63 research outputs found
Etude sur le japonais comme langue d\u27héritage en France
La mondialisation favorisant la mobilite internationale et le mariage mixte, il y a de plus en plus d\u27enfants exposes a plus de deux langues, ce depuis leur plus jeune age. On a tendance a considerer qu\u27ils arrivent a manier sans effort deux (ou plus) langues d\u27une facon comparable aux locuteurs natifs. Mais la realite en est loin.La langue d\u27heritage, transmis uniquement par les parents ne resiste pas sans difficulte a la langue dominante dans la societe.Nous avons interviewe ici une vingtaine d\u27enfants franco-japonais issus de mariage mixte et residant en France afin de discerner leur bilinguisme : leurs conditions de developpement et difficultes.Nous avons constate qu\u27en France, la dominance du francais est non negligeable. La langue de famille est le francais dans les foyers franco-japonais, y compris ceux favorables a la transmission de la langue japonaise a leur enfant.Par consequent, chez les bilingues franco-japonais, le francais est dominantquasi sans exception.Toutefois, en ce qui concerne la competence orale, l\u27enfant l\u27acquiert un bon niveau (prononciation, fluidite, capacite communicative), a condition que le parent parlant japonais lui parle dans cette langue des la naissance et le stimule par d\u27autres moyens tels que l\u27audio-visuel, la lecture a haute-voix, le voyage au Japon ou la scolarisation partielle en japonais etc.Cependant, cette competence reste au niveau de la communication familiale si l\u27enfant ne beneficie pas d\u27un apprentissage de lecture et d\u27ecriture en japonais.Pour completer cet enseignement, l\u27enfant profite parfois du cours de japonais ; a l\u27exterieur de l\u27ecole (une fois par semaine) ou a l\u27interieur (section japonaise, 6 fois par semaine). Les bilingues franco-japonais rencontrent souvent la difficulte de suivre le cours avec un manuel scolaire en japonais edite pour les locuteurs natifs, notamment a partir de la classe de 4eme annee.A partir du college, ils ont tendance a s\u27orienter au cours de japonais comme langue etrangere.Actuellement, le bilinguisme hautement developpe depend beaucoup de l\u27assistance de parents fortement motives
The saw-tooth sign as a clinical clue for intrathoracic central airway obstruction
BACKGROUND: The saw-tooth sign was first described by Sanders et al in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome as one cause of extrathoracic central airway obstruction. The mechanism of the saw-tooth sign has not been conclusively clarified. The sign has also been described in various extrathoracic central airway diseases, such as in burn victims with thermal injury to the upper airways, Parkinson’s disease, tracheobronchomalacia, laryngeal dyskinesia, and pedunculated tumors of the upper airway. CASE PRESENTATION: A 61-year-old man was referred to our hospital with a two-month history of persistent dry cough and dyspnea. He was diagnosed with lung cancer located in an intrathoracic central airway, which was accompanied by the saw-tooth sign on flow-volume loops. This peculiar sign repeatedly improved and deteriorated, in accordance with the waxing and waning of central airway stenosis by anti-cancer treatments. CONCLUSION: This report suggests that the so-called saw-tooth sign may be found even in intrathoracic central airway obstruction due to lung cancer
Amphiphilic peptide-tagged N-cadherin forms radial glial-like fibers that enhance neuronal migration in injured brain and promote sensorimotor recovery
The mammalian brain has very limited ability to regenerate lost neurons and recover function after injury. Promoting the migration of young neurons (neuroblasts) derived from endogenous neural stem cells using biomaterials is a new and promising approach to aid recovery of the brain after injury. However, the delivery of sufficient neuroblasts to distant injured sites is a major challenge because of the limited number of scaffold cells that are available to guide neuroblast migration. To address this issue, we have developed an amphiphilic peptide [(RADA)3-(RADG)] (mRADA)-tagged N-cadherin extracellular domain (Ncad-mRADA), which can remain in mRADA hydrogels and be injected into deep brain tissue to facilitate neuroblast migration. Migrating neuroblasts directly contacted the fiber-like Ncad-mRADA hydrogel and efficiently migrated toward an injured site in the striatum, a deep brain area. Furthermore, application of Ncad-mRADA to neonatal cortical brain injury efficiently promoted neuronal regeneration and functional recovery. These results demonstrate that self- assembling Ncad-mRADA peptides mimic both the function and structure of endogenous scaffold cells and provide a novel strategy for regenerative therapy
TSUJI Kunio et Paris : Le Cours à l\u27Université Paris III <La littérature des ïnjas (anachorètes)>
TSUJI Kunio adorait Paris. Son premier séjour à Paris pour ses études s\u27est déroulé d\u27octobre 1957 à janvier 1961. Après ses multiples allers-retours, il a fini par poser un pied-à-terre pour sa femme et pour lui-même rue Descartes, où une plaque nous rappelle sa présence. Toutefois, pendant longtemps, il était visiteur et non résident. C\u27était en 1980 que la situation a changé ; il a fait des conférences sur l\u27introduction à la culture japonaise à l\u27Université Paris X. Il a ainsi commencé à dans la société française. Il a entrepris d\u27expliquer aux étudiants français avec leur langue rationnelle, le système culturel japonais irrationnel. Encouragé par cette expérience d\u27enseignement bien réussie, en 1984 il a donné de nouveau des cours de littérature japonaise à l\u27Université Paris III dans l\u27UFR japonais, ayant pour titre :. Il est fort possible qu\u27il avait déjà une conception, même très vague, de son roman Saïgyô Kaden(Les arcanes de Saïgyô)qu\u27il commencerait à rédiger en 1991. Depuis l\u27antiquité, les Japonais sont très sensibles à la nature et aux saisons. Leur sensibilité littéraire s\u27était développé sous forme de poésie lyrique. Saïgyô et Bashô (le dernier est parti en voyage pour suivre la trace du premier) sont, d\u27après TSUJI, deux poètes les plus représentatifs de cette sensibilité japonaise pour la nature et les saisons. Ils ont tous deux adopté le mode de vie d\u27. Dans cet article, nous avons reproduit son cours à l\u27Université Paris III à partir des notes bilingues franco-japonais (manuscrit autographe ou dactylographié) que conserve le Musée de l\u27Université Gakushuin
Status of 48Ca double beta decay search in CANDLES
We study a strategy to reduce veto-time in the search for neutrino-less double-beta decay (0υββ) with CANDLES-III system. We develop a new likelihood analysis and apply it to our new Run010 data. We show that we can increase the un-vetoed live-time by 11.8%. Thanks to this improvements, We expect to increase a limit on the life-time of 0υββ by a factor of three by analyzing both Run009 and Run010 data
Survey Interviews on How Teachers and Students Recognize our Community Clinical Psychological Support Activities for an Evening High School
これまで筆者らは、ある定時制高校において相談室の開室やグループワークなどの支援活動を続け、その報告を行ってきた。しかし、ユーザーである先生方や生徒らからどのように認識されているのかは明らかになっていなかった。そこで今回、校内支援委員会の先生方と相談室を利用していた生徒を対象にインタビューを実施し、活動がどのように認識されており、どのようなニーズがあるのかについて調査した。その結果、筆者らの活動が、生徒らにとって“安心して話せる居場所”を提供していたことと、生徒同士や、先生と生徒という関係とは異なる「斜めの関係」(平井,1997;文部科学省)で生徒とつながっていることなど、筆者らならではの意義が示された。また、支援活動へのニーズとして、①先生方との情報共有、②学習支援、③就職・キャリア支援の3 点が明らかとなった。今後の課題は①校内支援委員会の機会を持ったり、共有ノートを活用していくこと、②筆者らの専門性を活かしながら関係づくりを行い、生徒らの登校意欲や学習意欲向上につなげること、③筆者らの体験談を生徒に語ることで、生徒らの進路について共に考えていく場を作っていくことなどが考えられた。さらに、相談室をより親しみのあるものにしていくため、「相談室」という名称を見直していく必要性についても考察された。The authors have been reporting on our activities to provide community clinical psychological support for an evening high school. However, thus far, the issue of how teachers and students recognize our activities, have not been addressed. Hence, interviews were conducted. The interviews found that our activities have been offering some space for students to feel safe in a "diagonal" relationship that has a different quality from that between students and teachers. It also became apparent from the interviews that we are expected to: 1) share information with the teachers; 2) assist students for learning in class; and 3) engage further in students\u27 career development. We are hoping to: 1) have a meeting together and share a notebook with teachers; 2) motivate students to attend school and study with our own expertise; and 3) offer some opportunities for students to consider career and academic development by disclosing our own personal experiences. In addition, the possibility of changing the name of the room from "consulting room" to something else in order to make it more accessible for students was discussed
Upgrading of shielding for rare decay search in CANDLES
In the CANDLES experiment aiming to search for the very rare neutrino-less double beta decays (0νββ) using 48Ca, we introduced a new shielding system for high energy γ-rays from neutron captures in massive materials near the detector, in addition to the background reduction for 232Th decays in the 0νββ target of CaF2 crystals. The method of background reduction and the performance of newly installed shielding system are described
Community Clinical Psychological Support of an Evening High School (III)
筆者らは今年度もある定時制高校への心理臨床的な支援を行ってきた。今年は高校の先生方が筆者らを校内支援委員会に招いたり、生徒の情報を積極的に提供してくださったりするなど、筆者らの支援活動の意義が先生方に確かに認められていることを感じる年であった。そこで、本稿はいつものように、本年度1年間の活動経過を記述のうえで、先生方との連携が強くなっていることを示す2つの事例を描写する。そして、このような高校支援のあり方に関するモデルを提示する。For the past two years, the authors have been continuing to provide psychological support to an evening high school. Some changes have occurred; school teachers invited us to attend an in-school committee and constantly shared information about students in difficult situations. It implies that our activity and its significance have been recognized among the teachers. In this article, the details of our activity is reported with two cases which show growth in our coalition with the teachers. A model for providing psychological support to high schools is also introduced
Hitomi (ASTRO-H) X-ray Astronomy Satellite
The Hitomi (ASTRO-H) mission is the sixth Japanese x-ray astronomy satellite developed by a large international collaboration, including Japan, USA, Canada, and Europe. The mission aimed to provide the highest energy resolution ever achieved at E > 2 keV, using a microcalorimeter instrument, and to cover a wide energy range spanning four decades in energy from soft x-rays to gamma rays. After a successful launch on February 17, 2016, the spacecraft lost its function on March 26, 2016, but the commissioning phase for about a month provided valuable information on the onboard instruments and the spacecraft system, including astrophysical results obtained from first light observations. The paper describes the Hitomi (ASTRO-H) mission, its capabilities, the initial operation, and the instruments/spacecraft performances confirmed during the commissioning operations for about a month
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