1,853 research outputs found

    Family Unity, Family Health: How Family-Focused Immigration Reform Will Mean Better Health for Children and Families

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    This report builds on a body of evidence on the impact of immigration policy on communities, paying particular attention to the health and mental health of children and families.Using existing research, predictive quantitative analysis and data from a convenience survey and two focus groups, this reportshines a light on the consequences of a continued policy of detention and deportation on: physical health, mental health, educational and behavioral outcomes among children; adult health status and lifespan; and economic hardship and food access in households

    Comparing Wilson and Clover Quenched SU(3)SU(3) Spectroscopy with an Improved Gauge Action

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    We present results of quenched SU(3)SU(3) hadron spectroscopy comparing \order(a) improved Wilson (Clover) fermions with conventional Wilson fermions. The configurations were generated using an \order(a^2) improved 6-link SU(3)SU(3) pure gauge action at β\beta's corresponding to lattice spacings of 0.150.15, 0.180.18, 0.200.20, 0.330.33, and 0.430.43 fm. We find evidence that fermionic scaling violations are consistent with \order(a^2) for Clover and \order(a) with a nonnegligible \order(a^2) term for standard Wilson fermions. This latter mixed ansatz makes a reliable continuum extrapolation problematic for Wilson fermions. We also find that the slope of the scaling violations is roughly 250MeV250 MeV for both Wilson and Clover fermions.Comment: 3 pages latex with 2 postscript figures. Talk presented at LATTICE96(spectrum

    Quenched SU(3)SU(3) hadron spectroscopy using improved fermionic and gauge actions

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    We present results of quenched SU(3)SU(3) hadron spectroscopy using \order(a) improved Wilson fermions. The configurations were generated using an \order(a^2) improved 6-link SU(3)SU(3) pure gauge action at β\beta's corresponding to lattice spacings of 0.430.43, 0.250.25, 0.200.20, 0.180.18, and 0.150.15 fm. We find evidence that fermionic scaling violations are consistent with \order(a^2) errors.Comment: 4 pages latex with 3 postscript figures. Corrected column heading in tabl

    SCRI Results With the Tadpole-Improved Clover Action

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    We compare light hadron spectroscopy using the Wilson and Clover fermionic actions. We show that a Clover coefficient chosen using tadpole-improved tree-level perturbation theory effectively eliminates the O(a) discretization errors present in the Wilson action. We find that discretization errors in light spectroscopy for both the Wilson and Clover actions are characterized by an energy scale mu of about 200-300 MeV, indicating that these errors can be reduced to the 5% level by using the Clover action at an inverse lattice spacing of about 1.3 GeV.Comment: Talk presented at the International Workshop on Lattice QCD On Parallel Computers, University of Tsukuba, March 10-15 1997. 9 LaTex pages plus 6 postscript figures, uses espcrc2.st

    Technical considerations in green roof retrofit for stormwater attenuation in the central business district

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    © Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Purpose – The key aspects that built environment professionals need to consider when evaluating roofs for the purpose of green roof retrofit and also when assessing green roofs for technical due diligence purposes are outlined. Although green or sod roofs have been built over many centuries, contemporary roofs adopt new approaches and technologies. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach – A mixed methods design based on a systematic review of relevant literature from parallel disciplines was used to identify and quantify the social, economic and environmental benefits of retrofitted green roofs in commercial districts. The technical issues of concern were drawn from a desk-top survey of literature and from stakeholder focus groups undertaken in Sydney in 2012. Findings – There are perceptions amongst built environmental practitioners that may act as artificial barriers to uptake. There is little direct experience within built environment professionals and practitioners, along with a fear of the unknown and a risk averse attitude towards perceived innovation which predicates against green roof retrofit. Furthermore projects with green roofs at inception and early design stage are often “value engineered” out of the design as time progresses. There is a need for best practice guidance notes for practitioners to follow when appraising roofs for retrofit and also for technical due diligence purposes. Research limitations/implications – The focus groups are limited to Sydney-based practitioners. Although many of these practitioners have international experience, few had experience of green roofs. A limited number of roof typologies were considered in this research and some regions and countries may adopt different construction practices. Practical implications – In central business districts the installation of green roof technology is seen as one of the main contributors to water sensitive urban design (WSUD). It is likely that more green roofs will be constructed over time and practitioners need knowledge of the technology as well as the ability to provide best advice to clients. Originality/value – The benefits of green roofs as part of WSUD are increasingly being recognised in terms of reduced flood risk, reduced cost of drainage, improved water quality and lower energy use, as well as other less tangible aspects such as aesthetics and amenity. This research highlights the lack of understanding of the short- and long-term benefits, a poor appreciation and awareness of these benefits; a lack of technical knowledge and issues to be considered with regard to green roofs on behalf of practitioners. The study has highlighted the need for specific training and up-skilling in these areas to provide surveyors with the technical expertise needed. There is also a need to consider how the emerging retrofit and adaptation themes are best designed into the curriculum at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Clearly, if the potential benefits of green roofs are to be realised in the future, building professionals need to be fully conversant with the technology and be able to provide reliable and accurate advice

    The Mechanism of Flexible Controlling as an Innovative Method in Management of Corporate Structures

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    У статті представлений принцип дії механізму гнучкого контролінгу як інноваційного методу управління корпоративними структурами. Розглянуто принципи застосування даного методу як інструменту ефективного управління корпоративними структурами, що дозволяють забезпечити різноманітність і гнучкість процесів управління для досягнення поставлених цілей. Розглянуто особливості контролінгу в управлінні корпоративними структурами в умовах нестабільного економічного середовища. Подано концепцію механізму контролінгу в управлінні корпоративними структурами, яка дозволяє забезпечити необхідну різноманітність процесів управління для досягнення динамічного комплексу цілей. Розглянуто особливості функціонування корпоративних структур у нестабільному ринковому оточенні. На прикладі механізму гнучкого контролінгу як способу адаптації до реалій сформованої нестабільності в економіці України представлена його здатність оперативно і тонко спрямовувати управління корпоративними структурами для прийняття правильних рішень та погодження роботи всіх підсистем підприємства.В статье представлен принцип действия механизма гибкого контроллинга как инновационного метода управления корпоративными структурами. Рассмотрены принципы применения данного метода как инструмента эффективного управления корпоративными структурами, позволяющие обеспечить разнообразие и гибкость процессов управления для достижения поставленных целей. Рассмотрены особенности контроллинга в управлении корпоративными структурами в условиях нестабильной экономической среды. Представлена концепция механизма контроллинга в управлении корпоративными структурами, которая позволяет обеспечить необходимое разнообразие процессов управления для достижения динамического комплекса целей. Рассмотрены особенности функционирования корпоративных структур в нестабильном рыночном окружении. На примере механизма гибкого контроллинга как способа адаптации к реалиям сложившейся нестабильности в экономике Украины представлена его способность оперативно и тонко направлять управление корпоративными структурами для принятия правильных решений и согласования работы всех подсистем предприятия.This article presents the principle of the mechanism controlling the flexible as an innovative method of managing corporate structures. The principles of this method as a tool for the effective management of corporate structures, allowing for variety and flexibility of management processes to achieve their goals. Features of controlling in management of corporate structures in the conditions of the unstable economic environment are considered. The concept of the mechanism of controlling in management of corporate structures which allows to provide a necessary variety of management processes for achievement of a dynamic complex of the purposes is presented. Features of functioning of corporate structures in an unstable market environment are considered. On the example of controlling a flexible mechanism as a way of adapting to the realities of the current instability in the economy of Ukraine, represented by its ability to quickly and subtly direct the management of the corporate structure to make the right decisions and coordination of all sub-systems of the enterprise

    Influence of participant and reviewer characteristics in application scores for a hematology research training program

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    The American Society of Hematology Clinical Research Training Institute (CRTI) is a clinical research training program with a competitive application process. The objectives were to compare application scores based on applicant and reviewer sex and underrepresented minority (URM) status. We included applications to CRTI from 2003 to 2019. The application scores were transformed into a scale from 0 to 100 (100 was the strongest). The factors considered were applicant and reviewer sex and URM status. We evaluated whether there was an interaction between the characteristics and time related to application scores. In total, 713 applicants and 2106 reviews were included. There was no significant difference in scores according to applicant sex. URM applicants had significantly worse scores than non-URM applicants (mean [standard error] 67.9 [1.56] vs 71.4 [0.63]; P = .0355). There were significant interactions between reviewer sex and time (P = .0030) and reviewer URM status and time (P = .0424); thus, results were stratified by time. For the 2 earlier time periods, male reviewers gave significantly worse scores than did female reviewers; this difference did not persist for the most recent time period. The URM reviewers did not give significantly different scores across time periods. URM applicants received significantly lower scores than non-URM applicants. The impact of reviewer sex and URM status changed over time. Although male reviewers gave lower scores in the early periods, this effect did not persist in the late period. Efforts are required to mitigate the impact of applicant URM status on application scores

    Análise da correlação de ocorrência da doença diarreica aguda com a qualidade da água para consumo humano no município de Vitória-ES

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    Possible associations between drinking-water quality and the occurrence of diarrhea cases have been researched, using the 2004 Diarrhea Disease Monitoring Program in the city of Vitória, state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. For water quality analysis, data from the Water Quality Control Program, performed by the Public Supply Service, and from the Water Quality Surveillance, performed by the local municipal government, were used. The epidemiological delimitation adopted was the ecological study. Georeferencing tools for the representation of the studied samples and univariate and multivariate linear regression analyses were utilized. Statistically significant associations for the occurrence of diarrhea with turbidity, total coliform and thermo-tolerant parameters were found. The results reveal the need of greater care in the water supply network. However, as diarrhea can be the cause of various disorders, actions must be proposed in order to characterize the ailment and define its source of infection, so that the transmission chain can be interrupted.Buscou-se traçar possíveis associações da qualidade da água para consumo humano com a ocorrência de casos de diarreia utilizando o Programa de Monitorização da Doença Diarreica Aguda, no ano de 2004, no município de Vitória, capital do Estado do Espírito Santo, Brasil. Para a análise da qualidade da água, foram utilizados os dados do Programa de Controle da Qualidade da Água, realizado pelo serviço de abastecimento público, e da Vigilância da Qualidade da Água, realizada pela Prefeitura local. O delineamento epidemiológico adotado foi o estudo do tipo ecológico. Foram utilizadas ferramentas de georreferenciamento para representação das amostras estudadas e análises estatísticas de regressão linear univariada e multivariada. Foram encontradas associações com significância estatística para a ocorrência de diarreia com os parâmetros de turbidez, coliformes totais e termotolerantes. Os resultados apontam para a necessidade de maior cuidado na rede de distribuição de água. Entretanto, como a doença diarreica pode ser causa de várias enfermidades, são necessárias ações com o objetivo principal de caracterizar o agravo e definir sua fonte de infecção, de modo a propor medidas que interrompam a cadeia de transmissão