7 research outputs found

    Analisis Perspektif Pelaksanaan Magang dan Peluang Kerja dalam Menilai Kesiapan Kerja Siswa

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    Tujuan dari makalah ini adalah untuk mengakaji bagaimana magang dapat melihat kesiapan kerja mahasiswa setelah menyelesaikan pendidikan. Pendekatan penelitian ini dengan mengeksplorasi persepsi mahasiswa tentang kesiapan kerja setelah program magang diselesaikan. Konsep kesiapan kerja adalah konsep dalam hal kejelasan peran, kemampuan dan motivasi. Hasil penelitian mahasiswa yang telah menyelesaikan magang, menilai secara positif atas segala aspek kesiapan kerja yang dibangun pada saat magang. Sehingga mereka mengerti apa yang diharapkan oleh pimpinan di tempat mereka magang. Mereka mampu secara efektif menerapkan keterampilan teknis dasar, keterampilan tingkat tinggi dan keterampilan profesional yang dibutuhkan oleh pimpinan tempat mereka magang.Tujuan dari makalah ini adalah untuk mengakaji bagaimana magang dapat melihat kesiapan kerja mahasiswa setelah menyelesaikan pendidikan. Pendekatan penelitian ini dengan mengeksplorasi persepsi mahasiswa tentang kesiapan kerja setelah program magang diselesaikan. Konsep kesiapan kerja adalah konsep dalam hal kejelasan peran, kemampuan dan motivasi. Hasil penelitian mahasiswa yang telah menyelesaikan magang, menilai secara positif atas segala aspek kesiapan kerja yang dibangun pada saat magang. Sehingga mereka mengerti apa yang diharapkan oleh pimpinan di tempat mereka magang. Mereka mampu secara efektif menerapkan keterampilan teknis dasar, keterampilan tingkat tinggi dan keterampilan profesional yang dibutuhkan oleh pimpinan tempat mereka magang

    Persepsi dan Kepuasan Mahasiswa terhadap Penempatan Magang pada Hotel Berbintang

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    Abstrak Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan persepsi dan kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap penempatan magang pada hotel-hotel berbintang yang berada di Kota Batam dan Pulau Bintan. Penelitian mengunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi berjumlah 50 orang mahasiswa. Jumlah sampel 50 orang mahasiswa dengan total sampling sebagai teknik sampel. Teknik pengumpulan data mengunakan kuesioner berbasis Google Form. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, semua mahasiswa setuju dengan pernyataan yang diajukan terkait persepsi dan kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap penempatan magang pada hotel berbintang yang ada di Kota Batam dan Pulau Bintan; hotel tempat mahasiswa magang mendukung penuh untuk kemajuan keahlian mahasiswa; seluruh mahasiswa cukup setuju dengan pernyataan tentang pengelolaan magang yang dilakukan oleh bagian kerja sama Politeknik Pariwisata Batam; dan Bagian kerja sama dapat mengakomodir semua kebutuhan mahasiswa magang pada hotel-hotel yang berada di Kota Batam dan Pulau Bintan.  AbstractThis research aimed to describe student perceptions and satisfaction with internship placements at star hotels in Batam City and Bintan Island. The research used a quantitative descriptive method. The population was 50 students. The number of samples was 50 students with total sampling as the sampling technique. The data collection technique used a Google Form-based questionnaire. The data analysis technique used descriptive analysis. Based on the results of the research, all students agreed with the statement submitted regarding student perceptions and satisfaction with internship placements at star hotels in Batam City and Bintan Island, hotels where student internships fully support the advancement of student skills, all students quite agree with the statement regarding the management of internships carried out by the cooperation section of the Batam Tourism Polytechnic, and the cooperation department can accommodate all the needs of interns at hotels in Batam City and Bintan Island

    Persepsi Mahasiswa terhadap Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Operasional Tata Boga

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    AbstrakTujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa terhadap mata kuliah pembelajaran Operasional Tata Boga terkait materi perkuliahan dan kompetensi dosen (pedagogik, profesional, kepribadian, dan sosial). Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif dengan sampel sebanyak 30 mahasiswa angkatan 2019/2020. Penetapan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan angket tertutup. Teknik analisis data mengunakan deskriptif kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa: (1) Berdasarkan persepsi mahasiswa, konstruksi materi telah sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan keterampilan mahasiswa, meskipun ada beberapa materi yang cukup sulit untuk dipahami; dan (2) Kompetensi dosen pengampu mata kuliah Operasional Tata Boga sangat baik dan dapat dikategorikan sebagai seorang dosen profesional, namun tetap harus ada perbaikan atau peningkatan pada beberapa aspek. AbstractThe purpose of this research was to determine students' perceptions of the courses in Operasional Tata Boga related lecture material and lecturer competencies (pedagogic, professional, personality, and social). This type of research was descriptive with a sample of 30 students class of 2019/2020. Determination of the sample used purposive sampling. The research instrument used a closed questionnaire. Data analysis techniques used quantitative descriptive. Based on the results of the research it was concluded that: (1) Based on students' perceptions, the construction of the material was in accordance with the needs and was useful for improving student skills, although there were some materials that were quite difficult to understand; and (2) The competence of lecturers in the Operasional Tata Boga course is very good and can be categorized as a professional lecturer, but there must still be improvements in several aspects

    Attitudes and behaviour intention in consuming plant-based food: Evidence from young tourists in Indonesia

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    Purpose – This research aims to observe the attitudes and behavioural intentions of young tourists in relation to their experiences of consuming PBF, including value consumption, concern for the environment and perceived cost as influencing factors. Methodology/Design/Approach – Considering that it is almost impossible to determine the sample frame for young tourists in Indonesia, this research used a non-probability sample to collect the sample. The study focused on young tourists aged 18 to 35 years old who have experience of consuming PBF while travelling. A self-administered online questionnaire was provided to tourists visiting a destination from July to September 2022, resulting in 267 usable responses. Findings – Tourists’ attitude towards PBF leads to their intention to buy again during or after their visit and to offer profitable e-WOM. In addition, perceived cost moderates the relationship between attitude and e-WOM; however, it does not provide evidence for the moderating role between attitude and repurchase intention. Originality of the research – This study highlights the value of consumption, concern for the environment and perceived costs as factors influencing tourists’ attitudes and behavioural intentions towards public transport

    Attitudes and behaviour intention in consuming plant-based food: Evidence from young tourists in Indonesia

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    Purpose – This research aims to observe the attitudes and behavioural intentions of young tourists in relation to their experiences of consuming PBF, including value consumption, concern for the environment and perceived cost as influencing factors. Methodology/Design/Approach – Considering that it is almost impossible to determine the sample frame for young tourists in Indonesia, this research used a non-probability sample to collect the sample. The study focused on young tourists aged 18 to 35 years old who have experience of consuming PBF while travelling. A self-administered online questionnaire was provided to tourists visiting a destination from July to September 2022, resulting in 267 usable responses. Findings – Tourists’ attitude towards PBF leads to their intention to buy again during or after their visit and to offer profitable e-WOM. In addition, perceived cost moderates the relationship between attitude and e-WOM; however, it does not provide evidence for the moderating role between attitude and repurchase intention. Originality of the research – This study highlights the value of consumption, concern for the environment and perceived costs as factors influencing tourists’ attitudes and behavioural intentions towards public transport


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    Abstract Nglanggeran ancient volcano is the main tourist attraction in Gunungkidul regency, which the number of the visitor is quite high. Guidance need to organize the manner of the tourist. In order to maintain the ancient volcano preservation on the future. Tourist code of conduct is one of the tourist attraction environment. The purposes of this reseach was to analyze of the strategy, which have done by the eco-tourism administrator area of the nglanggeran ancient volcano, in applying of the tourist codes of conduct towards tourist behavior. This reseach was conducted through qualitative descriptive method, along with participant observation, interview, and documentation as data for instruments collection. The result of this research was the ecotourism administrator area which has already applayed the tourism codes of conduct to the tourist and impact on the changes of the tourist attitude to pay more attention to the environment.</em

    Driving tourist to be green 7_DATA.xlsx

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    Food is an essential component of the tourism experience, yet its production is said to significantly influences global warming and climate change. One strategy to minimise global warming is to offer tourists an environmentally friendly diet option such as plant-based foods (PBF). This research data observes the formation of young tourists' attitudes and behavioural intentions on their experiences of PBF consumption by incorporating value consumption, concern for the environment, and perceived costs as the influencing factors. Data was collected from 267 young tourists in Indonesia. </p