9 research outputs found

    Content and Foreign Language Integrated Learning

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    Notas sobre la lengua del llamado Vespasian Psalter, una traducción inglesa del siglo IX de los Salmos de David

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    Primeres Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 1995-1996

    Discourse Analysis and Terminology in Languages for Specific Purposes

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    Aquest importantíssim recull conté estudis i reflexions sobre temes rellevants en la recerca sobre LSP: anglès mèdic, el llenguatge de la publicitat i periodístic, telecomunicacions i terminologia informàtica, llenguatge comercial i jurídic... Malgrat que gran part dels treballs aplegats es refereixen a l'anglès, també hi ha que tracten l'alemany, francès i altres llengües. Conté textos en anglès, francés, portuguès i castellà

    Las cartas de queja en el aula de inglés para turismo: implicaciones pedagógicas basadas en el uso de recursos de cortesía

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    El momento de expansión de la industria turística justifica la creciente demanda de profesionales con una formación adecuada, destacando la importancia de la competencia comunicativa tanto oral como escrita en inglés como lengua internacional. Aunque los componentes orales tienden a considerarse un objetivo preferente en el aprendizaje/adquisición de lenguas para turismo, la escritura efectiva de ciertos géneros también forma parte del quehacer diario de la empresa turística. En el presente trabajo nos centramos en la carta de reclamación/queja que escribe una agencia de viajes a otro servicio del sector en nombre de un cliente insatisfecho. El principal objetivo del estudio empírico es la enseñanza de diversos recursos de cortesía mediante los cuales los estudiantes mejoran su competencia escrita de este tipo de correspondencia, haciendo especial hincapié en la función que desempeñan cada uno de ellos. Las actividades diseñadas para tal fin plantean una serie de comentarios que invitan a la reflexión de los alumnos de tal forma que los recursos de cortesía que aprenden a utilizar en esta carta puedan también aplicarlos a otro tipo de correspondencia o textos escritos propios de su contexto profesional específico

    Negotiating behavior in service outsourcing. an exploratory case study analysis

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    Despite the well-documented importance of the outcome of negotiation for strategic success, little attention has been paid to negotiations in outsourcing agreements. In view of this gap in the literature, this paper addresses the contextual factors that better explain the negotiation behavior displayed in increasingly frequent service outsourcing agreements. Exploratory research, based on the analysis of four cases of a service outsourcing negotiation process, leads to a series of proposals that form the basis for a further research agenda. Our findings suggest that negotiating behavior in service outsourcing can be explained by the power relationship, time pressure and, in particular, by the type of service outsourced. The latter appears to influence the impact of other contextual factors on negotiating behavior

    Impact of the perception of performance appraisal practices on individual innovative behavior

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of employees' perception of performance appraisal (PA) practices on innovative behavior (IB). The authors also propose to analyze consistency, a dimension of Human Resource Management (HRM) system strength, as a moderating variable in the aforementioned relationship. Design/methodology/approach A quantitative study was conducted, using a sample of 166 employees carrying out highly qualified, intensive knowledge jobs in four industrial companies in the Valencian region of Spain. The hypotheses were tested by applying the Smart-PLS 3.2 software. Findings The findings confirmed that in a context of professional and qualified work, PA practices have a direct and positive effect on IB. However, the results obtained did not enable us to affirm that employee perceptions of the consistency of the HR system moderated the relationship between PA and IB. Originality/value The paper's originality lies in including the role of consistency, a dimension of HRM system strength, in the analyzed relationship. When employees believe that PA achieves the goals for which this practice was designed, and that this appraisal follows a clear strategic direction over time, they perceive that the assessment system is not arbitrary, i.e., that this HR practice is being applied consistently. Consequently, the present work shows the relevant role of the perception of consistent PA when the firm wants to encourage IB. This fact opens up the field to study how to define and implement control mechanisms that tell managers whether there is a fit between employees' perceptions and the intentionality of the HRP these managers have defined

    Impact of the perception of performance appraisal practices on individual innovative behavior

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of employees’ perception of performance appraisal (PA) practices on innovative behavior (IB). The authors also propose to analyze consistency, a dimension of Human Resource Management (HRM) system strength, as a moderating variable in the aforementioned relationship. Design/methodology/approach A quantitative study was conducted, using a sample of 166 employees carrying out highly qualified, intensive knowledge jobs in four industrial companies in the Valencian region of Spain. The hypotheses were tested by applying the Smart-PLS 3.2 software. Findings The findings confirmed that in a context of professional and qualified work, PA practices have a direct and positive effect on IB. However, the results obtained did not enable us to affirm that employee perceptions of the consistency of the HR system moderated the relationship between PA and IB. Originality/value The paper’s originality lies in including the role of consistency, a dimension of HRM system strength, in the analyzed relationship. When employees believe that PA achieves the goals for which this practice was designed, and that this appraisal follows a clear strategic direction over time, they perceive that the assessment system is not arbitrary, i.e., that this HR practice is being applied consistently. Consequently, the present work shows the relevant role of the perception of consistent PA when the firm wants to encourage IB. This fact opens up the field to study how to define and implement control mechanisms that tell managers whether there is a fit between employees’ perceptions and the intentionality of the HRP these managers have defined

    The influence of clustering on HR practices and intrapreneurial behavior

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    Purpose - This study aims to explore how the fact of belonging to clusters of dissimilar form or characteristics modify the application of human resource management (HRM) practices, as well as those knowledge-sharing processes that guide and encourage the intrapreneurial behavior of employees (IPB) in firms belonging to the cluster. The main thesis is that the application of HRM practices and some knowledge management processes are strongly conditioned by the form or characteristics of the cluster, all this in a knowledge-intensive context that requires a contingent application of such practices. Design/methodology/approach - The research strategy chosen was a qualitative case study, given that the insight the authors were seeking could only be obtained through a fine-grained analysis inside the firm where it is very difficult to decouple the phenomenon to be observed from the context where it takes place. Two cases were selected to analyze the phenomenon in-depth and compare their results; they were big and technologically advanced firms but belonging to clusters of different forms and characteristics. Findings - Results show that the influence of the cluster based on location is greater than the effects of the cluster formed by networks, where globalization and external ties play an important role. HRM practices and knowledge sharing processes that lead to intrapreneurial behavior are conditioned, only in part, by the characteristics of the cluster. Particularly, the geographical cluster encourages knowledge sharing with competitors and customers, mainly for technical training processes and because of belonging to a sectoral association. However, HRM practices, with the exception of training and compensation policies, are mainly conditioned by the company's culture and internal factors, rather than by belonging to a specific cluster. Practical implications - Firms belonging to an organized cluster should encourage the development of practical training-oriented programs, not only on technical aspects but also on other skill and competence based areas. In addition, training based on strategic issues both for top and middle managers could be an interesting initiative. Additionally, clustered firms should develop more knowledge-retention policies to limit the degree of rivalry in the sector, as it is very common for a firm to search for new and specialized talent in the rest of competing firms in the cluster. Social implications - Considering the economic impact of the geographical cluster, its effect on the employment and development of a region and taking into account the relevant and dynamic role of research institutions and associations, policymakers should support and facilitate the activity of those institutions, reinforcing the relevance of industrial districts or geographical clusters that are threatened by the pressures of globalization. Originality/value - This study brings new insight into the effect of the form and characteristics of the cluster on HRM practices and knowledge sharing processes that lead to intrapreneurial behavior. The study may open the field for additional studies that, from a qualitative and quantitative perspective, analyze this topic in depth. The paper shows that IPB depends not only on the support of the institutions created in the cluster but also on the culture and competitive strategy of the company. Belonging to a geographical cluster can have an influence on firms' behavior and can, through the trust generated among its members, facilitate knowledge-sharing processes and intrapreneurial behavior

    Prácticas de recursos humanos y comportamiento intraemprendedor: la influencia del género en esta relación

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    The current business environment moves individuals to involved in the execution of an intrapreneurial process to seek new business opportunities, in order to respond to the enormous competitiveness of the market. To encourage this intrapreneurial behavior, it is necessary to adopt certain tools related to organizational design and HR practices in the company. The HR practices are fundamental to encourage an innovative, proactive and risk-taking behavior, which is supposed to lead to an increase in innovation results and a greater competitive advantage to the company. In this sense, the objective of the paper is to analyze the employees’ perception of the HR practices system applied in their company, to confirm if it is coherent, consistent and if it contributes to boost their intrapreneurial behavior. In addition, it is analyzed if this relationship varies according to gender, given that, traditionally, literature attributes different roles to men and women regarding intrapreneurial behavior. The hypotheses were contrasted using structural equation models (SEM) with a sample of 297 employees, working in intensive knowledge positions, of six companies located in the Valencian Community. The results show the positive relationship between perceptions of HR practices and intrapreneurial behavior.Significant differences related to gender were not found.De cara a dar respuesta a la enorme competitividad del entorno actual, es imprescindible contar con individuos implicados e involucrados en la ejecución de un proceso intra-emprendedor para buscar nuevas oportunidades de negocio. Para fomentar este comportamiento intraemprendedor en las organizaciones, es necesario adoptar determinadas herramientas, relacionadas con el diseño organizativo y las prácticas de RRHH en la empresa. La función de RRHH se considera fundamental para alentar un comportamiento innovador, proactivo y orientado a la asunción de riesgos, lo que se supone que desembocará en un incremento de los resultados de innovación y una mayor ventaja competitiva de la empresa. En este sentido, nuestro trabajo tiene como principal objetivo analizar en qué medida la percepción de los empleados del sistema de prácticas de RRHH aplicado en su empresa es coherente y consistente, y si contribuye a impulsar su comportamiento intra-emprendedor. Además, se analiza si esta relación varía en función del género, dado que la literatura tradicional atribuye roles distintos a hombres y mujeres respecto al comportamiento intra-emprendedor. Las hipótesis se contrastaron utilizando modelos de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM) con una muestra de 297 empleados que desempeñan puestos intensivos en el uso de conocimiento, en seis empresas ubicadas en la Comunidad Valenciana. Los resultados muestran la relación positiva entre las percepciones sobre las prácticas de RRHH y el comportamiento intra-emprendedor, pero no muestran diferencias significativas en esta relación según el género