1,200 research outputs found

    “No vale dos lençóis”: A qualidade subjetiva do sono e a sua associação com o funcionamento sexual

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    Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA - Instituto Universitário para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.Tanto o sono quanto a sexualidade representam dois alicerces que contribuem fortemente para a qualidade de vida. Contudo, na literatura denota-se uma escassez de estudos que analisem a associação entre estas variáveis. Como tal, o objetivo do estudo passa por averiguar a relação entre a qualidade subjetiva do sono, a prática de atividade sexual e as dimensões do funcionamento sexual nas mulheres e nos homens. Trezentos e oitenta e sete sujeitos participaram neste estudo, dos quais duzentas e trinta e sete mulheres e cento e cinquenta homens. Aplicaram-se a Escala de Ansiedade, Depressão e Stress, o Índice da Qualidade de Sono de Pittsburgh, a Escala de Sonolência de Epworth, o Índice de Funcionamento Sexual Feminino, a Escala de Distress Sexual Feminino Revisto, o Índice Internacional de Função Erétil e a Ferramenta de Diagnóstico de Ejaculação Precoce. Nas mulheres encontraram-se correlações entre pior qualidade subjetiva de sono e pior função sexual ao nível do desejo, da satisfação, da dor e do distress sexual. Nos homens, verificaramse associações entre pior sono e pior função sexual ao nível do orgasmo, da satisfação com a relação sexual e da satisfação sexual global. Verificou-se ainda que, em ambos os sexos, uma pior qualidade do sono se correlacionou com ausência de relações sexuais. O funcionamento sexual masculino e feminino não se associou com a qualidade de sono, uma vez controlado o estado de humor (à exceção do desejo sexual feminino). Os resultados confirmam que o humor negativo pode contribuir para problemas sexuais, mas não a qualidade do sono em si mesma.Both sleep and sexuality are foundations that strongly contribute to the quality of life. However, the literature shows a scarcity of studies that analyze the association between these variables. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between subjective sleep quality, the practice of sexual activity, and dimensions of sexual functioning in women and men. Three hundred and eighty-seven subjects participated in this study, two hundred and thirty-seven women and one hundred and fifty men. The Anxiety, Depression, and Stress Scale, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the Epworth Sleepiness Scale, the Female Sexual Functioning Index, the Revised Female Sexual Distress Scale, the International Index of Erectile Function, and the Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool were applied. In women, correlations were found between worse subjective sleep quality and worse sexual function at the level of desire, satisfaction, pain and sexual distress. In men, there were associations between worse sleep and worse sexual function at the level of orgasm, satisfaction with sexual intercourse and overall sexual satisfaction. It was also found that in both sexes, poorer sleep quality correlated with absence of sexual intercourse. Male and female sexual functioning did not associate with sleep quality once mood was controlled (with the exception of female sexual desire). The results confirm that negative mood can contribute to sexual problems, but not sleep quality per se

    “O clima no meu bairro”: sustentabilidade urbana em tempos de alterações climáticas

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    O “Clima no Meu Bairro” é sobretudo uma metáfora que se refere aos problemas ambientais decorrentes das alterações climáticas e como isso nos afeta. As alterações climáticas são ainda muito investigadas, a escalas menos pormenorizadas, e este estudo pega nessa lacuna e utiliza uma escala ao nível de um bairro, permitindo assim perceber em pequenas áreas os problemas existentes e futuramente agravados com a crise climática que estamos a enfrentar. Este estudo de caso pode servir no futuro, de modelo para a adaptação e resiliência de centros urbanos e pequenas áreas residenciais. Este estudo foi desenvolvido em duas fases: i) modelação microclimática, com auxilio dos sistemas de informação geográfica e de um software de microclimatologia urbana no bairro de Alvalade, através de dois cenários, o presente e o futuro, contruídos de acordo com as projeções RCP 8.5 para a segunda metade do século (período de 2070-2100), tendo como base um dia considerado típico de verão de julho de 2017; ii) construção de um questionário dirigido à população residente de Alvalade, com o objetivo de captar a perceção da população sobre a temática da sustentabilidade urbana e das alterações climáticas, onde foram apresentados os resultados da modelação microclimática obtidos nos dois cenários. Foi apresentado o UTCI (Universal Thermal Climate Index), que permite perceber melhor o conforto dos residentes em ambiente urbano, perante os dois cenários apresentados. Este questionário teve dois como objetivos: i) perceber até que ponto os residentes destas áreas urbanas estão predispostos a fazer alterações no seu bairro e assim tornarem-se uma ferramenta aliada a outras instituições, permitindo uma melhor aceitação da implementação de medidas de adaptação que tornem a cidade mais resiliente; ii) captar a sensibilização dos indivíduos perante os problemas ambientais que estão a ocorrer mundialmente, inclusive no seu próprio bairro. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho, demonstram que de facto existe uma predisposição positiva dos residentes do bairro de Alvalade e que a modelação microclimática a uma escala mais local, consegue produzir resultados bastante importantes para o estudo do clima.The climate in my neighborhood is a metaphor related to the climate change problems, and how it affects us, and everyone around us. The climate change still is mainly investigated in very generalize scales, and this investigation fills that gap, by studding climate change at a neighborhood scale, allows to understand witch problems exists at the present and the problems that can get even worse in the future, specially, in this type of residential areas. This case of study, was developed in two main stages: first, the micro climate modeling, based on geographic information systems and science, help us build two scenarios of Alvalade neighborhood: the present (based on a typical summer day, 3th of July of 2017), and the future scenario for 2070-2100: the second stage was the elaboration of a survey for residents that live in Alvalade neighborhood. The main objective is understanding people’s perception about climate change and urban sustainability, through a demonstration of what results from both scenarios previously created, that shows the UTCI (Universal Thermal Comfort Index) in the present and in the future. This index allows to understand better, the thermal comfort of the residents in this study area and take as an example to who lives in urban areas. This survey can show and prove, that engage people/residents in the research project is an added value to adapt urban areas, helping mitigate the effects of climate change and improve their urban sustainability, by allowing them to participate in important decisions at where they live. This methodology also, wants to create a conscious on climate change effects at a neighborhood scale

    Factors influencing the distribution of the lusitanian and the mediterranean pine voles (Microtus lusitanicus and M. duodecimcostatus) in Portugal:a multiscale approach

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    Tese de doutoramento, Biologia (Ecologia), 2010, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de CiênciasThe main goal of this thesis was to determine the environmental factors influencingthe distribution of two closely related voles in Portugal. More specifically the aimwas to analyse and compare the environmental preferences of the Lusitanian pinevole (Microtus lusitanicus (Gerbe, 1879)) and the Mediterranean pine vole (Microtusduodecimcostatus Sélys-Longchamps, 1839), at different scales of analysis, andalso to quantify the importance of spatial autocorrelation component in speciesdistribution models.At a national level the distribution pattern of pine voles was associated with climatevariables, landscape units, and soil types. The environmental associations at alandscape scale reflected the importance of habitat connectivity and heterogeneityfor the Lusitanian pine vole, and of open areas, free of shrubs, for theMediterranean pine vole. At a local scale, the high importance of verges, especiallyfor the Lusitanian pine vole, highlights the several advantages of these particularvegetation structures for small mammals.The sympatric area of both pine voles was consistently narrow in national andregional distribution maps. Results indicated that the local coexistence of the twovoles should be a rare event.Vole distribution data were characterized by strong spatial autocorrelation evenafter accounting for several significant environmental effects. At the largest scalethe spatial effects were the most important. At a finer scale, these effects, althoughstill important, played a secondary role when explaining the species distributionsand segregation.Furthermore, novel information was provided on space use, social behaviour,activity patterns, and habitat selection of Lusitanian pine vole.The discrimination of the two species in the field, and in a potential sympatric area,was possible using presence signs, namely the proportion of burrow openings.Multiple factors may influence the distribution of pine voles in Portugal. Some ofthese factors gain importance at specific spatial scales and others can only bediscussed using more than one scale approach.This research was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (SAPIENS project POCI/BIA-BDE/57053/2004 and a PhD grant PRAXIS/SFRH/BD/21403/2005)


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    A escusa de consciência é garantia constitucional ao direitode liberdade de pensamento, que pode ser instrumentalizada paraeximir alunos dos cursos de ciências biológicas em determinações queinfrinjam suas concepções morais e éticas quanto ao uso de animaispara fins didáticos. Além desse respaldo legal, as alternativas ao usode animais vêm se mostrando mais eficazes no ensino através de recursoscomo vídeos, software ou modelos sintéticos. Portanto, nesteartigo, busca-se a exposição de vias legais e didáticas que possibilitemaos discentes uma formação plena, mas com respeito aos animais

    Sustainable Urban Furniture Development Project Reusing Container

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    The present work seeks the development of urban furniture: bus shelter using sustainable materials. For a model design to review a methodology of bibliographic research of shelter models Brazil and in the Municipality of Manaus, and later analysis of data found in our locality seeking to bring the problem lived daily by the population to select a final structuring of the Project. A bus shelter choice is tailored to environmental, ergometric and low-cost deployment and maintenance conditions in relation to existing shelters. A structuring of the project of inputs, a possibility to reuse materials, to implement clean energy, to design green constructions for the city, to facilitate transportation of furniture to various places and spaces for PNE

    Do planejado ao vivido: imprevisibilidades nas travessias de educadores (1911-1930):

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    The objective of this article is to discuss the circumstances and uncertainties that permeated the trips of three educators, Francisco Lins, Nestor dos Santos Lima and Adolphe Ferrière. The historiography of education has focused on trip studies, considering them as a strategy for the circulation of models and educative ideas, between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th. These studies show the reasons, the courses of the experiences and its consequent developments, in order to understand them. However, investigations have shown that despite being planned beforehand, these trips were surrounded by unexpected events that made the course of the educators change significantly. This can be understood by the dialogue with historiography that deals with questions related to the complexity of the past, understanding that it is up to historians to focus on both the homogeneities and permanencies, as well as the heterogeneous, transitory and unexpected circumstances that interfered in the way how the subjects established social interactions.Discutir circunstâncias e incertezas que permearam as viagens de três educadores, Francisco Lins, Nestor dos Santos Lima e Adolphe Ferrière, é o objetivo deste artigo. A historiografia da educação tem se debruçado sobre estudos de viagens, compreendendo essas enquanto estratégia de circulação de modelos e ideias educativas, entre o final do século XIX e início do XX. Estes estudos apontam as razões, os percursos e os desdobramentos das experiências com a finalidade de compreendê-las. Contudo, as investigações têm evidenciado também que, apesar de planejadas de antemão, essas viagens foram cercadas de imprevistos que fizeram com que o rumo dos educadores mudasse de maneira significativa. Isto pode ser compreendido pelo diálogo com a historiografia que trata questões relativas à complexidade do passado, entendendo que aos historiadores cabe enfocar tanto as homogeneidades e permanências, quanto às circunstâncias heterogêneas, transitórias e inesperadas, que interferiram no modo como os sujeitos estabeleceram interações sociais

    The Socioeconomic Impact of Paralyzed Public Works: Analysis on the University City of the State of Amazonas

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    The presente research refers to the analysis of  the socioeconomic impacts caused by the stoppage of the University City of the State University of Amazonas in the Community Our Lady of Nazareth Lake Test with the objective of investigating the consequences of not observing the principle of efficiency in execution of the work of the University City by its managers, verifying the curret socioeconomic situation of this local population, and finally propose ways to mitigate problems and losses resulting from the stoppage, which is a matter of common interest as it covers all social classes. The research approach is quantitative because it intends to describe a phenomenon of a particular group or Society, its research instrument was the interview. To be eficiente during the execution of a work, it is necessary to have management during the process, so the Executive Branch has instituted laws fo the public Works to be managed efficiently, namely: the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC), instituted by the Decree n° 6.025/2007; the DifferentialContracting Regime (RDC), launched by Law nº 12.462/2011; and the Bidding Law, introduced by Law n° 8.666/1993. These measures sought to reduce delas and stoppages in public Works and the social and economic impacts that might be generated

    Defining a brief intervention for the promotion of psychological well-being among unemployed individuals through expert consensus

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    © 2018 Santos, Lopes, Virgolino, Stefanovska-Petkovska, Dinis, Ambrósio and Heitor. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.Background: Epidemiologic evidence highlights the harmful consequences of unemployment on health and well-being. This emphasizes the need to design low-cost interventions to prevent the adverse mental health effects of unemployment. The main aim of this study was to create expert-consensus regarding development and implementation of a brief, sustainable, and effective intervention program for promoting mental health among unemployed. Methods: The Delphi technique entailed a selected panel of 75 experts from various relevant professional backgrounds. Panel members were asked to state their level of agreement (5-point Likert scale) regarding (a) required characteristics for an effective mental health intervention for unemployed people and (b) key variables for assessing the effectiveness of that intervention. Consensus was obtained throughout two rounds of data collection through e-mail contact, with structured questionnaires. Items of the questionnaire were based on literature reviews about community-based interventions for unemployed individuals. Results: Overall, 46 experts collaborated with the Delphi process (final participation rate: 61.3%). Based on a review of the literature, 185 items were identified and grouped into two broad categories (set of characteristics of the intervention and set of variables for effectiveness assessment), aggregating a total of 11 dimensions. The two Delphi rounds resulted in the selection of 35 characteristic items for the intervention program and 54 variables for its effectiveness assessment. Brief group interventions were considered to be effective and sustainable for mental health promotion in unemployment conditions if targeting mental health literacy, training interpersonal skills, and job-search skills. Conclusion: As agreed by the panel of experts, a brief, sustainable and effective intervention can be developed and implemented by accounting for unemployed capacity-building for mental health self-care and adequate job-searching attitudes and skills. These results should be further implemented in community and multisector-based standardized interventions, targeting mental health among unemployed people, ensuring adequate conditions for its effectiveness assessment.This study is part of the Healthy Employment project, granted by the Public Health Initiatives Programme (PT06) and financed by EEA Grants Financial Mechanism 2009–2014.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio