10 research outputs found

    Stakeholders Mapping Tata Kelola Kerukunan Umat Beragama di Indonesia: (Studi Kasus di Kota Cilegon Provinsi Banten)

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    Conflicts in the name of religion in various parts of the world are currently escalating, and Indonesia is no exception. Cilegon City is known as one of the intolerant cities. This article was conducted to identify stakeholders in the governance of religious harmony in Cilegon City, then categorize them and look at interactions between stakeholders. The study was conducted with a qualitative approach. Data collection by interviews, observation and documentation studies while still carrying out the obligation to triangulate data sources and techniques. This study found that there are six stakeholders namely: government, social organizations, mass media, academics, private sector, and quasi-NGOs with six different roles, namely as (1) regulator; (2) facilitators; (3) implementers; (4) evaluators; (5) advocates; and (6) beneficiaries and have four different interests, namely (1) economy; (2) social; (3) politics; and (4) religion. The researcher encourages further studies on the potential and consensus strategies for local wisdom in fulfilling the right to houses of worship in Banten


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    The development of a dynamic, unpredictable organizational environment is required for organizations to manage changes to survive. This research aims to explore the approach of managing change in the organization and the factors of resistance to change. This study uses this type of literature research, by tracing articles, books, and documents relevant to this study. The results found there are six steps in making organizational changes, namely: Forces for change, Diagnosis of the problem, Selection appropriate methode, impediment and limiting condition, Implementation of method, evaluation programe. While factors cause resistance to change, include: habits, fear of unwanted things, economic factors, lack of confidence in the work situation, fear of failure, loss of status or job security, no benefit gained from change.  The success of changes in the organization is heavily influenced by leadership factors. Therefore, strong, visionary, and transformational leadership is needed to achieve the goals of change in the organization

    Birokrasi di Indonesia: Kasus Penempatan Pegawai, Politisasi Birokrasi atau Merit System?

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    Birokrasi hanyalah merupakan alat untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. Birokrasi seharusnya terjaga netralitasnya, bebas dari pengaruh kepentingan elite politik kekuasaan. Termasuk dalam hal penempatan sumber daya manusia harus mengedepankan objektifitas dan bukan subyektifitas. Kasus birokrasi di Indonesia dalam perkembangannya telah melalui periode waktu yang sangat panjang dari jaman kolonialisasi sampai sekarang ini. Kajian ini dilakukan dengan cara systematic literature review, yakni dengan mengidentifikasi, menilai, dan mengintrepretasi seluruh temuan-temuan pada suatu topik penelitian untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya. Kajian ini menyimpulkan bahwa spoil system masih berlangsung pada kadar tertentu terutama pada jabatan-jabatan yang berinteraksi dengan keputusan politik. Reformasi birokrasi dengan mengedepankan prinsip merit system sudah mulai masif diterapkan pada proses recruitment aparatur sipil negara, sebaiknya dilakukan kajian inovasi birokrasi dimana rekruitment berbasis Computer Assisted Test diperluas pada proses seleksi pengisian Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi sehingga menghasilkan aparatur sipil negata yang kredibel, profesional, competence, adil dan terbuka serta mampu menjawab tantangan jaman sesuai agenda grand design reformasi birokrasi di Indonesia

    Survei Kepuasan Masyarakat pada Program Satya Gawa dari PT. Indonesia Power Suralaya PGU

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    This article surveys the implementation of the Satya Gawa Program as part of the social responsibility of PT Indonesia Power Suralaya PGU. This program is intended for people with psychiatric problems, both patients and their families with the aim of improving mental health. The purpose of this study is to determine the success of the implementation of the Mental Disorder Service Center (Satya Gawa). The method used is a survey of patients and families of patients with mental disorders (ODGJ) on the aspect of existence of community development officers, community involvement in planning, implementation and evaluation, conformity with user needs, relevance to cultural, social and economic values, ability to improve knowledge, skills and improving the welfare of the target group. The results of the study show positive performance, meaning that it does not require major changes to the program, but requires minor changes in efforts to involve participation in planning and evaluation, use of opportunities to express opinions, increase income, and continue the Satya Gawa Program

    Pembangunan Zona Integritas Dalam Mewujudukan Kualitas Pelayanan Publik di Polres Cilegon

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      The phenomenon of corrupt behavior is already worrying and threatens the sustainability of life, especially the Polri bureaucracy. Efforts to overcome corruption in the bureaucracy as a bureaucratic reform policy through the Integrity Zone (ZI) development program, one of which was carried out by the National Police. The aim of this research is to examine the development of the Integrity Zone which has received the title of WBK (Corruption-Free Area) at the Cilegon Police Headquarters. The method used is a qualitative approach. Data collection through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the study found that the total ZI weight score at the Cilegon Polres fulfilled the WBK predicate which reached 93.56 scores. The lowest weighted value of the lever element is the aspect of management and strengthening of supervision. The highest score is in the aspect of strengthening accountability and improving service quality. The ZI innovation carried out at the Cilegon Police in building WBK is by improving public services that are comfortable and easily accessible to the public by providing an Integrated Service Center (Pusyandu), where several types of public services are carried out such as SKCK attendants, crowd permits and STTP, STM and Wasendak. Obstacles in the development of ZI at the Cilegon Polres include the lack of budget availability in encouraging the development of ZI, the lack of understanding of the HR apparatus between units from each section and units within the Cilegon Polres environment. Obstacles to the readiness of the lack of a public service activity publication team, many application systems that become services that cannot be used such as BPKB/police ticket service, intelligence services, and SPKT services. &nbsp

    Panduan Praktis Penelitian Kualitatif

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    Terkadang peneliti pemula, khususnya dalam membuat skripsi, bingung dalam menentukan langkah-langkah untuk memulai penelitiannya. Sering kali peneliti menyamakan langkah penelitiannya dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Padahal, kedua penelitian itu berbeda. Penelitian kualitatif bukan dimulai dengan menemukan atau menciptakan judul yang tepat dan indah.Hal ini berdampak pada fokus peneliti yang hanya akan membuat judul yang menarik dan seolah-olah enak didengar, tetapi alur penelitiannya kaku, tidak smooth, dan kadang terhenti karena data-data yang diperoleh harus menyesuaikan judul. Salah satu contoh keliru tersebut sering dilakukan para peneliti pemula. Buku ini setidaknya akan menjadi jawaban bagi para peneliti pemula, khususnya mahasiswa yang sedang menyusun skripsi. Penulis menyajikan ca

    Panduan Praktis Penelitian Kualitatif

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    Buku ini dapat menjadi jawaban bagi peneliti pemula yang sedang menyusun skripsi. Di dalam buku ini disertai contoh-contoh hasil penelitian yang dapat dijadikan panduan dalam melakukan dan memahami penelitian kualitatif

    Panduan praktis penelitian kualitatif

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    vi, 99 hlm. : ilus. ; tab. ; 23 cm

    Panduan praktis penelitian kualitatif

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    Bibl. : 101vii, 101 hlm. : il. ; 23 cm

    The Arrangement of Indonesian Religious Harmony: Lessons from Cilegon Banten

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    Religion is not only worth the rights, but also the value of the obligations. Violence in the name of religion can never be justified. Secular, symbiotic, or integrated are the choices of state-religion relations. Indonesia is not a secular country, nor is it a religious state, Indonesia is not religious. Religion is the government's business. This article focuses on the lack of worship facilities in Cilegon city other than mosques. This study aims to identify, analyze religious harmony governance in Cilegon city, Banten Province. The methods used are qualitative and descriptive, with in-depth interviews, observations, document studies, and website searches accompanied by triangulation of sources and techniques. The findings do not have the operationalization of regulations and middle ground practices of religious tolerance in Cilegon. The conclusion of governance practices has not been in accordance with the principles of good governance. For example, the establishment is not a negotiable synagogue, so that the toleration practices in de jure state there isn't a worship area, and furthermore, de facto states there is a worship area