuan membantu masyarakat setempat,khususnya ibu - ibu dalam pengelolaan obat baik di lingkungan keluarga maupun masyarakat secara umum. Penyuluhan dilakukan dengan metode pemberdayaan masyarakat partisipatif, yaitu metode yang menekankan keterlibatan masyarakat pada rangkaian kegiatan. Kegiatan penyuluhan berjalan dengan lancar dan sukses. Berdasarkan obersevasi, terdapat peningkatan pemahaman dan pengetahuan ibu ibu PKK menjawab dengan benar pertanyaan dari tim penyuluh.

    Public Therapeutic Communication Analysis on Kanker_Fighter’s Instagram Account

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    Cancer disease is a devastating disease that could change someone’s life and relationship drastically. Cancer have been seen as a disease that revolves around strong donation interest. By donating to certain organization or community, the cancer patient could get a help from them. Using social media is their strong method to communicate their purpose and agenda to reach the donation candidate or those who can help and expand the attention of cancer disease. In Indonesia, disease is strongly influenced by religious and mystical figure and myths, thus, their method still crossing each other with actual medical workers, it is why Kanker_Fighter account still also has some PR blunder in their Instagram account. These phenomenon serves as Therapeutic Communication interference for actual medical worker in the field. With the strong donation biased method, lack of research, and Therapeutic Communication interference, it could stagnate the cure for cancer patients

    Konseling Penggunaan dan Pembagian Multivitamin Gratis pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Kelurahan Piai tangah Kota Padang

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    Indonesia telah menerapkan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Mikro (PPKM) sebagai respon terhadap peningkatan kasus Covid-19. Menurut tim tracing kelurahan Piai tangah dari bulan Juli tahun 2021, terjadi peningkatan jumlah kasus reaktif dan positif Covid-19 di kelurahan Piai Tangah yang terletak di Kota Padang. Oleh karena itu, pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mencegah penyebaran infeksi covid-19 di wilayah ini. Metode pengabdian yang dilakukan di masyarakat antara lain pembagian multivitamin, pemberian informasi tentang Covid-19, seperti gejala infeksi dan cara pencegahannya, serta penyuluhan penggunaan multivitamin untuk meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat Piai Tangah di kecamatan Pauh yang terletak di kota Padang. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian ini sangat diminati masyarakat karena memenuhi kebutuhan kesehatan masyarakat Piai Tangah yang terpapar Covid-19 dengan mendapatkan multivitamin sebagai peningkatan sistim imun terhadap covid-19. Selain itu, terdapat respon positif dari masyarakat yang meyakini bahwa kegiatan pengabdian diperlukan untuk meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh, dimana mayoritas (75%) memahami gejala dan tindakan pencegahan Covid-19, serta cara mengkonsumsi multivitamin dengan tepat dan benar dari konseling yang dilakukan

    A comparison of vaginal versus buccal misoprostol for cervical ripening in women for labor induction at term (the IMPROVE trial): a triple-masked randomized controlled trial

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    Background Cervical ripening is commonly needed for labor induction. Finding an optimal route of misoprostol dosing for efficacy, safety, and patient satisfaction is important and not well studied for the buccal route. Objective To compare the efficacy and safety of vaginal and buccal misoprostol for women undergoing labor induction at term. Study Design The IMPROVE trial was an institutional review board–approved, triple-masked, placebo-controlled randomized noninferiority trial for women undergoing labor induction at term with a Bishop score ≤6. Enrolled women received 25 mcg (first dose), then 50 mcg (subsequent doses) of misoprostol by assigned route (vaginal or buccal) and a matching placebo tablet by the opposite route. The primary outcomes were time to delivery and the rate of cesarean delivery performed urgently for fetal nonreassurance. A sample size of 300 was planned to test the noninferiority hypothesis. Results The trial enrolled 319 women, with 300 available for analysis, 152 in the vaginal misoprostol group and 148 in the buccal. Groups had similar baseline characteristics. We were unable to demonstrate noninferiority. The time to vaginal delivery was lower for the vaginal misoprostol group (median [95% confidence interval] in hours: vaginal: 20.1 [18.2, 22.8] vs buccal: 28.1 [24.1, 31.4], log-rank test P = .006, Pnoninferiority = .663). The rate of cesarean deliveries for nonreassuring fetal status was 3.3% for the vaginal misoprostol group and 9.5% for the buccal misoprostol group (P = .033). The rate of vaginal delivery in <24 hours was higher in the vaginal group (58.6% vs 39.2%, P = .001). Conclusion We were unable to demonstrate noninferiority. In leading to a higher rate of vaginal deliveries, more rapid vaginal delivery, and fewer cesareans for fetal issues, vaginal misoprostol may be superior to buccal misoprostol for cervical ripening at term
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