75 research outputs found

    Appraising the effects of window opening behaviour in an office building in different climates

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    There is extensive pressure on sustainable buildings to deliver energy efficiency, but in practice, designs often fail to achieve the expected level of in-use energy consumption. One of the main factors behind this discrepancy between designed and real total energy use in buildings is the window opening behaviour. Towards nearly zero energy building (NZEB), building performance simulation is being increasingly deployed beyond the building design phase. With the aim to investigate how the climate affects the probabilistic model of window behaviour, the case study is simulated in different locations, i.e. Continental (Turin) and Mediterranean (Athens). Moreover, each simulated model refers to three comfort category heating and cooling set point conditions (Category I, II, III) as defined in Standard EN 15251:2006. Comparing the results, the influence of window behaviour on energy consumption in different climates generates energetically different outcomes. The present study highlights the importance of users’ interaction with window control systems in order to design sustainable and energy-efficient office buildings in a more realistic way

    Kotiin vietävien palvelujen laadunvalvonta Vantaan ja Keravan hyvinvointialueella

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    Tutkimuksen aiheena on kotiin vietävien palvelujen laadunvalvonta Vantaan ja Keravan hyvinvointialueella. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kuvata Vantaan ja Keravan kotiin vietävien palvelujen laadunvalvonnan nykytilaa sekä kartoittaa tarpeita tulevaa hyvinvointialuetta varten. Hyvinvointialueet aloittavat toimintansa 1.1.2023 ja sote-uudistuksen tuomat muutokset vaikuttavat myös sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen ohjaukseen ja valvontaan. Tutkimusprosessin aikana uusi laki sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon palvelujen valvonnasta on valmisteilla ja sen on tarkoitus astua voimaan vuonna 2024. Laadukkaat, vaikuttavat ja yhdenvertaiset sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelut ovat yksi sote-uudistuksen keskeinen tavoite. Tutkimus lähtee liikkeelle oletuksesta, että kotiin vietävien palvelujen laadunvalvonta eroaa asumispalvelujen laadunvalvonnasta. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään kotiin vietävien palvelujen erityispiirteitä ja kuinka niiden laadunvalvontaa voidaan tulevaisuudessa kehittää. Tutkimus toteutetaan laadullisena tapaustutkimuksena, jossa aineistoa kerätään sekä tutustumalla Vantaan ja Keravan laadunvalvonnan nykytilaan sekä laadunvalvonnan parissa työskentelevien haastatteluiden kautta. Haastattelujen kautta saatu aineisto litteroidaan ja analysoidaan sisällönanalyysin avulla. Haastattelujen lisäksi tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään monipuolista aineistoa, joka pitää sisällään erilaisia kirjallisia aineistoja sekä havainnointia hyvinvointialueen laadunvalvonnan kehittämisen parissa. Tutkimustuloksissa korostuu, että sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen laadun määrittely kattavasti on haastavaa ja se koostuu useista eri elementeistä. Laatu koetaan usein subjektiivisesti ja asiakkaan ja työntekijän näkemys laadukkaasta palvelusta voi olla erilainen. Kotiin vietävien palvelujen laatu koostuu pitkälti samoista elementeistä kuin muidenkin sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen laatu. Asiakkaan kokemus on keskeinen laatutekijä kaikissa sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluissa. Sekä Vantaalla että Keravalla tunnistettiin yhteneväisiä menetelmiä sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen laadunvalvonnassa ja molemmissa kaupungeissa on tehty kehittämistyötä laadunvalvonnan parantamiseksi. Kotiin vietävien palvelujen laadunvalvonta koetaan haasteellisemmaksi verrattuna asumispalveluihin, eikä sitä varten ole kehittynyt yhtä systemaattisia keinoja kummassakaan kaupungissa. Hyvinvointialueelle toivotaan yhtenäisiä ja systemaattisempia työtapoja, riittäviä resursseja sekä koulutusta niin valvontatyötä tekeville kuin palveluntuottajille. Valvontalakiesitys nähdään pääasiassa hyvänä ja tarpeellisena. Tutkimuksen tuloksia hyödynnetään kehitettäessä yhteisiä laadunvalvonnan toimintatapoja sekä laadunvalvonnan käsikirjaa Vantaan ja Keravan hyvinvointialueelle. Tutkimuksen valmistuessa hyvinvointialueet ovat valmisteluvaiheessa, eikä yhteinen toimintamalli Vantaan ja Keravan hyvinvointialueella ole vielä täysin valmis

    A novel storage system for cooling stand-alone photovoltaic installations

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    Stand-alone photovoltaic systems usually use batteries to adjust energy yield to energy demand. An alternative energy storage system for stand-alone photovoltaic installations is proposed for three cooling applications: air conditioning, food preservation and freezing. A thermally insulated storage tank with ammonia in saturated mixture phase is integrated into the vapour-compression cooling cycle. A thermodynamic model and an economic assessment based on typical costs and cost sensitivity are included to assess the proposed system performance in comparison with a conventional stand-alone photovoltaic system with a vapour-compression cycle. Results show that the proposed storage strategy is an affordable option, especially in hot climates and for food preservation and freezing applications.Junta de Andalucía PI-1454/40/201

    Manual sobre los sitios turísticos y arqueológicos existentes en la parroquia de Cangagua cantón Cayambe, para niños de sexto año de educación básica de la Unidad Educativa José Acosta Vallejo

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es fortalecer de manera integral el conocimiento y la estima de los sitios turísticos y arqueológicos existentes en la parroquia Cangagua, cantón Cayambe, mediante la investigación empírica, es decir, se pretende evidenciar los lugares de esparcimiento e incorporarlos como complemento de las áreas de ciencias naturales y estudios sociales en la educación básica; con la participación de los estudiantes, los padres de familia y maestros de los centros educativos. Este documento se proyecta para que todos valoren la riqueza turística y arqueológica: importante para el desarrollo de un pueblo. Así se fomentará en los individuos el cuidado del ambiente y el respeto a las diferentes culturas ancestrales

    Ethic Reflections about Service Robotics, from Human Protection to Enhancement: Case Study on Cultural Heritage

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    In a vision of future implications of human‐robot interactions, it is vital to investigate how computer ethics and specifically roboethics could help to enhance human’s life. In this chapter, the role of design expertise will be emphasized by setting multiple disciplines into a constructive dialogue. The reflections will take into consideration different themes, such as acceptability and aesthetics, but above all the ability to generate value and meaning in different contexts. These contexts could find a description in the concept of human enhancement, connected through each other with the skills of the design research. The methodology of the design research will find applicability in the case study of Virgil, where a roboethic approach is contextualized into a cultural heritage field. In this field, it is shown how the ethical approach will bring a benefit to local communities, but at large to any social and cultural strategies involved in the stakeholders’ network

    Detection of Human and Fish Viruses in Marine Gastropods

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    Marine gastropods represent a major food source for higher trophic levels and an important source of animal protein for humans. Like bivalve molluscs, gastropods can accumulate several types of contaminants; however, the bioaccumulation of microorganisms, particularly viruses, has been poorly investigated in these animals. This study focused on gastropods (Tritia mutabilis, Bolinus brandaris and Rapana venosa) collected during the fishing season from 2017 to 2021 in the north-western Adriatic Sea, and on clams (Ruditapes philippinarum) harvested in the same geographical area, in order to evaluate the presence of human and fish viruses in their tissues. A virological investigation was carried out on the digestive gland using molecular methods. The presence of hepatitis A virus was detected in one sample, whereas noroviruses were not present in the investigated specimens. Regarding fish viruses, it was possible to detect the presence of nervous necrosis virus (NNV) in 26.5% of the analyzed gastropods; however, the histological examination did not show any pathological changes in the nervous tissue in both NNV-positive and -negative batches. As a whole, the investigated gastropods showed the ability to bioaccumulate viruses; however, lower contamination by human viruses compared to bivalve molluscs was pointed out, posing a minor concern to human health

    Ethic Reflections About Service Robotics, From Human Protection to Enhancement. Case Study on Cultural Heritage

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    In a vision of future implications of human robot interactions, is vital to investigate how computer ethics and specifically, roboethics could help to enhance Human’s life. In this chapter will be emphasized the role of design expertise by setting into a constructive dialogue multiple disciplines. The reflections will take into consideration different themes, such as acceptability and aesthetics, but above all the ability to generate value and meaning in different contexts. These contexts could find a description in the concept of human enhancement, connected through each other with the skills of the design research. The methodology of the design research will find applicability in the case study of Virgil, where a robo-ethic approach is contextualized into a Cultural heritage field. In this field is showed how the ethical approach, will bring a benefit to local communities, but at large to any social and cultural strategies involved in the stakeholders’ network

    Effect of cultivation conditions on the structure and morphological properties of BNC biomaterials with a focus on vascular grafts

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    20 New materials that are not thrombogenic and have mechanical properties that mimic the native blood vessel are in very great demand. Nanocellulose produced by the bacteria Gluconacetobacter xylinus is a biomaterial that has gained interest in the field of tissue engineering because of its unique properties, such as great mechanical strength, high water content (around 99%), and the ability to be shaped into three-dimensional structures during biosynthesis. The fabrication process of bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) vascular grafts is very unique because the material synthesis and product formation takes place simultaneously. The bio mechanical performance, which includes rupture pressure and compliance along with biological response (endothelialization, blood compatibility, etc.), is dependent on the morphology of a fibrillar network. The network formation is affected by cellulose assembly and bacteria motion, proliferation rate, and other factors. An understanding of the effects of cultivation conditions on BNC network formation is therefore of great importance

    Competencias básicas y Educación Física: estudios e investigaciones

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    Este artículo presenta una revisión crítica de la literatura científica nacional e internacional sobre los estudios e investigaciones que se han desarrollado en los últimos diez años en torno a las competencias clave y la educación física. Responde a la revisión bibliográfica realizada para el proyecto I+D+i 'Las competencias básica en una educación física de calidad. Análisis de los procesos relativos a la programación de educación física atendiendo a su efectividad en la adquisición de las competencias básicas (DEP2012-33296)'. A partir de la revisión profunda de las bases de datos que recogen las publicaciones de mayor impacto nacional e internacional, clasificamos los temas que están despertando mayor interés entre los investigadores de nuestra área en seis categorías obtenidas de manera deductiva: 1) estudios vinculados a la contribución de la educación física al desarrollo de las competencias básicas; 2) percepciones del profesorado sobre la implementación de las competencias básicas en los centros docentes; 3) el enfoque competencial en busca de la calidad educativa; 4) estrategias para la incorporación de las competencias básicas en las programaciones de educación física; 5) reflexiones sobre la competencia motriz como la gran olvidada entre las competencias básicas; y 6) posturas críticas al enfoque competencial. Los resultados de este trabajo aportan una ordenación sistemática que puede servir de referente para otros estudios posteriores de este ámbito

    Silibinin Overcomes EMT-Driven Lung Cancer Resistance to New-Generation ALK Inhibitors

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    Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) may drive the escape of ALK-rearranged non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) tumors from ALK-tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). We investigated whether first-generation ALK–TKI therapy-induced EMT promotes cross-resistance to new-generation ALK–TKIs and whether this could be circumvented by the flavonolignan silibinin, an EMT inhibitor. ALK-rearranged NSCLC cells acquiring a bona fide EMT phenotype upon chronic exposure to the first-generation ALK–TKI crizotinib exhibited increased resistance to secondgeneration brigatinib and were fully refractory to third-generation lorlatinib. Such cross-resistance to new-generation ALK–TKIs, which was partially recapitulated upon chronic TGF stimulation, was less pronounced in ALK-rearranged NSCLC cells solely acquiring a partial/hybrid E/M transition state. Silibinin overcame EMT-induced resistance to brigatinib and lorlatinib and restored their efficacy involving the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF )/SMAD signaling pathway. Silibinin deactivated TGF -regulated SMAD2/3 phosphorylation and suppressed the transcriptional activation of genes under the control of SMAD binding elements. Computational modeling studies and kinase binding assays predicted a targeted inhibitory binding of silibinin to the ATP-binding pocket of TGF type-1 receptor 1 (TGFBR1) and TGFBR2 but solely at the two-digit micromolar range. A secretome profiling confirmed the ability of silibinin to normalize the augmented release of TGF into the extracellular fluid of ALK–TKIs-resistant NSCLC cells and reduce constitutive and inducible SMAD2/3 phosphorylation occurring in the presence of ALK–TKIs. In summary, the ab initio plasticity along the EMT spectrum may explain the propensity of ALK-rearranged NSCLC cells to acquire resistance to new-generation ALK–TKIs, a phenomenon that could be abrogated by the silibinin-driven attenuation of the TGF /SMAD signaling axis in mesenchymal ALK-rearranged NSCLC cells.Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain (MICINN) Spanish GovernmentPlan Nacional de l+D+I PID2019-10455GB-I00 CP20/00003 Spanish GovernmentFundacio Oncolliga Girona (Lliga catalana d'ajuda al malalt de cancer, Girona)Spanish GovernmentCenter for Forestry Research & Experimentation (CIEF)European Commission PI22/00297Grupo Espanol de Cancer de Pulmon (GECP) RTI2019-096724-B-C21La Marato de TV3 foundationHealth Research and Innovation Strategic Plan PROMETEO/2021/059Pla strategic de recerca i innovacio en salut 201906Generalitat de CatalunyaInstituto de Salud Carlos III SLT006/17/11