20 research outputs found

    Tinjauan Yuridis Mengenai Tindak Pidana yang Dituntut dengan Pasal 351 (3) Kuhp Studi Kasus Putusan Ma No. 1043 K/pid/2016

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    The purpose of this study was to provide an overview of the actions of the defendant already fulfilling the elements of Article 351 paragraph (3) of the Criminal Code in the Supreme Court Decision No. 1043 K / PID / 2016 and to illustrate the basic consideration of the judge in imposing a verdict on a criminal offense charged with Article 351 paragraph (3) of the Criminal Code in the Supreme Court decision No. 1043 K / PID / 2016. The method used in this study is normative law research. Data collection methods in this study were carried out with literature study, which is a method of collecting data by searching and reviewing library materials (literature, research results, scientific magazines, scientific bulletins, scientific journals). Data collection techniques using qualitative analysis methods. The conclusion in this study is the application of material criminal law by the Panel of Judges of the Supreme Court in the case of Number 1043 K / PID / 2016 which corrected the decision of the Banjarmasin High Court Number 59 / PID / 2016 / PT.BJM, dated 13 July 2016 which strengthened the Kotabaru District Court Decision Number 64 / Pid.B/2016/PN. Ktb, dated April 27, 2016 stating that the defendant Nanang Ramli bin (late) Syamsudin was proven legally and convincingly guilty of committing a criminal act of maltreatment which resulted in the death of the victim Jumadi alias jumai bin yahya ( alm) as stipulated in Article 351 paragraph (3) the Penal Code (hereinafter referred to as the Criminal Code) is correct, it is in accordance with the Public Prosecutor's Subsidies indictment, and has been based on the facts of the trial, the evidence presented The Public Prosecutor is in the form of witness statements, evidence, post mortem, and statements of the defendant. The Panel of Judges of the Kotabaru District Court in its consideration there are still some shortcomings, especially in its subjective considerations, namely on consideration of things that are burdensome and matters that alleviate the defendant. The consideration used by the judge in this case only focuses on the perpetrators of the crime. Whereas Article 5 paragraph (1) of Law Number 48 Year concerning Judicial Power requires judges to explore, follow, and understand the legal values ​​and sense of justice that lives in society. This means that the judge must also consider the loss of the crime victim, and the communit

    Investment Licensing and Sustainable Environmental Survival After Law No.11 of 2020 on Work Copyright

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    The purpose of this research is to find out the investment licensing arrangements in the enactment of Law No. 11 of 2020 on Work Copyright and the impact on sustainable environmental survival. This research method is a type of normative legal research with a legal approach, historical attachment, conceptual approach, as well as comparative approach. The results of research with the enactment of Law No. 11 of 2020 on Copyright Work, more or less the regulation arrangement will affect investment in a country. Investment regulations that do not overlap and do not conflict with each other are the expectations of investors. Therefore, structuring the regulations that have the spirit to encourage and support the growth of investment and sustainability assessment criteria in Law No. 11 of 2020 on Work Copyright and its derivatives are still following environmental prevention instruments that include the process of planning, utilization, control, maintenance, supervision and law enforcement, it's just that the involvement of the community in amdal documents is indeed reduced as in the provisions of the copyright law that changes Article 26 of Law No. 32 of 2009 related to the preparation of amdal documents carried out by involving communities directly affected by business plans and/or activities

    Acculturation Coalesce Between Islamic Leadership with Minangkabau Local Wisdom

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    The Minangkabau community has a long history of Islamic culture. This historical fact is assisted by the Minangkabau natural Tambo which contains philosophy, goals, ideals, normativity, regulations, and proverbs that presuppose consensus as to the goals of society. The purpose of this study, using the perspective of Jurgen Habermas, which is based on the theory of communicative action, the researcher is helped in studying the forms of deliberation from the democratic system of the Minangkabau natural society. Qualitative research is the research method used. The critical paradigm is the chosen solution. In this study, which is combined with the concepts of shari'a associated with communication theory, Habermas’ critical hermeneutic theory will be used. The results of this study show the discursive decision-making process in the Nagari, which is then questioned with the lareh dualism that gave birth to the Tuah sakato democracy. Then from a long study related to how the deliberation process in the Minang realm has the potential to be epistemic in the post-secular era, the researchers also found that the IKM regional organizations as developers of these potentials were outside the realm and had an impact on the Minang realm itself. The results of this study can trigger further researchers to participate in cultural studies and human resources related to the importance of epistemic attitudes in the post-secular era

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Katup Ekspansi Jenis Kapiler dan Termostatik terhadap Tekanan dan Temperatur pada Mesin Pendingin Siklus Kompresi Uap Hibrida

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    Research conducted into 4 variation is varied using capillary expansion valve standard conditions, thermostatic expansion valves standard conditions, capillary expansion valve with additional hotspot water heater, and thermostatic expansion valve with additional hotspot water heater. Data is collected every five minutes during the 120 minutes of testing. The research aimed to find out the performance of the engine coolant when the use of capillary expansion valve, thermostatic water heater and additional Hotspot Water Heater (HWH). Performance cooling machine includes pressure and temperature. The test results demonstrate the use of standard conditions thermostatic expansion valve compressor working pressure lower at 322.37 Psia thermostatic and 323.2 Psia capillary compared to 0.26% while the condition with the use of thermostatic valves HWH lower at 274.03 psia thermostatic compared to the capillary 287.37 psia amounted to 4.64%. To pressure thermostatic expansion valve using standard conditions and with the use of HWH lower than that of thermostatic capillary than the capillary are 92.12 Psia and 105.95 Psia at 13.05% and thermostatic 67.28 Psia and 94.45 Psia compared capillary amounted 28.77%, Compressors temperature for use thermostatic standard conditions and with the use of HWH higher than the capillaries are 90.85oC thermostatic compared capillary 83.74 oC at 7.83% and 91.31 °C thermostatic compared to the capillary 79.77 °C at 12.64%. For the hotspot temperature in the water heater using thermostatic higher than the capillaries are 87.26 oC thermostatic compared capillary 77.34 oC at 11.37% while the hotspot temperature of the water heater out thermostatic more likely the same that thermostatic capillary 46.95oC than 48.44 °C of 3.07%

    Rekonstruksi Politik Hukum Undang-Undang Aparatur Sipil Negara Berbasis Nilai Keadilan

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    Tujuan Penelitian untuk menemukan dan menganalisis perlindungan hukum tenaga honorer dan PPPK setelah berlakuknya Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 2014 Tentang Aparatur Sipil Negara serta untuk menemukan dan menganalisis bentuk konstruksi baru politik hukum Undang-Undang Aparatur Sipil Negara yang berbasis nilai keadilan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan Perundang-undangan dan pendekatan kasus. Hasil penelitian perbedaan PNS dan PPPK yang tidak didasarkan pada sifat dan jenis pekerjaan telah melanggar asas keterpaduan yang mengamanatkan dibuatnya pengelolaan pegawai ASN yang terpadu secara nasional. UU ASN melanggar asas kepastian hukum, terutama dalam kaitannya dengan kejelasan hubungan kerja antara pemerintah dengan pegawai PPPK. Ketiadaan kepastian dan perlindungan menjadi pegawai tetap negara, termasuk bagi tenaga Tenaga Honorer, Pegawai Tidak Tetap, Pegawai Tetap Non-PNS, dan Tenaga Kontrak. Dalam upaya memberikan keadilan dan kepastian hukum bagi PPPK dan tenaga honorer, pegawai tidak tetap, Pegawai Tetap Non-PNS, dan Tenaga Kontrak yang selama ini telah mengabdi kepada Pemerintah, diharapkan penyusunan dan pembahasan RUU tentang Perubahan UU ASN

    Rencana Bisnis Supplier Stocklot Pakaian Branded (Stocklot Supplies Business Plan of Brande Clothes)

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    This business plan is made to explain: 1) how Mottoup Store can be developed from the situation that has been running since December 2018, 2) Market strategy so that the products sold are better known to the public so as to increase sales. 3) Human resources who will run this business, 4) Funding requirements, rate of return and risk. Several analytical tools are used, namely: STP (Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning), Five Forces Porters, SWOT analysis, Business Model Canvas (BMC) and risk analysis. From the analysis it was concluded that this business plan is prospective and feasible to run

    Rencana Bisnis Supplier Stocklot Pakaian Branded (Stocklot Supplies Business Plan of Brande Clothes)

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    This business plan is made to explain: 1) how Mottoup Store can be developed from the situation that has been running since December 2018, 2) Market strategy so that the products sold are better known to the public so as to increase sales. 3) Human resources who will run this business, 4) Funding requirements, rate of return and risk. Several analytical tools are used, namely: STP (Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning), Five Forces Porters, SWOT analysis, Business Model Canvas (BMC) and risk analysis. From the analysis it was concluded that this business plan is prospective and feasible to run

    Family-based Corruption Prevention Through Pesantren Values

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    Pesantren (Islamic boarding school) has a great potential for family-based corruption prevention. This study aims to determine the values of pesantren and portraits of sakinah family personalities in the texts of “Zadu Az-Zaujayn” and “Syair Madura” in relation to the prevention of corruption. It uses an ethnographic-hermeneutic qualitative approach. The research concludes that the value of pesantren associated with the prevention of corruption lies in the expression "Mondhuk entar ngabdi bhen ngaji (the intention of going to pesantren is to learn and to serve)" and “Mon ngecok jerum e pondok mon mole ka romana ngecok jheren (if you steal a needle in pesantren, you will steal a horse once you get back home)". Through the values, students are accustomed to serving people and being careful of taking others' belongings. Meanwhile, the values of sakinah family within the text are wara' (being cautious and able to self-control), zuhud (living a simple life and prioritizing others' need), and patient (being tender and dare to face difficulties); qona'ah (accepting life as it is), ridha (accepting the provisions of God); and self-presentation. This research is vital to develop to achieve sakinah families free of corruption.Pondok pesantren memiliki potensi besar dalam mencegah korupsi berbasis keluarga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan nilai-nilai pesantren dan potret kepribadian keluarga sakinah dalam teks kitab “Zadu Az-Zaujayn” dan “Syair Madura” terkait pencegahan korupsi. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif tipe etnografi-hermeneutik. Hasil penelitian: nilai-nilai pesantren yang terkait dengan pencegahan korupsi yaitu “Mondhuk entar ngabdi dan ngaji (mondok untuk mengabdi dan mengaji)”. Santri juga menghindari ngecok (mencuri):“Mon ngecok jerum e pondok mon mole ka romana ngecok jheren, (kalau mencuri sebuah jarum di pondok, pulangnya akan mencuri seekor kuda)”. Dengan kedua nilai tersebut, santri akan terbiasa melayani orang lain dan menjauhi mengambil hak milik orang lain. Sedang kepribadian pasangan suami-istri sakinah yaitu mampu mengendalikan diri: yaitu wara' (hati-hati dan mampu mengendalikan diri), zuhud (hidup sederhana dan lebih mementingkan kepentingan orang lain), dan sabar (lapang dada dan berani menghadapi kesulitan-kesulitan); penerimaan hidup apa adanya: qona'ah (menerima Kenyataan yang ada), ridha (ketenangan hati menerima ketentuan-ketentuan dari Allah); dan presentasi diri. Penelitian ini penting untuk dikembangkan, agar tercipta keluarga sakinah yang bebas dari korupsi