594 research outputs found

    Quadratic Multi-Dimensional Signaling Games and Affine Equilibria

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    This paper studies the decentralized quadratic cheap talk and signaling game problems when an encoder and a decoder, viewed as two decision makers, have misaligned objective functions. The main contributions of this study are the extension of Crawford and Sobel's cheap talk formulation to multi-dimensional sources and to noisy channel setups. We consider both (simultaneous) Nash equilibria and (sequential) Stackelberg equilibria. We show that for arbitrary scalar sources, in the presence of misalignment, the quantized nature of all equilibrium policies holds for Nash equilibria in the sense that all Nash equilibria are equivalent to those achieved by quantized encoder policies. On the other hand, all Stackelberg equilibria policies are fully informative. For multi-dimensional setups, unlike the scalar case, Nash equilibrium policies may be of non-quantized nature, and even linear. In the noisy setup, a Gaussian source is to be transmitted over an additive Gaussian channel. The goals of the encoder and the decoder are misaligned by a bias term and encoder's cost also includes a penalty term on signal power. Conditions for the existence of affine Nash equilibria as well as general informative equilibria are presented. For the noisy setup, the only Stackelberg equilibrium is the linear equilibrium when the variables are scalar. Our findings provide further conditions on when affine policies may be optimal in decentralized multi-criteria control problems and lead to conditions for the presence of active information transmission in strategic environments.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Dynamic Responses of Bridges under Effects of Asynchronous and Multiple Support Excitations

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    Nonstationary earthquakes are very complex ground motions and they vibrate structural systems in asynchronous form. Spatial variation of an earthquake mainly originates from three sources; loss of coherence effects, wave passage and local soil conditions. In this study, a longspan bridge having multi-support excitations were analyzed for the effects of spatially varying ground motions in terms of wave passage and local site response effects. Two types of dynamic analyses were performed: a) same or different soil conditions for all supports b) same ground motions but different arrival times for wave propagation. For evaluations, the results obtained by considering asynchronous ground motions were compared with those of the synchronous ground motions. From the comparisons, significant differences were observed in case of spatially varying ground motions and this case show that the assumption of synchronous ground motions and identical local site conditions are inadequate to represent the earthquake load and soil model. Therefore, earthquake motions and actual local site properties should be characterized by their inherent properties to obtain more realistic responses

    Ratlarda renal iskemi/reperfüzyon hasarında curcumin'in etkileri

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    Bu araştırmada, Renal İskemi/Reperfüzyon Hasarı Modelinde Curcumin'in etkilerini biyokimyasal ve histopatolojik olarak araştırmak amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada ratlar kontrol (C), sham, iskemi repürfüzyon (I/R) ve curcumin (CUR) grubu olmak üzere (n=6) toplam 24 dişi Wistar Rat kullanılmıştır. Genel anestezi altında Grup I/R ve CUR da laparatomi uygulanarak sol böbrek pedikülü diseke edilmiş ve böbrek arteri klempe edilerek 1 saat iskemi ve 6 saat reperfüzyon gerçekleştirilmiştir. Grup CUR da 500 mg/kg Curcumin iskemi sonrası intraperitonal olarak verilmiştir. Serum MPO, IMA, MDA, NO, SOD, GPx, AOS , üre ve kreatinin ölçümleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Doku örneklerinde MPO, MDA, NO, SOD, GPx, AOS ölçülmüştür. Histopatolojik inceleme ile böbrek dokusunda I/R hasarı skorlanmıştır. Serum ve doku AOS Grup I/R Grup CUR ile karşılaştırıldığında istatistiksel önemi olacak şekilde Grup CUR'de yüksel bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Doku NO düzeyi I/R grubu ile karşılaştırıldığında Grup CUR’da istatistiksel önemi olacak şekilde düşük bulunmuştur (15,30±5,41, 4,8±1,37) (p<0.05). Histopatolojik skorlamada Grup CUR, Grup I/R ile karşılaştırıldığında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olacak şekilde düşük bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Sonuç olarak; bu araştırmada Curcumin’in Renal I/R hasarı modelinde serum ve doku örneklerinde oksidatif stresi azaltarak I/R hasarını önlemede olumlu etkisi olduğu ve histopatolojik inceleme ile de Curcumin'in bu olumlu etkisi desteklenmiştir.This study aimed to investigate the biochemical and histopathological effects of curcumin on Renal Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury. Twenty-four female Wistar rats were used in the study and divided into control (C), sham, ischemia/reperfusion (I/R), and curcimin (CUR) groups (n=6). Laparotomy was performed under general anesthesia in I/R and CUR groups than the left renal pedicle was dissected it was clamped. Then, 1-h ischemia and 6-h reperfusion were applied. 500 mg/kg Curcumin was given intraperitoneally to the CUR group after ischemia application. MPO, IMA, MDA, NO, SOD, GPx, AOS, urea, and creatinine levels were measured in serum samples. MPO, MDA, NO, SOD, GPx, and AOS were also measured in tissue samples. The histopathological examination was performed. Serum and tissue AOS levels were significantly higher in the CUR group than in the I/R group (P<0.05). Tissue NO levels were significantly lower in the CUR group than in the I/R group (15.30±5.41 and 4.8±1.37, respectively) (P<0.05). Histopathological scores were also significantly lower in the CUR group than in the I/R group (P<0.05). The results showed that curcumin prevented I/R damage by decreasing oxidative stress in serum and tissue samples in rat renal I/R model

    Kontrastla indüklenen nefropatinin tavşan modelinde curcuminin koruyucu etkisinin araştırılması

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    To evaluate the effects of curcumin on contrast nephropathy in rabbits.MATERIAL AND METHODS: In this study, 14 adult, 2.5-3 kg white male New Zealand rabbits were randomly divided into 3 groups. Goups consisted of the control group (n=2) consisted of the contrast-induced nephropathy group (n=6) and the Curcumin group (n=6). In the curcumin group, curcumin was administered via gastric gavage at a dose of 500 mg/kg one day before and on the day of contrast agent administration. Iopromide was injected intravenously at a dose of 8 g/kg via a catheter in the V. auricularis marginalis over a period of 30 minutes at a slow rate to induce contrast nephropathy. Myeloperoxidase was 4,899 ± 0,424 ng/ml at hour 0 in the contrast-induced nephropathy group and a significant increase was observed after 48 hours (7.467 ± 0.353 ng/mL) (p=0.002). In the contrast-induced nephropathy group, vacuolization of the glomeruli, vacuolar degeneration of the tubular epithelial cells, hyaline casts, necrotic tubular epithelial cells in the tubules was statistically higher compared to the curcumin groups (P=0.000). Based upon these results, it was concluded that curcumin, which is a strong antioxidant, had a significant protective effect against contrast-induced nephropathy after 24 and 48 hours.Tavşanlarda curcuminin kontrast nefropatisi üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması.GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Bu çalışmada 14 yetişkin, 2,5-3 kg beyaz erkek Yeni Zelanda tavşanı rastgele 3 gruba ayrıldı. Gruplar kontrol grubu (n=2), kontrastla indüklenen nefropati grubu (n=6) ve Curcumin grubundan (n=6) oluşturuldu. Curcumin grubunda kontrast madde verilmesinden bir gün önce ve kontrast maddenin verildiği gün 500 mg/kg Curcumin gastrik gavaj ile uygulandı. İopromid kontrast nefropatisini oluşturmak için 30 dakikalık süre boyunca Vena auricularis marginalise bir katater yerleştirilerek 8 g/kg dozda intravenöz olarak enjekte edildi. Kontrastla indüklenen nefropati grubunda Miyeloperoksidaz düzeyi 0. Saatte 4,899±0,424ng/ml bulunurken 48 saat sonra anlamlı bir artış (7,467±0.353 ng/ml) gözlendi (p=0,002). Kontrastla indüklenen nefropati grubunda glomerüllerin vakuolizasyonu, tübüler epitel hücrelerinin vakuoler dejenerasyonu, hiyalin silindirleri ve tübül lümeninde tübüler nekroz Curcumin grubuna göre istatistiksel anlamlı olarak yüksekti (P=0,000). Bu sonuçlara dayanarak, güçlü bir antioksidan olan Curcuminin 24 ve 48 saat sonra kontrastla indüklenen nefropatiye karşı önemli bir koruyucu etkiye sahip olduğu sonucuna varıldı. Bu nedenle kontrast maddelerin kullanılmasından önce Curcumin uygulanması, seçilmiş vakalarda kontrastla indüklenen nefropatiyi önlemek için yararlı olabilir

    On the Number of Bins in Equilibria for Signaling Games

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    We investigate the equilibrium behavior for the decentralized quadratic cheap talk problem in which an encoder and a decoder, viewed as two decision makers, have misaligned objective functions. In prior work, we have shown that the number of bins under any equilibrium has to be at most countable, generalizing a classical result due to Crawford and Sobel who considered sources with density supported on [0,1][0,1]. In this paper, we refine this result in the context of exponential and Gaussian sources. For exponential sources, a relation between the upper bound on the number of bins and the misalignment in the objective functions is derived, the equilibrium costs are compared, and it is shown that there also exist equilibria with infinitely many bins under certain parametric assumptions. For Gaussian sources, it is shown that there exist equilibria with infinitely many bins.Comment: 25 pages, single colum

    A Comparison of the Effects of Balance Training and Technological Games on Balance in Hearing-Impaired Individuals

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    It is aimed to compare the effects of the two different methods as balance training and wii fit balance games based on game technology on the balance functions of hearing-impaired individuals.36 male born deaf individuals between the ages of 18-22 and playing sports actively have participated in the study. The first group consisted of the ones having balance training, the second group consisted of those playing technological games, and the third group (control group) consisted of individuals having no balance training. The first group was given balance training 3 days a week for 8 weeks. The second group was made to play 30-minute wii fit three days a week for 8 weeks.Statistical difference was between the group playing technological games and control group, and between the group having balance training and control group (p<0.01).A statistical difference was found in dynamic balance values after the study. In the after values, a statistical difference occurred between the control group and the group having balance training and the group playing technological games (p<0.05).In dynamic balance values, a statistical difference occurred in before and after values of the group having balance training and the group playing technological games (p<0.01).As a result of the study comparing the effects of the balance training and game technology based wii fit methods on hearing impaired individuals, it is considered that both practices will be efficient for hearing impaired individuals to improve movements and balance values and to increase daily life activities

    Fonksiyonel Derecelendirilmiş Malzemeli Kirişlerin Karma Formülasyon Sonlu Elemanlarla Modellenmesi

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    Konferans Bildirisi -- Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik Türk Milli Komitesi, 2015Conference Paper -- Theoretical and Applied Mechanical Turkish National Committee, 2015Bu çalışmada, Hu-Washizu-Barr fonskiyoneline dayanan karma formülasyonlu kiriş elemanı türetilmiştir. Geliştirilen eleman fonksiyonel derecelendirilmiş malzemeden (FDM) oluşan kirişlerin titreşim ve doğrusal olmayan malzeme davranışlarının modellenmesinde kullanılacaktır. Eleman formülasyonunda FDM’den dolayı oluşacak rijitlik ve malzeme dağılımındaki farklılıklar karma formülasyonda kuvvet bazlı yaklaşım yapılması sayesinde kiriş tepkisi elastik ve elastik olmayan durumlar altında gerçekçi olarak modellenebilmiştir. Bu yöntemle hesaplanan tutarlı kütle matrisinde herhangi bir şekilde deplasman enterpolasyonu yapılmasına gerek kalmamıştır. Çelik malzemesi için kinematik ve izotropik pekleşmeli Von Mises plastisite modeli, seramik malzemesi içinse Drucker-Prager plastisite modeli kullanılmıştır. Üç boyutlu gerilme-birim şekil değiştirme denklemleri en yakın genel nokta projeksiyonu algoritması kullanılarak etkin gerilme değerleri kiriş probleminin boyutlarına indirgenmiştir. Sayısal örnekler ve doğrulama çalışmaları, elastik olmayan malzeme davranışının modellenmesi ve ayrıca temel ve yüksek mertebe titreşim modlarının ve şekillerinin tespitinde başarılı olunduğunu göstermektedir.In this study a new mixed formulation element based on Hu-Washizu-Barr functional is presented for vibration and inelastic analysis of beams with functionally graded material (FGM). Distributions of stiffness and mass over a FGM beam are accurately modeled for both elastic and inelastic material responses by the use of force interpolation functions, which also allows vibration analysis without any need for specification of displacement field. Von Mises plasticity model with isotropic and kinematic hardening parameters is assigned for steel and the ceramic materials behaves according to Drucker-Prager yield criteria. 3d stress-strain relations are solved by general closest point projection algorithm, and then condensed to the dimensions of the beam element to get the effective FGM material response. Numerical examples and verification studies on proposed element demonstrate accuracy and robustness under inelastic material response as well as on capturing fundamental, higher and mix modes of vibration frequencies and shapes

    Nash and Stackelberg Equilibria for Dynamic Cheap Talk and Signaling Games

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    Simultaneous (Nash) and sequential (Stackelberg) equilibria of two-player dynamic quadratic cheap talk and signaling game problems are investigated under a perfect Bayesian formulation. For the dynamic scalar and multidimensional cheap talk, the Nash equilibrium cannot be fully revealing whereas the Stackelberg equilibrium is always fully revealing. Further, the final state Nash equilibria have to be essentially quantized when the source is scalar and has a density, and non-revealing for the multi-dimensional case. In the dynamic signaling game where the transmission of a Gauss-Markov source over a memoryless Gaussian channel is considered, affine policies constitute an invariant subspace under best response maps for both scalar and multi-dimensional sources under Nash equilibria; however, the Stackelberg equilibrium policies are always linear for scalar sources but may be non-linear for multi-dimensional sources. Further, under the Stackelberg setup, the conditions under which the equilibrium is non-informative are derived for scalar sources

    On Multi-Dimensional and Noisy Quadratic Signaling Games and Affine Equilibria

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    This study investigates extensions of the quadratic cheap talk and signaling game problem, which has been introduced in the economics literature. Two main contributions of this study are the extension of Crawford and Sobel's cheap talk formulation to multi-dimensional sources, and the extension to noisy channel setups as a signaling game problem. We show that, in the presence of misalignment, the quantized nature of all equilibrium policies holds for any scalar random source. It is shown that for multi-dimensional setups, unlike the scalar case, equilibrium policies may be of non-quantized nature, and even linear. In the noisy setup, a Gaussian source is to be transmitted over an additive Gaussian channel. The goals of the encoder and the decoder are misaligned by a bias term and encoder's cost also includes a power term scaled by a multiplier. Conditions for the existence of affine equilibrium policies as well as general informative equilibria are presented for both the scalar and multi-dimensional setups