254 research outputs found

    La presencia del juego en los materiales didácticos y en las enseñanzas de las Ciencias Sociales

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    El juego es una pieza clave en el desarrollo y aprendizaje de los niños y niñas1, por lo tanto, el objetivo clave de este estudio es analizar la presencia de las actividades lúdicas en las aulas. Para ello se ha realizado un análisis de uno de los métodos más utilizados en las aulas del segundo ciclo de Educación Infantil. Se analizan los libros de fichas y actividades que presenta una editorial para los tres cursos de infantil. Se realiza un análisis global de las mismas, y se presta especial atención a los juegos que plantean y cómo se aplican los mismos en la enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales.The game is a key element in the development and learning of children, therefore, the key objective of this study is to analyze the presence of recreational activities in the classroom. This has been an analysis of one of the methods used in the classrooms of second cycle of primary education. We analyze the records and books featuring an editorial activities for the three courses for children. We performed a comprehensive analysis of the same, paying special attention to the posed games and how they apply them in teaching Social Sciences.Grado en Educación Infanti

    Liderança escolar e diversidade cultural: um estudo num agrupamento de escolas no Barlavento Algarvio

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    O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar, na perspetiva dos alunos estrangeiros, o trabalho desenvolvido pelas lideranças de um Agrupamento de Escolas, situado no Barlavento Algarvio, relativamente à forma como são recebidos, acompanhados e integrados os alunos estrangeiros. Pretende-se ainda conhecer as propostas de atividades sugeridas por estes alunos, a fim de melhorar o acolhimento e acompanhamento desses novos alunos estrangeiros no Agrupamento em estudo, que inclui um jardim de infância, 1.º ciclo, uma escola básica dos 2.º e 3.º ciclos e uma escola secundária, com um total de dois mil e novecentos alunos, sendo que trezentos e cinquenta desses alunos são estrangeiros e originários de trinta e três nacionalidades diferentes, com predominância de discentes oriundos do Brasil. Perante uma diversidade cada vez mais presente, tornou-se imprescindível incrementar na escola a preocupação e o respeito pelo outro, a inclusão de todos independentemente do credo, da cor, da língua e das suas capacidades cognitivas ou físicas. Metodologicamente foi aplicado um inquérito por questionário, a uma amostra de cinquenta e sete alunos estrangeiros do 3.º ciclo, provenientes de vinte e uma nacionalidades diferentes. Posteriormente foi feito o tratamento de dados e apresentadas as respetivas conclusões. Os inquiridos, principalmente os de nacionalidade Brasileira, pronunciaram-se, referindo que, atualmente, já se encontram bem ou plenamente integrados na escola, embora, inicialmente, aquando da sua chegada a Portugal e ingresso na escola, a maior parte tenha referido ter sentido dificuldade ao nível da sua integração no estabelecimento de ensino. Salientam ainda o ótimo relacionamento mantido com os pares, embora com os professores e funcionários seja ligeiramente inferior, apesar do respeito e consideração manifestada pelo pessoal docente e não docente no trato com os alunos. No âmbito das atividades promovidas pelas lideranças do Agrupamento conducentes à integração dos alunos estrangeiros, manifestaram-se maioritariamente quanto à inexistência ou carácter residual das mesmas. Relativamente às sugestões apresentadas com vista à promoção de uma melhor integração e acompanhamento, os alunos estrangeiros concentraram as suas propostas em atividades como por exemplo: a comemoração do dia do aluno estrangeiro, a formação de um Gabinete de Apoio, a existência de um programa de tutoria para os novos alunos, sob a égide de um colega da mesma nacionalidade, a disponibilização aos Encarregados de Educação de informação acerca do Sistema de Ensino Nacional e o funcionamento da escola, receção de boas vindas aos novos alunos, dinamização de atividades de forma a promover as outras culturas, entre muitas outras propostas.The purpose of this essay is to analyse how foreign students are welcomed, followed up and integrated by the school board of a given school in western Algarve. It shows the point of view of foreign students as well as their suggestions to improve the hospitality provided to them by the school at all levels: Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary education, comprising a total of two thousand and nine-hundred students. Three-hundred and fifty of these have thirty-three different nationalities, mainly Brazilian. As a consequence of this increasing diversity, one of the school’s main concerns is the inclusion of every individual and the development of a sense of respect, independently of religious believes, skin colour, language and physical or cognitive skills. A survey was applied to fifty-seven 7th, 8th and 9th grade students of twenty-one different nationalities. Most of the students inquired were Brazilian and referred that they feel well or fully integrated in the school despite of the initial adaptation difficulties they felt. They highlight the excellent relationship they have with their peers, but describe that relationship as slightly less close with the school staff. They feel respected by everyone in school. Most students state that the school board has not developed nor promoted any activities regarding the integration of foreign students. To promote their integration in school, the foreign students suggested activities such as celebrating the foreign student’s day; creating a support group; starting a mentoring program for new students, with the assistance of a student of the same nationality; give parents specific information about the National School System and the organization of the school; having a welcome ceremony to all the new students; creating activities to promote other cultures

    Caudales ecológicos en el Río Grande

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    Los aprovechamientos hidráulicos, que incluyen la construcción y operación de presas de embalse y centrales hidroeléctricas, regulan el régimen natural del río, modificando la dinámica natural del mismo, y generando ciertas afectaciones hacia aguas abajo. Para la mitigación de dicho efecto se diseña una medida de gestión ambiental llamada "Caudal Ecológico". En el presente estudio se consideran diferentes metodologías para el cálculo de los caudales ecológicos aplicados a los registros de caudales del Río Grande en la Estación de Aforo La Gotera, ubicada aguas abajo del Proyecto del Aprovechamiento Multipropósito Portezuelo del Viento.Fil: Infante, Patricia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de IngenieríaFil: Salomón, Mario. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de IngenieríaFil: Rodríguez, Sara. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de IngenieríaFil: Delgado, Jennifer. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de IngenieríaFil: Guisasola, Luis Enrique. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ingenierí

    Synergistic inhibition of the Hedgehog pathway by newly designed Smo and Gli antagonists bearing the isoflavone scaffold

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    Aberrant activation of the Hedgehog (Hh) pathway is responsible for the onset and progression of several malignancies. Small molecules able to block the pathway at the upstream receptor Smoothened (Smo) or the downstream effector Gli1 have thus emerged recently as valuable anticancer agents. Here, we have designed, synthesized, and tested new Hh inhibitors taking advantage by the highly versatile and privileged isoflavone scaffold. The introduction of specific substitutions on the isoflavone's ring B allowed the identification of molecules targeting preferentially Smo or Gli1. Biological assays coupled with molecular modeling corroborated the design strategy, and provided new insights into the mechanism of action of these molecules. The combined administration of two different isoflavones behaving as Smo and Gli antagonists, respectively, in primary medulloblastoma (MB) cells highlighted the synergistic effects of these agents, thus paving the way to further and innovative strategies for the pharmacological inhibition of Hh signaling

    Higher PAPP-A Values in Pregnant Women Complicated with Preeclampsia Than with Gestational Hypertension

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    The purpose of this study is to compare the levels of maternal serum pregnancy–associated plasma protein-A at the first trimester in pregnancies complicated by impaired placental diseases, such as preeclampsia (PE), intrauterine fetal growth restriction (IUGR), and gestational hypertension (GH), with those in pregnancies without the development of any of these outcomes to expand the knowledge of how this protein behaves in the different impaired placental diseases. This current work is an observational study based on a prospective cohort. Pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A was measured in 422 patients who had completed maternal-perinatal outcomes. Comparisons of pregnancy characteristics and the biomarker between outcome groups (PE, IUGR, gestational hypertension, and not impaired placental outcomes) were analyzed. PAPP-A MoM in the IUGR (0.8 IQR: 0.6–0.9) and GH groups (0.5 IQR: 0.3–1.4) compared to the PE group (1.06 IQR: 0.66–1.52) was significantly lower (p < 0.005). Pregnant women who developed early-onset PE (1.11 IQR 1.08–1.18) presented significant differences with the IUGR group (0.83 IQR: 0.59–0.98; p = 0.002) and those who developed preterm-PE (1.19 IQR: 0.66–1.58; p = 0.045). The results demonstrate that the levels of PAPP-A at first trimester in the sample of women who developed PE, and specially term-PE, were higher than those in women who developed GH or IUGR. The GH group had the lowest PAPP-A values in this sample of pregnant women. Research in a population with a high prevalence of preeclampsia is still lacking and deserves more extended studies to define if these patients could have different rates of PAPP-A

    Hemihipertrofia. Síndrome de Beckwith Wiedemann. A propósito de un caso.

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    La hemihipertrofia se define como un crecimiento significativo de una parte del cuerpo con respecto al lado contralateral. El punto clave en todo paciente con hemihipertrofia es el incremento del riesgo de desarrollo de tumores en la infancia. Existen diversas patologías que pueden constituir el origen de la hemihipertrofia, siendo la etiología más frecuente los síndromes genéticos dismórficos. El síndrome de Beckwith Wiedemann (SBW) es el síndrome de sobrecrecimiento más común que asocia hemihipertrofia. Presenta una clínica muy heterogénea, siendo características clásicas, macrosomía, macroglosia y defectos de la pared abdominal. Otros hallazgos clínicos que apoyan el diagnóstico pueden ser hipoglucemia, hemihipertrofia, anomalías del pabellón auricular y visceromegalia.Algunas de estas manifestaciones pueden reconocerse en el período prenatal, lo cual ayuda a los profesionales a estar alerta y prevenir complicaciones en el neonato. El síndrome, aunque en la mayoría de los casos es esporádico, también puede ser heredado, y se debe a alteraciones genéticas y epigenéticas de la región 11p15, en las que se incluyen mutaciones, defectos en la metilación y modificaciones cromosómicas.La complejidad de su base genética hace necesario un estudio genético. El conocimiento del subgrupo molecular es de gran relevancia en el manejo del paciente, ya que permite establecer el riesgo de malignidad y la asociación a determinadas características clínicas. El estudio genético debe realizarse también a pacientes que presentan hemihipertrofia de forma aislada; se ha observado que tienen defectos moleculares y constituye una forma fenotípica de la enfermedad. Los pacientes con SBW tienen una mayor predisposición al desarrollo de tumores embrionarios, principalmente Tumor de Wilms y hepatoblastoma y por ello, son necesarias estrategias de vigilancia basadas en la realización de ecografías abdominales periódicas para la detección precoz de los mismos. Es fundamental el seguimiento de los pacientes con hemihipertrofia aislada y SBW, además de una valoración multidisplinar, para el tratamiento y control adecuado de la patología, así como para el asesoramiento genético.<br /

    Flipped Classroom: Active Methodology for Sustainable Learning in Higher Education during Social Distancing Due to COVID-19

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    Methodological guidelines for virtual teaching during the lockdown, tailored to Flipped Classroom, are suggested by the Spanish University Education System. This educational methodology is recommended as an effective method for distance learning due to COVID-19 by several articles, studies, research, universities and institutions in different countries around the world. However, what is the impact of these extreme circumstances on the implementation of Flipped Classroom in Higher Education? The study design is a descriptive and correlational research that compares the frequency of the implementation of Flipped Classroom before and during social distancing. This information is provided by the participants, university professors from the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Malaga, through an ad hoc questionnaire. The results reveal a significant increase in the frequency of Flipped Classroom sessions (z = −4.80; p <.001) during the lockdown. The data also show a significant increase in the quantity and variety of didactic resources (t = −2.390; p = 0.021), mainly those related to Flipped Classroom, with video (z = −2.860, p = 0.004) and audio (z = −2.049, p = 0.040) files. University professors consider virtual teaching during the lockdown an opportunity for Flipped Classroom and digital skills that could improve the quality of university educational methodology

    Nomogram to predict the outcomes of patients with microsatellite instability-high metastatic colorectal cancer receiving immune checkpoint inhibitors

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    Neoplasias gastrointestinales; InmunoterapiaNeoplàsies gastrointestinals; ImmunoteràpiaGastrointestinal neoplasms; ImmunotherapyBackground The efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) in patients with microsatellite instability (MSI)-high metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) is unprecedented. A relevant proportion of subjects achieving durable disease control may be considered potentially ‘cured’, as opposed to patients experiencing primary ICI refractoriness or short-term clinical benefit. We developed and externally validated a nomogram to estimate the progression-free survival (PFS) and the time-independent event-free probability (EFP) in patients with MSI-high mCRC receiving ICIs. Methods The PFS and EFP were estimated using a cure model fitted on a developing set of 163 patients and validated on a set of 146 patients with MSI-high mCRC receiving anti-programmed death (ligand)1 (PD-(L)1) ± anticytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA-4) agents. A total of 23 putative prognostic factors were chosen and then selected using a random survival forest (RSF). The model performance in estimating PFS probability was evaluated by assessing calibration (internally—developing set and externally—validating set) and quantifying the discriminative ability (Harrell C index). Results RFS selected five variables: ICI type (anti-PD-(L)1 monotherapy vs anti-CTLA-4 combo), ECOG PS (0 vs >0), neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (≤3 vs >3), platelet count, and prior treatment lines. As both in the developing and validation series most PFS events occurred within 12 months, this was chosen as cut-point for PFS prediction. The combination of the selected variables allowed estimation of the 12-month PFS (focused on patients with low chance of being cured) and the EFP (focused on patients likely to be event-free at a certain point of their follow-up). ICI type was significantly associated with disease control, as patients receiving the anti-CTLA-4-combination experienced the best outcomes. The calibration of PFS predictions was good both in the developing and validating sets. The median value of the EFP (46%) allowed segregation of two prognostic groups in both the developing (PFS HR=3.73, 95% CI 2.25 to 6.18; p<0.0001) and validating (PFS HR=1.86, 95% CI 1.07 to 3.23; p=0.0269) sets. Conclusions A nomogram based on five easily assessable variables including ICI treatment was built to estimate the outcomes of patients with MSI-high mCRC, with the potential to assist clinicians in their clinical practice. The web-based system ‘MSI mCRC Cure’ was released.The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors

    Emission Line Galaxies in the STIS Parallel Survey I: Observations and Data Analysis

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    In the first three years of operation STIS obtained slitless spectra of approximately 2500 fields in parallel to prime HST observations as part of the STIS Parallel Survey (SPS). The archive contains almost 300 fields at high galactic latitude (|b|>30) with spectroscopic exposure times greater than 3000 seconds. This sample contains 220 fields (excluding special regions and requiring a consistent grating angle) observed between 6 June 1997 and 21 September 2000, with a total survey area of about 160 square arcminutes. At this depth, the SPS detects an average of one emission line galaxy per three fields. We present the analysis of these data, and the identification of 131 low to intermediate redshift galaxies detected by optical emission lines. The sample contains 78 objects with emission lines that we infer to be redshifted [OII]3727 emission at 0.43<z<1.7. The comoving number density of these objects is comparable to that of H-alpha emitting galaxies in the NICMOS parallel observations. One quasar and three probable Seyfert galaxies are detected. Many of the emission-line objects show morphologies suggestive of mergers or interactions. The reduced data are available upon request from the authors.Comment: 58 preprint pages, including 26 figures; accepted for publication in ApJ

    Placenta previa: factores de riesgo e impacto en la morbimortalidad materno-perinatal en Bogotá, Colombia

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    Introducción: La placenta previa puede causar hemorragias durante la segunda mitad del embarazo y comprometer la salud de la madre y del feto. Conocer los factores de riesgo asociados permite identificar precozmente a las gestantes con alto riesgo de placenta previa. Objetivo: Describir los factores de riesgo de placenta previa en una muestra de gestantes atendidas en Bogotá D.C., Colombia, así como su morbimortalidad materna y perinatal. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo. Se incluyeron 17 gestantes diagnosticadas con placenta previa e ingresadas a la Unidad de Alto Riesgo Obstétrico de un hospital de tercer nivel de atención entre 2013 y 2017. Se revisaron las historias clínicas para recoger datos sobre factores de riesgo de placenta previa y características clínicas y sociodemográficas. En el análisis descriptivo, se calcularon medias y desviaciones estándar y frecuencias absolutas y relativas para variables cuantitativas y cualitativas, respectivamente. Resultados: Los factores de riesgo más frecuentes fueron ≥4 embarazos (64,70%), edad materna >35 años (29,41%) e historia de aborto espontáneo (29,41%). La morbilidad materna fue superior a la fetal: tres pacientes precisaron transfusión de hemoderivados y otra fue sometida a histerectomía subtotal, mientras que no se registraron complicaciones perinatales, a excepción de un mortinato. Conclusiones: Los antecedentes de aborto espontáneo, los embarazos ≥4 y la edad materna >35 años fueron los factores de riesgo más frecuentes. Además, el grado de complicaciones materno-perinatales no dependió del tipo de placenta previa. Conocer qué gestantes tienen mayor riesgo de placenta previa como resultado de la identificación temprana de estos factores de riesgo permite un mejor abordaje clínico, reduciendo las tasas de morbimortalidad tanto en la madre como en el niño.Introduction: Placenta previa can cause bleeding during the second half of pregnancy and may compromise the health of both the mother and the fetus. Knowing the associated risk factors allows for the early identification of pregnant women at high risk of placenta previa. Objective: To describe the risk factors for placenta previa in a sample of pregnant women treated in Bogotá D.C., Colombia, as well as their maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. Materials and methods: Retrospective descriptive study. 17 pregnant women diagnosed with placenta previa and admitted to the High Obstetric Risk Unit of a tertiary care hospital between 2013 and 2017 were included. Medical records were reviewed to collect data on risk factors for placenta previa and clinical and sociodemographic characteristics. In the descriptive analysis, means and standard deviations and absolute and relative frequencies were calculated for quantitative and qualitative variables, respectively. Results: The most frequent risk factors were ≥4 pregnancies (64.70%), maternal age >35 years (29.41%), and history of miscarriage (29.41%). Maternal morbidity was higher than fetal morbidity: three patients required transfusion of blood products, and another underwent a subtotal hysterectomy, while no perinatal complications were reported, with the exception of one stillbirth. Conclusions: A history of miscarriage, ≥4 pregnancies, and maternal age >35 years were the most frequent risk factors. Furthermore, the degree of maternal-perinatal complications did not depend on the type of placenta previa. Knowing which pregnant women are at higher risk of placenta previa as a result of the early identification of these risk factors allows for a better clinical approach, reducing morbidity and mortality rates in both the mother and the child
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